Enlightenment Plea

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Mirabel's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
Enlightenment Plea

Ok, not all to comfortable doing this just yet being new and all and having read the butchering of Fonikin Featherbottum, but i am quiet interested in learning more on the subject of planewalker and planescape. i humbly admit to my ignorance and prey mercy from everyone but would someone be so kind as to enlighten me. Im a berk, as Fonikin has explained to me and i wholeheartily agree and would be so very indebted if someone were to lend a hand.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Enlightenment Plea

Welcome aboard, Mirabel! What would you like to know about specifically? Planescape is a game about adventuring in the planes of the Gods and the Primal Elements. It was popular during the nineties but Wizards has since stopped publishing it. Planewalker is a fan site dedicated to supporting Planescape and publishing new material for it online. We've got a nice community here of people who like to discuss all things planescape-y.

You can still purchases PDF versions of the Planescape books online (and hardcopies on Ebay).

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Enlightenment Plea

Actually yer a clueless, wich means you don't know anything of the planes and are usually a Prime (someone from the Prime Material plane... or... I guess example would be that Earth itself is a Prime Material plane), but most Primes would find that to be a derogitory term, so berk it is lol *has no idea why he just said what he did*... but anyway, welcome ^_^ ... I was in your position not to long ago, but trust me, ya learn fast... I could help ya, I don't know everything about every plane, but I am more than willing to help, and I'm sure evryone else here will act just the same...

So what exactally is it that you'd like to know?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Enlightenment Plea

If your looking for information on the differance between greyhawk and planescape, just look up and old forum called describing Planescape, it dealt with exactly that.

Its in the Hall of records, in case you were wondering.

And Mirabel?

Welcome to the fold :twisted:

Mirabel's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
Enlightenment Plea

Well ive gotten a much better understanding on all the planes and what not thanks very much to the guidance of Fidrikon and ive also learned of a few new races and i assume they have many of the same dnd characters too. Ive heard of grey hawk. i read it in a book called quag keep but i wasnt entirely sure what they meant when they mentioned it so much. but what i would like to know id probably have to experience my self in a few weeks when i start the game but for now just the basic rules and regulations and perhaps main beliefs and characters would be of great use please and thank you. Laughing out loud

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Enlightenment Plea

hmmm if you want I can let you borrow my books they're a little beat up thanks to a few people that will remain nameless. but they still help, I'll give you the Monster Manual and the Players Handbook later if you want it- The Players Handbook will teach you the basic rules and ways of play (we have house rules, but we'll tell you them after you know the basics, and most of the house rules still fit within the rules anyway lol), you don't need to know everything in the players handbook, thats the DMs job, but feel free to read it all if ya want (even the DMs are still learning certian things missed in the handbook :oops: )... but yeah that should get you started, and the monster manual will give you a bit of understanding on how some of the creatures work and there are a few alternative races in there as well...

P.S. I am especially happy that we'll be having you as an addition to our DnD group, the more players the better- although you are the first female player in our wacky group of nerds (and proud nerds at that Laughing out loud ).. so it is here that I say welcome!

Mirabel's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
Enlightenment Plea

EIII that would be oh so awesome. my daddy was pretty big DnD player back in his day and he has the old books including the original monster manual, Dieties and Demigods, Players handbook, and dungeon master guide (which i keep in my room for easy access Laughing out loud ). but im quiet sure the rules have changed immensly. Yea im really looking forward to playing soon but at the present moment as Fidrikon has said im unable to, shall we say. and i also need to buy all my dice afore i go adventuring. i suppose ill just read up on planescape here and gather what i can... many inquiries will be made lol but i think ill catch on. THANK YOU! Laughing out loud

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Enlightenment Plea

Yeah the rules have changed dramatically lol- first edition.... wow, I've been playing since second hehe, the rules have changed quite a bit over the years, so yeah, I'll lend you the newer ones *thinks about how wierd the first edition Monster Manual is*, oh and don't worry about the dice- you can use mine- all of us usually share one anothers dice anyway- or if you want, hopefully soon I should be going to mindgames, I'll be getting a new DnD book, and I can get you some new dice there- you'll just have to tell me what color you want em lol, ya don't want to end up like Fidrikon who has every die a different color XP (sorry Fid, but I had too), well I see that you already have some experience with the books so I might as well lend you the Psionics Handbook as well (I was gunna wait until you read the Players Guide- but looks like you already have done a bit of that hehe).... yeah I think it completely stinks that you can't play for awhile, but we're planning for another DnD get together next week, so hopefully by then you'll beable to... well gatta go to my next class

Soyonara for now

Mirabel's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
Enlightenment Plea

Sweet well i dont know how much dice cost but ill have to get some money from my parents but that would be wicked awesome. eh anycolor will do. if they have purple that would rule but if not i aint picky. yes when i get back on monday i shall be truely enlightened. or how ever long it takes me to absorb the awesomness. and i promise i will be oh so gentle with the wonderful books. yea that manual is very different from the original. thanks muches sees ya

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Enlightenment Plea

Well my ma has is thinking about me going to get everything friday- or so she's "thinking", she probably won't make a decision until last minute *shrugs* oh well... anyway, so now that you've been through the basics- or from what you said, most of em, do you know what you want your class to be yet? have you chosen a race?.. once you have those then we'll have no problem getting you started (if we have no idea what we're creating then it takes a good four hours just to set it up usually >.< so if you know what you want then we could get it done in well less than an hour- and if it's a fighter or druid I could help you get it done within fifteen minutes ^^)... Fidrikon had an idea to play DnD in the library, but the only problem with that is that when I have studyhall I have to fight for the library- I usually can't go ^^;;; ... hopefully we'll get something started before yer-... well you know.... either way we'll try to get you started early *high five! lol*...

So before we teach you what's beyond the basics, what do you know of the planes?

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Enlightenment Plea

Mirabel welcome to planescape all I can say is this we'll be one of those things that can and will make you qeustion the universe and your sanity for eternity relax on fonikon frid and swan did the same to me and still will we are here to help not flay that's the lady's job

Alhesander's picture
Joined: 2004-10-30
Enlightenment Plea

First, a hearty welcome to planescap. Second if your looking for everything you can find on PS, the most fleshed out fan creations will be on this site, so long as you can ignore the small sections that use 2ed


Then there's this page that offers just about all PS material featured on the web, in links.


Of course most of that doesn't compare to the actual box sets, which can be purchased at RPG.now and similar sites.

Mirabel's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
Enlightenment Plea

yea tenshi i think i already made a character. going by the instructions and my own logic and limited knowledge of the game i have created a half-elf bard female. i know not too creative. i dont have all her stats with me but i know im suppose to ask about a weapon i wanna use that i created. i havent made all the stats for it yet but its a chained scyth so its exotic and ranged. got it from inuyasha heck ya! oh and fonikin and i were talking about chained ninja stars (a cooler name will arise) that i might use as side arms or somthin i dont know yet. but i had 4d6 at home so i tried it. ill have to find where i put the info. but now i must go surf websites provied for me by awesome Alhesander. thanx!

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Enlightenment Plea

A Half-elf bard- thats a new one actually- I've never had anyone other than myself be a half elf ^^ by the way- did your character grow up in elven or human society? this will help me with a few things that are always looked over when creating half elves ^^;;; , or what race did they grow up with- we've had some pretty wierd ones, like Furt the Goblin Lord of the Dance (aka Pretty Boy Goblin... Joes first character lol), he was raised by-.... uh.... crap I forgot, but he wasn't raised by Goblins lol, and he was a bard with an insane charisma score- he was so handsome that he even made the elves blush, he could bluff just about anyone, and became a legend in one of my Campaign's towns lol, so it can be as creative as you want it to be- as for the weapon, we're gunna have to find some time to actually talk, maybe the library so we can go over the weapon, I'm all for custom weapons, but it will end up costing quite a bit of gold to make depending on how the weapon works and does damage, or any other effects it may have *catches his breath*... For example, when I played with my second DM, we created a completely custom weapon for my druid, and he permitted me to make it and allowed my druid to be proficient in it's use- it was a double sided sythe, it functioned much like a quarterstaff, but each end had a sythe-like blade at the end, both sides were able to do one HD more in the usual sythe damage and was a +1 Flame bursting, and I even customized how it looked- it cost me all of my money... 27000 worth (most of it was becuase of the +1 flame bursting enhancements, that there was a good 18000) -_-;;; ... So creating your weapon should be fun lol... I already have an idea to add to it, seeing ass it is a chain weapon it shoud also be allowed to trip the opponent, and becuase of the sythe damage it would do 2d4 damage (unless if yer small in size then it does 1d6), and you should beable to switch between wether it's a reach weapon or a regular melee weapon by using a move action... well... uh... I'll talk to you later about this lol

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Enlightenment Plea

I think that the equipment or weapons guide has that or was it the untouchable east in FR argh I forget but the 1/2 elf bard is a new one to me to

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Enlightenment Plea

I just found out last night that the weapon you are talking about is an asian weapon in the DM's guide >.< ... oh well we can still customize it to fit the character right?

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