Encounters in the Night Market

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Ambrus's picture
Joined: 2007-03-05
Encounters in the Night Market

The PCs in my Planescape campaign are planning a foray to the Gatehouse Night Market in Sigil's Hive ward. The Market is in operation during the hours of darkness, is located at the heart of the multiverse's worst slum between the madhouse and chaos districts and is reputed to be the best place to purchase stolen and contraband goods well away from the prying eyes of the law.

Sigil has another larger better-known marketplace, the Great Bazaar, which itself is already reputed to provide every imaginable commodity imaginable, so I'm looking to stock the Night Market with merchants, patrons and commodities which aren't appropriate for the larger and more mainstream Market Ward shops. I'd like to be able to do the place justice when I present it to my players.

I imagine the place is populated with the worst scum of the multiverse, including possibly fiendish shoppers and buyers trading in larvae, slaves and other nasty things. What I'd like would be your ideas for some memorable encounters in the Night Market and possibly the kinds of items that'd be for sale in such crazy and wicked place. How's about it? Any ideas?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Encounters in the Night Market

Shadow fiends and night hags, trading souls.
Prostitutes of all races and genders, including dopplegangers and succubi.
Imps and quasits in the form of malevolent-looking animals, offering themselves as familiars.

Desperate humans selling their own body parts. A starving, middle-aged man is missing an arm, begging anyone who comes by to buy his other one. An almost skeletal woman of similar age, wearing soiled finery, is carrying a crystal box in which can be seen her still-beating heart. She offers to throw in her lungs if you buy it now.

A booth with living heads on shelves. Somehow they remain animate and aware without organs or torsos. They've sold every other part of themselves in order to feed their children or pay their gambling debts. Some beg you to buy their heads all at once, while others plead that you first buy their eyes or tongues. Some ask for help in earning new bodies. Those without tongues can say nothing coherent.

Child slaves, for sex or food, kept in crowded cages, crying and screaming.

Addictive drugs that turn their users temporarily into celestials or fiends, drugs that allow the mundane to temporarily learn simple spells, ashes you can eat that contain the memories of those whose bodies they were made of, drugs that contain the memories of being a tree, or a forest, or a world. Poisons that cause agonizing pain, recreational drugs that blur the line between agony and ecstasy - an elixir that's promised to provide the user with the experience of dwelling in the Abyss or Gehenna, or of being flayed by the Lady of Pain.

Soap made from human, tiefling, or bariaur fat.

Surgeons that will change your species, or splice you with extra limbs, bind you permanently with another into a single being, replace your skin with aboleth slime, or transform you into a horrific work of living abstract art. Screaming things like twisted trees made of muscle and bone are examples of prior clients - the surgeon promises you that they're happy with the result, although it seems surprised you would doubt this.

Ambrus's picture
Joined: 2007-03-05
Encounters in the Night Market

Wow. Some really good (and disturbing) ideas in there Rip! Thanks.
I have to put some further thought into it, perhaps come up with the details for a few specific merchants and their business names; Grey Sisters Larvae Emporium, the Bone Shop, Meat Market Slave Auction, the Cauchemar Apothecary, etc. Hmm...

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
Encounters in the Night Market

Memo to Self: Send the party paladin to the Night Market and watch him squirm.

That really is a brilliant description there Rip. So many possible ideas and plot hooks. And so very, very disturbing in a very Planescapey way.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Encounters in the Night Market

In our campain our DM set us up with this creepy Barmy: he had this bucket and rusty scalpel, and his line was: "Please sir/madam, spare a spleen."

We met this guy on numerous ocasions, but each time we runed from him screaming like little kids.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Agamemnon's picture
Joined: 2004-11-17
Encounters in the Night Market

Hazy visions from the tormented mind of a Night Market survivor . . .

The haunting effluvia of burnt meat, decaying flesh, body odor, acrid gases and dirt all mix together in a cacophony to assault the olfactory system. Almost as bad as the realization that most of these odors come from a vendor selling mystery foods for consumption.

Several sturdier structures are flanked by a combination of hap-hazard wooden structures, make-shift pavilions and a few home-made tents. One such tent, larger than the rest, is made from living flesh (a vast assortment) with operating eyes scanning for would be shoplifters and limbs to seize the perpetrators when they seek to exit.

A small elderly man sits in a vertical wooden coffin-like booth that is able to produce any small item from beneath the display window. Disturbing items such as a long-lost family heirloom (even one that was lost to fire or destruction), an item belonging to and buried with a long deceased relative, a personal item that was, up to that moment, on the blood’s personal being.

A large, dark hole in the ground behind a hawker claiming it to be a portal (one-way, of course) to anywhere in the multi-verse alternately blows out musky, stale air and vacuums in those items lighter than paper. The fee is always preposterously high or based on what the salesman deems the party worth.

An asymmetric structure whose name bearing plaque contains living letters (or in the very least, animate) sways unsurely to a hidden maelstrom. The name constantly shifts and changes so that it’s never the same. The structure grants an eerie green flame that emits a chill akin to a winter’s breeze. From the doorway that seems to swing open and close of its own volition; the walls have the disturbing appearance of the internal features of a mouth.

A small platform from which two scantily-clad succubi recruit for the Blood War. Any Berk that stops longer than a minute to listen or stare is grabbed and thrust into a raggedy outhouse by a large glabrezu standing in the shadows. The public restroom is an abyssal portal, which is just as disturbing by itself.

fade to troubled memories and haunted sleep . . . *

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

A moment of your time cutter, before you are loured away by these treacherous and leacherous pedlers of the profane. I have the only thing worth seeking in this reeking tub of a multiverse; the only thing worth keeping from grasping hands, and quickly lost if your wits and limbs wander further. Innocence, cutter, pure and proud; fresh as an elysium breeze and worth more than all the gems in the plane of jink.

Think about it cutter, what is that one thing they tell you, you can never get back? That first and purest gift of life, given away so freely before we ever perceive its value? Who couldn't be saved by its touch? What would its loss feel like all anew? It is the purity of virgins and the wonder of youth! All things are made fresh again and all mistakes washed away in its clensing touch!

They say you can't go home again cutter, but I say they are wrong! And here, I hold the key!

Where do I get it? Oh, well, I strain it fresh, juiced from the newborn babes of some nameless prime ... no matter, no matter ... don't pass up this opportunity!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Encounters in the Night Market

Not all things for sale are of a physically dangerous nature....

"Right there, cutters! Step up! Step up! Ol' Surefoot'd be sellin' the dark o’ things, an’ you'll be needin' a lantern afore too long, methinks! M'names Merlianik the Surefooted. An' sure's my name, what I've got here you'll want a cut in!

"Now I wouldn't sell ya short, sell ya high, or sell ya bunk! But that'll be up t' yer mind to be makin' now. What I be sellin' ya is what they don't want ya to know.


"Ever'one o' them t'make a Hardhead give ya the peery eye. An’ if'n ya pop on over to Melodia, say yer 'ello ta one of... ask 'em how the arse end of Arcadia fares."

The bariaur's words carried over the corner in the Grand Bazaar. The swirl of crowds slowed before him as he lifted high two rough bound copies in his hands. Over his flanks, saddlebags were packed with books and scrolls. There was a jingle from the satchel over his shoulder as he passed around the tomes and gathered the jink.

"Cross me palm with a bit o' jink, a stinger or two or three, and I'll see what I've got that you might take a likin' to. A word's cheap enough a charge. The truth costs a bit more. Factol's Manifesto for sale if you'd take a peek, an' more than that if you'd take an ear t' m' words.

"Now what'ya be wantin', lass?" He leaned in to hear the words of a halfling cutter as she stood tiptoe, before both eyebrows lifted right up. Even as she darted off between the legs of the crowd, he was looking his way up Copper Lane.

"Folks, folks! He waved to the crowd, sliding his coin into his pack. I be sorry t' be leavin' ya wantin', but I'm a mite wanted m'self. Tomorrow'll find me on 'nother street, in 'nother lane, maybe on 'nother plane - but you look, an' you'll find me." He smiled widely as the crowd began to back away, before bounding to the top of his booth. He lifted a hat to the three guards of the Minder's Guild, making their way through the crowd, before leaping off towards the alley behind him.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Encounters in the Night Market

Can't believe I've taken this long to post my depraved offerings. I wonder if its worth trying to turn this into some kind of joint article? It'd be one hell of a random encounter table...

In the street…

Long taloned fingers, gesturing you into an alleyway. Behind it are glittering eyes and the flash of a wide, wide smile…

A Waste-tanned man, grey fleshed and stripped of all emotion, offers a reward for anyone who can make him feel something - feel anything - again…

A fallen cleric of Ilmater wanders the streets, looking for someone to torture him back to holiness…

A ragged curtain conceals a slump, moaning form: A Guvnor and Xaosetic, surgically conjoined by the brain. See it rave and dribble! Is it nonsense or are the secrets of the multiverse contained in its conflicted mind? Just three copper pieces a peek.

Urchins offer themselves for sex. If refused, they say they have friends. Maybe you’d like someone younger? Another race? They can get them mister, for just a few coins…

A gaggle of extreme Sensates, their bodies pulled and twisted into obscene forms, where pain and pleasure merge. They accept disciples willing exploring the far reaches of sensation…

The Component Men huddle together in a roped off niche. Each has a talent, or something else which made them better than you. It’s for sale now: Buy an archer’s aim, a rogues nimble fingers, a bard’s silver tongue. Ideal for spell components…

Murder me, the beggar pleads. For just a mert you can murder me, any way you like….

Evil clerics haggling over the price of sacrificial victims, inspecting the merchandise…

Celestials on the cusp of falling, buying dark and dangerous experiences to try to sate their needs…

Assassins swagger through the streets, each trying to look tougher than his rivals. In a tavern called the Open Throat, these petty murderers drink and brag. Real professionals occupy the private bar upstairs.

Goods seen on a stall…

Larvae, chopped into strips and fried on a griddle. Chose from the stock and the cook will slice it up there and then. Nothing fresher in the Night Market, berk!

Feathers ripped from the wings of an Archon as she fell.

A shirt, woven from razorvine (2d6 damage, every time you move)

Harmonium plate armour, still stained with blood. They can get more, if you’re interested.

Liquid pain for sale, distilled while-you-wait by a blue-skinned hag, from a ‘participant’ strapped down to her machine.

Stolen from the Civic Festhall: Sensory stones for the most atrocious of forbidden acts. Perhaps sir would like a moment or two in a private booth?

A man with an all too eager expression sells his services: To sexually violate the corpses of your enemies.

Invitations to a pit fight: Today the fighters are starving vampires. Tomorrow it is hungry dogs against feral urchins.


A geisha house, populated by Japanese monsters (Mujina, Hebi-no-Ona, Bog Hags, etc). Surprisingly civilised.

Doctor Slipstitch presents: Live vivisection. Today’s subject is a modron.

Outside a row of buildings, grotesque and obscene bawdy-shows. But even these are just lures into more extreme and perverted performances within. A barker by the door promises depravitaty the like of which mortals cannot imagine.

Clones of the famous, the great and the good. Want a Factol Rhys? An Erin Montgomery? Both are available here, living but mindless. Do what you will with them - use on the premises, for an hour or a day, or buy and take away. We also grow to order.

Fat ghouls in greasy finery, with gore-drenched bibs tied about the throats. They eat with scalpel and fork, gossiping between savoured mouthfuls. Meals are brought to each table alive. Urchins crouch nearby; ready to steal any scraps left unattended.

Priestesses of Loviatar, offering pain and pleasure in a brothel where every edge is sharpened, every corner a spike.

Two enterprisings clerics of Tiamat, poisonmongers extraordinaire. The sign above the stall says: Bringing pain and suffering to the planes at a price you can afford. They speak at length on the virtues of their Deluxe Professional Pack.

Gambling stalls where a desperate body can bet their torture, mutilation, death, and very soul against outrageous odds to win a fortune: Spin the Wheel - win a prize or lose a body part; Giffian Roulette - one of the starwheel pistols is empty, the others loaded. Can you guess which? Coins for the Jig - a game where you bet how long people can survive being hanged; Surgeon’s Poker - card game where you wager how many amputations you can take.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Encounters in the Night Market

"Be reforged into new life!"
Exiled and unscrupulus artifisher from Eberon has opened workshop and ofers immortality by transplanting living brains into warforged shells. He is briliant with machines but unfortunatly he is sloppy surgeon so his patients exit procedure with damage to nervous system and mental disorders.
On top of that he earns enough money to pay warious beings for warforged kidnapings.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Encounters in the Night Market

I'm DMing one of the PBP games (the Awakening) here on planewalker.

I've split up the 3 PC's and - they will meet back in the "Auctioneer's Block" of the Market Ward near Antipeak in a few days.

Auctioning/Other Night-Market Ideas Please!!!!!

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Encounters in the Night Market

Auctioning/Other Night-Market Ideas Please!!!!!

Unicorn for Auction: Our next item is fine and rare Ysgardian unicorn, the beast is unharmed (mostly), and price of horn is included in price of animal and not sold seperattly. To lucky buyer of this fine beast we will give village maiden for free. Starting price: 5000gp

Most interested customers: Ancient alchemist who need unicorn body parts for longevity potion, group of debased sensates who are searching for main course for their next feast, spoiled (but wealthy) prime princess who colects warious "horsies", firre eladrin in disguise who serach fine gift for her queen.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Encounters in the Night Market

On auction: The rights to bear the offspring of a highly influential Succubus. Both females and males may bid and the Succubus will alter to please, but the bidder will be the one giving birth to and raising the child. In addition, a yearly stipend will be paid for the first ten years, at the end of which the child will be collected by the Succubus. Random inspections will be conducted to ensure the child is being properly mistreated. 10 separate 'lots' are being offered. Bidding starts at 500gp in coin, gems, or souls and is expected to break the 3000gp mark.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Encounters in the Night Market

Come closer, dear bashers and berks, cutters and conies, planars and proxies!

Right here, on auction, and only here, most wonderful items of interest!

Take the risk, buy this truename! Who's name is it? Summon and find out! Ah, I see 80 jinx, 80 jinx, 90! Sold for 90 to the noble gent in the blue robe!
Next on sale, for the adventurers among our audience: The arms of a werebear, grafting included! And for those of you interested in special offers: The still beating heart of an astral deva! That's right, the heart of a celestial being, full of life and feeling! I bet it tastes great with some nutmeg! Sold to the Babau in the third row, thank you, Sir!
Next offer: This tiefling girl, only 17 years old wants to commit suicide! For a donation of only 500 gold pieces to her little brother you can choose time, place and method used! Aaaand, sold to the three lovely old ladies in the second row for 2050, thank you, thank you!

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Encounters in the Night Market

'Eldan' wrote:
That's right, the heart of a celestial being, full of life and feeling! I bet it tastes great with some nutmeg!

That line just made my day.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

bRA1N-b0X's picture
Joined: 2004-07-13
Encounters in the Night Market

Drifting through the convoluted pathways, you hear a soft and slithery voice come from a shadowed doorway. "Lonely, sweety?"

A figure stands there invitingly, her dress is tattered and soiled, though it must have once been fine. Her face is veiled, but her eyes are glassy and gleam with some unknown hunger. Hunger toward you. Why does she wear so much perfume?

"Come inside, darling, and find something...or someone to your liking to keep you some company," she says as she steps inside, the door groaning tormentedly.

Inside the gloom is broken by some sickly shining lanterns on the wall, casting shadows that dance about everywhere. The floorboards creak, all the wood appears to be swollen and moldy. It smells like a tomb in here; musty with a hint of decay. You can barely make out a few shapes, of what you assume are people, shamble by. The eerie silence is broken by strange howls and what must be distant screaming, down some hallways and closed doors.

"Maybe you will see something you like, love?" the woman hisses.

She reveals a short stage before you, showing off her 'merchandise.' Zombies, wights, ghouls...and other forms of undead! You cringe visibly.

"Don't be afraid, sweety, they are here for your pleasure!" the strange lady cooes. "They will satiate any appetite you may have...hidden deep within you. You have never met any lovely creatures so willing, so obedient and so unjudging."

The various women on display beckon you to them; gobbets of flesh dropping to the ground, skin sagging on bone, internal organs exposed. They moan seductively, gaping mouths filled with rotting teeth and discolored, shriveled tongues. Their hollow eyes -- some of them literally just sockets -- give you hungry, longing looks.

"Even the dead want pleasure," the lady speaks again, and you jump. She speaks closely into your ear, her breath almost causing you to gag, "They want to feel it again. Don't they also have the right to know happiness again? What's the real harm? Just a little jink and they can go all night..."

You shiver right down to your soul, but you can't say you aren't curious...

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