Eighty Incantations

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Joined: 2006-05-10
Eighty Incantations

So /forum/witches popped up on "Go Exploring" on the front page when I arrived today, and I realized I'm still interested in the project. One of the things it needs -- and which could be useful to other campaigns -- is a large enough list of incantations to make a useful character. So I'm starting this thread to store at least one incantation of each of the eight schools for each of the levels 0 through 9. I'll probably come up with duplicates, but I'll consider the project "done" when I have one each of all the basic types.

In order to produce incantations useful for low-level characters, I'll be breaking one rule from http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/resources/systems/pennpaper/dnd3... , which is that incantations should be 6th to 9th level. Roughly, I'll be dividing them into 0th to 2nd level, 3rd to 5th, and 6th to 9th, with the DCs for the checks involved being lower for the earlier tiers. Otherwise, I will be adhering to those guidelines as closely as possible.

As an example of a low-level incantation with a reduced DC, I would draw your attention to summon wizard's familiar -- it could be interesting to consider this class feature to be in fact a remnant of primitive incantational wizardry, with a school of Conjuration, a level of 0, a DC of 10 and no backlash component, so that any wizard can take 10 casting it. (And there are different incantations for the different caster classes, which explains why not everyone can just pick up a familiar.)

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Re: Eighty Incantations

I'll be looking forward to seeing these!


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

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Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Allright, here are the first two.

Create (Human) Mummy
Effective Level: 6
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 28 1 success, Knowledge (religion) DC 28 3 successes, Profession (undertaker) DC 20 2 successes
Failure: corpse animates and attacks
Components: V, S, M, F, SC
Casting Time: 2 days
Range: close
Target or targets: one corpse
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

This incantation is part of the funeral rituals of some pantheons for rich or noble believers. The soul of the original creature is not disturbed, and the mummy detects as lawful, with the same good-evil alignment as the incantation's primary caster. The mummy thus created animates only for the purpose of defending its tomb and its tomb's contents.

The mummification process takes 8 hours per skill check, so the rite can take anywhere from two to four days. In addition to the primary caster, at least two attendants will be needed so that someone is present at all times of the day, tending the preservation processes and engaging in the necessary rituals. No particular individual needs to be present constantly.

The spell resistance of the original creature applies, and it may resist with Will (use the statistics it had at the moment of death), unless at the time of death it consented to being mummified. The process is specialized by species; if there is any rite to turn the corpse of an angel into a mummy, it is a dark secret indeed.

Failure: If two consecutive checks fail, the corpse animates as a ghast and attacks the handlers that have treated it so disrespectfully. The body cannot thereafter be mummified.
Material component: the corpse to be mummified, several fine-quality canoptic jars, and a collection of unguents, wrappings, and preservatives totaling about 1000gp.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: 2 or more well-trained corpse-handlers and priests.


Relieve Thirst
Effective Level: 0
Skill Check: Knowledge (nature) DC 14, 1 success
Failure: 1d6 unhealable nonlethal damage, fatigue
Components: V, S, XP
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: personal
Target or targets: you
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No

This spell relieves nonlethal damage and fatigue that has accumulated due to thirst, resetting the caster to the beginning of the Constitution countdown for thirst (i.e., as if having gone 1 day without water). It is an easy enough incantation that some rangers and other wilderness specialists can even lead untrained users in the attempt, aiding their efforts. It of less use than the very easy spell Create Water, but available to nonspellcasters.

The odd dreams that result from the use of this incantation, and the consequences of failure, limit its widespread knowledge.

Failure: if the skill check is failed twice in a row, the caster suffers as if failing a Constitution check against thirst, taking 1d6 nonlethal damage that cannot be healed until water is found. This incantation will not relieve its own thirst damage.
Material component: none
Backlash: This incantation invokes some unknown deity of water, possibly a random local one. (It does not function on Athas, and is contrary to belief for Athar.) It taks a tiny portion of the caster's divine energy, manifesting as unusual, watery dreams any night after this incantation is used. Aligned classes beware: the incantation may (20% chance) take on a random alignment trait, possibly requiring atonement.
Extra casters: none

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Discern Living Creature
Effective Level: 1
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 15, 1 success
Failure: false response
Components: V, S, M, F
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Close
Target or targets: one object
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: None

This divination can tell a curious spellcaster whether something unusual is actually a living creature: a petrified person or a statue, an intelligent magic item, a dormant elemental. The incantation's definition of "living" is fairly broad, including such classes of being as undead, fiends, and magically animated constructs, so it gives very little information on what type of being the object might be.

Failure: Failure gives an incorrect response.
Material component: A small amount of red and green chalk dust
Backlash: none
Extra casters: none

Variations of this incantation are known, though each must be learned individually. These include discern magic item, discern good item, and its evil, axiomatic, and anarchic counterparts.


Find the Styx
Effective Level: 5
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 21 2 successes, Knowledge (the Planes) DC 21 3 successes
Failure: opposite of correct direction
Components: V, S, M, B, SC (optional)
Casting Time: 50 minutes
Range: one planar layer
Target or targets: one willing creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The caster cuts a willing, intelligent creature and mixes their blood with ink made from the water of the Styx. The creature cut feels the day's memories flowing out of them. (This takes any spell preparation done that day, as well as any XP earned that day.) If the ritual is successful, they can realize which direction the memories are flowing, and that way lies the nearest branch of the Styx. If the ritual is performed on a planar layer which does not currently contain a branch of the Styx, the memories are lost to the astral currents.

Failure: You get the opposite of the correct information
Material component: A vial of ink made with a little Styx water, which must be mixed on a flat surface with 2d6 hit points of fresh blood.
Backlash: The cut creature loses their memories of the day since waking up.
Extra casters: No, although the memories lost may be sacrificed by someone other than the caster. These persons may be considered secondary casters and can make the skill rolls.


Tornado Strike
Effective Level: 8
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 28, 4 successes, Knowledge (Nature) DC 28, 4 successes
Failure: nothing or tornado tracks subject
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 80 minutes
Range: Close
Target or targets: a 10' by 10' square of terrain
Duration: 3 minutes
Saving Throw: Ref negates (DC 18 + caster's Cha modifier)
Spell Resistance: Yes

If cast outside under cloudy and windy conditions, this incantation draws down a tornado to wreak havoc. The caster must inscribe, in a place visible to the sky, a magic circle 10 feet in diameter with detailed symbols, using 500gp of powdered silver, tin, and thunderbolt iron. When the incantation is complete, a funnel cloud begins forming above the marked site. Ten minutes later, a cyclone equivalent to a whirlwind spell touches down. The caster thereafter has no control over the cyclone, which will move with ambient winds, but siting the circle upwind of a target can cause impressive damage to masses of personnel and light structures.

This incantation can be counterspelled by whirlwind or control weather, and ambient winds can attempt to redirect it (the cyclone saves against control attempts at +10 to relevant saves).

Failure: If one of the two rolls failed is the Knowledge (Nature) roll, the caster miscalculated the meteorological conditions, and the tornado does not form. If both failed rolls are the Arcana rolls, the tornado targets the caster as if he were the target of a whirlwind spell (including duration).
Material component: 500gp of mixed powdered silver, tin, and thunderbolt iron.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Emotion Hoard
Effective Level: 2
Skill Check: Knowledge (the Planes) DC 13, 1 success, Knowledge (Arcana) DC 13, 1 success, Knowledge (religion) DC 13, 1 success
Failure: immediate loss of emotion
Components: V, S, M, B
Casting Time: 30 minutes
Range: touch
Target or targets: one living creature
Duration: 1 day
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 12 + caster's Cha modifier)
Spell Resistance: Yes

This incantation invokes the protection of Abbathor of the dwarven pantheon for travelers on the Gray Waste. The caster or the target must bury in the soil of the Waste 50gp in gold or gems per HD of the creature to be affected. Silver and clear diamonds cannot be used. Alignment consequences of a sacrifice to Abbathor are the sacrificer's worry.

Successful completion of the incantation causes the target to hoard their emotions closely for 24 hours. They lose 2 points of Charisma while the incantation is in effect, but the emotion-draining effect of the Waste cannot take hold of them, or seize memories from their dreams. It does not cure emotion loss already suffered.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, the target instantly suffers a day's worth of emotion loss.
Material component: precious metals or gems at least 50gp in value per HD of the target.
Backlash: 2 points of Cha loss while the incantation is in effect.
Extra casters: no

Variations of this protection exist for other planes. Depart the traveler's way is cast on Elysium and gives a day of freedom in exchange for the destruction of an equivalent amount of goods by fire. Slip through Mineral gives protection from fossilizing while on Mineral, and requires that gems or precious metals be given to the plane.

Moonsilver Writing
Effective Level: 3
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 13, 3 successes
Failure: writing reappears at random time
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 30 minutes plus writing time
Range: touch
Target or targets: one page of writing
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

This is the incantation used to make secret maps or letters which can be read only under moonlight. Once the writing is produced, the incantation causes the portions written with the prepared ink to fade into invisibility except when viewed by moonlight. Spells such as see invisible can still read the writing. Variations of the incantation exist for other light sources, such as the Plane of Radiance or a lightning bolt. These must be learned separately, and usually involve different materials; for example, lightning writing only requires a few gp worth of powdered tin.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, the writing will appear at some random future point, usually well after the page has been put away.
Material component: 100gp of powdered mithril must be mixed with the inks used, per page.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

Entwine the Heart
Effective Level: 1
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 15, 1 success
Failure: antipathy
Components: V, S, F, B
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: touch
Target or targets: an object to be given to the subject
Duration: 2 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 11 + caster's Cha modifier)
Spell Resistance: Yes

The classic magic attempted by untutored peasants, this incantation imbues an object with a charming aura. Against the next person other than the caster who touches it (or drinks it, potions being very common) and fails a resistance roll, the caster gains a +10 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Gather Information, and Sense Motive skills for 2 hours. The energy can lie dormant indefinitely.

Failure: If two checks are failed, the enchantment appears to work but causes a -10 penalty, and an Intelligence check with the same DC may cause the target to suspect that they have been subject to a spell.
Material component: an object to be given to the target
Backlash: the caster radiates a faint aura of magic while the incantation is in effect, noticeable only to professional senses.
Extra casters: none

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Re: Eighty Incantations

I must say I'm pretty impressed! Looking forward to more.


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

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Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Destructive Resonance
Effective Level: 4
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 20, 2 successes, Perform (any instrument), DC 20, 2 successes
Failure: 4d4 sonic damage to all casters
Components: V, S, M, B, SC
Casting Time: 40 minutes plus maintenance time
Range: 50 feet
Target or targets: up to a 10 foot cube section of one object
Duration: indefinite
Saving Throw: Will negates (object) (DC 14 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: No

Mostly of use under siege conditions, this incantation allows casters to set up a sonic resonance that slowly eats away at a chosen object, which must be restrained during the casting. The usual choice is therefore a structure or section of wall.

The caster begins the incantation as secondary casters on musical instruments start emitting a drone or steady rhythm. Once the incantation is completed, sonic damage is done to the structure at the rate of 4d4 damage every 10 minutes for as long as the performance is maintained, now requiring DC 15 Perform checks every 10 minutes. (Treat secondary performers as aiding the highest-skilled performer's check.) The sound is clearly audible and easy to locate with a Listen check against the DC of the spell, if the performing group is not obvious.

If the performers can be protected and keep up the assault for long enough, a 10 foot hole can be punched through a small to large city wall in 6 to 12 hours.

Failure: Failing two checks causes the magical energy of the resonance to flare, doing 4d4 damage to all casters before dissipating.
Material component: At least two of the same musical instruments capable of sustaining a performance for a considerable time, being performed upon.
Backlash: All casters are deafened for as long after completion of the incantation as the resonance was maintained, from the start of casting.
Extra casters: at least one additional performer, two if the primary caster is not a performer.

Shoricci Family's Smuggling Dock
Conjuration (Teleportation)
Effective Level: 7
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 25 4 successes, Knowledge (the Planes) DC 25 3 successes
Failure: no teleport, or wrong target
Components: V, S, M, F, B, SC
Casting Time: 70 minutes
Range: touch
Target or targets: Creature touched, or up to 8 willing creatures holding hands
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 17 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

This incantation is essentially greater plane shift, except that it was commissioned by the Shoricci crime family for the express purpose of sending rich loot and high-powered hirelings directly to one of their safehouses, and this is the only possible destination with the incantation. This particular safehouse is an unobtrusive warehouse in a large riverside city on a Prime with a fair amount of planar traffic.

The incantation must be performed in an underground room, at night. Use of the incantation alerts the Shoricci family's master wizard, as long as he is on the plane. The landing point is kept under guard, although the guards are of varying quality.

Such site-specific plane shift incantations allow organizations to transport goods and personnel without the need to hire horrendously expensive wizards or clerics, and without the need for a particular caster to have been in the spot desired. Few organizations, though, have ready access to the esoteric experts that can research and design such incantations. Ursinals and night hags are two of the groups known to contain any reasonable population of experts who might know how to do such a thing. It usually takes some time before the investment starts to pay off profitably.

Failure: If the second consecutive check failed is Arcana, the teleportation simply fails. If the second check failed is the planar knowledge roll, the teleportation works but sends the user to a random point elsewhere in the world.
Material component: A forked rod of copper heavily inscribed with precise runes, requiring 500gp to craft precisely; also, a dark room underground at night, to start from.
Backlash: All casters are exhausted. The head wizard of the Shoricci family's crime operations is also made aware of the intrusion, and the location is known and guarded. Should the Shoricci family ever fail to formally invest a master wizard, the first point becomes moot.
Extra casters: At least one secondary caster is required; at least one caster must travel and at least one must stay behind.

Invest Master Wizard of the Shoricci Family
Effective Level: 0
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 10, 1 success
Failure: user is struck blind
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: personal
Target or targets: you
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No

Variations of this incantation are used in other settings to name specific persons to posts for magical purposes, to verify royal heritage, or serve similar functions. This particular incantation, kept by the Shoricci family in their private vaults, employs an antique seal with which the user stamps a bit of wax mixed with a few drops of their blood. If the seal is stolen and used, the current master wizard may not realize the loss of the position, so the ritual is usually renewed monthly.

Failure: Failure to make a success in two tries causes the presumptuous user to be struck blind by the seal, as per the spell, with no saving throw.
Material component: The incantation functions upon a written declaration, and requires a particular seal. If the seal is ever destroyed, the incantation will be useless.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

Forest Maze
Effective Level: 4
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 25, 2 successes, Knowledge (Nature) DC 25, 2 successes
Failure: area becomes a beacon
Components: V, S, M, SC
Casting Time: 4 hours plus preparation
Range: A volume equal to a square 120 feet on a side, 30 feet high
Target or targets: a marked boundary
Duration: One fortnight
Saving Throw: Will negates, Will disbelief (see text) (DC 14 + primary caster's Cha modifier)
Spell Resistance: No

This incantation makes a forest region appear to be darker and more overgrown. The casters can attempt to encourage unsuspecting traffic away from an area hidden from casual view by the illusionary trees and growth. Touching the illusion allows a disbelief save but does not destroy it. The area also emits a fearful aspect, causing those who enter to become shaken for as long as they remain, unless they make a Will save.

Those who are not to be subject to the maze must make the rounds of the protected area in a long, slow dance. One caster leads the chants while secondary casters bury tokens made from material native to the space to be protected. If the caster who makes the Knowledge (Nature) check has the Track feat, reduce the DC of the check by 3.

Communities that rely on this incantation are usually elven or druidic, and do their casting at night, since the process takes several hours and fades in exactly two weeks. When the incantation takes effect, one designated caster must become subject to the maze themself, either saving against it or leaving the area until it expires.

Failure: If two checks are failed, the marked area becomes mildly attractive to magical beasts and aberrations. If the local population of such creatures is monstrous, this will result in an increase in encounters.
Material component: The corners of the forest maze must be marked with tokens taken from the material inside the boundary, which will physically last through the fortnight, buried at the edge of the protected area.
Backlash: At least one caster is automatically subject to the forest maze.
Extra casters: Anyone who is not to be subject to the maze.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Join the Dark Sisterhood
Effective Level: 8
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 30, 8 successes
Failure: death of the target
Components: V, S, M, B
Casting Time: 8 hours
Range: Close (25 feet)
Target or targets: one willing humanoid female
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No

Even the existence of this incantation is known to precious few beings in the multiverse. It is similar to a polymorph effect, with two exceptions. First, it only functions on willing humanoid females (completely unenchanted; the target must participate in the ritual, and even an ongoing benign enchantment or protection spell will interfere with the magic), and only transforms them into night hags. Second, it is not of permanent duration: it is instantaneous. It can never thereafter be dispelled. Somehow, the incantation changes the target from the root of her being.

The transformed target loses all previous racial traits and becomes a night hag with all abilities, her memories and personality intact. (Her alignment would change, except it is a deeply neutral evil act to be willing to become a night hag in the first place.) She retains enough of her original looks that she can be recognized by former acquaintances, if she is not taking on a different form. She either changes her previous HD to outsider and gains enough to make 8 HD, or all of her HD change to outsider. She retains any class levels for which a hag can qualify.

For the incantation, the target is taken to the Gray Waste and begins a complex dance with eight hags at the points of a compass. They raise a cacophony of voices, slaying valuable larvae to write huge pictograms in their juices, and drizzling their own blood and that of the target in great sweeps. Hours later, if the recipient has survived the ordeal, a new hag has joined their ranks.

Changing one's true species is normally supposed to be as near impossible as becoming a god, or at least as difficult as becoming a proxy. The hags that know this ritual are the oldest and most learned in the sisterhood's filthy lore, and they must be skilled indeed to succeed with this complex rite. The arcanoloths have expressed interest but as far as anyone who knows knows, the elder hags have said nothing to them. A few rogue modrons interested in the principles involved, hoping to find a way to rejoin the Logos Mind, have made inquiries themselves, but are unlikely to have any more luck.

Failure: death of the target
Material component: 500gp worth of larvae and 2d6 hp of blood from each caster, plus 2d6 hp of blood from the recipient
Backlash: 2d6 damage to every hag in the circle
Extra casters: seven additional hags, for a total of nine. . . when the casting is done.

Break Incanted Enchantment
Effective Level: 5
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 20, 3 successes, Spellcraft DC 20, 2 successes
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: close
Target or targets: one creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: as for break enchantment
Spell Resistance: No

This long, slow chanted ritual functions as break enchantment on one creature, but only for incantations with ongoing effects.

Material component: quiet working space and holy water or other religious implements of about 100gp in total. The specific items required vary by the incantation writer's tradition.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: none

Enchantment (Fear, Compulsion, Mind-Affecting)
Effective Level: 3
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 18, 1 success, Bluff DC 18, 2 successes
Failure: target is made aware of attempted manipulation
Components: V, S, M, F
Casting Time: 30 minutes
Range: Long (450 feet; distance target must be when incantation completed)
Target or targets: one protector
Duration: 3 days
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 13 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes (Good outsiders halve)

The target of this incantation is someone with a desire to protect someone else: it functions on good outsiders, good and neutrally-aligned creatures of celestial heritage, any being charged with magically protecting a living creature, spellcasters and familiars or animal companions, some kin and good friends. Outsiders with the good subtype in particular halve any natural spell resistance.

If the target fails to resist, their natural protective instincts are enhanced toward a particular ward. Normally, this manifests as only a slightly noticeable increase in intervention on their behalf (someone who knows the target well can make a Sense Motive check with the same DC as the incantation to realize this, once they have observed the target for a while).

However, if the designated ward is injured violently, the target sees red, immediately entering a state of rage as per a barbarian of 5th level, and preferentially physically attacking the target that injured their ward with intent to kill. Since the likely targets for this incantation often have useful spells or spell-like abilities, this is usually a hindrance, though warrior aasimon have been known on rare occasions to use it.

Acting in a rage is dangerous to lawful alignments and an overaggressive attack can be troublesome to good alignment. Targets can make a second save at +5 if anger seems about to drive them to a counter-alignment act. Success ends the incantation.

If the ward goes missing, the target is shaken for the duration of the incantation.

Treat this incantation as 3rd-level enchantment cast by a 5th-level caster for the purposes of dispelling magics.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, both the target and the designated protectee are vaguely aware that someone has attempted to ensorcel them. Magical investigation may reveal more identifying details.
Material component: a hair or other piece of the one to be protected, made part of a small doll of roughly the same shape. If the doll is destroyed, the incantation ends.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: none required, though making the doll while listening to a liar lie lets someone else make the Bluff checks.

Enchantment (Compulsion, Mind-affecting)
Effective Level: 9
Skill Check: 31: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 31, 6 successes, Bluff or Diplomacy DC 31, 3 successes
Failure: taget is aware, and angry
Components: V, S, M, F, XP, SC, B
Casting Time: Nine or more hours
Range: 25 feet; target must be unconscious
Target or targets: one creature
Duration: permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 19 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes (Good outsiders halve)

The summit of the art among students of the puppetry of desire, this powerful incantation causes the target to become completely obsessed with a chosen other, which need not be the caster at all, or even present.

The target, usually bound or unconscious, must be brought at sunset of the night of a full moon to a location prepared beforehand with extensive trappings of arcana and lust: wine, perfumes, satin, candles of powerful herbs, and other luxuries, costing not less than 5000gp. A jewel or jewelry of equal value is put on them, and serves as a focus for the magic. While the incantation is in effect, the target will never willingly remove the focus item, which has been imbued with the scent, blood, or other presence of the one to be desired.

The casting lasts through the night, with one check made per hour. If the nine checks are not completed by sunrise, the incantation fails and must be retried. The focus retains its power, but the other materials must be replenished.

If the casting is successful, the target has no memory of anything that happened including their kidnapping and return. They become obsessed with one creature whose identity they know, subverting all other concerns to the welfare of that being as they see it, and making every attempt to constantly be in the presence of their object of obsession, as important to their lives as they can possibly be. They will be fully able to rationalize the effect to the extent needed; indeed, outsiders with the good subtype halve any natural spell resistance, since this incantation is designed to take advantage of natural protective instincts.

The obsession can lead to completely counter-personality decisions. A high-powered spellcaster would think nothing of taking his beloved king to a distant tower fastness and helping him rule the country via communication spells. Even someone who does not know the target can realize that their behavior is abnormal with a DC 15 Sense Motive check; Spellcraft at DC 19 or spells to detect and analyze magic will reveal powerful enchantment. The object of obsession, if they were not party to the casting themselves, will usually find the attentions unwelcome; even someone who sought the spell eventually tires of the fawning. Breaking the focus will end the spell, as will high-level countermagices, but the target of the spell will resist all attempts to break the magic on them, either refusing to believe they are enchanted, or welcoming the guiding spirit, or some other excuse.

Failure: If two consecutive skill checks are failed, the target is aware of what has been attempted and their memory is not fogged. (They may attempt to bluff to hide this state.) Forever after, the target gets bonuses in dealing with all casters as if they were favored enemies with one more step than any favored-enemy status they may have regardless.
Material component: Not less than 5000gp in exquisite luxuries, filling the room in which the incantation is to be completed, and a 5000gp focus object.
XP component: 1000 XP, which may be paid by any combination of the primary and secondary casters
Backlash: exhaustion (affects all casters)
Extra casters: Five additional casters, at least two of which must match the object of the obsession in species, and gender if applicable. Assistants with criminal skills are usually on hand to kidnap and return a victim without leading investigators to the casters. The casters themselves are exhausted by the ritual.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Nightmare Rider's Call
Conjuration (calling)
Effective Level: 5
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 20, 3 successes, Knowledge (the Planes) DC 20, 2 successes
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M, B
Casting Time: 50 minutes
Range: see text
Target or targets: one nightmare
Duration: one year
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) (DC 15 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

This incantation calls the nearest nightmare currently free to come to you that exists upon the current plane, as long as one can arrive before sunrise; it comes at its best travel speed. These requirements usually mean that the best place to do so is either the Gray Waste, or the Ethereal Plane.

The casting must be maintained (no other activity) until the nightmare arrives. When it does so, it immediately attacks the caster; if it is reduced to half its hit points or fewer, it surrenders and agrees to serve as a mount for one year. Careful casters will remember the date, and recast the incantation on time, fighting their mount again to remind them who is is charge, or suffer the ignominy of being dumped and left somewhere inconvenient, if not outright attacked again.

Failure: no effect
Material component: a creature slain in its sleep during the casting
Backlash: summoned nightmare attacks caster
Extra casters: no

Delusions of Lycanthropy
Effective Level: 7
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 24, 4 successes, Knowledge (nature) DC 24, 3 successes
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M, F
Casting Time: 70 minutes
Range: touch
Target or targets: one humanoid or giant
Duration: one full moon night
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 17 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: No

This incantation must be cast under the light of a full moon. It imbues an ornate silver, edged weapon with a strange illusion, which is consummated when it draws blood from a humanoid or giant (which must not really have lycanthropy) before sunrise.

If the target fails his Will save, then either for the remainder of this night, or during the next night of a full moon, all who see him must make a Will save or believe the target to be a creature in wereform; a wolf is a common choice, although some casters prefer wererats. Observers who fail their Will save see the creature threatening viciously, and can only vaguely understand any speech the victim utters. If wounded by the victim in any way, even with a weapon, they make another Will save; failure means that they believe themselves to be infected and slowly transforming. This illusion dissipates, for all involved, at the end of the night on which it triggered.

Even if some observers make their Will save and try to convince allies that there is an illusion underway, there tends to be disagreement as to which party is failing the illusion save.

Remove curse or break enchantment will end the incantation's effect, as will dispel magic; remove disease or heal will not.

Failure: no effect
Material component: An edged weapon, either silver or alchemically silvered.
Backlash: The caster really contracts lycanthropy if they do not already have it, although as part of the ritual most casters will have wolfsbane or magical healing prepared.
Extra casters: no

Cloven Body
Effective Level: 9
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 32, 6 successes, Heal DC 25, 3 successes
Failure: lose a level and suffer loss of 50% hit points.
Components: V, S, M, F, B
Casting Time: 8 hours + 2d4 months
Range: 0 ft
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

You grow a clone of your physical body in bath of chemicals, using a piece of your flesh of at least 1 cubic inch. It is ready in 2d4 months. Unlike the clone spell, this body animates immediately. You have complete mastery of the body, as if it were dominated, including the sensory link. The body never saves against domination; it is a secondary body for you. Observers may think that the body is an independent being under magical domination.

The new body has your full racial HD, but divides those hitpoints by 2. It has an incomplete copy of your factual memories, but no true initiative, giving it half of your class levels (rounded down, choose any at creation) when acting on its own.

By concentrating, you can move your consciousness to the secondary body, where you can act with your full class levels and rummage through the secondary body's memories. Barriers effective against magical spells or telepathy block your telepathic link, but not if you have already sited your consciousness in the secondary body.

The creation of the secondary body requires that you invest a level, which may be class or racial. For the duration of the secondary body's existence, this level is effectively lost. The hitpoint and class levels are calculated afterward. If the secondary body dies, you are aware of this, as you regain the level, but are mentally stunned for 1d4 rounds as the body's memories are integrated into yours. If your original body dies, you lose the level permanently but take up residence in the secondary body.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, the connection is disrupted. The flesh is useless. You still lose the level, and take 50% of your maximum hitpoints in damage.
Material component: The flesh and 1000gp of chemicals and other gestation supplies.
Focus: 500gp worth of laboratory equipment.
Backlash: You lose an experience level while the cloven body lives, and lose it permanently if your original body dies.
Extra casters: Two medical/magical assistants.

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Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Effective Level: 0
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 10, 1 success
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 6 rounds
Range: touch
Target or targets: one being with a heart
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fort negates (DC 10 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

Said to have been taught to men by the flickering creatures that inhabit the Plane of Lightning, who are sensitive to the tiny flows of electricty in mortal bodies, this is usually miscategorized as a healing incantation due to its usage. The user spends a minute focusing on a mental image of an evocation mandala which charges his hands with a small amount of electricity; when he next touches a being (which can be an unarmed attack), it will be released in a specific form, palpable as a firm buzz.

If the target is in good health, this does no damage but may break a caster's concentration if they do not save. For someone in cardiac arrest, this shock has a chance to restart the heart. It is particularly effective if administered within four minutes of apparent death by drowning, stabilizing the rescuee at 1hp as long as the lungs have been cleared. GMs may wish to allow the same effect against real hitpoint damage from a purely mental effect, such as phantasmal killer, perhaps allowing another save by the target.

Other creative uses of tiny quantities of electricity are engouraged.

Failure: Caster does 1d6 electrical damage to themself
Material component: about 10 silver coins held in one hand, which are densely corroded when the magic discharges.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

Strike Numb
Effective Level: 2
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 16, 2 successes
Failure: caster suffers effect
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 20 minutes
Range: Long (500 feet)
Target or targets: One living creature
Duration: permanent
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (DC 12 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

A target that fails their save loses their sense of touch. This makes makes detailed tasks difficult. Uses of the Disable Device, Escape Artist, Open Lock, and Sleight of Hand skills are penalized at -20; those of Craft, Forgery, and Move Silently at -10. The target's melee BAB is at a -2 penalty; ranged combat is at -4. If the target remains numb for a month, halve these penalties.

The state is not entirely without its advantages. The target feels no physical pain, automatically saving against a symbol of pain and other effects that the GM rules are reasonably due to significant pain. Historians of arcana believe that this incantation originated not as a curse, but as a religious ritual for warriors of an implacable god.

Failure: If the caster fails two consecutive rolls, he himself suffers the effect.
Material component: An object which has been in contact with the target's skin for at least an hour.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

The analogous "strike blind" incantation is quite similar in all other effects to the spell blindness/deafness, except that the range is slightly longer, only the blindness effect functions, failure strikes the user blind, and the incantation likewise requires a personal object from the target.

Strike Emotionally Numb
Enchantment (mind-affecting)
Effective Level: 2
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 16, 2 successes
Failure: caster suffers effect
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 20 minutes
Range: Long (500 feet)
Target or targets: one living creature
Duration: 2 days between saves
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 12 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

A target that fails its roll is emotionally bereft. This imposes a -10 to Perform, Diplomacy, Gather Information, or Sense Motive rolls, and most bardic music abilities, though it gives +5 to Concentration rolls and saves against fear effects. At the GM's discretion, it also gives a +5 to saves against other emotionally-based spells, such as Tasha's hideous laughter, and mutes the most drastic symptoms of insanities. Entities with close ties to emotion or passion may be significantly crippled in the use of their powers; if they find a sufferer of this curse, they may make his cure a high priority.

Victims can save against this incantation every two days as their emotions try to break free. A sufferer finds little reason to seek disenchantment otherwise.

Failure: If the caster fails two consecutive rolls, he himself suffers the effect.
Material component: An object of sentimental value to the target.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

Communal's Knowledge Pool
Effective Level: 6
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 23, 3 successes, Knowledge (the Planes) DC 23, 3 successes
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M, B
Casting Time: 6 hours
Range: touch; see text
Target or targets: one object or person within reach
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This limited version of legend lore allows the user to tap the knowledge base of a specific group: in this case, the Communals, once a popular faction in Sigil who were broken by the Lady. It requires that the legends concern an object or person close to hand, and only returns legends known to several of the members of that particular faction (as a rule of thumb, 10 or more).

Because the Communals were so drastically depopulated, this particular incantation no longer functions. Someone who wished to develop a version for another group would need to figure out an analogy of the fundamental symbolic sympathy the Communals shared.

As written, this incantation was deliberately developed by a Sigilian faction with an interest in sharing, but it can easily be adapted to other situations: a racial ability of modrons or communally-minded celestials, or a shamanistic invocation of the racial knowledge of a people.

Failure: no information
Material component: 500gp of incenses and dusts with which to trace runic circles about the caster and the object of their inquiry.
Backlash: The members of the faction whose knowledge were tapped are generally aware of the inquiry, albeit not the identity of the asker unless they have other sources of information.
Extra casters: none

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Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Misfire Trap
Effective Level: 7
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 25, 3 successes, Craft (painting) DC 25, 4 successes
Failure: one or more runes do not function
Components: V, S, M, SC
Casting Time: 7 hours, at 1 hour per check
Range: a square up to 20 feet on a side and 10 feet high
Target or targets: one caster with available evocations or conjurations
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 17 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

This trap is beloved of those who use incantations, because its targets are spellcasting creatures that have memorized spells, spell slots, or uses of spell-like abilities available, which are evocations or conjurations -- battle spells that are generally not useful in incantation form. When such creatures cross into the area of this trap, it randomly chooses from such spells they know of 7th level or lower, picking the highest possible, and triggers it with the creature as the target. Any further choices are made as maliciously as possible at the instant of casting, though the trap cannot concentrate on guiding spells after its instant of functioning.

To construct this trap, the caster must inscribe runic symbols at four points enclosing an area, whether on floor, ceiling, or walls. The trap area extends upward 10 feet from the boundary. Any one of the symbols is detectable as magic, but none have any effect until a caster is within the marked area.

The misfire trap has limitations compared to most symbol spells. It cannot be attuned to any creatures other than the casters, nor can it be selective as to target. It cannot be made permanent. It targets the first four spellcasters that enter its area of effect and see one of its component symbols. Each time one of the four symbols turns to ash, and the trap is quiescent until a new spellcaster enters or the target leaves and returns.

Finding and disarming this trap is at DC 32 for rogues.

Failure: If two consecutive Arcana checks are failed, the trap appears to function, but merely radiates magic and a faint glow for 24 hours, thereafter fading to dust. If two consecutive Craft rolls are failed, roll twice more; the number that pass against DC 25 (zero, one or two) are the number of runes that function properly.
Material component: 5000gp in a strange mixture of saltpetre, bat guano, mercury, phosphorus, and sapphire dust.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: 3 extra casters; each must work on one symbol, though the final Craft roll can be made by anyone doing the proper touch-up.

Silent Aura
Effective Level: 1
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 15, 1 success
Failure: aura is strengthened
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: close (25 feet)
Target or targets: one magic item weighing up to 5 pounds
Duration: 1 day
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

One small magical object registers as nonmagical to spells and other detection ability for 24 hours, as if magic aura had been cast on it for the purpose.

Failure: If two checks are failed, for 24 hours the object's aura becomes obvious at a glance to anyone with magical training who sees it.
Material component: A silk cover large enough to hide the item; failing one check consumes the silk in flame.
Backlash: no
Extra casters: no

Terrifying Aspect
Effective Level: 2
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 14, 2 successes
Failure: penalties to Cha-based skills
Components: V, S, M, B
Casting Time: 5 minutes
Range: touch
Target or targets: a number of living creatures up to the caster's Cha modifier
Duration: 2 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 12 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

The recipient gains +4 to Intimidate attempts for the next two hours, although the fierce air they bear makes other social interactions more difficult.

If the GM is using incantations as the magical lore of primitive groups, this is the classic warpaint blessing.

Failure: If two consecutive rolls are failed, the target suffers the backlash penalty to Intimidate as well, and looks slightly silly.
Material component: A small amount of paint applied to the face.
Backlash: The target suffers a -4 penalty to all other Charisma-based skills for the duration of this effect.
Extra casters: no

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Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Casthis and Hierathia
Conjuration (Calling) [Good, Lawful]
Effective Level: 8
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) 24 4 successes, Knowledge (Religion) DC 20 4 successes
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M, SC
Casting Time: 80 minutes

These two lovers remained faithful to each other despite incredible opposition in the intricate cage of laws and traditions that ruled their land. Late in their lives, they were able to overcome all obstacles and live together for the briefest of times. So close were they that they arrived in the Upper Planes together, and recognizing the bond between then, the powers that welcome licit love and the strength of family restored their memory of their mortal lives. Now angels for the powers of righteousness, they have the privilege of going together to the mortal realms to defend lovers and punish those who would twist the laws of the family, so vital to society, to evil ends -- or worse, break them.

This prayer can be uttered by anyone, though the knowledge required is usually limited to clerics and wizards. It summons the two, now powerful angels, to the aid of lovers in need, which may or may not be the casters. If the summoning is successful, the pair arrive already knowing their task, which was described in the casting, and they go about it with dispatch.

(Change the names and species of angel to taste for your campaign. Casthis and Hierathia should be 14 to 18 HD in total. One possibility for them is fideles. Their personalities are important to making this a good summoning: Casthis is a light-skinned, slim male with a lightning-fast bow and a head for details, while Hierathia is a dark-skinned, strong female with a powerful sword and a big-picture sensibility. They share a dry humor about mortal love, canoodle occasionally when they must wait while something happens, and absolutely refuse to break any laws to get the job done. Threatening either one of them will get the other one on you instantly.)

Failure: no effect
Material component: About 200gp of incense and other religious consumables for the ceremony
Backlash: none
Extra casters: Exactly one additional caster is necessary; the two play a scripted ritual romantic exchange. Both casters must be good in alignment, and at least one must be lawful.

Electrify Field
Effective Level: 6
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 23 4 successes, Craft (any metalsmithing) DC 20, 2 successes
Failure: 5d6 electricty damage and wastage
Components: V, S, M, F, SC
Casting Time: 6 hours
Range: touch, over an area up to five 5' squares
Target or targets: up to 10 passersby
Duration: permanent
Saving Throw: Reflex half (DC 16 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

The floor of a room or hallway is trapped to cause a strong electric shock, 5d6 electricity damage, to people that come into contact with it when the magic of the incantation is not suppressed by the caster (command word). Walls, doorknobs, and other items in contact with the ground may also be trapped, though these objects must be touched to trigger the effect. The wire tracery may be inlaid artfully, increasing the search DC to find this trap to 33, but decreasing the save DC to 14 + Cha.

The magic stores up to 10 bolts for those that touch the tracery, activating whenever they come into contact with it.

Finding and disarming this trap is at DC 31 for rogues.

100gp of copper wire (the ingots are cheap, but wire is expensive!) will cover a 5 foot square; 500gp of silver, 1000gp of gold, or 2000gp of mithril will cover the same area. Silver adds +1 per die of damage, gold adds +2, and mithril adds +3. The tracery remains after 10 bolts are loosed, and renewing the trap can be done in 40 minutes with a single caster, only the Arcana rolls, and replacing the acids.

Failure: 5d6 electricity damage to the primary caster, and the acids are wasted.
Material component: 100gp each of nitric acid and sulfuric acid in sealed glass jars, and a tracework of copper, silver, gold, or mithril wire covering the area to be warded.
Backlash: no
Extra casters: At least one; a metalsmith (someone with at least 1 point in a Craft skill involving smithing) must be a secondary caster.

Bone Machine
Effective Level: 3
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 19, 3 successes
Failure: bones attack as skeletons
Components: V, S, M, F
Casting Time: 30 minutes
Range: one 10' cube
Target or targets: one mass of bones
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

You animate a mass of bones within a cube 10 feet on a side. The bones form a contiguous mass with any number of limbs and digits, moving in a pattern you describe on a parchment with a detailed symbol language and pictures. At least one of the bones must be a skull, and destroying this skull destroys the machine. The machine repeats the same pattern of motions, with no decision points, indefinitely. You can shut it down and restart it at will by removing and replacing the skull. It has Strength 10 and the other physical and magical statistics of a skeleton. Breaking one limb does not stop the rest from moving.

If you give this incantation the "Evil" tag, you can specify conditions under which the bone machine will change its actions to a different pattern; each set of conditions after the default condition requires an additional Arcana success.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, the bone animate as a number of skeletons (depending on the number of creatures used as sources) and attack the caster.
Material component: The bones to be animated, one of which must be a skull, and a schematic drawing of the machine done in the fresh blood of the caster.
Backlash: 1d8 hp in damage to the caster
Extra casters: no

Pendulum Dowsing
Effective Level: 4
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 25, 4 successes
Failure: false response
Components: V, S, M, F
Casting Time: 40 minutes
Range: unlimited; see text
Target or targets: one object or creature sought
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 14 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

This art is a primitive precursor to many of the lower-level divination spells. It makes no distinction as to creatures or objects: all the diviner needs is a sample, either of the type of object or creature to be found if only a type is sought, or of the particular object or creature (such as a flake of paint from an object or a drop of blood from a creature) if a specific target is to be located. The sample is placed in a specially-made glass pendulum and the pendulum is gently swung over a map in which the object is to be sought.

If the target is within the area depicted by the map, the pendulum will be slightly attracted to the correct patch about two inches across. If not, or if the target saves, no information is returned. If the skill checks are failed, the diviner is confident that they have located an incorrect portion of the map.

The map to be used cannot be bigger than the arm's reach of the caster, and the object or creature is located to within a circle of about two inches diameter on the map.

If the target is a creature that does not want to be found, it can resist with a Will roll, and spell resistance applies. Objects and classes of objects do not get a resistance roll unless attended, in which case they get the owner's resistances.

Failure: If two consecutive rolls are failed, the diviner is confident of an incorrect location on the map, or possibly is not confident of any location when the correct position is on the map.
Material component: A piece of the object or type of object to be found, or a piece of hair, flesh, blood, etc. from the person sought, a map upon which to dowse, and a specially-made pendulum with a glass sample container on the end, costing about 50gp. The map is marked heavily with symbolic inscriptions in preparation for the rite.
Backlash: no
Extra casters: none

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Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Effective Level: 3
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 19, 3 successes
Failure: negative level
Components: V, S, M, F
Casting Time: 30 minutes
Range: one plane
Target or targets: one doll
Duration: permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: no

You create a little doll which may draw magical tracking attempts. When any magical or supernatural ability attempts to identify you as the caster of a spell or incantation, there is a 50% chance that the investigator identifes the doll as the caster. The doll is always identified as the caster of itself, though analyze dweomer or similar abilities can learn that this is part of the item's function. Mundane means may still deduce its ownership, though, and you can still be physically observed casting a spell.

You may have only one scapedoll at a time. If you ever leave the plane of existence on which the scapedoll was made, the connection to the doll is broken.

Failure: If two consecutive rolls are failed, the doll appears to function, but the first time you attempt to cast a spell or incantation, the dweomer fails and you gain a negative level, which can only be retrieved by destroying the doll.
Material component: A few of your hairs, made part of a rag doll with the vaguest resemblance to you.
Backlash: none
Extra casters:

Sacrifice to the Six Kings of Magic
Effective Level: 6
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 20, 6 successes
Failure: insanity
Components: V, S, XP
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: personal
Target or targets: you
Duration: one spell
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: no

In desperation, you offer part of your very life to ancient powers whose names are now remembered only in this dangerous, little-known formula -- and yet, they do not seem to be gods of the usual sort, for though no known peoples worship them, the incantation still responds, empowering your magic beyond sane limits.

The checks on this incantation take only a second each; 1 round is the casting time if all six checks pass. Any failures extend the casting time into a second round.

In casting this incantation, you can sacrifice any amount of XP up to the amount that would put you at the midpoint of the level below your current level. For every 250 XP thus sacrificed, the next spell you cast with a level-dependent maximum has that maximum increased by 1: for example, a spell which does 1d6 damage/level, with a maximum of 10d6, could do 12d6 if you sacrificed 500 XP, and a dispel check could add +12 to the roll, if you were of sufficient level.

The GM is the final arbiter of whether a particular quality of a spell is subject to this incantation. A spellcaster will know beforehand whether a given use is possible.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, the caster is immediately struck with an insanity effect, as per the spell, with no save.
Material component: none
Backlash: XP loss
Extra casters: no

Sturdy Spell
Transmutation [Lawful]
Effective Level: 6
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 20, 3 successes, Spellcraft DC 20, 3 successes
Failure: no effect
Components: as base spell, plus F, SC
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: as base spell
Target or targets: one spell with a casting time of no more than 1 round
Duration: as base spell
Saving Throw: as base spell
Spell Resistance: as base spell

The opposite approach to the "Six Kings of Magic," this is a procedure for casting a spell with exacting care. It only works on spells normally meant to be cast hurriedly, under pressure, so that the listed casting time is no longer than 1 round. Spells with longer casting times already involve this level of care. Spells with a metamagic feat you have are possible, if the casting time is no longer than one round.

The primary caster chooses an arcane spell that she can cast, and makes all possible casting choices. Carefully working the spell into the structure of an intricate collection of lenses and magical conductors, she ensures skillful, perfect casting. If the incantation is successful, then at the end of the hour the spell is cast as if by a caster 5 levels higher than she, including any save DC and all numerical effects.

Failure: If the second failed roll is an Arcana roll, there is no effect. If the second failed roll is a Spellcraft roll, the spell being cast is triggered immediately in the vicinity, with random choices at GM's discretion in any targeting variables required.
Material component: as base spell, plus 1000gp of mithril and crystal equipment weighing about 20 pounds, which must be kept carefully aligned during the casting.
Backlash: The caster is fatigued.
Extra casters: Two assistants work minor ceremonial roles during the incantation, and can the Spellcraft rolls if desired.

Swirl the Sands of Life
Effective Level: 4
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 17, 4 successes
Failure: damage
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 40 minutes
Range: touch or personal
Target or targets: one living creature
Duration: 1 hour
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) (DC 14 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

For the duration of this incantation, the recipient can decide each round if they wish to be subject to a haste effect. If they do, they immediately take 2 lethal and 2 nonlethal damage. The nonlethal damage cannot be cured while this incantation is in effect, and at the end of the incantation, the subject is fatigued.

Failure: If two consecutive rolls are failed, the subject and caster both take 1d6 lethal and nonlethal damage; if the subject is the caster, they take 2d6 of each.
Material component: licorice, and a tiny hourglass, which the subject breaks.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

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Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Lure Under Hill
Effective Level: 7
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 27, 2 successes, Perform DC 27, 5 successes
Failure: primary caster is struck by effect
Components: V, S, M, SC, B
Casting Time: 1 night
Range: Long (400 ft)
Target or targets: one humanoid
Duration: 7 years
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 17 + primary caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

This complex enchantment requires a great deal of setup: a nighttime, outdoor party must be underway, complete with visible lights and music audible to passersby from some distance. The incantation can continue until some passing humanoid fails the Will save and spell resistance check. This unlucky soul is drawn to the party's location, where the casters and performers ply him with food and merriment all night long.

During this time the victim is quite unsuspecting of any danger, and he may be luckiest if he wakes up in the morning stripped of any valuables. If he is not so lucky, then as dawn breaks the casters may ask him to join them for more merriment elsewhere. The victim gets a second Will save at this point, at a -4 penalty if they have accepted any drink or food; failing this roll, their acquiescence puts them under a strong charm effect toward all the casters for the next 7 years. When this time is up, his memory of the period of his enchantment will be erased. Usually the victim is left on a hillside somewhere on the seventh anniversary of their enslavement.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, the caster who failed the check is swept up in a sudden appearance of many Fair Folk, who take the caster away. The Fair Folk do not always return their captives alive.
Material component: A prepared feast, several musical instruments, and culturally-appropriate impedimenta of gaiety.
Backlash: When the casting ends, every caster is immediately exhausted from the efforts, and has missed a night's sleep.
Extra casters: at least half a dozen additional partiers, some of whom may make the Perform checks.

Possession Barrier
Effective Level: 1
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 10, 1 success, Knowledge (religion) DC 15, 1 success
Failure: no effect
Components: S
Casting Time: 20 minutes
Range: personal
Target or targets: you
Duration: 5 minutes
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: no

Those who know enough about religion, spirits, and magic sometimes know about this meditative practice, which grants the ward against possession and mental control granted by the protection from evil spells. This part of that spell and its kin is wholly free of alignment, a root magic of the modern spell. It is, however, rather difficult to pull off without some fairly significant educational training, and the short duration of the effect severely limits its utility.

Failure: no effect
Material component: none
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

Detect Material
Effective Level: 0
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 12, 1 success
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: within a 5 ft circle
Target or targets:
Duration: 10 minutes
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

Used to analyze objects physically, the pair of magic circles for this incantation might be seen in the workshop of an investigative wizard. The object to be analyzed is placed in the larger circle, and the smaller circle is given a tiny bit of material, such as a specific poison or a flake of gold. Simple yes/no runes glow to indicate the presence or absence of the substance sought.

This incantation is unable to detect the presence of nonphysical objects like magic or positive energy. It is also likely to fail (increase the DC by 10) for structurally complex substances such as blood.

Failure: If two consecutive rolls are failed, the divination yields the incorrect answer.
Material component: a bit of chalk and a sample of the material sought
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

Summon Witch's Familiar
Conjuration (Calling)
Effective Level: 0
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 10, 1 success
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 24 hours
Range: a 24-hour journey for a familiar of the desired sort
Target or targets: one desired type of familiar animal
Duration: instantaneous or permanent (see text)
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

Knowing and successfully casting this incantation is the process by which a witch obtains her familiar as per the class feature. Because there is no serious consequence for failure and the incantation cannot be cast under pressure (it takes 24 hours), anyone can take 10, and so it almost never fails barring unusual penalties, such as the lack of an appropriate animal within calling distance.

Someone without witch class levels and no other familiar can bind a "0-level" familiar with this incantation. The familiar gains the mental features of a 1st-level wizard's familiar: Int 6, alertness, share spells, empathic link, master's Will save if better, better of skill ranks, and ability to be resurrected without level loss. The master gains the appropriate bonus for the familiar's type and can treat the familiar as a 1st-level familiar for the purposes of spells that require a familiar as a subject. The familiar never advances unless the caster takes witch levels.

GMs may choose to stipulate that the familiar class feature of wizards and sorcerers is an ancient and primitive magic that has survived to the present day, and is a slightly different incantation for those trained in wizardry or attuned to sorcery.

Failure: no effect except that materials are expended
Material component: Magical materials that cost 100gp.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

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Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Absolute Zero
Evocation [Cold]
Effective Level: 9
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 30, 9 successes
Failure: death of the failing caster
Components: V, S, M, SC
Casting Time: 90 minutes
Range: Close (25 ft)
Target or targets: one 5' square, with radiant effects
Duration: permanent
Saving Throw: Fortitude (DC 19 + Cha mod) negates or half; see text
Spell Resistance: yes

If any powers still know this ancient incantation of ultimate cold, they do not teach it lightly, for to use it is to declare war on other forms of matter. It summons a cold beyond the depths of void, so empty of energy that physical things lose their very identity.

Around a sphere about the size of one five foot square, all that can be seen is a silvery reflective fog. Anything within it has been destroyed. Even the border Ethereal is inaccessible within the sphere; magic cannot penetrate it. Hence, it cannot be dispelled, even by will of the caster; it takes an effect as powerful as a wish or miracle to undo a zone of absolute zero.

In the surrounding ring of squares, everything is frozen, including air; a steady 45 points of cold damage per round (Fort half) is done to any object moving within, assuming it has some means of moving through solid objects. The frozen casing occasionally cracks and shifts toward the sphere as its inner surface is absorbed.

In the next ring out, the damage is 25 points per round (Fort half). Liquids freeze. Any creature touching the boundary of the frozen ring with skin or equipment must make a Ref save to avoid the touching part being frozen to the ring; if it is, a Strength roll of 19 or better is required to break free.

In the next ring out, damage is 10 points per round (Fort half), and in the next ring out only creatures with a vulnerability to cold are damaged in hitpoints(the base value is 5 damage per round, Fort half), though humans are vulnerable to environmental cold effects.

If a creature is within the anchoring square (probably bound and helpless), it gets a Fortitude save and any spell resistance when the incantation is completed. If either is successful, the incantation fails entirely.

Failure: If two consecutive rolls are failed, the caster who failed the second check is struck by an abortive version of the effect himself; he dies, his flesh congealing into a glassy chaos. The body is considered destroyed.
Material component: 2000gp in diamonds mark various mystically important poles around the zero point.
Backlash: This incantation angers elementals. After the third success and each success thereafter up to and including the ninth, roll d%; on 1-25, the caster is attacked by an elemental of random type as wound be summoned by summon monster of a level equal to the number of successes.
Extra casters: Three additional casters help surround and define the area to which the cold is anchored.

Effective Level: 9
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 35, 9 successes
Failure: multiple effects
Components: V, S, M, F, B, XP, SC
Casting Time: 90 minutes
Range: Close (75 ft)
Target or targets: one illusion
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: no

The power wielded by this incantation is so great that its discovery is typically attended by alerts to a variety of champions from gods with an interest in affairs wherein the incantation is likely to be used. Put simply, it makes an illusion real.

The focus of the incantation is some illusion, which all casters must be able to perceive, and which has been believed by at least one person present who involuntarily failed a disbelief check. It must have been present at the beginning of casting, and continued in existence until the end. If the incantation is successful, the illusion becomes a real object or creature. It is no longer a spell and is not under control of any caster. If a creature, it acts according to the natural instincts of such a creature. If an intelligent creature, it shares the knowledge base of the caster of the spell, not the incantation. An illusion which had decision-making capabilities, such as a simulacrum, possesses a personality generally fitting with that script and finds any goals or orders it had to be morally acceptable, at least at first.

An illusion intended to duplicate a specific person now believes itself to be that person, though its memories are spotty (depending on the quality of the spell used to duplicate the person; higher level spells with decision-making abilities provide more of an echo of an original's memories and personality). With varying degrees of difficulty depending on the situation, it may be convincible otherwise.

A creature's hit dice, class levels, and abilities are generally in line with its scripted qualities, though they cannot exceed the general power level of a creature or creatures that could be summoned by a greater planar ally spell. Supernatural qualities of an object or effects that would require magic to sustain can generally duplicate crafting or permanency related to a few spells of 7th level or lower. Reifying a creature or object with an alignment or elemental trait gives this spell those traits.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, then in addition to failure of the desired effect, all casters automatically become subject to a permanent phantasm of the same effect, without save, while the original spell suffers an attack of greater dispel magic as if cast by a 20th-level caster. If the caster attempts to reify too great an effect, a deific entity with a related portfolio becomes aware of the attempt and may take whatever action suits it.
Material component: the illusion to be reified, 5000 XP (which can be spread among the casters and believer), and source of positive energy, such as a cooperative ravid or xag-ya, or about 4000gp in magic items such as cure wands, which will be drained in the casting.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: At least one believer, and four assistant casters in addition to the believer and the primary caster.

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Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Effective Level: 3
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 15, 1 success, Knowledge (nature) DC 15, 2 successes
Failure: reverse effect
Components: V, S, M, B, SC
Casting Time: 30 minutes
Range: 2-mile radius circle
Duration: 4d12 hours
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

This is actually two separate incantations, essentially the most basic forms of the spell control weather. Each has only one possible, low-power effect: one calls a gentle rain and the other prevents precipitation. The weather in the region during the casting must be calm, dry, and above freezing for calling rain. Any weather except hurricane, blizzard, thunderstorm, snowstorm, or heavy snow is acceptable to demand drought.

Any true weather spell ignores this primitive incantation when it is cast, except to account for current weather conditions. The incantation fails if a spell is currently in effect regarding the local weather; with a Knowledge (Arcana) check against DC 15, a caster can tell why this occurred. If one of the two incantations (or a failed version of the desired incantation) is already in effect, the check DCs are at +5 for the other.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, the opposite of the desired effect occurs.
Material component: Sacrifice of 3 HD of animals is part of the ceremony. The animals sacrificed to call rain must not be birds or fish (or anything with a flight speed or swim speed statistic), which will anger the unknown spirits or powers being supplicated; exactly these creatures must be sacrificed to curse with drought.
Backlash: A distant area suffers the opposite effect. The area effected is always the same, and can be determined with a DC 20 Knowledge (Nature) check. Locals who notice the effect can trace it to the casters with the appropriate magics.
Extra casters: In addition to the ceremony leader, a round dozen of participants must assist, usually through coordinated song and dance, in calling rain. A mere three total casters suffice to impose a curse of drought.

Return to Life [Good or Evil]
Effective Level: 7
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 27, 2 successes, Knowledge (Religion) DC 27, 3 successes, Knowledge (the Planes) DC 27, 2 successes
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M, B, SC
Casting Time: 70 minutes
Range: Close (25 feet)
Target or targets: one helpless undead
Duration: instantaneous or permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 17 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: yes

This incantation is sought avidly by some who wish to undo the curse of undeath that has seized a loved one or friend, for it can return an undead creature to the living being it once was, less only a single level in the process, as long as it did not die of old age (in which case the incantation simply destroys the undead). The undead must be kept helpless within a magic circle, surrounded by verdant living things, which yield up their life to restore the life of the target.

The powers of death and undeath are greedy, though, and their contract is grim. One version of this incantation has the [Good] tag. Using it requires that the casters subject themselves to energy drains of levels totaling the number of HD of the undead creature, plus the number of HD that will be restored (which can be a minimum of 2; the creature will have one less level than the number given, up to one less than the value they had when becoming undead). After 24 hours, the casters may save to see if this level loss is permanent. This version is instantaneous.

The [Evil] version of this incantation is permanent, and can be dispelled. It requires no energy drain, and the target is automatically restored to one level less than their previous form. Each month, the returned mortal must ritually slay (targets must be helpless, and the instinctive rite takes one minute of concentration) intelligent living creatures of total HD equal to its current HD, or the incantation's effect ends and the creature becomes the undead it was. Good creatures subject to this fate sometimes simply let it lapse under conditions where they can promptly be killed and resurrected normally.

It is said that there is one more version, an incantation walking the knife edge between good and evil, which requires its subject to regularly slay undead of the type it once was. If there are any such desperate hunters stalking the planes, they keep their heads low.

Failure: no effect
Material component: A 10' diameter magic circle drawn in blood and 1000gp of either diamond dust (for the good version) or onyx dust (for the evil version), containing the undead to be returned to life, which must be restrained.
Backlash: The newly living mortal loses at least a level in the process. The casters may also lose levels.
Extra casters: Four additional casters, which may also share in the level drain.

Energy Current
Effective Level: 8
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 29, 8 successes
Failure: 8d10 damage, possible plane shift
Components: V, S, M, B, SC
Casting Time: 80 minutes
Range: 80 feet
Target or targets: line of squares between two points
Duration: 13 minutes
Saving Throw: varies, DC 18 + caster's Cha mod
Spell Resistance: no

You open a pair of pinhole vortices to the Positive and Negative Energy Planes at fixed points exactly 80 feet apart, causing an enormous current of primal energy across the space between. There is a deep thrumming and random flickers of rushing light along twisting field lines between the two poles. Every round an object or creature is within the line between the two vortices, a random effect occurs. Roll 1d10:

0: A wave of negative energy subjects all in line to enervation.
1: A wave of positive energy gives the same effect in reverse.
2: 4d8 points force damage to all objects/creatures in line; Ref save half.
3: All in line are blinded, or dazzled on a Fortitude save.
4: 1d10 pounds of a common material appear in chunks, possibly worked.
5: A random corpse in the line of effect is resurrected, if possible.
6: Same, but the corpse is animated as undead of similar HD, if possible.
7: Make opposed Str check versus Str 25 or pushed 15 ft toward Negative.
8: Metal magnetized (once); armor -1 AC, shields +1, other effects by DM.
9: Xag-ya (1-50) or xeg-yi (51-00) appears and attempts to stop the effect.

In the square where the Positive pinhole appears, living creatures gain fast healing 5 and undead suffer 4 constant negative levels, but a check against Str 25 is required to remain in the square each round. The Negative pinhole attracts, gives 4 negative levels to the living, and gives undead fast healing 5.

This is the standard description of this incantation in tomes where it is known. Fewer realize its deeper purpose. The nature of the journey of energy from the universal source to the final end is the journey of existence itself. Every round that a living creature (only) remains within this current and subject to its effect, it can attempt to flow with the energy. This requires a Concentration check against DC 15. If successful, the creature ages one month and gains a temporary 100 XP which can be used in spells, sacrifices, or for other purposes. This XP fades in one month if not used, and never increases the creature's levels or Hit Dice.

Failure: If two consecutive rolls are failed, a massive short of the universal energies causes 8d10 damage to the caster at the Positive pole, and the other must make a Will save or be cast into the Negative Energy Plane.
Material component: A clear diamond and a black diamond, of 1000gp each.
Backlash: When the incantation takes effect, both casters are subject to one of the random effects without save.
Extra casters: One additional caster, who must work at the opposite pole from the primary caster

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Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Heart's Touch
Effective Level: 4
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 18, 2 successes, Knowledge (the Planes) DC 18, 2 successes
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, B
Casting Time: 40 minutes
Range: personal and touch
Target or targets: you, and one beloved
Duration: 1 day
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

This incantation functions for you and one other person, who counts as the secondary caster. You are aware of all the information a status spell gives for that person, with the addition of the effect being interplanar, although once you are separated by plane, you only know their position to the precision of a planar layer or divine domain.

Either partner can terminate the effect with a short ritual of 10 minutes and a DC 10 Knowledge (Arcana) roll. This is sometimes desirable, since the continuation of the effect is potentially distracting, requiring that someone underneath it make Concentration checks whenever this might be a factor

Used in ancient days by those who had to be separated on dangerous tasks. Often both parties were involved in such affairs -- what today are called adventurers. Due to its short duration, this incantation was sometimes enchanted permanently into pairs of rings or pendants which can still be found today and attuned to new wearers simply by wearing them for a week or more. It is not widely known or used today, after too many tragedies when a lover felt their beloved's death and had no way to do anything about it.

Failure: no effect
Material component: none
Backlash: Concentration checks whenever you are required to avoid distraction
Extra casters: one, the other

Expensive Luck
Abjuration [chaotic]
Effective Level: 0
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 10, 1 success
Failure: -2 on your next roll
Components: V, S, B
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: personal
Duration: indefinite
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

Children on the streets of Sigil can sometimes be seen doing this chant and dance for luck, sometimes managing to finish it before their mothers slap them. It's supposed to be a silly superstition, and most versions are, but a careful student of arcana who observes several cultural versions can manage to reconstruct the proper verbal and somatic components.

Properly doing the little jig draws the attention of some peculiar force which trades in luck. With an immediate action (a short word) you can get a +1 unnamed bonus on any one roll you care to spend the luck on. Sometime later, the force you bargained with takes his investment back with profit, giving you -2 on some other roll. Both bonus and penalty are imposed before you know the outcome of the roll, and naturally no more than one such bargain can be active at a time (attempts to curry a second automatically reap the consequence of failure, though they do not disturb the first bargain).

As for what the penalty is likely to be on: nobody knows who or what the force you bargain with is, but it's generally agreed that he's a jerk.

Failure: Doing it wrong enough to count as two attempts at the incantation just gets it mad, and you suffer a -2 penalty on whatever your next roll is.
Material component: none
Backlash: -2 on some later roll
Extra casters: none. Indeed, serious casters often prefer to dance in private.

Vitalize Air
Effective Level: 1
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 13, 1 success
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: touch
Target or targets: one 10 foot cube or less, of air
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

This spell resets the slow suffocation clock on a 10 foot cube of air for a Medium character, allowing 6 more hours of healthy breathing. The necessary material components and the arcana knowledge needed keep this incantation from being more widely known among cavers.

Failure: no effect, although the material components are wasted
Material component: Three ounces each of quicklime and water, which are rendered useless for further castings.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

Consulting the I Ching
Effective Level: 2
Skill Check: Knowledge (religion) DC 15, 2 successes
Failure: false result
Components: V, S, M, F
Casting Time: 20 minutes
Range: personal
Target or targets: you
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

Followed in Asiatic lands, this divinatory practice tells a querent about his current state, including factors he might not have been aware of, by describing his circumstances as one of the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, the Book of Changes. It gives a suggestion about where these factors may lead (it gives a second hexagram related to the first), but nothing so crude as a guarantee of weal or woe.

Despite the good money raked in by street fortunetellers, the quick version of this ritual (involving coin-casting) does not work: neither does the ritual work for someone else. The proper ritual requires incense, 40 yarrow stalks, quiet space to work, and a properly stored I Ching, wrapped in silk and stored above head height when not in use. If you wish to consult the Book of Changes, do it yourself, respectfully.

GMs may enjoy allowing this incantation for Asiatic characters who are pious, traditional and perhaps a little superstitious. It may require a few minutes of hunting to find an appropriate hexagram, but the result should be useful and colorful.

Failure: A false result, chosen randomly.
Material component: 25 gp of incense, 40 relatively undamaged yarrow stalks, and a properly stored I Ching (wrapped in silk and stored above head height when not in use), costing about 100gp.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

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Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Devil Sphere
Abjuration [Good]
Effective Level: 8
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 27, 4 successes, Knowledge (Religion) DC 27, 4 successes
Failure: you are banished to Khin-Oin
Components: V, S, M, DF, SC, B
Casting Time: 80 minutes
Range: one 20' radius sphere
Target or targets: devils
Duration: 1 week
Saving Throw: Will negates (special DC; see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes

In Prime worlds darkened by diabolic threats, this incantation can be found in the sanctums of the bastions of holy resistance. With the blood and skill of dedicated clergy, a divine barrier is raised over a site that the forces of good are prepared to defend with their lives.

A devil that enters this 20' radius sphere must make a Will save as against a dismissal spell: the save DC is 33 + the caster's Cha modifier - the devil's HD. Failure means it is banished to Baator, with a 20% chance of appearing on another plane. The sphere lasts for one week from the time of its casting.

Unusually, the dismissal effect's alternate plane is not random; on Prime worlds where this incantation is known to have appeared so far, 20% of banished devils are sent to the Gray Waste, indeed to a particular chamber in Khin-Oin. The same effect is suffered by a caster who badly fails to play his part. Very few have survived the consequences of this error. Why this is the case, no one is sure. That yugoloths would plant such an incantation would be inconceivable, except that much is conceivable for yugoloths.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, the incantation fails and the caster that failed the second check is banished to Khin-Oin.
Material component: 500gp of incense burned during the casting, and 500gp in specially-illuminated holy manuscripts arranged around the protected site. The manuscripts can be reused.
Backlash: Each caster must spill 2d4hp of blood in tracing out the casting. Fortunately, they can receive healing in the process of doing so.
Extra casters: Seven assistants, usually studious young priests.

Evocation [fire]
Effective Level: 1
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 10, 1 success
Failure: 1d6 points fire damage
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: personal
Duration: 1 minute
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

A simple and useful incantation, this is still known in surprising backwoods areas, although the usefulness of flint and steel has generally outplaced it since a caster had best be wise in this and that lore before using it. You cause a small flame, the size of a large candle, about an inch from the end of your fingertip, suitable for lighting tinder or possibly kindling. It adds 1 point of fire damage to a touch attack if used as a weapon.

Failure: a bang, and 1d6 points of fire damage to all within 5 feet including the caster, Ref half
Material component: none
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

Oath of the Mithril Fang
Enchantment (compulsion) [language-dependent, mind-affecting]
Effective Level: 6
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 22, 3 successes, Control Shape DC 25, 3 successes
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M, SC, B
Casting Time: 3 nights
Range: Touch
Target or targets: one willing subject
Duration: permanent
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

For each of the three nights of the full moon, a candidate for the Order of the Mithril Fang presents himself before the elders of the Order, and demonstrates that he has sufficient willpower to resist the call of the moon. If he is then willing, and if he has fulfullied the Order's other requirements, he takes the oath that binds him to the Order for his quester's career. He goes out into the world into places where his kind is less known and more feared, and he hunts those who have in haste or bigotry killed innocents afraid and confused by a power they do not understand. Whom he hunts, he does not gift: he hunts to kill.

The Oath acts as a geas to the mission of the Order upon its recipient; the two conditions are that he must not gift any foreigner with lycanthropy, and each day real effort must be spent striving toward its goals. Breaking either of these on a day causes him to suffer 3d6 damage, but instead of becoming sickened, he loses his damage reduction. However, while the geas is in good standing, he gains +1 to his Control Shape rolls per class level (maximum +5) and a +2 magical bonus to Str, Con, and Dex.

In addition to the effects upon the recipient, the caster takes on responsibility for adding the new member to the rolls. Should the Oath ever be dispelled, the caster gains a negative level which lasts long enough to force a check at 24 hours.

Other organizations could have similar versions of the same incantation. For example, a secretive group seeking the resting place of Miska the Wolf-Spider might find that its ultra-chaotic members needed, shall we say, encouragement to stay focused. However, it works best as a lawful organization's display of commitment.

Failure: Improperly performing this rite causes the geas to be automaticalyl and constantly activating upon the subject, causing the ability score loss until dispelled. This is especially triggered by taking the oath under any sort of false pretenses such as require a Bluff, Disguise or Forgery check by the subject during the ritual.
Material component: The impedimenta of the Sociey's private rituals
Backlash: potential negative level
Extra casters: The subject is considered a secondary caster, and so must be completely willing.

Disanchor Illusion
Effective Level: 5
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 25, 3 successes, Spellcraft DC 25, 2 successes
Failure: you suffer illusion as far as possible
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 50 minutes
Range: touch
Target or targets: one illusion with a defined area of effect
Duration: permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 15 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: no

You release an area-effect illusion from its bounds. An illusion such as a fire or a pile of gold will simply sit there, and an illusion with a fixed script is unchanged, but an illusion of an animal or a person with a general set of instructions to follow (at least persistent image or more complex) will do so to the best of their programming's dictates. A hound set to "guard this area" may chase intruders for some distance before returning, for example. The incantation does not change the duration of the illusion.

The freed illusion is still a spell effect and can be dispelled, disbelieved, or warded away. However, it cannot be injured

This incantation is no longer known to most illusionists, who would be extremely interested in finding it. Legend has it that the society that originated the incantation was brought down by a cabal of permanent illusions that had been freed, and somehow interpreted their orders to the woe of their creators. The tale claims that on a Prime somewhere, there is still a city, now ruined, but full of phantasms that are as protective or as mercantile as they were the day they were created. It is even said that some of them followed their commands out into the wider world.

Failure: Failing on a Spellcraft roll means you misidentified the mystical anchor points of the illusion and nothing happens. Failure of the Knowledge roll means you become subject to any effects of the illusion without saving throw, insofar as possible (it may not target you).
Material component: A focus used in the rite consists of a sharp knife of glass with a silvered side, thus being a shard of mirror, costing 100 gp.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

Zombie Trap
Effective Level: 0
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 15, 1 success
Failure: caster subject to touch of fatigue spell
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: one 10' line or less.
Target or targets:
Duration: 8 hours or until triggered
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: yes

A little difficult for ordinary folk but accessible to a bright student with magical potential, this incantation produces a trap for undead. Despite the name, it works on any undead that crosses the line to about 10 feet high, even incorporeal ones; the line briefly flares white with a hiss, and the undead is fatigued as if by the touch of fatigue spell.

The trap can be detected and disarmed with DC 15 Search and Disable Device checks by an intelligent being, including intelligent undead, or dispelled as a level 0 spell by any spellcaster.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, the spell discharges in a burst of negative energy and the caster is fatigued instead.
Material component: The trap line is marked with holy water. A 25gp bottle contains enough for 10 feet; a doorway or window can take less.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

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Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Effective Level: 2
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 16, 2 successes
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M, B
Casting Time: 20 minutes
Range: Close (25 feet)
Duration: permanent
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

You conjure a twinklestar, a floating magical light that acts as a companion and servant, although its capabilities are extremely limited. The twinklestar is a point of glowing light that moves with a fly speed of 40 feet (perfect). It is a Fine construct with 4 hp and is treated as having your ability scores, although it is only semi-intelligent. It cannot speak, but it can understand simple commands and questions in one language you know that you choose when creating it (usually your native tongue). You instruct it verbally. It has sufficient memory that telepathic abilities will work on it, and for this purpose it can make a useful spy or witness.

The twinklestar cannot manipulate objects, but it can see and hear as well as you can. It sheds light in a 20 foot radius, though it can dim this to as little as a candle flame. It can also change colors, its usual method of responding to caster questions other than motioning. It cannot shut itself completely off, and twinklestars generally do not like being confined or covered up. (If invisible, it sheds illumination of invisible source.) It cannot go farther than 400 feet from its creator. It cannot carry any goods or cast any spells. It can attempt to dazzle a sighted foe or distract one concentrating, if it can get close; either is treated as a melee touch attack against the foe's eyes, using your BAB.

The twinklestar is formed from a part of your life force: 1 point taken from any attribute you choose. It can be dispelled by effects that act on conjurations. If it is destroyed, you take the point as ability damage, and regain it naturally within a day. If you die, the twinklestar is destroyed.

Failure: no effect
Material component: A clear crystal worth at least 20gp.
Backlash: 1 point from any ability score
Extra casters: no

Effective Level: 3
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 15, 3 successes
Failure: blindness
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 30 minutes
Range: one living creature
Duration: 5 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) (DC 13 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: no

The recipient of this ability can see through smoke, fog, mist, steam, cloud, miasmas, and other vapors. It can automatically see through the mundane variety, and ignores concealment or cover granted by spells or incantations with those words in the title which it casts itself. Against spells cast by others which do not normally allow a saving throw to avoid a concealment effect, it gains a saving throw to do so.

Failure: Failing two consecutive checks strikes the caster blind for 5 hours.
Material component: A piece of green glass.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

Limbo Bubble
Evocation [Chaotic]
Effective Level: 7
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 26, 4 successes, Knowledge (the Planes) DC 26, 3 successes
Failure: caster is transported to Limbo, if possible.
Components: V, S, M, SC
Casting Time: 70 minutes
Range: Close (70 feet)
Target or targets: 10-foot radius sphere
Duration: depends on plane; see text
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

This incantation is a strange inversion of the planar bubble spell; it calls into existence a pocket of space 10 feet across that acts just like Limbo's raw soup. An anarch can employ his skills upon the space as long as it lasts, but the pocket itself cannot move. On some planes, though, it does tend to drift. When it disappears, the local environment reasserts itself, sometimes altered unexpectedly.

On a strongly chaos-aligned plane, the Limbo bubble lasts a week, without eroding, before vanishing without notice. On a mildly chaotic plane, it reduces in radius at 3 feet per day. On a neutral plane, it shrinks at 1 foot per 2 hours. On a mildly lawful plane, it shrinks at 1 foot per 10 minutes after the incantation is completed. On a strongly lawfully-aligned plane, it shrinks at 1 foot per minute, and evoking this bubble is likely to draw attention.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, the caster failing the second consecutive check is planeshifted to Limbo. Checks cannot be voluntarily failed for this purpose.
Material component: 500 gp of anything, which is consumed in a flash of entropy.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: Two additional casters.

Effective Level: 8
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 29 4 successes, Spellcraft DC 29, 4 successes,
Failure: caster suffers effect
Casting Time: 80 minutes
Range: Touch
Target or targets: one 20 foot cube and all its contents
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 18 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

You cause a 20 foot cube and all its contents, including any living beings (which must be restrained within, at least briefly) that fail their Will save, to become a permanent phantasm. The objects can be disbelieved, cannot cause real damage, can be dispelled as an 8th level illusion spell, cannot leave the area of effect unless disanchored, and so forth. However, they are equally immune to standard physical damage and cannot be forcibly taken from the area of effect. The GM may need to make some judgment calls on how objects are handled, but it is possible for illusionary beings to consume illusionary items; however, illusionary beings only imagine any sensations of hunger, fatigue, etc., and when the incantation's effect ends, any subject is in the state they were when it was cast.

Note that dispelling any given phantasm is not the same as dispelling the imagify effect. Any object someone seeks to dispel is treated as a persistent image, cast by you, that happens to have a long duration.

Failure: Failing two consecutive skill checks causes the caster that failed the second check to suffer the imagification himself.
Material component: 1000gp of fine mirrors and theatrical white smoke must be deployed around the area to be affected.
Backlash: This incantation strains a sane caster's mind, and the primary caster must save against insanity at the incantation's save DC or be subject to that spell with no saving throw.
Extra casters: Three assistants must help in setting up the materials.

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Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Call Up Dead Spirit
Effective Level: 4
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 17, 2 successes, Knowledge (the Planes) DC 16, 1 success, Knowledge (Religion) DC 16, 1 success
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M, B
Casting Time: 40 minutes
Range: Close (25 feet)
Duration: 4 minutes
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 14 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: no

You call forth the spirit of a dead person you can identify precisely. Having a piece of their body nearby increases the save DC by 4. As long as the person currently exists as a petitioner or other form of spirit and is not personally imprisoned by a greater power on its home plane (imprisoned more specifically than being a Lower Planar petitioner, for instance), it must make a Will save or answer your call. It may voluntarily fail the Will save, but few spirits will. The incantation gives them access once more to the memories of their lives, a burden few of them really want. Most believe that it will hamper their spiritual progress in their current existences. To call up a spirit now residing on an Upper or Lower plane is an evil act.

The area around your fire takes on the planar qualities of the spirit's current home plane, although nothing overtly damaging. The spirit may seem to emerge from the earth like one climbing stairs, or it may step out from a caster's shadow, or rise up from the flames. The spirit cannot leave the radius of effect, and for the purposes of violence, being destroyed here is the same as if it were killed on its home plane. However, not all spirits remain petitioners, and a spirit which is now an archon or demon retains access to all the abilities of its current form.

The spirit remains for 4 minutes, during which time you may ask it questions; for each question, it can make another save, and if it fails, it is compelled to answer as truthfully as it can. It has access to all the memories of its life and its afterlife, but not necessarily any information beyond that. It need not perform any other service. If it saves, it need not answer, or may choose to lie with any Bluff skill. It is prevented by the magic from attacking any caster, though if it lies it may attempt to lead you into harm. After the duration is up, it vanishes the same way it came and the planar traits disperse. The spirit is now considered to know the primary caster well for the purposes of scrying.

Failure: no effect
Material component: A fire and a flat piece of land big enough to serve as the summoned creature's grave.
Backlash: The spirit summoned is usually angry, and knows who called them and for what purpose.
Extra casters: Up to three others may assist.

Repel Specific Vermin
Effective Level: 4
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 15, 2 succeses, Knowledge (nature) DC 15, 2 successes
Failure: you are attractive to the vermin targeted
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 30 minutes
Range: 5 foot radius from subject
Target or targets: one species of vermin
Duration: 3 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) (DC 14 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: no

In one interpretation of incantations, incantations such as this one exist for many spells, in this case the well-known repel vermin. They may form the primitive rituals that were unified under the spell, or they may be careful instructions written by academics adapting their spells for the use of non-mages. This rote dweomer allows a user to repel a specific species of vermin they expect to encounter. It is specific by species and any subspecies, such as dire versions.

Other spells that may have such specific versions are neutralize poison (with failure subjecting the caster to the poison), remove disease (with the backlash that the caster must save or contract the disease), and remove curse. Having a variety of such incantations makes a way for a society, or the denizens of a plane, to have a locally-useful body of lore not much known elsewhere.

Failure: Failing two consecutive checks makes the subject attractive to such vermin, which will preferentially attack him given the opportunity.
Material component: A little juice made from local flora or fauna, differing by the vermin repelled.
Backlash: For the duration, the subject smells slightly bad to members of its own species; -1 penalty to Cha-based skills.
Extra casters: no

Create Heartstone
Transmutation [Evil]
Effective Level: 9
Skill Check: Spellcraft DC 16, 4 successes, Concentration DC 20, 5 successes
Failure: no effect; materials wasted
Components: V, S, M, DF, B
Casting Time: 1 month
Range: touch
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

This is actually one of the better known incantations across the planes. Its skill checks are fairly easy for a technically 9th-level incantation, because it has been refined over years (probably millenia) to the precise habits and skills of night hags. A similar object could probably be made with much greater difficulty, not requiring the souls of larvae and not being intrinsically evil. In particular, without larvae, creating a hearstone would almost certainly require the Craft Wondrous Item feat and the spells remove disease, resistance, and etherealness.

As it stands, the process is still rigorous. A larva must be sacrificed every 8 hours for 33 day. With each sacrifice, the heartstone flares with energy, causing 5d8 fire damage and 5d8 cold damage to all within 10 feet. The caster must still provide 1d4hp of their own blood to the forming heartstone with each sacrifice.

Failure: Only the waste of the materials used up. Even the base pendant is fouled and worthless.
Material component: The focus of the heartstone is a jeweled pendant of any type preferred by the maker, but of at least 100gp in value. A full hundred larvae (spirits of neutral evil petitioners) must be sacrificed and their ichor absorbed by the pendant to create the heartstone.
Backlash: Array of damage effects; see text
Extra casters: no

Curse of Impending Undeath
Necromancy [Evil]
Effective Level: 5
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 24, 5 successes
Failure: you suffer curse unknowingly
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 50 minutes
Range: Medium (190 feet)
Target or targets: one living creature
Duration: permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 15 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: yes

If slain while this curse is in effect, the soul of a creature subjected to the curse of impending undeath remains trapped in its body, unable to pass on. It cannot move the body, becoming a ghost anchored to its corpse -- or a part of it, if the corpse is destroyed. However, it lacks all the special attacks of a ghost unless it succumbs to madness, at which point it becomes a normal ghost. Spells and abilities capable of interacting with creatures on the Ethereal Plane can sense and reach the spirit.

A creature under the curse is aware of a dark, threatening power hanging over it and haunting its thoughts. It radiates necromantic magic to a detect magic spell.

Remove curse can end the effect while the subject is alive, or free the spirit after death. It will rejuvenate if forcibly destroyed.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, the caster becomes subject to the curse themself, without the betraying aura. Many casters run a curse-removal after casting this incantation, just in case.
Material component: A piece of the victim's body (hair is acceptable), and a powdered bone from one of their ancestors.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

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Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Astrological Calculations
Effective Level: 7
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 25, 7 successes
Failure: false response
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 70 minutes
Target or targets: one creature
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

You gain a sense of one creature's approaching luck. Make seven d20 rolls; these, in order, are the bases for the next 7 rolls required for actions you choose to undertake: e.g., an attack, but not a save; a Bluff check, but not an automatic Sense Motive check to respond to one.

In order to perform this incantation for a subject, you must know their birthday, a fact which can limit its utility to those born in civilized regions. If you know it to within a week, the skill check DC is 27; if you know it to only a season and year, the DC is 30. The observational equipment required is also generally the mark of a society with leisured academics.

Different astrological traditions in different nations may have the exact same incantation with a different number of required successes giving a similar number of rolls known. In such cases, decrease the base DC by 1 per differing number of rolls given, to a minimum of DC 20.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, the list the player receives is not the rolls that will be used.
Material component: The incantation must be cast at night. It requires a sky at least half clear, and good-quality observational equipment costing 250gp.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

Force Omnitool
Evocation [Force]
Effective Level: 5
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 19, 5 successes
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 50 minutes
Range: Medium (100 feet)
Duration: two hours
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

You produce a force object that you can reshape to your specifications. It consists of surfaces which, if joined flat, cover four 5 foot squares. With a standard action, you can reshape the force, including in three dimensions, reducing its size if desired, producing holes, or extending it into a third dimension. You can reshape it at points you cannot see as long as you can visualize the shape desired, but if the effect is to move items, it does so as a creature with a Str equal to your caster attribute.

The force effect is weightless. It is anchored to a quartz crystal, which you need not hold, but you cannot reshape the effect without touching the crystal. Two people touching the crystal make opposed Cha rolls to control the effect, which can be shrunk to almost nothing but cannot be ended early without external dispelling. If shaped into the form of a weapon or armor, it is always a light version of these. A suitable Craft check is required for the force object to function well as any detailed object. The incantation cannot produce any multi-part object.

Failure: no effect
Material component: A clear quartz crystal serves as an anchor for the effect.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

Conjuration (calling)
Effective Level: 9
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 32, 3 successes, Knowledge (the Planes) DC 32, 3 successes, Diplomacy DC 32, 3 successes
Failure: no effect
Components: V, XP
Casting Time: 8 hours
Range: close (the call is interplanar)
Target or targets: 1d6+1 human troops, and 1 leader
Duration: 3 days
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

In desperation, this incantation sends some of your spirit into the planes seeking heroes to answer your hour of need. Once the incantation is complete, over the course of the next hour a number of troops come to your side from across the planes, stepping through a gate to aid you.

For some reason, the soldiers that answer this call are always humans, native to the Prime, with apparently no nonhuman ancestry. They are of your alignment. You can specify a general skillset you desire for 2-7 troops, and one for an advanced leader, such as "wizardry," "reconnaissance," "escape tactics," "hand-to-hand combat," or the like. They come with their own equipment, and are fully present in the local environment. They are generally aware of your current circumstances. Those who come chose to do so after conversing with a projection of your desires, and so speak at least one of your languages and are presumably confident that they can be useful. The body of troops is of 6-8 class levels, and the leader is of your ECL minus 2.

Note that this incantation can be performed without material components, and even with bound hands; it is a mantra that produces a meditative call.

Failure: no effect
Material component: none
Backlash: 600 XP must be spent in the incantation. Additionally, the summoned heroes remain after their appointed task and must find their own way home. They are aware of this when they come.
Extra casters: Secondary casters may be permitted to make the non-Arcana rolls and/or share in the XP cost.

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Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Imaginary Friend
Illusion (phantasm)
Effective Level: 6
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 20, 6 successes
Failure: antagonistic personality
Components: V, S, F, B
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: personal
Duration: 3 days
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

You produce the illusion of an intelligent, friendly creature inside your own mind. The creature's personality is partly as you consciously craft it, and partially drawn from your subconscious. It has access to all of your senses and knowledge, including your spellcasting, though it can only cast spells with verbal and somatic components, unless you have Eschew Materials, in which case it can cast spells which normally have inexpensive components. In all cases, it can only cast spells on you, which must have a range of Personal, and only spells you have available (memorized, known, etc., depending on your class). This does deplete your spells as if you had cast them (which you basically did). The same general guidelines apply to psionic powers and to incantations that affect you, though incantations almost always require components impossible for the phantasm to access. The phantasm cannot apply your powers to itself.

The phantasm can give advice or make independent checks for purely mental actions, such as Sense Motive or a Will roll. It is affected by area-effect compulsion spells, but rarely will a spellcaster know to target it if a spell requires naming specific targets. If you are charmed, for instance, and have the spell dispel magic available, the phantasm may attempt to dispel the charm. It acts immediately after your turn in any combat. The phantasm is treated as an ongoing illusion on you for the purposes of dispelling.

Once the duration is up, recasting this incantation often produces a phantasm that "remembers" previous versions, since after all the memories produced by the incantation are entirely internal to you.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, the personality produced is antagonistic. It may attempt to fool you and give bad advice, or it may immediately attempt to damage you with your own spells.
Material component: The focus of the incantation is a silver mirror, costing 25gp or more.
Backlash: Unless dispelled, you have an observer watching all of your actions from inside your head for three days, which can be off-putting.
Extra casters: no

Forest Eyes
Effective Level: 5
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 19, 3 successes, Knowledge (Nature) DC 19, 2 successes
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M, B
Casting Time: 50 minutes
Range: 1 mile
Target or targets: one species of local animal
Duration: 1 hour
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 15 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: yes

You merge your senses with those of the local population of a specific animal. For the next hour, you can move from mind to mind of the members of one local nonintelligent species within a mile of your current location. You can choose any senses you have, and even the power of speech, to project through the animals, but for the duration of this incantation, you lack those powers at your own body.

You have a general sense of the locations of all eligible members of the species within the mile radius. While the incantation is in effect, you can attempt to direct the actions of an animal you are "riding" as if it were charmed; it understands your thoughts. Members of the species you are not currently "riding" will not harm you for the duration of the incantation, unless magically compelled.

The species resists the incantation initially with a Will equal to that of its average members, plus 3, and the species' average spell resistance, if any. If your familiar is of the species sought, the +3 bonus does not apply. If you possess wild empathy, the save DC is at +3.

Failure: no effect
Material component: something desired by the species to be targeted, such as a bit of food or a shiny item.
Backlash: Loss of your own senses for the duration
Extra casters: no

Effective Level: 1
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 13, 1 success
Failure: cleaning accidents
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: an area of one dwelling no more than 20 feet by 20 feet by 10 feet
Duration: 1 hour
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

You animate your choice of (up to all) the following tools: a broom, a crub brush, a duster, a sponge or rag, and a bucket of water (which may or not be soapy). As long as you have a general idea of the area you wish them to clean and a method for doing so, they will comply without needing strict oversight, for up to an hour. You may be up to 250 feet away, and need not concentrate. Redirecting the animated cleaning tools is a standard action. You can tell them to pause, though the incantation continues in effect for the hour unless dispelled.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, the items animate jerkily, and must be restrained (they have your Cha for Str) lest they damage nearby objects -- or people. A few too many incidents of this usually lead to a community looking very sourly on someone who uses this incantation without enough skill.
Material component: The items to be animated.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

Preserve Food
Effective Level: 0
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 10, 1 success
Failure: instant spoilage
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: close (25 feet)
Target or targets: 1 cubic foot of food
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

Renders edibles into a preserved form, usually drying it and lacing it with common preservatives such as salt and pepper. The effect is obvious, and similar to mundane preservation methods. A Craft (cooking) roll may be undertaken to determine how palatable the result is, but it will always be safe. Food treated with this incantation will not spoil under normal environmental conditions.

If the food is currently spoiled, poisoned, or otherwise inedible (currently alive and objecting, for example), this incantation has no effect.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, the magic instantly spoils the food, visibly and odorously.
Material component: none
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

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Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Evocation [Cold]
Effective Level: 2
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 13, 2 successes
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M, B
Casting Time: 20 minutes
Range: close (20 feet)
Target or targets: one 10 foot cube of ice or water
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

You cause a 10 foot cube of water, which must be still, to freeze into a block of ice, or cause a similar volume of ice to melt. Both uses are the same incantation, though a different material component is required. The frozen or melted volume can be shaped with an appropriate Craft roll, though only crude forms can be specified. The freezing and melting are too slow to trap or harm any creature, including cold-based creatures, unless they are helpless, in which case any damage is from environmental effects.

Failure: no effect
Material component: Either a bit of clear quartz crystal (to freeze) or a piece of coal (to melt). In either case, the component is reduced to powder by the effect.
Backlash: For each 10 minutes of casting, the caster must make a DC 15 Fortitude check or suffer the effects of severe cold.
Extra casters: no

Fog of War
Abjuration [Chaotic]
Effective Level: 3
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 18, 2 successes, Bluff DC 15, 1 success
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 30 minutes
Range: 1 mile radius
Duration: 5 hours
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

You intensify the confusion that reigns on even the most disciplined battlefield. For the duration of this incantation, within the area of effect, the following conditions hold:

* Spells that communicate, such as message, whispering wind, or telepathic bond have a 15% chance of failure is cast within or into the area of effect.
* All Bluff, Disguise, Hide, and Move Silently checks gain a +5 arcane bonus to the user's skill. Gather Information, Search, and Sense Motive checks take a -5 penalty.
* Wandering fog with the effect of an obscuring mist meanders about the battlefield; at the start of any important encounter, there is a 10% chance that the fog rolls in for 1d6 rounds.

(Generally, these conditions favor guerrilla tactics over a large, organized force.)

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, the caster suffers the spell and skill penalties, but no other effect occurs.
Material component: A vial filled with water condensed from a spell with fog, mist or cloud in the name, or from the Plane of Steam. Treat as costing about 5gp.
Backlash: none, although the caster's forces are as subject to the field conditions as any other.
Extra casters: no

Strategos Mind
Divination [Lawful]
Effective Level: 8
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 27, 3 successes, Knowledge (History) DC 27, 3 successes, Sense Motive DC 27, 2 successes
Failure: false information
Components: V, S, M, SC, B, XP
Casting Time: 80 minutes
Range: a field of combat up to 2 miles in radius
Target or targets: personal
Duration: 16 hours
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

You enter a state of consciousness in which you are keenly aware of others' motivations, their conflicts with your intentions, and the likely outcomes of struggles between such parties. While you are under the influence of this incantation, you and any troops following you can never be surprised deliberately. You have a +15 to any Sense Motive checks made to see through bluffs that might affect you, and +7 to Will rolls against illusions which allow disbelief. You have an 85% chance of correctly determining, through instant calculation, the likely immediate results of maneuvers you intend to order, with the precision of an augury spell. This weal or woe is determined with respect to a goal which you must have had clearly in mind before beginning the incantation.

The cost of this superhuman analytical ability is an emotional disconnection from the tactics and troops you are commanding. You are overwhelmingly devoted to the goal you had set initially, and have a strong tendency to view men as a resource to be rationed. Unless you have standing orders or rules of engagement, you will use whatever tactics and casualty levels are most effective in achieving that goal. It is often wise for the subject of a strategos mind incantation to not be the ultimate leader of a military force, lest men's lives be thrown away in the pursuit of a short-term objective. A good subject is more likely to take into some account the long-term cost of blatant disregard for one's men, but their decision-making will still be heavily weighted toward immediate victory. (It is supposed among researchers of arcana that there are regions of Acheron in which enemy commanders are near-constantly under this or a similar effect.)

Casting this incantation is a lawful act, and the subject radiates an axiomatic aura while under its effect. The subject is clearly distant and focused, and takes a -8 penalty to Cha-based skills other than combat bluffs and Use Magic Device.

If any caster possesses the Leadership feat, the DCs of the skill checks they roll are reduced by 2.

Failure: The intuition gained is false. The GM describes auguries and hunches which are incorrect, and no protection from ambushes is gained.
Material component: A map of the field of conflict, which may be metaphorical, such as a list of family trees and alliances in a succession struggle. In addition, 500 XP are expended, which the secondary casters may share.
Backlash: emotional coldness; see text.
Extra casters: Two advisors, who assist in laying out the map and possibly in the secondary skill checks.

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Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Effective Level: 5
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 20, 3 successes, Craft (appropriate) DC 20, 2 successes
Failure: damage to object
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 50 minutes
Range: Close (50 feet)
Target or targets: one complex object
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (object) DC 15 + caster's Cha mod
Spell Resistance: no

You rapidly disassemble a complex object in such a way that it can be put back together. The incantation is telekinetic; no tools are required, and the Craft skill needs only be roughly applicable -- woodworking would suffice to deconstruct furniture or a boat, for instance, and any metalsmithing craft would permit deconstructing a set of armor. The object is broken down into components that can be reassembled with a fabricate spell, or a single Craft roll of the correct type for the object. Small welds or joins can be undone, links broken and repaired, etc. Reassembly does require tools, or the fabricate spell.

The incantation affects a complex nonmagical object up to 5 feet in each dimension. An object 10 feet in each dimension can be affected by increasing the skill check DCs to 22, and an object 20 feet in each dimension by increasing the skill check DCs to 24. These larger volumes can be reshaped in units of 5 foot cubes to accommodate objects longer in one dimension than another.

The incantation produces a set of plans for the object, inscribed on flat silver plates prepared beforehand. The GM is the arbiter of how many plates of parchment size (at 100gp each) are required to produce a detailed schematic; this value is known to the caster beforehand. The plates are permanent and can be used as excellent guides for a crafter to produce such an item on their own.

This incantation does not affect constructs unless they are helpless, in which case, if their save is failed, it does 5d6 damage; if this value is at least 1/4 the construct's hit points, a portion of the construct roughly corresponding in size is removed and deconstructed.

Failure: If the second consecutive check failed is an Arcana roll, the incantation fails. If the second check failed is a Craft roll, the incantation tears at the object, doing 5d6 damage and ending. The Craft roll cannot be deliberately failed for this purpose.
Material component: Flat silver plates, upon which construction plans are etched as if by strong heat. The number varies; each page costs 100gp.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

Effective Level: 0
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 10, 1 success
Failure: memories are forgotten
Components: none
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: personal
Target or targets: you
Duration: Int score in minutes
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

This meditative technique allows you to fix details of an event in your memory; either the last number of minutes equal to your Int score, or the next such period in minutes, as you prefer. You have a +5 magical bonus on rolls you later make to recall details from the period chosen, and resist magical attempts to alter or remove such memories at +3 to any relevant Will saves.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, you think that you have succeeded but your error clouds your memory, causing any recall attempt to automatically fail on any but the broadest strokes.
Material component: none. In fact, the incantation has neither verbal nor somatic components; it can be done meditatively.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

Friendly Tentacles
Effective Level: 4
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 17, 4 successes
Failure: Evard's black tentacles, centered on you, uncontrolled
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 40 minutes
Range: 20 foot radius
Target or targets: you
Duration: 2 hours
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

For the duration of this incantation, you can summon and unsummon a pair (or one) of Large (10 foot) black tentacles, similar to Evard's black tentacles, anchored to solid ground within 20 feet of you. You can cause the tentacles to perform any action that a tentacle might be capable of without fingers. Controlling the tentacles occupies one free hand per tentacle. The tentacles have a Strength of 20 and your base attack bonus if you use them to attack. Each tentacle has 1/3 your HP.

If you cause the tentacles to appear but do not direct them, they will generally act well-disposed toward you, and even somewhat playful, if not all that bright. They appear to have some version of blindsense.

Failure: If you fail two consecutive checks, the power of the incantation instead erupts as a casting of Evard's black tentacles, centered on you but uncontrolled.
Material component: A tiny model of a double-jointed finger.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

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Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Effective Level: 3
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 18, 3 successes
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 30 minutes
Range: Close (25 feet)
Target or targets: 30 foot radius sphere
Duration: 2 hours
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

Within a 30 foot radius sphere, you cause light to have the effect of moonlight upon creatures and objects within. You can choose whether the "moon" is full, half, or new, and if on a world with multiple moons, you can choose any astronomically possible combination of moon phases. The light level itself does not change, although it silvers slightly (or takes on other colors, if appropriate for a world's moons).

If you choose a phase less than full, then even on a full moon night, lycanthropes can shelter within the sphere in safety. However, for every hour spent within, they take 1 Con damage.

Failure: no effect
Material component: A silver crescent worth 15gp, which disappears when the incantation begins.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

Yang Burst
Effective Level: 1
Skill Check: Heal, DC 15, 1 success
Failure: 1d6 damage and 1d6 Str damage
Components: V, S, B
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: touch
Target or targets: one living creature which is not exhausted
Duration: 2 rounds
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 11 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

With a mantra and activation of the proper pressure points, this secret healing art known to some Oriental-themed lands can throw open the gates of yang that drive living creatures, allowing one to momentarily exceed its usual limits. For two rounds, the subject gains 1d6+1 temporary hit points and 1d6+1 points of either Str or Con, as you choose. If properly timed, the latter can improve a Fort save.

The target must have at least some energy reserve to tap. It cannot be exhausted when the incantation begins, and when the effect ends, it increase one level of fatigue.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, the target instead takes 1d6 damage and 1d6 Str damage as the flow of yang though their body is violently mishandled.
Material component: none.
Backlash: After the incantation has run its course, the target is fatigued. If the target was already fatigued, it is exhausted.
Extra casters: no

Illusion (figment)
Effective Level: 2
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 15, 2 successes
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 20 minutes
Range: 0 feet
Duration: permanent until discharged
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

This incantation prepares a small recording device to record up to 1 minute of image and sound as captured by a lens and horn, stored on a small glass disc. It can thereafter be played by with a trigger word. The incantation discharges after one playback, but recasting it with a reused disc will allow the same image to be replayed, as long as the same trigger word is used.

The replayed image is clearly an illusion; no one need save against it. It is translucent and shrunken, and the volume of sound is reduced. It provides perfect detail, but only of things that could be seen or heard without the aid of magic. A caster with darkvision will record a darkvision component to the image.

Failure: no effect
Material component: A little gadget consisting of a lens, a tiny ear trumpet, and a glass disc, costing about 20gp to make. Replacing the disc costs 10gp each time.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Effective Level: 9
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 34, 5 successes, Knowledge (Religion) DC 34, 4 successes
Failure: no effect or angry god
Components: V, S, M, XP, B, SC
Casting Time: 9 hours
Range: Personal
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

You petition a god for a vision of future events on a matter that concerns you. Not all gods have such a ritual, and those that do are very protective of it. The daylong rite must be undertaken at a site which has been consecrated to the god for at least as long as the primary caster has been alive, and requires the assistance of several clergy. Some gods will only answer this incantation at as specific site, such as Delphi, to which a querent must journey.

If successful, the primary caster receives a vision relating to the query, which is often symbolic or poetic. Gods with a portfolio covering time or knowledge often provide more detailed prophecies with accurate physical details. If the answer is truly murky, the vision will make this clear and may explain the factors that are muddying the waters.

Not even evil gods lie in response to this ritual. Once delivered, one way or another, the fate described by the prophecy is inescapable, and the querent must deal with it as best they can.

Failure: If the second consecutive check failed is an Arcana check, there is no effect. If the second consecutive check failed is a Religion check, the god has been contacted but regards either the ritual or the query as improper. The primary caster is blasted with divine fire for 10d8 damage (no save), and the lead clergy among the secondary casters must undertake an atonement.
Material component: 500gp in consumable religious implements or sacrifices suitable for the god being petitioned, and 1000 XP, which may be shared among the casters.
Backlash: The prophet falls unconscious and exhausted after the prophecy is delivered.
Extra casters: Several clergy in good standing (the number varies, but six or so is usual) must help prepare the site and the primary caster.

Effective Level: 9
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 30, 5 successes, Knowledge (the Planes) DC 30, 4 successes
Failure: entrapment
Components: V, S, M, B
Casting Time: 90 minutes
Range: personal
Target or targets: you
Duration: 8 hours
Saving Throw: none (DC 19 + caster's Cha mod to defeat invisibility effect)
Spell Resistance: no

You step into an extradimensional space like that of a rope trick, just big enough to contain you, and with an invisible window in front of your face. This essentially provides perfect protection from spells that do not cross dimensions, even force effects, while you remain in the space. The window acts like a portal with the key "you," so other objects or creatures cannot cross it. Unlike a rope trick, you can move the window by mental command at a your normal speed with perfect maneuverability, though not through solid objects or force effects.

See invisible or detect magic detects a vague disclike object floating in midair at about the height of your face.

The area beyond the portal is protected against wind and sound effects, so you cannot hear through the portal, and if you breathe you must bring your own air supply. As usual, casters are warned against bringing other extradimensional spaces into this one, including items such as a handy haversack.

If you are inside the extradimensional space when the spell expires, you are immediately ejected. If the portal is inside a space too small for you, you take great crushing damage (GM's discretion) and may die.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, the extradimensional space immediately seals up when the caster enters, leaving them in a dark dimensional pocket. Some sort of planar mobility is required to leave.
Material component: A gold and silver band costing 25gp, twisted into the shape of a Mobius strip, which disappears to become the boundary of the window.
Backlash: The extradimensional space is not wholly uninhabited. Each time this incantation is used, there is a 10% chance of attracting the attention of an alien entity of great power.
Extra casters: no

Conjuration (summoning)
Effective Level: 6
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 23, 3 successes, Knowledge (architecture) DC 23, 3 successes
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Close (30 feet)
Duration: up to 3 hours
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

You summon a Large creature which apparently consists of multicolored, glowing fog. Wally, as the incantation names it, is capable of shifting its composition into primarily one sort of element, and shaping itself into a large, flat surface, anchored at the sides where possible. He can replicate any "wall of" spell of level 5 or less, with the exception of "Wall of [alignment]" spells. He can attempt to produce walls of unusual type, if you can explain what you want. Wally understands his summoner telepathically, but does not speak; his intelligence appears to be that of a bright animal with a knack for simple elements and shapes. Regardless of his form, Wally has the volume of a wall of stone spell with 10 squares, and 150 hit points overall. He does not fight, although he will stand firm under attack. He has a 30 foot base land, swim, and fly speed in his normal form. He is nearly weightless, and can be carried in a large jar.

Wally stays around for up to 3 hours, but requires (eats) 100gp of gems at the start of each hour of service. When called by the same caster, he appears to be the same creature, since if resummoned, a caster need not explain a complicated substance again. He has even been known to recognize previous casters when summoned by others; he has a tendency to gnaw gently on the heads of casters he likes. If Wally was unsummoned by injury the last time he was summoned, his price is double, and if it happens twice in a row, he will refuse to come for up to a month. The caster may unsummon Wally with a command word, or tell him to leave after a set duration, to avoid this.

Failure: no effect
Material component: 100gp of gems per hour of service
Backlash: Wally is a bit jealous. He leaves immediately if the caster summons anything else, and tends to annoy a spellcaster's familiar.
Extra casters: no

Effective Level: 8
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 27, 4 successes, and either Diplomacy DC 27, 4 successes, or Bluff DC 27, 2 successes and Sense Motive DC 27, 2 successes
Failure: nonlethal damage; see text
Components: V, S, F, B, SC
Casting Time: 80 minutes
Range: Touch to begin, then infinite and crossplanar
Target or targets: up to 8 living creatures, which must include the caster
Duration: 4 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 18 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

This complex incantation combines the minds of multiple willing subjects into a single mental creature in control of multiple bodies. The amalgamated mind has access to the maximum skill ranks in any skill possessed by any subject, plus 1 per additional subject with any ranks in that skill. Any effect targeting one of the subjects and permitting a Will save or spell resistance is resisted with the best Will save and/or spell resistance in the hivemind, plus 1 per additional subject in the hivemind. Protections from spells such as scrying or mental possession, cast on one subject, affect all equally. Members of the hivemind are in immediate telepathic communication and can access each other's senses and memories. The link remains even if a member goes off-plane.

Internal disagreement for the hivemind can be deadly. If all subjects are willing, the entire mind can be directed by the will of the primary caster. In that case, the only choice any other sujbect can make is to exit the hivemind early by making the Will roll. On the other hand, the group may decide to proceed by consensus. In this case, if any two of the creatures combined differ in alignment, the hivemind may struggle with decisions, and must make a DC 15 Concentration check in order to proceed with actions the group agrees on; otherwise, all subjects will spend the round doing nothing, except actions necessary for survival.

This power leaves a lingering link that cannot be undone without high-level psionic healing or similar powers. Under stress in the future, subjects may accidentally re-establish the link, for 1 hour at a time, to one or more of the other subjects at random, should they be within 25 feet. This is entirely unpredictable and cannot be done deliberately without re-casting the incantation.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, the primary caster takes 8d8 nonlethal damage and all secondary casters take 4d8 nonlethal damage from the mental whiplash.
Material component: Each subject must carry a small, complicated copper pendant set with certain carved rune of hematite.
Backlash: lingering link
Extra casters: All subjects other than the primary caster are secondary casters.

Effective Level: 7
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 26, 4 successes, Heal DC 26, 3 successes
Failure: death or mutilation
Components: V, S, M, F, SC, XP
Casting Time: 7 hours
Range: Touch
Target or targets: one living creature
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fort negates (DC 17 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

This incantation is found among the dark arts of Aldinach, the Lady of Change, one of the minor demon lords in the fortresses of the Plain of Infinite Portals in the Abyss. It is also known to the sibriexes. The sibriexes themselves have greater arts available, but this procedure is one they can teach. It is not itself evil, though almost no scholars on the planes at large know that it is an ancient and deep secret among the thri-kreen of Athas.

The subject's body can be augmented or reshaped, often adding natural armor, claws, or extra eyes. Wings added to a Medium subject are only strong enough to allow gliding unless the subject is Small or has a good reason for being particularly light, in which case they provide a flight speed the same as the target's base land speed, and a maneuverability of Poor. Unusual additional organs, such as gills, are possible, as is permanent cosmetic alteration to the degree of an alter self spell.

Increasing the DC to 30, the caster can attempt to hybridize two separate creatures. Outcomes are highly variable; often the bodysculptor is doing it to experiment. One will die, and the other will be in control of the new body, depending on which brain is used. Such wholesale alteration requires a DC 15 Fort save against death, as if having taken massive damage.

Failure: If the second consecutive check failed is an Arcana check, the surgery succeeds but the modifications are nonfunctional, hanging limp and eventually causing any of a number of diseases if not removed (Heal DC 26, or restoration). If the second consecutive check failed is a Heal check, the subject also takes 10d8 damage during the operation and may die.
Material component: 1000gp of consumable alchemical brews used up during the operation, 1000gp of complex medical equipment that can be reused (and is not widely available), and the body parts to be attached, if any, which must have been kept fresh.
Backlash: The subject must expend a certain amount of XP to integreate the new body parts; the amount required is the GM's decision, with more powerful or complex body parts requiring greater investment. If the subject is unwilling, the primary caster can expend the required XP.
Extra casters: Three assistants are required during the operation.

Effective Level: 0
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 12, 1 success
Failure: foul odor
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 5 minutes
Range: Close (20 feet)
Target or targets: 20 foot radius
Duration: 1 hour
Saving Throw: Will disbelief (object) (DC 10 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: yes

You produce an odor of your choice, which you must be familiar with. It is distinctly noticeable, though not overpowering, in a 20 foot radius of a fixed point or an object. Having even a tiny sample on hand reduces the DC to 10.

Casting this incantation upon an attended object allows a Will save. In addition, if used to produce the odor of garlic, a vampire can save to avoid being repelled. Nonmagical odors with particular utilities in other settings may also be attempted.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, a foul odor is briefly produced (Fort save DC 7 or nauseated; disperses in 1 round).
Material component: An ounce of clear alcohol, such as moonshine.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

And that's eighty-two incantations (a couple of extras for two levels). To top things off, here's the incantation version of wish:

Master Incantation
Effective Level: 9
Skill checks: Knowledge (Arcana), DC 40, 1 success, Knowledge (Nature), DC 40, 1 success, Spot, DC 40, 1 success, Listen, DC 40, 1 success, Search, DC 40, 1 success, Decipher Script, DC 40, 1 success, Knowlege (religion), DC 40, 1 success, Knowledge (the Planes), DC 40, 1 success, Diplomacy, DC 40, 1 success, Sense Motive, DC 40, 1 success, Spellcraft, DC 40, 1 success, Concentration, DC 40, 1 success
Failure: varies; see text
Components: V, S, M, SC, B
Range: Close (40 feet)
Target or targets: any
Duration: any
Saving throw: possibly
Spell resistance: Yes

You come up with an incantation to do your will on the spot, by locating an intelligent force capable of performing the task you require and getting it to agree to do so. That's it. The trick is succeeding at the horrendously complicated process of doing so.

There are four roles in this incantation. The first is the primary caster, which sets up the incantation and begins the process of locating an appropriate power. The primary caster makes the Arcana and Nature rolls. The runeseeker makes the Spot, Listen, Search, and Decipher Script rolls to sense and record the runes necessary to amplify the primary caster's call and begin communications with the power. The negotiator plays the ritual role of interlocutor with the power, seeking to explain the group's desire and get the power to agree to cooperate. Finally, the spellspeaker makes the Spellcraft and Concentration rolls, channeling fundamental mystic energies as precisely instructed by the power contacted, to achieve the desired effect.

Failure: If the primary caster fails, the incantation has no effect. If the runeseeker fails, the outside force is aware of the group and its intent, but communication cannot be opened. If the negotiator fails, the entire group is geased by this unknown power, or may suffer other consequences as suits the power's personality. If the spellspeaker fails, the extraplanar energy was improperly channeled, and the power backlash kills the entire group.
Material component: Whatever the rune-writing demands; sometimes merely chalk, other times blood or silver. Wise casters will have a wide variety of magically significant materials on hand before beginning the process.
Backlash: The power will almost always require a significant price or services in exchange for its intervention. The price is often unusual, and will vary depending on the skills of the negotiator.
Extra casters: Three, who must make specific rolls.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

These incantations cover much of my remaining material on traditional curses and powers attributed to witches, except for a couple of things (like flying on brooms and brewing things up in cauldrons) that I intend to make features of a witch class to be posted in a few days. After this, there will probably be one more post with some D&D-specific incantations, like getting around in Carceri, and later I'll upload the witch for comments.

Suggested Invisibility
Enchantment (mind-affecting)
Effective Level: 5
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 19, 3 successes, Concentration DC 19, 2 successes
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, B
Casting Time: 50 minutes
Range: Personal
Target or targets: You
Duration: Concentration

By increasing the skill check DCs by 1, you can remove 5 minutes from the casting time of this incantation, and can do so repeatedly down to a minimum of 5 minutes.

This invisibility is not an illusion, but an enchantment effect, suggesting to viewers that they ignore and forget you. It therefore bypasses defenses against illusions, but is ineffective against creatures immune to enchantment. You must remina undistracted, and concentrate each round to maintain the effect (the Concentrate DC is 15). If you interact in any way with a target, such as attacking them or talking to them, the effect ends for that target.

Viewers get a Will save to avoid the effect.

Failure: no effect; you remain visible.
Material component: none
Backlash: DC 15 Concentration rolls required each round.
Extra casters: no

Disguise of age/Disguise of youth
Effective Level: 2
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 13, 2 successes
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, B
Casting Time: 20 minutes
Range: personal
Target or targets: you
Duration: 2 hours

These are two separate incantations. Disguise of age causes you to look, sound, and feel like a much older version of yourself, unless you are already venerable, in which case there is no effect. Disguise of youth causes you to look, sound, and feel much younger, unless you are not yet adult, in which case there is no effect. Neither incantation affects any equipment you carry.

Using disguise of age causes you to take -2 to Str, Dex and Con while it is in effect; using disguise of youth ages you one physical year. These are backlash effects.

Failure: no effect
Material component: none
Backlash: temporary aging effects or age one year; see text
Extra casters: no

Transmutation or Abjuration, respectively
Effective Level: 1
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 12, 1 success
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Medium (150 feet)
Target or targets: one living creature
Duration: 1 day
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 11 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

These two incantations either enhance or suppress a living creature's childbearing capability. The fertility incantation ensures offspring if the target mates within 24 hours with a suitable partner (presumably, of the correct gender and species, and the childbearing mate is not already pregnant). The infertility incantation ensures a lack of offspring for the same time period. Two such rituals make "caster level" checks against each other, at 1d20 + 1 + the caster's Cha modifier, if both attempt to take effect.

Infertility can be made into a permanent effect, of effective level 3, by increasing the skill check DC to 15, the number of successes required to 3, the casting time to 30 minutes, and the save DC to 13 + Cha mod, with all other statistics the same. This effect can be removed with remove curse (although it is often a requested effect).

Failure: no effect
Material component: An egg, and a bit of hair (or scales, or other piece, for hairless species) of a newborn member of the species targeted.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

Conjuration (healing)
Effective Level: 3
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 15, 2 successes, Heal DC 15, 1 success
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M, B
Casting Time: 30 minutes
Range: touch
Target or targets: One living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) (DC 13 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

These incantations have the effect of neutralize poison, but only for a single, specific poison, each of which requires a different incantation and a different set of local herbs. Rarely will a local body of knowledge include incantations for magical poisons, or poisons not generally known in the area for a long time.

Failure: no effect
Material component: Hot water and a small quantity of herbs, rarely costing more than 1gp if bought, that can be gathered with an hour of work and a DC 10 Knowledge (Nature) roll in the region where the incantation is from. A DC 20 Knowledge (Nature) or Heal check will allow the caster to substitute herbs native to another locale, if the GM determines that such herbs exist locally.
Backlash: The subject must have access to plenty of water, or will suffer dehydration, and in any case will be exhausted.
Extra casters: no

Poison Food
Effective Level: 3
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 15, 3 successes
Failure: self-infliction
Components: V, S, B
Casting Time: 30 minutes
Range: touch
Target or targets: one food item
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

You introduce a poison of a known type, which must be ingestable, into a food item. The poison is real, and cannot be dispelled, though it can be neutralized or purified away. Each version of this incantation imparts a different specific poison.

The food need not be present until you have concluded the incantation, which gives you a touch you may hold until discharged.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, you swallow the energies and suffer the effect of ingesting the poison yourself.
Material component: none
Backlash: Regardless of whether you fail the checks or not, you have a 5% chance of inflicting the poison on yourself in the course of casting.
Extra casters: no

Cure specific disease
Conjuration (healing)
Effective Level: 3
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 15, 2 successes, Heal DC 15, 1 success
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M, B
Casting Time: 30 minutes
Range: touch
Target or targets: One living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) (DC 13 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

The multiple variants of this incantation are each specialized to the curing of a specific, nonmagical disease (not mummy rot or lycanthropy, for instance), requiring some herb lore local to the region where the incantation has been developed over the years. Each disease requires a different incantation and set of herbs.

Casting this incantation is dangerous; the caster must save against the disease herself each time she uses it. The incantation gives some protection, reducing the infection DC, but eventually a frequent user will get unlucky. Experienced witches that can mitigate the backlash are safest; younger witches may have a true remove disease scroll handy for the occasions when they fail their saves.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, the disease continues on its course.
Material component: Hot water and a small quantity of herbs, rarely costing more than 1gp if bought, that can be gathered with an hour of work and a DC 10 Knowledge (Nature) roll in the region where the incantation is from. A DC 20 Knowledge (Nature) or Heal check will allow the caster to substitute herbs native to another locale, if the GM determines that such herbs exist locally.
Backlash: The caster must save against the disease, with the DC reduced by 3, or contract it herself.
Extra casters: none

Sickness hex
Necromancy (Evil)
Effective Level: 4
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 20, 4 successes
Failure: caster contracts disease
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 40 minutes
Range: Long (500 feet)
Target or targets: one living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fort negates (DC 14 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

The dark counterpart of curatives, a version of these hexes exists for each nonmagical disease that a vengeful witch might wish to inflict on a target. It must be woven cautiously, as the witch must be near her target for the better part of an hour, hopefully well-hidden.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, the caster contracts the disease himself, with no saving throw. If the witch cannot contract the disease (wrong species or gender, for instance), there is no effect.
Material component: A bit of blood from a sick man (who need not have been sick of the disease desired) and a possession of the victim's.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

The Witch's Black Vengeance
Necromancy [Death]
Effective Level: 7
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 28, 7 successes
Failure: a week of nightmares, as per the spell
Components: V, S, M, F, B
Casting Time: 70 minutes plus writing time
Range: 35 feet
Target or targets: one living creature who has given offense to the caster
Duration: 7 days
Saving Throw: Fort negates (DC 17 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

There is no hiding the identity of a witch who wreaks this vengeance. A detailed description of the offense must be graven into a thin lead disc, which is folded, pierced with iron and copper nails, and placed somewhere, usually buried, where the target will pass within 35 feet of it daily for 7 days. During this period the target will have intense nightmares, or increasing anxiety if the target does not sleep, and on the 7th night he will die of fright.

Though it can certainly be used for evil purposes, the incantation itself is not an evil act. It calls upon spirits not of evil, but of death and violence, and while the caster never sees them in action, it is entirely possible for spirits of justice to be doing the deed. However, it is not without price: each night, the caster takes 1 Wis damage, which does not begin returning until the incantation is complete (or dispelled).

Failure: If two consecutive rolls are failed, the caster suffers 7 nights of the nightmare spell -- being forced into sleep if she does not usually sleep.
Material component: A leaden disc, iron and copper nails, and representation of the target, such as a picture or carving.
Backlash: 7 Wis damage
Extra casters: no

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Eighty Incantations

Rise Through Carceri
Effective Level: 6
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 25, 3 successes, Knowledge (the Planes) DC 25, 3 successes
Failure: false reading
Components: V, S, M, B
Casting Time: 12 minutes, 2 minutes per check
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

This surprisingly difficult (but unusually fast) incantation can only be performed on Carceri, where it has the usual spell key: a pint of the caster's own blood, or all of a bloodily slain companion's, in which the spreading crimson pool gives the answer sought. It tells the caster the most direct route to one of Carceri's natural portals upward a layer, usually the highest point on the current orb. It is of no effect on the highest layer; getting off of Carceri is tougher than that.

Failure: If two consecutive skill checks are failed, the reading gives a false path, often to a dangerous locale.
Material component: blood; see backlash text
Backlash: 2d6 hit points of the caster's blood, or all of a companion's
Extra casters: none

Fossilization Protection
Effective Level: 3
Skill Check: Knowledge (the Planes) DC 14, 1 success, Knowledge (Arcana) DC 14, 2 successes
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M, B
Casting Time: 20 minutes
Range: touch
Target or targets: one creature
Duration: 1 day
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 13 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

Despite having similar effects, this is actually the common name for two separate incantations, one of which works on the Plane of Mineral and the other of which works on Thuldanin. Both give the user 1 day of protection from the petrification effect that reigns on these planes, and require a sacrifice of 50gp -- gems or precious metals for the Plane of Mineral, metal weaponry for Thuldanin -- which must be given up to the plane to stay its hand. The actual mantras involved are totally different.

Failure: no effect
Material component: 50gp of gems or weapons respectively, which must be buried within the material of the plane
Backlash: The target is at -1 to DX for the duration of the effect.
Extra casters: no

Depart the Traveler's Way
Effective Level: 2
Skill Check: Knowledge (the Planes) DC 13, 1 success, Knowledge (Arcana) DC 13, 1 success
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M, B
Casting Time: 20 minutes
Range: touch
Target or targets: one creature
Duration: 8 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 12 + caster's Cha modifier)
Spell Resistance: Yes

You permit one creature to move about Elysium for 8 hours being neither helped nor hindered by the traveler's way. This is very useful for someone intending to do evil deeds, and not very much useful for anyone else. Natives of Elysium seeing the target are aware that they are deliberately trying to avoid the traveler's way, and are almost always going to be suspicious of anyone who would want to avoid it.

Failure: no effect
Material component: 50gp of goods, which must be destroyed by fire.
Backlash: Natives of Elysium recognize that the caster is avoiding the traveler's way, and will naturally be suspicious.
Extra casters: none

Effective Level: 4
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 21, 2 successes, Gather Information or Sense Motive DC 21, 2 successes
Failure: false intuition
Components: V, S, M, B
Casting Time: 40 minutes
Range: Long (500 feet)
Target or targets: one living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 14 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

This busybody incantation pokes the diviner's nose into someone else's business. The caster intuits the gist of a secret that the target is deliberately keeping hidden, either from everybody or from her in general. The secret learned is random. Uninteresting people usually have uninteresting secrets. If the target has no such secrets, some random fact about their private life is revealed.

Technically, this incantation is not evil, but it is almost never used to righteous purpose.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, the caster intuits a false secret.
Material component: Clear glass or crystal the size of a woman's fist, costing about 10gp if bought.
Backlash: There is a 10% chance that the subject sees the diviner's face staring at him from a nearby reflective surface, if he is awake when the incantation is cast.
Extra casters: no

Moonlight halo:
Effective Level: 0
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 10, 1 success
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: touch
Target or targets: one object
Duration: one night
Saving Throw: Will negates (object) (DC 10 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: no

Under the light of a moon and after sunset, the caster anoints an object with ointment. For the remainder of the night, the object will shed the same light as the current moon, usually dim light in a 20 foot radius, though under one or more full moons the light is like a torch. If the brightest moon in the sky is within one-quarter of its orbit of new, the light is that of a candle, and if the moon is truly new, the incantation does not function. The light is not sufficiently strong to trigger lycanthropy, though lycanthropes recognize it, and at the GM's discretion some other effects may be triggered.

Failure: no effect
Material component: An ointment made from suet and white-petaled flowers
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

Universal writing
Effective Level: 3
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 15, 2 successes, Decipher Script or Forgery DC 15, 1 success
Failure: writing is gibberish
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 30 minutes
Range: touch
Target or targets: one page of writing
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

You produce a page of writing which any literate viewer sees in the language they read best.

Failure: If two consecutive checks are failed, nothing but gibberish (to any reader) is produced.
Material component: 100gp of inks, of the sort normally used to write a page of a wizard's spellbook.
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

Effective Level: 6
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 23, 3 successes, Knowledge (the Planes) DC 23, 3 successes
Failure: no effect
Components: V, S, M, B, SC
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: 15 foot radius from one point
Target or targets: summoned creatures
Duration: 8 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates (DC 16 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

This incantation produces a sphere of 15 foot radius around a chosen point. Summoned creatures that attempt to enter must make a Will save or the summoning effect immediately ends, returning them wherever they came from. Even if they save, or make spell resistance, they cannot disturb the runes which mark the circle, which remains in effect for 8 hours. The casters can exit and re-enter the circle without breaking the effect.

Failure: no effect
Material component: 500gp of silver and gold dust, used to write runes which mark the protected circle.
Backlash: Neither the primary nor either secondary caster can cast any summoning, calling or teleportation effect, whether spell, incantation or personal ability, for 24 hours.
Extra casters: two additional casters

Effective Level: 2
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana) DC 12, 1 success, Heal DC 12, 1 success
Failure: false information
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 20 minutes
Range: touch
Target or targets: one living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) (DC 12 + caster's Cha mod)
Spell Resistance: Yes

You learn what ails a sick creature, be it injury (what sort, including the location, amount of damage, and the type of the damage), disease (and what kind), poison (and what kind), or other problem. A second Heal check will determine whether you have heard of an uncommon problem, such as a poison not in the SRD. The DC is at least 15, or more for very rare issues.

If the target's medical state is an ongoing magical effect, the incantation must make a caster level check (using 1d20 + 3) against a caster level check for the inducing spell, or it fails silently.

Failure: If two consecutive skill checks are failed, the caster is fairly sure of a plausible false diagnosis.
Material component: none
Backlash: none
Extra casters: no

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