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Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10


Smile down on us sun, show your rays
when things come undone.
All animals lead us to light
when we can't see.
Stars, saturn and moon, glow for those
who cannot get through.
Rain fall and voice sound for those of whom
still are not found.

Gentle moon, find them soon.
Gentle moon, find them.

Black sky and black sea, lighten up
when we can't breathe.
All dreams escape fire, over worlds
fly but won't tire.
Slow down on us wind, hold us still
when everything spins.
All secrets and lies, let them out.

Dreams escape fire, they won't tire.
Dreams escape fire, they won't tire.

Gentle moon, find them soon.
Gentle moon, find them soon.
- "Gentle Moon," by Sun Kil Moon

Elysia is beauty, peace, and well-deserved rest.
It is hope.
It is the heart's longing.

The plane is three landscapes singing silver with moon glow and stars at night, yawning gold by day: Amoria's pastoral calm, Eronia's wild beauty, Thalasia's azure seas. Once there was a fourth but it is gone now, hidden or stolen. Elysia was described as the heaven of colors atop the tree of life, when there was a tree of life.

Yet of all the planes Elysia has changed the least. The longing it embodies is eternal. Some of the houses are more modern in style, but others are deliberately kept as they've been for centuries. They all tend to merge with the landscape, shining where it shines.

The constant between all three layers is the Celestial River Jordan, cool and fresh running clear as sky or coffee-brown with silt in the deltas, bigger than any ocean from its source in Thalasia to its destination in the magnificent Seven Seas of the Land of Stories many planes faraway.

The original inhabitants, the guardinals, are changed; the great chimerical beast-headed men or women were ill-suited for the present day, and they've devolved into pure animal shapes. Only the most ancient still have voices. They are, for the most part, silent companions who urge on their charges with gestures and brush of feather, fur and wet cold nose. Mortals believe their favorite pets will meet them in Elysia when they reach it as souls.

Elysia touches the busy mills and factories of Bytopia and the raped and hollow remnants of what were the Beastlands but remains untouched itself, unwearied by time's flight.

Dreamknight's picture
Joined: 2005-02-25


What are the Beastlands now? If they have fallen to overhunting, then the devolution of the guardinals would signify Elysia taking up the new mantle of an animal afterlife. But what purpose do the Beastlands now serve?

The fourth layer was regularly subject to Lower Planar incursion, and it was known that something dark was imprisoned within, so it makes sense that it would have disappeared, either to prevent whatever was in it from escaping or because it had escaped, and brought the layer down with it.

Angels are now the primary outsider protectors of Elysia, correct? The Companions of Talisid are now weakened, and perhaps only they among the guardinals remember their former strength? I'm just hypothesizing.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10

"Dreamknight" wrote:
What are the Beastlands now? If they have fallen to overhunting, then the devolution of the guardinals would signify Elysia taking up the new mantle of an animal afterlife. But what purpose do the Beastlands now serve?

Overhunting, pollution, urban sprawl, deforestation and loss of habitat on the Material Plane lead to the same in the Beastlands.

The Beastlands are still the animal afterlife, but the dwindling of animals has resulted in the dwindling of the Beastlands. Elysium as a whole has done nothing to help, though individual guardinals may enter the Material Plane to do what they can.

The fourth layer was regularly subject to Lower Planar incursion, and it was known that something dark was imprisoned within, so it makes sense that it would have disappeared, either to prevent whatever was in it from escaping or because it had escaped, and brought the layer down with it.

Yeah. In particular, I was thinking of Shemeska's storyhour.

Angels are now the primary outsider protectors of Elysia, correct? The Companions of Talisid are now weakened, and perhaps only they among the guardinals remember their former strength? I'm just hypothesizing.

I don't think the guardinals have actually weakened; they've just changed, become less humanoid. They're not necessarily less powerful or less intelligent, although the power to speak is a great loss.

And, of course, if anyone has any additional/completely different ideas about Elysium, they should post those, either in this thread or another. I'm not trying to stake a claim on the plane or anything.

Aquarius Alodar's picture
Joined: 2005-01-14

"Kaelyn" wrote:
And, of course, if anyone has any additional/completely different ideas about Elysium, they should post those, either in this thread or another. I'm not trying to stake a claim on the plane or anything.

Ideas, ye say? Well...it's nothing to do with me, but here's a pointer to an idea that almost all of us may well have forgotten about: http://www.forums4free.net/urbanps/index.php?showtopic=13

Dreamknight's picture
Joined: 2005-02-25

Hmm… are the Beastlands now natural parks, where hunting is prohibitted? I ask because if the final resting place of the animals is suffering from overhunting, then nearby concerned powers would intervene to halt the destruction.

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02

I'd imagine a blend of the two, really - swathes of it protected, while the rest is abused. Poachers wouldn't fare well at all.

Dreamknight's picture
Joined: 2005-02-25

And the celestial protectors would be constantly pushing to expand the protected areas. Okay.

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02

"Aquarius Alodar" wrote:
Ideas, ye say? Well...it's nothing to do with me, but here's a pointer to an idea that almost all of us may well have forgotten about: http://www.forums4free.net/urbanps/index.php?showtopic=13

I'd forgotten that that writeup was there. It doesn't conflict much with the OP, though.

And call me old fashioned, but I think that Elysium and the River Oceanus should probably keep their old names.

Aquarius Alodar's picture
Joined: 2005-01-14

"Persephone Imytholin" wrote:
And call me old fashioned, but I think that Elysium and the River Oceanus should probably keep their old names.

I think so, too.

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11

So do I. Plus I think that while the plane itself will be the least industrilised (besides the Beastlands of course) there would undoubtably be cities and similar sites, such as resorts. The reasons why are because a lot of people would love to live in such a peaceful place ("It's even better then Arcadia!") to grow up, raise families ect. So their would be a large number of cities (or megacities) to take in the population.

I picture the Elysium cities to be vast, beautiful garden cities, with lots of parks, open air plazas and roof-top gardens. And there would also be a lot of resorts and hotels, because, lets face it, a lot of people would love to spend a couple a weeks in "paradise defined".

Elysia is a very good attempt, all it needs is a little more work.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19

Just make sure that the tourism board warns people to stay less than a month, lest they want to stay forever.

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