Endless Planes

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Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Endless Planes

[Being the delightfully delirious chant on the entities known as the Endless]

Listen. It’s the whatyoumacallit, chant, it is.

I know things. In my head. And it’s not just the things written in the book that Destiny’s reading all the time, it’s also other things that aren’t in the book because there are things that aren’t in the book whatever Destiny says.

Anyway, I used to have a doggie once. And again, only later.

The things? Yeah, and ice-cream. Why would I be talking backwards? Fun it is? More I know don’t in to like talk I colors better. Yeah, they’re neat, but they’re not all mine you know. Some of them are Dream’s I think, and some are just pretending. The backward talking people I mean, yeah, the Xaosmen. I used to pretend I was a gazebo once.

Anyway, the I can tell you things. But most are in the book, not that it matters because you don’t know them either I’d say.

It’s that there’s like seven of us, or there used to be but now isn’t any more, because some went away and some died, but there sort of still is because some are also here again. Sort of. And we don’t need worshipers, like the cat lady, or Ishtar, or Loki or that guy with the horns and tentacles and the thing that goes like this way? Yeah, them. Well, we don’t. We just stick around and stuff. Like anthropomorphicly personifize, you know? Stuff.

Like for example, there’s Despair. She’s got this hall with mirrors and smoke, and she’s got this hook thingy, like a ring. And she’s a little chubby most of the time. And someone else used to be her, but now isn’t and she got to be her. Yeah, mirrors, and they show people who, like, come to her, or are going to come to her, and she watches them despair. And she cuts her self with the hook ring thingy then. What? Well, I guess around Gray Waste or so. But I think she also likes Pandemonium. I like Pandemonium too. There are doggies there that howl at the moon which isn’t there.

Then there’s Death. She’s nice. She talks to me nicely when others are angry. She has this Ankh thingy, you know like pharaohs and suchlike. And she works, a lot. The others, we just pick and choose, but she’s on the job all the time, I guess that’s why she doesn’t have a realm, always on the move, and anyway she smiles nicely. And she takes you by the hand when she’s supposed to.

Now, Destiny, he doesn’t take anybody anywhere, he just has this book, and he reads from it. Or writes, I forget. And walks in this garden that’s also a maze. It’s chained to him, the book. And the maze garden is supposed to be connected to every other maze or something. What? Yeah, the Lady is nice. But she’s not Endless, you know. Anyway, Destiny seems to think that everything is in the book, what was and is and will be and won’t be and was. But it’s just that it’s not. But he gets upset when I tell him, so I don’t. Often.

Who else, yeah, Desire. He’s a she. Or it’s the other way around. Or not. And he’s got this cigarette lighter and she’s always lighting cigarettes, I mean all the time, you wouldn’t think he smokes at al, just eats them or something. Desire took me home once when I wasn’t feeling good. His home is called Threshold and it’s like her only bigger, and she lives inside. In where the heart is supposed to be, or the brain, or something. What? No, I told you we’re not powers, and Desire’s not dead anyway, it’s just that his realm is built to look like her. Yeah, on the Astral, why not. Is this a cookie?

And Dream, he used to be scary, only later he wasn’t because I got to know him better and he changed, he hardly ever wore that ugly godsbone mask any more. He’s got a big realm, it’s like what you would call not a demiplane but a plane only you shouldn’t, because a demiplane is also a plane even though it’s demi. And there’s all sorts of things in the Dreaming, and it’s changing all the time, only a little by little. And Dream dresses in black and he’s awfully serious most of the time, only he let me drive that one time so it’s all right. I like him. But he went with Death and now he’s someone else. And doesn’t wear black. But he’s all right too, I suppose.

And there was this other brother, but he left and I went to search for him with Dream and we went all over this Prime world and Dream let me drive, but I said that already, and we found him. Destruction I mean, not Dream. But he wouldn’t come back with us. Destruction I mean. So he went away, and took his sword thingy, and gave me a doggie. He’s called Barnabas. My doggie, not Destruction. I lost him once, but then I found him. Barnabas. I miss him. Destruction.

And then there’s me. I used to be Delight but now I am an excellent driver. Delirium. And this is Barnabas. We are in Limbo, most of the time. Slaadi are mine. Do you like slaadi? I like slaadi. It’s like when you make frogs, only bigger.

And that’s it.

Now where’s that ice-cream?

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Re: Endless Planes

Very nice.

I've read some attempts before, but this is by far the most accurate and most entertaining version that I have read. Good stuff Cool.

"Nemui" wrote:
Like for example, there’s Despair. She’s got this hall with mirrors and smoke, and she’s got this hook thingy, like a ring. And she’s a little chubby most of the time. And someone else used to be her, but now isn’t and she got to be her. Yeah, mirrors, and they show people who, like, come to her, or are going to come to her, and she watches them despair. And she cuts her self with the hook ring thingy then. What? Well, I guess around Gray Waste or so. But I think she also likes Pandemonium. I like Pandemonium too. There are doggies there that howl at the moon which isn’t there.
I always liked the barbed ring. I even tried to make one once... when I had a life.

I'm not sure about the link to Pandemonium though. I mean, the Waste is fine given the close similarities between the effects of the Gray Waste and the feeling of despair. The Howling plane just seems better suited for Delirium. Then again... Limbo is just as good...

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Endless Planes

Wow, when I thought that Planescape was connected to everything, The Sandman universe was not on my list.
But I think the connections you made here fit.

hmmmmmm, I wonder. Are there a bunch of Doomguard out there looking for Destruction?

Anyway, great work on this.

Wait a sec, if the endless are here, then the scorpion whip furies...
Help me....

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Endless Planes

Frid run run very fast

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Endless Planes

Well Fidrikon, the Erinyes (The Furies) exist in Planescape too, but they're drinking tea with Hades in the Underworld. Except D&D made the Erinyes into a succubus-like devil. Go figure. Maybe they're *too* kindly.

So what are Morningstar, Matthew, the Corinthian and Puck doing, Nemui? Hanging out in Faerie or a nice bistro in Sigil? Eye-wink

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Endless Planes

"Krypter" wrote:
So what are Morningstar, Matthew, the Corinthian and Puck doing, Nemui?

I actually snuck Puck (heh) into my article on the Faerie pantheon as one of the lesser powers.

The rest, I dunno, I thought about trying to rectify Morningstar's hell with Planescape's lower planes, but it was too much for me. Maybe we should pass that one to some real graybeard like Rip? I'll never forget his gangsta-rap version of the Gith vs. Zerthimon myth... Laughing out loud

"Fidrikon" wrote:
hmmmmmm, I wonder. Are there a bunch of Doomguard out there looking for Destruction?

Wouldn't think so. Entropy seems to be pretty much on schedule without him. Maybe he could be one of our former factols? Founding fathers?

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
when Death takes its toll

"Nemui" wrote:
The rest, I dunno, I thought about trying to rectify Morningstar's hell with Planescape's lower planes, but it was too much for me. Maybe we should pass that one to some real graybeard like Rip?

I tried to incorporate some of Season of the Mists into my Lucifer page, namely the idea of him ruling Baator briefly as part of a triad, regaining his position, and then quitting and departing for parts unknown. From there on I referenced Michael Moorcock's The Warhound and the World's Pain. Overall, not a very successful project; I wouldn't try to fit Lucifer into PS at all anymore. But if I did, I'd do it that way.

Wouldn't think so. Entropy seems to be pretty much on schedule without him. Maybe he could be one of our former factols? Founding fathers?

Destruction never seemed so enthusiastic about his office that he would involve himself with a group of mortals (and all Sinkers consider themselves to be mortal) who based a cult on him. He'd probably consider the very idea ridiculous and wrong-headed. For him, Destruction is all about the Creation it defines. A faction based only on Entropy would be like a book that's only blank paper or all ink. Only when the spaces between the ink are visible is writing legible; only when the book has writing does it carry meaning.

I can see a group of Doomguard members trying to find him, though, if only to better understand the phenomenon they idolize. Some might even hope that Destruction might pass his sigil on to one of them. If nothing else, seeking out Destruction can cause a lot of it, and that might be good enough.

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