Editing posted articles and searching PW

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Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Editing posted articles and searching PW

These aren't actually Bugs at all, but I couldn't think of a more appropriate forum in which to post this.

1) If we want to submit/resubmit articles that have already been posted to the website, what's the proper protocol? Just resubmit it and pm the editor? Would it be obvious from context that this is a resubmission?

2) Is there any way of searching the PW forums? I wasn't able to find it, but I've also been known to be very stupid about such things.

PS: I'll test the Notepad functionality in a bit, when I get a sec.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Editing posted articles and searching PW

Technically speaking, it shouldn't be too difficult to create an explicit resubmission feature in the article database. Add an "UpdateTo" attribute to the entity, and use a recursive relationship between that and the original article's key.

The only headache I could forsee would involve multiple resubmissions being submitted simultaneously - approve one resubmission as the new 'official' version of the article, and other resubmissions need to either be auto-rejected or else have their UpdateTo changed to reference the new version's key.

(What can I say? This is part of what I'm getting my master's degree in - I can't resist the urge to show off. Cool)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Editing posted articles and searching PW

Since managers already haev an option to return an entry to the editorial queue - all I need to do is open up the option to the owner of the entry to "send it back!" Eye-wink

And for the record on the data end:

Resubmission, changes the entry status to 'in edit' changing it from 'in production' - effectively yanking it from the website and dropping it back into the development queue at the beginning of the FSM of submission. An entry cannot be in edit while at the same time being on the site so there's no need to concern yourself with multiple resubmissions.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Editing posted articles and searching PW

'Anarch' wrote:
2) Is there any way of searching the PW forums? I wasn't able to find it, but I've also been known to be very stupid about such things.

Look at the top - between FAQ nd Memberlist. I need to make sure that the search really functions well still - but there's the link for it.

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