Editor's Challenge: Orc Pantheon

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Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Editor's Challenge: Orc Pantheon

As I indicated in my Abyss thread, the Orc Pantheon has moved to the Abyss. This move was made during the Pantheon War. I'm looking to make this a major realm, so I'm going to need some help fleshing it out.

So far, the only geographic feature is an as-yet-unnamed volcano (as big as Olympus) that is the location of Gruumsh's new citadel. I'm hoping to add different types of terrains, cities, and palaces for each of the other Orc deities. Also, I need to flesh out the different varieties of petitioners. Ideally, I would like to achieve the same level of detail that was given to Arvandor.

You can include material for features to the new Orcish realm on this thread. Well writen material will be included in the final Abyss article.

Lubaf's picture
Joined: 2005-11-28
Editor's Challenge: Orc Pantheon

The Field of Eternal Battle

The (forced) departure of the Orcish Pantheon from Archeron had many side effects, one of the more peculiar of which was the sudden need for a place for orcish petitioners to fight each other.

This is what sprung up.

Image a plain, bounded on all sides by impassible mountains. Portals exist, to allow combatants and supplies to get in, and to allow the possibility of escape. Combat there never ceases, with an endless series of never ending battles, in an unending war of all against all.

The Field varies wildly in conditions; some parts are swamp, some parts are desert, some parts are freezing cold. In some places, guns don't work, or magic doesn't work, or maybe all melee damage is ineffective. The only constant is fighting.

If it weren't for the fact that the Field is jealously guarded by the Orcish pantheon, the Tanar'ri would use it as a training ground; as it is, they have to satisfy themselves with observing the Field from the mountains, which has become sufficiently popular among non-lawful evil types as to have become one of the major tourist attractions of the Abyss.

Luc "Logical" French

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