Entropic Blades info

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Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Entropic Blades info

I've heard refrence to Entropic Blades weilded by the Doomguard, and so far I've managed to learn:

They're a close guarded secret
they are, at least in part, made up of one of the negatuvly aligned elements
they are linked to their users
they are destroyed (disintigrate?) after the assignment they were used for is completed

But I have'nt actually managed to find any refrence to their power or abilities. Considering the secrecy, I'm assuming they are powerful.
Were they never convered to more recent editions, and if so, where can i find their old stats so I might try and convert them?

Or were they left open-ended statwise so that they could be modified from campaign to campaign?

Any information on these weapons (artifacts?) would be useful.

Smeazel's picture
Joined: 2004-11-02
Entropic Blades info

AFAIK, the most detailed information about entropy blades is in the Factol's Manifesto. Here's what it has to say about them:

"Factol's Manifesto" wrote:
The Doomlords also give their champions blades of tremendous power - specially forged on the quasielemental planes - each specifically designed to combat a single threat. Once the threat's been negated, the blade turns to dust. 'Course, disposing with a major threat may take considerable time; an entropy champion might spend his whole life trying to complete a mission, passing his blade on to a worthy successor if necessary.

An entropy blade is generally a short sword imbued with a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. However, when used against the threat it was designed to fight, the bonus increases to +4. Entropy blades aren't subject to the usual adjustments applied to magical weapons crossing the planes - after all, entropy is everywhere. When used against their intended threat, the blades have other powers, too, depending on the plane where they were forged:

  • An ash blade protects the bearer like a ring of fire resistance and can cause a chilling touch three times per day.
  • A dust blade protects the bearer against earth- or stone-based attacks and also disintegrates stone or earth by touch once per day.
  • A salt blade provides the bearer with water resistance (per the ring of fire resistance, though against water-based spells or attacks). The bearer also can lower water or destroy water (both as a cleric of 12th level) three times per day.
  • A vacuum blade makes the bearer immune to gas attacks, such as a green dragon's breath or a stinking cloud spell. Moreover, it can enfeeble (per a ray of enfeeblement wizard spell) three times per day by touch.

Of course, that's all in 2E terms. I don't know of any conversion of entropy blades to 3E, but one may very well exist somewhere.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Entropic Blades info

There's really not much to convert.

Entropy blades aren't subject to the usual adjustments applied to magical weapons crossing the planes - after all, entropy is everywhere.

Uh, how powerful is this ability? Will it still have all abilties in antimagic? Next to the spire? what?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Entropic Blades info

'Fidrikon' wrote:
Uh, how powerful is this ability? Will it still have all abilties in antimagic? Next to the spire? what?

No, it's still magic. It just doesn't obey the 1e and 2e rules for crossing planes.

Smeazel's picture
Joined: 2004-11-02
Entropic Blades info

'Fidrikon' wrote:
Uh, how powerful is this ability? Will it still have all abilties in antimagic? Next to the spire? what?

This is reference to the old 2E rule that magical weapons decreased in power as they got farther from the plane where they were made. A +3 weapon forged in the Abyss would be only a +2 weapon in, for example, the Astral Plane or Carceri, and a +1 weapon in the Prime or the Gray Wastes; get far enough away (e.g. to the Inner Planes) and it wouldn't function as a magical weapon at all. That sentence is just saying that that doesn't apply to entropy blades; it has nothing to do with antimagic. An entropy blade would be just as affected by antimagic zones as any other magic item, and certainly wouldn't function near the Spire. Basically, if you're not using the rules concerning magical weapons decreasing in power farther from their planes of origin, ignore that sentence.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Entropic Blades info

IMG (3E), I have the entropy blades as simply +2 bane short swords (the bane creature type varies) that shield the wielder from the environmental effects of their respective quasi-planes (as by avoid planar effects).

The four entropy blades wielded by the Doomlords may or may not be lesser artifacts. Their abilities I generally tie in with disintegration in some way... not that it matters, since IMG, a PC that chooses to fight a Doomlord is going to lose. Fast.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Entropic Blades info

Oh I know that. Smiling

Its just one of the players is a doomguard, and I plan on him having to escort the Doomlord with the sword an a mission around his ( the players, that is) home plane of Arborea.
But then things go wrong, horribly wrong, and everyone gets seperated and lost, when they do find the Doomlord agfain, he's currently in a battle with a lich (who becomes important to the campaign later). The lich managed to mortally wound the Doomlord, but is, in turn, destroyed (but hey, hes a lich. hell be back later)

And since the doomlord has the destruction embraced feat, he cant be healed. So he is forced to pass on his sword, and assignment, to the doomguard party member.

And then he dies.

BTW: if their is anything screwy with the above idea (besides why a lich is on Arborea, thats addressed in the campaign.) please let me know.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Entropic Blades info

Idea: You could have the 4 major entropy blades as intelligent weapons. Without speech or telepathy, just empathic communication that guides the non-Doomlord wielder into appropriate Sinker behavior ... high Ego scores are a must, of course. Anyone but a Doomlord would probably not even be aware of the blade's sentience.

That way you could have a number of "undisclosed" abilities available to the blade itself, and have them come into play when you want and how you want them to.

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