Ebberon races in Planescape

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Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
Ebberon races in Planescape

I was just wondering if any of the races from Ebberon like the Warforged, the Shifters and the Changlings could be intergrated into Planescape. If so, how? Like what planes, wards, sects and factions would you see them in?

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Ebberon races in Planescape

I'd personally use them how they are.

A warforged, in Sigil, would still have been created on Eberron, but found himself on the Planes. It would be up to the character as to what faction he found himself in.

Or if DM wanted, they could say that Eberrons technology had spread across the planes (warforged in Mechanus, shifters in the beastlands, etcetc) but that would be a DM by DM basis Laughing out loud

I personally like to keep prime worlds here they are and have a few mishaps that might ge characters from that world onto the planes...instead of trying to force all of the prime info onto the Planes Laughing out loud

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Ebberon races in Planescape

yeah keep the prime races separate or use them as a type of exemplar

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ebberon races in Planescape

I have an artificer in my PS game. His story is that he was doing some planar research, and ended up on the Wheel. We're not explaining how that works or how the two multiverses fit together.


Pants of the North!

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Ebberon races in Planescape

I always had a dislike for the variant cosmos that creep in such a pain to figure what goes where

Smeazel's picture
Joined: 2004-11-02
Ebberon races in Planescape

In the Planescape campaign that I'm currently running, one of the PCs is a kalashtar, originally from the world of Eberron.

(And, accordingly, one of the campaign villains is an Inspired, who set in motion the events that led to the kalashtar's coming to Sigil in the first place.)

I have my own ideas for how to account the cosmological differences, but so far it hasn't come up in-game, and if the players don't ask I'm not going to bother bringing it up. Eye-wink

If, on the other hand, you're asking if the Eberron races could be incorporated into Planescape as native planar races--well, sure, you could do that; you could fit just about anything into Planescape on one plane or another. I wouldn't, though. I'm with primebunny99 and perro on that; sure, you can have prime characters visit the planes, but not every creature from every prime world has to have a major presence on the planes somewhere.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Ebberon races in Planescape

Changelings can be found anywhere where there's Doppelgangers. In fact I'd probably retcon the NPC Farrow from Uncaged: Faces of Sigil, to have actually been a Changeling with a massive identity crisis in the first place...

And Shifters anywhere where there's Lycanthropes.

The other 2 races are harder to fit in. But I think Kalashtar are doable if you use the Region of Dreams and have beings that live there.

Warforged could be a common model of living construct developed in a bunch of places, once a certain level of magical-technology was reached... It may in fact be possible there's other models of living constructs out there like Flameforged on the Elemental plane of Fire, Earthforged, Waterforged, Windforged and so on...

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Ebberon races in Planescape

elemental warforged :shock: oh god I already thought the normies were unbalanced (not having to sleep or eat or even breath)god giving them elemental atributes would be frighting

moogle001's picture
Joined: 2004-01-02
Ebberon races in Planescape

I still intend on adding Eberron races to the Character chapter, but then I'd need to read Eberron first Sticking out tongue


-Gabriel Sorrel, www.planewalker.com

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
Ebberon races in Planescape

'moogle001' wrote:
I still intend on adding Eberron races to the Character chapter, but then I'd need to read Eberron first Sticking out tongue

What Character chapter?

moogle001's picture
Joined: 2004-01-02
Ebberon races in Planescape

Chapter 2 - Races of the PSCS.


-Gabriel Sorrel, www.planewalker.com

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Ebberon races in Planescape

'perro' wrote:
elemental warforged :shock: oh god I already thought the normies were unbalanced (not having to sleep or eat or even breath)god giving them elemental atributes would be frighting
You know I never even thought of what statistics elemental forged would get, but they'd probably get a level adjustment in the +2 and above range.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Ebberon races in Planescape

at least I already insist on a +1 lvl adjustment for the normal wfs

Infernal Teddy's picture
Joined: 2005-07-21
Ebberon races in Planescape

There's no whay a standard Warforged should get LA. Ever played one?

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Ebberon races in Planescape

Dmed for a player who had one it was a nightmare the brat would yse the inabiolity to sleep to do stuff like try to break through a solid stone wall while climbed over and he used the lil bits as an excuse to be wiz/bar ,never again

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ebberon races in Planescape

Umm... what? Sure, warforged can try to batter down walls. They still need to beat the hardness of the rock, though, and well...

Let's see... a 1d12 weapon with a Str bonus of +2 (increased to +3) he'll deal 28 damage every 1.2 minutes (on average), allowing him to break through a typical masonry wall in 3.8 minutes, or 5 feet of unworked stone in 38 minutes. A normal human could do this just as easily.

He doesn't need to spend the groups sleeping time hacking through walls, and should probably be spending the time either as a lookout, or repairing himself.

And wizard/barbarian is a perfectly legit, if suboptimal build. Just make sure he remembers he can't cast spells while raging.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ebberon races in Planescape

'nick012000' wrote:
And wizard/barbarian is a perfectly legit, if suboptimal build. Just make sure he remembers he can't cast spells while raging.

Unless he's a rage mage! Laughing out loud

:x Man, I think that class is dumb.


Pants of the North!

Seprakarius's picture
Joined: 2006-02-26
Ebberon races in Planescape

Warforged would probably make for some fun clueless.

"What Lord of Blades? You won't be finding anyone like that around here unless he stumbled onto one of those magic gender-swapping belts and picked up a few dabus drinking buddies."

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Ebberon races in Planescape

Who says that Warforged are necessarily clueless...

The schemas for creating them could exist in many many places such as Acheron, The Abyss, Bytopia and beyond...

And even on Eberron, they weren't originally created during the Last War. On the continent of Xendrik the original schemas for something like the Warforged were found, and thus they've existed millenia ago.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Ebberon races in Planescape

that's right I wonder...could the warforged have been a planar creation that was srapped and left on ebberon?If so they would be possibly a long lost cusin of the modrons.*ponders*that could mean that they could either be found all over the place or are a rare and fairly unique race wondering the planes.

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
Ebberon races in Planescape

'moogle001' wrote:
I still intend on adding Eberron races to the Character chapter, but then I'd need to read Eberron first Sticking out tongue

How's that comming along?

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