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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

Not really. It honestly doesnt' sound like somethign generated by an entry - but rather by someone's random search. Some of the things people search for boggle the mind.

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

I got requests to write entries for "Wharve," "Melody," and "Dweomer." Do these ring a bell for anyone as names of significance? If not, I'll just delete them, as we don't need the encyclopedia to become a general dictionary. Even though "dweomer" is tangentially related, it's not a game term and doesn't have special significance apart from being a synonym for "spell" or "magic."

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

I've had Roolebook, planar materials and quite a few different spellings of tanar'ri....it happens Laughing out loud I'd choose the Give to someone else button, and if they're not completed in a week, delete them.

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

Can anyone tell me where the "Give to Someone Else" button is located? I swear, I've been all over the screen, and I don't see one.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

One second, let me check your permissions to be sure that you're set up the way you should be.

But you *should* be able to see a link for it from: Your Assigned Page as a third option (other than Edit and Delete) for each entry listed there.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

I was wonderin' how the forcus of the EotP is goin'...I've gotten assignments for things like dwarves and elves and I just instinctually delete them because I don't feel that they are inherently Planescapey...But I noticed today that there is an entry for Prestige Class, but doesn't say anything about them other than what one is...No listing of PS PrCs...What's next, an entry for 'Longsword'?...Maybe one for 'Fighter'...I guess what I'm getting at (and this may be a repeat/rehash of something I wrote earlier, or maybe not), what should be in the EotP and what should not...What are the parameters?...

taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

'kwint' wrote:
I was wonderin' how the forcus of the EotP is goin'...I've gotten assignments for things like dwarves and elves and I just instinctually delete them because I don't feel that they are inherently Planescapey...But I noticed today that there is an entry for Prestige Class, but doesn't say anything about them other than what one is...No listing of PS PrCs...What's next, an entry for 'Longsword'?...Maybe one for 'Fighter'...I guess what I'm getting at (and this may be a repeat/rehash of something I wrote earlier, or maybe not), what should be in the EotP and what should not...What are the parameters?... Kwint

One way to handle it could be to create a post called: "Non-Planescape information" (or something). Then anyone could put the keywords of non-related searches into that post and new searches would lead to that post. Guess it would be a little clumsy and high-maintenance, but it would preserve the wikisophy of it all.

ripvanwormer's picture
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Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

I'm not very interested in rules or parameters, personally, but if someone else wants to make some I won't object.

A list of planescape-related prestige classes would be a good thing to include in that entry. Probably whoever searched for "prestige class" knew what they were, and was looking for specifically planar-related info anyway.

By the same token, the entry for "longsword" might have a list of planar longswords, or longswords mentioned in Planescape if there were any (maybe the sword the Expansionist factol wielded).

Clueless's picture
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The biggest thing to remember at the moment is that searches regardless of planescapyness or not - will generate an entry. So if an entry doesn't seem to make 'sense' - it's probably because of a failed search, and the searcher had something planar in mind even if his search term doesn't seem to indicate so. We just have to hope whoever recieves that entry can make the logical leap to figure out what they were looking for.

We're starting to get a major slowdown in failed searches generating obvious entry requests at this point so I may be disabling that code if we stop getting anything actually useful to guide us to answering questions for searchers.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

Behold the new prestige class entry.

Feel free to add to it, of course. I'm sure it's still incomplete.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

For races, we could always put how they're mostly centralized on the planes....Half-orcs on Archeron and all Laughing out loud

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
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Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

When I click on the link that's supposed to get the article for the god Rao, instead the search turns up things with the word "pharaoh" in it, but no Rao article. There's a few other names that have the same situation going on, but Rao is the one I can remember at the moment. Basically, names that ought to generate failed searches because there's no article, but they don't because the name is part of some longer word.

ripvanwormer's picture
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Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

I added an article on Rao. I'll add a list of sources later.

Anyway, that should take care of the problem. A search still brings up the Egyptian pantheon as well, but with only two hits to choose from it's not a big deal.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

Cool, thank you!

I found the others, in the Oerth Pantheon article:

Istus, a god of Oerth. (search brings up Levistus)
Al'Akbar, Al'Asran, Al'Zarad (seem to search for anything with "al" in it?)
Azor'alq (brings up Razorvine)
Wastri (brings up Wastrilith)

I don't know if they are important enough to have articles or not, I'm just bringing them up in case. If not, then their names in the Oerth Pantheon article should probably not be links.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

'Vaevictis Asmadi' wrote:
Al'Akbar, Al'Asran, Al'Zarad (seem to search for anything with "al" in it?)

Yeah, the search engine doesn't read anything after an apostrophe (which was a big problem in the Chinese pantheon). I'll have to change the links, as I did with the Chinese gods, so they go to the articles directly instead of bothering with the search function. Al'Asran is Pelor and Al'Zarad is Boccob, by the way.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

Alright. They don't all have full articles yet, but the links all work now. The Al'Akbar article is pretty good, though.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
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Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

Thank you. Smiling

There's an alternate way to spell Chinese words, called Pinyin, that doesn't use apostrophes. But using it in the Encyclopedia would just really confuse people if that's not the spelling used in Planescape books.

I think I'll add the Pinyin forms as keywords to the Chinese god articles, though, in case anybody searches for them by name.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

Good call. Smiling Heck, if you want to include the Chinese characters that'd be fine too - but we want to try to match the book spellings for at least the title of the article just so folks know where to look.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

I found other powers with the same problem: Bes, a minor Egyptian power; Shar a Torillean power; and Sss'thasine'ss and M'daess of the Scaly Pantheon.
None of them have articles, searching for them brings up other names instead (Beshaba, Sharess, Anshar, Sss, etc.)

I don't actually know Chinese characters, so I can't help you with that. But if you like I can go through the god articles and add keywords for all the alternate names given in the Gods-List pdf. Some gods have several alternative names that people might search for.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

'Vaevictis Asmadi' wrote:
I found other powers with the same problem: Bes, a minor Egyptian power; Shar a Torillean power; and Sss'thasine'ss and M'daess of the Scaly Pantheon. None of them have articles, searching for them brings up other names instead (Beshaba, Sharess, Anshar, Sss, etc.)


taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

The Encyclopedia have been below the 2000 mark a little too long I think. Being 15 posts short of hitting the goal is a bit strange.

I've been drained of ideas. Is there any chance we can include the old failed search-entries again Clueless? Just to get my creative pinky-fingers itchin' again?

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

You could write more god entries. (can you tell that's the part that interests me?) Smiling There are various failed searches for gods, and some pantheons with some gods that don't have live links. (thus no searches have been generated)

If you're actually looking for work to fill up that number, that is.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

There's also quite a number of characters missing - really Faces of Sigil sort of style... Eye-wink

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

'taotad' wrote:
I've been drained of ideas. Is there any chance we can include the old failed search-entries again Clueless? Just to get my creative pinky-fingers itchin' again?

I've included that option again - *however* folks have got to volunteer for it and use it or I'll be turning it back off! Eye-wink

Oh - and searching just got smarter - I figured out a better way to do it. Smiling

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

I got the entries above 2000, mostly with minor Greyhawk deities, gods of the wind and sea, and cities in Arborea.

I'm experiencing some trouble with the "smart searches," though. I tried to link to "slaadi Lords of Chaos," which should have worked, as all those words are in the keywords in the Lords of Chaos article. However, it didn't work, and instead I got three new blank "Lords of Chaos" entries and three blank "slaadi lords of chaos" entries" as I tried variations of the above.

I deleted the blank entries, and just linked from the article (the Telchur article, as it happens) directly, as the ability to search for that particular article seems to have been completely lost.

Even the blank entries that my search generated didn't turn up on the search, so I ended up with a million redundant blank entries. And by "a million" I mean six.

taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

'Clueless' wrote:
I've included that option again - *however* folks have got to volunteer for it and use it or I'll be turning it back off! Eye-wink
I´ll do my very best!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
I got the entries above 2000, mostly with minor Greyhawk deities, gods of the wind and sea, and cities in Arborea.

I deleted the blank entries, and just linked from the article (the Telchur article, as it happens) directly, as the ability to search for that particular article seems to have been completely lost.

Even the blank entries that my search generated didn't turn up on the search, so I ended up with a million redundant blank entries. And by "a million" I mean six.


Let me know if something weird(er) starts happening with that - I did do that change today for the searches so I may have introduced a bug that way.

taotad's picture
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Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

It seems that new searches disregards the older entries, so that every search generates a new entry. I got The World Serpent Inn as an assignment and that was a bit weird since that entry have been on for ages.

EDIT: The same for Night Hags

ripvanwormer's picture
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Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

I tried searching for "world serpent inn" and the same thing happened to me. It claimed the article didn't exist, and created a new blank article (which I deleted).

Vzerii til Corrinea's picture
Joined: 2005-05-08
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

So I see that email notifications are up again (13 unread messages? Only in my dreams). I've also noticed the problem of old entries. I think that a failed search should not create a new entry. Granted, I've got the elven gods covered, as well as a few other things from Faiths and Pantheons.

ripvanwormer's picture
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Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

The new search engine failed to find "fey pantheon," generating a new entry instead. It also only identified Titania on a search for "seelie court. Part of this is because I had been relying on the old way's wonkiness so that anything with "unseelie court" in it - like the fey pantheon article - would turn up. Now I've got to add "seelie" as a separate key word.

Edit: Which I'm not going to do, as it won't find "fey pantheon" anyway. Any chance of moving back to the old system? It was quirky, but it worked.

ripvanwormer's picture
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Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

It also can't find "ki-rin," even though ki-rin has both its own entry and is included among the keywords for t'uen-rin.

ripvanwormer's picture
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Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

"Plane of Water" refuses to be found (it used to summon up "Water, Elemental Plane of" but even when I temporarily created a new entry for "Plane of Water," the search engine couldn't find it).

Clueless's picture
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Ok - shifting back to the old one till I figure out what bug is making it work for me ( baator ) but not work for anyone else. Eye-wink

Moog's picture
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Added "Ring" and "Givers" to the keywords for the Ring-Givers. Part of the reason I didn't find it first time when I was looking was that I didn't know it was hyphenated.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

Ok - slightly smarter search now is finding most everything save for things with odd characters - '-' and ' ' ' characters in the search string. I'm working on that part right now.

ripvanwormer's picture
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Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

It's still refusing to find "Tyr."

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

Yep. And I know why. And unfortunately - without demanding a server rebuild from Lunarpages - it won't get fixed easily. Fulltext searches like what we're doing have a minimum word length of four - that's also what's responsible for the ki-rin problem. I'm working on some code to fix that right now. Eye-wink

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

It seems to work great, now.

I did a major revision of the Norse Pantheon, by the way.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

Cool - that's good to know. Smiling

taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

Great job, again! Laughing out loud

taotad's picture
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Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

How should we treat the Faerun Planes in Planescape? Like the "House of Nature" and the sort? Here is a link to the Wikipedia entry listing all the alternate names.

I've placed Lurue in the Beastlands with a realm called "The House of Nature", but I would like some discussion on the problem.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

'taotad' wrote:
How should we treat the Faerun Planes in Planescape? Like the "House of Nature" and the sort?

Since this is a Planescape site, I think we should exclusively use the 2nd edition names. All of the gods of Faerun have official places in the Great Wheel cosmology. In 2nd edition, Lurue was listed as dwelling on the Prime Material Plane, so that stands.

The gods who in 3e are mentioned as living in the "House of Nature" are Chauntea, Eldath, Gwaeron, Lathander, Lurue, Mielikki, Nobanion, Shiallia, Silvanus, and Ubtao. In the Planescape cosmology, they have the following realms:

Chauntea: Elysium/Eronia/Great Mother's Garden
Eldath: Elysium/Eronia/The True Grove
Gwaeron Windstrom: Prime Material Plane
Lathander: Elysium/Eronia/Morninglory
Lurue: Prime Material Plane
Mielikki: Beastlands/Krigala/Grove of the Unicorns
Nobanion: Beastlands/Krigala/Pridelands
Shiallia: Beastlands/Krigala/High Glade
Silvanus: Outlands/Tir na Og (Summeroak)
Ubtao: Outlands/Labyrinth of Life and Beastlands/Krigala/Forbidden Plateau

taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

I'll include that list in the Encyclopedia for future reference under Faerun Pantheon.

Thanx Rip.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
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I've seen several references online that put Eldath in a realm called The True Grove in Eronia. Is that fan-created then, and not official?

ripvanwormer's picture
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Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

'Vaevictis Asmadi' wrote:
I've seen several references online that put Eldath in a realm called The True Grove in Eronia. Is that fan-created then, and not official?

Whoops, that's official. I checked On Hallowed Ground, and there it is. Warriors of Heaven says the same thing.

I must have been checking the wrong line or something.

Yes, Eldath is Elysium/Eronia/The True Grove.

I'll change my previous list for clarity.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
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So... I'm too clueless overall to actually volunteer for the Encyclopedia, plus I don't own any D&D books at all. But I'd still like to help.

The Gods List pdf has lots of alternate names for different powers and I was thinking of putting those aliases in the articles as keywords, which would prevent some failed searches probably. But I don't want to edit the Encyclopedia a bunch without asking first if you think it will do any good.

taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

Welcome aboard!

The more the merrier and all that. If you really want to help go attack the section with Abandoned Entries. Writing a sentence on the godzillion number of powers out there gets boring in the end.

You'll have to enlist to the editor staff for that though.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Encyclopedia: Discussion Thread

Not to say that you can't go for that if that's what you'd like to do. More keywords means it's a lot easier for folks to track down what they're looking for - so the more accurate the keywords are, the better. Just feel free to branch out if you get bored. Eye-wink

ripvanwormer's picture
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It's not letting me edit entries, for some reason. I tried to add references to other gods living in Niflheim in the Niflheim entry, and to capitalize "Norse," but it kept reverting to the previous version.

Also, links to "cant" cause Cantrum to show up, but don't let the substantial article on cant show up.

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