Elemental Creatures

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Incenjucar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Elemental Creatures

As he whom dwells upon the elements more than any fleshy being, I felt it was my duty to ensure that the flesh learned a bit, lest they come mucking about Reality too lightly:


Ash Sisters

Natives of the Quasiplane of Ash, Ash Sisters have the upper bodies of somewhat young elven maidens, with flawless white skin, onyx black hair, and dazzling blue eyes. The lower half of an ash sister is usually an ash-gray swarm of six muscular tentacles, very similar to an octopus’s in texture, but lack suction cups. The skin of their lower half can form any pattern, but can only use white, black, and gray. All ash sisters look almost exactly alike, and share the same voice and general personality traits, though they all differ based on their personal experiences and training. Ash sisters are fairly weak to moderate opponents, on average, compared to their home plane itself. They attack by ambush, using their tentacles to cover their bodies, then bursting from the ash and slamming or grappling with their tentacles, and with weapons if they have managed to obtain them. They can constrict for moderate damage, but can also attempt to drain energy from a creature that has been successfully grappled by all of their tentacles. Notably, this energy drain has no effect on creatures with the water or cold subtype, or those that are immune to negative energy or heat drain, but is doubly effective against creatures with the fire subtype. An ash sister that has managed to drain seven total levels will almost always attempt to escape. An ash sister that has drained seven levels (in any length of time) becomes pregnant and begins gestating a new ash sister egg, which will be ready to lay within a year of continuous gestation, though the ash sister can halt or restart the process at will in case food is scarce or she feels their would be too much danger to gestate at present. An ash sister can hold in an unlimited amount of energy-fed young, but can only gestate up to three at a time. Ash sisters are born as near-perfect miniatures of their mothers, and grow to full physical maturity in five years, and mental maturity in five more. Ash sisters have been known to live up to a thousand years, but show no physical signs of aging until the month of their death, when their body begins to give off a small amount of heat. At this time, a two effective levels of energy can be claimed from them at by another ash sister (they are normally immune to level drain), killing them in the process (it is not possible to drain less than both effective levels). This is often done to contribute to the next cycle of offspring. Ash sisters rarely directly attack creatures other than native prey (they eat minor creatures, such as ash rats, and rarely have a desire to consume sentient flesh), but will often try to seduce a living creature long enough to wrap their tentacles around them and drain a level or two. They usually avoid actually killing the victim, unless they feel the victim will take vengeance upon them.

Tevish Szat's picture
Joined: 2004-08-07
Elemental Creatures

Very odd, very interesting creatures. I especially like how they don't kill sentient creatures if it can be avoided. Mercy often seems to be as rare for flesh-and-blood types on the inner planes as on the lower planes. It really is unexpected, especially for something from Ash, a negative quasielemental plane. I like it.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Elemental Creatures

The ash witches might not get along with them.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Elemental Creatures

I like it Smiling

Too bad I just finished up my campaign's stint on Ash, might have been worth a cameo of one of them as flavor Eye-wink

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