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taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11

When I recently tried to edit an entry on the Encyclopedia a thought occured to me. It would be great if the bottom part of every entry contained a link that said: "Search Planwalker.com for this topic".

The search would be a comprehensive search for both forum topics and articles on the main site, possibly integrating the encyclopedia a little better.

Just an idea. The entries seems to be growing fast or is it just me?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

I get an update every day on how many got editted that day... a nd they *are* growing at an incredible rate. I'm pretty damned proud of these folks at this point. Eye-wink

I'll see if I can get the search systems to do that sort of thing actually, it's a really good idea. Searching can be tricky if it's not done right (system lag) so don't expect anything showing up immediately as I work to get this done right.

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