Ebberon and Planescape

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Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
Ebberon and Planescape

Heres what I think about Planescape and Ebberon.

Most of what the natives of Ebberon know about the planes is a lie. It is true that Ebberon floats in the Astral Plane for an unknown reason. Thirteen color pools orbit Ebberon. These lead to various planes.

Daanvi = Arcadia
Dal Quor = Region of Dreams
Dollurh = Hades
Fernia = Elemental Plane of Fire
Irian = Demiplane
Kythri = Limbo
Lamannia = Beastlands
Mabar = Demiplane
Risia = Demiplane
Shavarath = Demiplane
Syrania = Demiplane
Thelanis = Aborea
Xoriat = Far Realm

Other planes are considered Remote and are therefore difficult to get to. What do you think?

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Ebberon and Planescape

I'm of the opinion that, like Faerun, Ebberon has been cut off from the rest of the multiverse and its planar structure has been manipulated to suit the ends of those in power. On Faerun, it is clearly the gods, Ao in particular, who are responsible for the partition from the multiverse, but on Eberron it is less clear. Eberron's gods seem to exist, but they aren't obvious about it, and their true natures and motives are less than clear. That said, even if I'm not entirely sure why Eberron would be cut off from the rest of the Multiverse, I have a pretty good idea of how it is.

Eberron is just another Crystal Sphere on the Prime, but the Ring of Syberis and perhaps other anomolous occurences in its wildspace make it totally innavigable by Spelljammers. Access to the planes is just as restricted. There are few or no portals to the Inner or Outer Planes, and travel on Ethereal, Shadow, and Astral is difficult and seemingly impeded. The only thing of note in Eberron's limited cosmology is a string of Astral Demiplanes -- thought constructs floating in the void similar to those Psions make, but on a massive scale.

The apparant purpose of the Astral Demiplanes is to create something akin to surrogate planes for those who have been cut off from the greater multiverse. Basically, I think that Eberron's "planes" were created by the conscious or unconious attempts of those who had been cut off from the greater Mutiverse to create a new set of planes to fill the gap. The Astral is made of belief and ideas, so it was only natural that enough undirected belief would be enough to create that which was believed in.

Basically, Eberron is disconnected from the Multiverse, but surrounded by demi-planes that largely take the place of the true Outer and Inner planes.

As for how someone from Eberron would get to Sigil or vice versa, the Lady's will is not something to be denied, and her portals go everywhere, even (perhaps especially) places where they aren't wanted. Beyond that, Spelljamming, Planeshifting, Astral, Ethereal, and Shadow Travel may be difficult (especially since the Eberronians don't think there's anything to travel to) but are not necessarilly impossible.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ebberon and Planescape

The main reason to cut Eberron off from the rest of the multiverse is to maintain its integrity as a separate campaign setting with its own distinct themes.

However, I think it's better from a purely Planescape perspective to ignore all that. While the designers' intentions were always to give Eberron its own cosmology, and while I can see the utility of that in a pure Eberron campaign, in a Planescape game I think it's more useful to open it up as wide as possible. This way, its characters and themes - both planar and prime - can be more effectively used throughout a campaign. Quori are more interesting, for example, as a multiversal threat than as something only Eberronites need concern themselves with.

For this reason, I advocate not rationalizing Eberron's cosmology, but doing away with it entirely. Replace the 13 outer planes of Eberron with the 17 outer planes and 18 inner planes of Planescape.

Manifest zones and the concept of planes coming in and out of coterminousness can stay, though - they can even be applied to every plane, not just Eberron. For example, the Abyss may be coterminous with the Outlands most of the time, but sometimes, perhaps, it isn't.

In Planescape, the region of dreams exists within the curtains of vaporous color in the Ethereal Plane. The Seelie Faerie Court moves about throughout the planes of chaos and good, while the Unseelie Faerie Court stays in Pandemonium. However, there may be fey demiplanes as well that can be used.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Ebberon and Planescape

I like the idea of keeping Eberron's Outer planes more or less intact (even if they're demoted to demi-planes), because they make up a good deal of the setting's feal and flavor. Sure some of them are basically old planes with some changes (Xoriat, for instance, is a dead ringer for the Far Realm), but I like the idea of belief shaping the planes, and if everyone on Eberron really does believe they'll go to Dollurh when they die, maybe they will.

I'll admit it's way easier to run a Planescape game when you mostly use watered-down, simplified versions of the Primes from other settings. I mean, the amount of reading it would take just to properly represent a day-trip to Waterdeep or Sharn is more than most DMs poorly aquinted with the setting want to deal with. That's fine for most Planescape DMs, but I figure if you really know the setting and you want to see if you can throw your players for a loop by sticking in oddball planes they've never even heard of, why let the boundaries (such as they are) of Planescape stop you?

Above all, Planescape is about exploration (in more ways than one), so why just limit yourself to the approximately 43 (not counting demiplanes) "official" planes? I know 43 seems like a lot, espcially when you realize that most of those planes are infinite and several of them contain countless worlds and demiplanes, but that just proves my point. If we already have more planes than we can shake a stick at, why does it matter whether we include the ones on Eberron. I think the greatest shock of Planescape for newbies is the massive increase in scale. The jump from standard Prime adventure D&D to Planescape is the jump from adventuruing in a small part of a small planet (seriously, if you look at scale of most Prime worlds and compare it to the actual Earth, Eberron is about the size of Mars, Aebir-Toril is comparable to the Moon, and Krynn will be lucky if it can beat out Pluto.) to exploring an absolutely miniscule part of an endless multiverse. I don't see why it should be any different with Eberron. Why can't the Quori or the Daelkyr or what have you be focused on just one sphere?

Here's an idea, maybe Eberron is cut off from the rest of the universe just so that the Daelkyr, Quori, and other dangerous creatures that live there can't escape? Maybe Eberron is a kind of Multiversal prison where those races or individuals that are deemed too dangerous to be allowed to spread acrross the planes are sequestered and quarantined. It would help to explain why nearly every race in the multiverse (including exemplars that by rights should be tied to their planes) can be found on one sphere and its planar environs. I for one can totally see the Sovereign Host as actually being glorified prisong guards. Something to think about.

Anyway, I think it's only a matter of time before someone integrates Eberron into planescape canon, and I guess what I'm saying is I'd personally prefer it if we left it open to interpretation whether their planes are "real" or not, but we should resist the temptation to write them off as clueless screed the way we seem to do a lot lately. Of course, ultimately, I think the decision as to what to do with Eberron should be left to the individual DM.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ebberon and Planescape

'Duckluck' wrote:
I like the idea of keeping Eberron's Outer planes more or less intact (even if they're demoted to demi-planes), because they make up a good deal of the setting's feal and flavor.

Exactly so. If being true to Eberron's feel and flavor is important to you, then by all means be as true as possible.

A lot of it depends on how big a part of your campaign Eberron is going to be. If it's going to take up a major story arc, I can see the utility of delving deeply into Eberron's cosmology. If it's only a brief stop on a greater journey, I think there's much less point.

Planescape can definitely be about exploration, and I love adding oddball planes. Doors to the Unknown was particularly good for that.

Few of Eberron's planes are distinctive enough to be worth keeping separate, in my opinion - as you say, many are dead ringers for planes in the core Planescape cosmology. Risia and Mabar, I think, are the most distinctive ones. I can see an excuse for making Shavarath a plane that's somehow become isolated from the rest of the Outer Planes since an ancient cataclysmic battle, too.

Syrania I would just have as a region in Mount Celestia - the qualities of the manifest zone in Sharn match up pretty well with the character of Excelsior, which also has flying castles.

The others you'd have to really work to make them something other than clones of more familiar planes.

(seriously, if you look at scale of most Prime worlds and compare it to the actual Earth, Eberron is about the size of Mars, Aebir-Toril is comparable to the Moon, and Krynn will be lucky if it can beat out Pluto.)

Oerth, at least, is 8,021.5 miles in diameter, as opposed to Earth's equatorial diameter of 7,926.41 miles.

Toril's circumference, according to this site, is approximately 23,400 miles; that works out to about 7,448.4 miles in diameter. The moon's diameter is about 2,160 miles.

Krynn's polar diameter is about 2,750 miles, if the distance to the south pole given in Otherlands is accurate.

Mystara is said to have a diameter of 6,190 miles.

Why can't the Quori or the Daelkyr or what have you be focused on just one sphere?

They certainly can, but they're more useful if you can use them elsewhere as well. And, frankly, I want to use them elsewhere, because I like them better than the world they're associated with.

The prison idea is a worthwhile hook, since it gives the PCs a reason to go to Eberron: to prevent the seals of the prison from becoming undone. But overall I think it's more interesting to let the quori, at least, roam freely, so that they can play a part in the politics of the planes elsewhere.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
Ebberon and Planescape

I agree with Duckluck, I think that it isn't Eberron anymore if you take away what makes it unique. It already is connected to the transitive planes, and I think it works just fine to have those planes orbiting in the Astral.

Why are some of them identical to an Outer Plane or nearly so? Good question! Whatever created them, or whatever force causes them to orbit like gravity, may have grabbed chunks of Outer Planar material or just of belief and pulled them inside-out through a portal, or something. Who knows! It could be interesting dark to ferret out.

Maybe those Exemplars are survivors who used to live in their respective Outer Planes, and are now stuck in Eberron's planes with no way home. Maybe the part about the exemplars is screed from Eberron primes who visited the Outer Planes and thought it was part of their familiar planes instead. But I think the orbiting planes themselves should be left alone.

I disagree about Faerun, though. In 2E it had the same cosmology as Planescape, IIRC. It was only in 3E that WotC decided to make it different just because they could. I think that's lame and I don't consider any 3E material canon if it disagrees with established Planescape canon. After all, we could also say that there are no para- or quasi-planes, and other various silliness that WotC came up with.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Ebberon and Planescape

Rip, I saw a thread on the Wizards boards (I'll have to see if I can't track down the link) where this guy basically figured it out and realized that the supposed diameters of most Primes didn't match at all with the actual numbers you should get based on the distances given on smaller maps. In short, the size most prime words are said to be is much larger than they effectively are.

Iavas, did they ever say there weren't Paras or Quasis, or did they just not mention them and imply that the elemental planes were strictly seperate? Theres a big difference between not saying something exists and saying it doesn't exist (as stupid as that sounds).

Either way though, I agree with you, FR has always been connected to the Great Ring, and regardless of what it says in the Campaign Setting, always will be. If you look at computer games set in 3.0 Forgotten Realms, for example, they don't pay any attention to the whole "great tree" thing and the massive ret cons it implies. In Neverwinter Nights, for instance, they include Slaadi from Limbo, and reference plenty of other planes as well.

I personally see the "Great Tree" or whatever it's called as a failed attempt by Toril's powers to cut Toril off from the rest of the multiverse so that they may have all it's sweet, sweet belief. During the Tempest of Doors, when Toril was suddenly cut off from its main portal hub, the powers on Toril executed a daring plan to set up a "new" cosmology that would see to it that no one would be left on Toril to challenge the Divine status quo. The problem is canny Torillians know the whole thing is screed and don't believe it for a minute, and angry bashers from off-world keep mucking things up. The Demon Princes and Lords of the Nine, for instance, enjoy far too many worshipers on Aebir-Toril to let it go without a fight, so both planes have been able to muscle in without much difficulty. Many of the old planar portals have stopped working or have been redirected to the various sham planes (which are actually just Divine Realms on real planes), but an aweful lot still lead to the rest of the multiverse. The new portals to Sigil (most of which have yet to be identified), for instance, are there to stay.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ebberon and Planescape

'Vaevictis Asmadi' wrote:
Why are some of them identical to an Outer Plane or nearly so? Good question!

There may well be a good reason, but it doesn't change the fact that it leads to a boring, redundant result.

As for the question of whether Eberron's cosmology is integral to the campaign's flavor - no more so than Planescape's cosmology is integral to its flavor. In a crossover campaign, if you can alter one, you can alter the other. It all depends on what you want to emphasize.

Personally, I've lost interest in attempts to explain or rationalize Eberron's unique position within the multiverse. They may be very clever ideas, but in the end I think they get in the way of the action. Eberron's cosmology isn't unique or interesting enough to be worthwhile; it's a fairly bland remix of planes we've already seen, and I don't even think it adds much to a pure-Eberron campaign, let alone a crossover one.

When it comes to variant or anomalous planes, I'm much more interested in the ones from, for example, Beyond Countless Doorways, or some of the more interesting Spelljammer worlds, or exotic demiplanes, or some of the weird things in Doors to the Unknown, or the wild ideas from the Mimir's Mapping the Infinite. I love attempts to create innovative and unexpected planes we've never seen before. I kind of hate attempts to pass off clones or near-clones of Limbo, Arcadia, the Paraelemental Plane of Ice, the Region of Dreams, the Elemental Plane of Fire, the Far Realm and so on as something worth the time I spent reading about them. They're just not. If they're somehow integral to Eberron's identity, Eberron doesn't have much of an identity.

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
Ebberon and Planescape

I just think that Dolurrh and Daanvi and other planes that are similar to planes in the Great Wheel are those planes, other unique ones are demiplanes.

Alder_Fiter_Galaz's picture
Joined: 2007-03-07
Ebberon and Planescape

The truth is that all known parts of prime material planes say Oerth (Greyhawk), Eberron, Krynn(Dragonlance), Athas (Dark Sun), Abel Toril (Forgotten Realms) and even Ravenloft (the demiplane of Dread) with his oceans can be tightly joined in a planet similar in dimension as Earth.
As you can see in this thread of the wizards of the coast forums

Even if its more easy to forcibly link Planescape and Eberron, Its possible to mantain the flavor of Eberron and then somewhere link the setting with Planescape.

The Eberron-themed planes can be somewhat isolated parts of bigger planes
(say a part of the elemental plane of fire is Fernia not all the plane of fire)
or a better option
the portals to the planescape themed planes are inside the Eberron-themed elemental planes and so on.
(example: the portal to the elemental plane of fire are inside Fernia, not in the prime material Eberron. Something that make sense)
Even then when warforgeds get to Sigil, I imagine fiends trying to found how to create his own wicked versions of the living constructs and chasing them.

Look at a crystal sphere with similar traveling problems like Athas (Dark Sun)
Even when athasians are not unheard in Sigil, travel between Sigil and Athas is difficult because no connection between outer or transitive planes and Athas exists.
The athasians must travel first to the elemental planes, then find a portal to somewhat reach Sigil (who is not near).

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Ebberon and Planescape

That's the link I was looking for. I seem to have been a little confused on some of the specifics. Sorry.

I don't think anyone would care much about the Warforged. Sure living constructs are weird, but they're not unheard of on the Planes. The clockwork people of Automata seem quite similar to Warforged, and Inevitables certainly fit the bill as well.

Alder_Fiter_Galaz's picture
Joined: 2007-03-07
Ebberon and Planescape

The main diference between warforged and other living constructs is that warforged are primes and inevitables and clockwork people are outsiders.

This explain the interest the fiends will have on warforged i think.

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
Ebberon and Planescape

Actually I had an idea where Warforged are already on the planes. You see, in my campaign a Planar Artificer traveled to Ebberon at some point in the past. Along with a group of adventurers possibly including Merrix d'Cannith he explored Xen'drik and found ancient Warforged components, ect there. After returning to Mechanus he eventaully was able create his own Warforged. After the Artificer's death at the hands of adventurers they took control of the creation forges and created they're own (still pretty small) nation. There's a community of Warforged in Sigil.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Ebberon and Planescape

In Eberron, warforged have been around a lot longer than the Last War. The Giants of Xen'drik built warforged back in the struggle against Quori of Dal Quor. Except somehow the Quori knew about the warforged from the giant's dreams and also created their primitive versions.

But it's possible that the knowledge on creating the warforged came from the planes first, or that it spread to other planes during the Age of Giants on Eberron.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Ebberon and Planescape

'Alder_Fiter_Galaz' wrote:
The main diference between warforged and other living constructs is that warforged are primes and inevitables and clockwork people are outsiders.

This explain the interest the fiends will have on warforged i think.

Actually, Inevitables are run of the mill constructs, not Outsiders. In fact their general nature and origin makes them seem like little more than powerful, lawfully-inclined warforged. I don't know a lot about the other automatons, but I'm pretty sure they're about the same.

Alder_Fiter_Galaz's picture
Joined: 2007-03-07
Ebberon and Planescape

Well i think that inevitables are stated outsider in the monstruos manual. maybe if i take a look.

Even then the warforged are the only prime native living constructs. Inevitables and clockwork people, even modrons who look similar to constructs also are natives from the outer planes.

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
Ebberon and Planescape

Warforged on Mechanus

The Warforged created by the Artificer Gerrix have created a small nation on Mechanus (there are possibly others). They control a handful of Cogs and have a grand city named Forge. They war aganist Mechanus Formains, seeking to increase they're territory. A major organization is the Extraplanar Tradeforged Consortium (Tradeforged is a nickname for the organization, as well as a general term for Warforged Merchants) which trades with other planes and hires out Warforged Legions. However the Consortium is just a front for a pro-warforged/construct, anti-living creature cabal, which seeks to remake the planes in they're image.

Warforged on Archeron

The Gerrix Warforged control at least one cube on Archeron, Warcube #1337 (tentative name, subject to change). From this cube Warforged Legions go out to fight. The Warforged are allies with the Maug. The Tradeforged control Warcube #1337. They have found evidence of Warforged on Thuladin.

Warforged in Sigil

The Gerrix Warforged have set up a district for Warforged in the Market Ward. The Tradeforged trade with other races here.

Do you think the Dragonmarked Houses could have set up operation in the Planes?

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Ebberon and Planescape

'Lord Zack' wrote:
Do you think the Dragonmarked Houses could have set up operation in the Planes?
No they wouldn't, their competition is a lot stronger out on the planes.

Secondly I don't see warforged a being more wide spread and beyond the lawful planes. They're construction may involve knowing certain laws, but warforged can be of any alignment.

There may in fact be a forge that creates warforged in the Abyss from the same place that creates Retrievers. Or one that's located in the sands of Pelion, Arborea.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ebberon and Planescape

'Alder_Fiter_Galaz' wrote:
Even then the warforged are the only prime native living constructs. Inevitables and clockwork people, even modrons who look similar to constructs also are natives from the outer planes.

Why is being from the Prime such a big deal?


Pants of the North!

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
Ebberon and Planescape

'Kobold Avenger' wrote:
No they wouldn't, their competition is a lot stronger out on the planes.

Secondly I don't see warforged a being more wide spread and beyond the lawful planes. They're construction may involve knowing certain laws, but warforged can be of any alignment.

There may in fact be a forge that creates warforged in the Abyss from the same place that creates Retrievers. Or one that's located in the sands of Pelion, Arborea.

I know, that's just one creation forge that happens to be important in my campaign.

Sucros's picture
Joined: 2007-01-04
Ebberon and Planescape

Remember, in Dark Sun, Athas was said to have had it's connection to the outer planes severed, so priests were forced to draw power from the inner planes, the ethereal, and teh shadow planes. It was simply said to be incased in an inpenetrable crystal sphere in the astral plane.

I don't see why eberron has to be that different. Eberron has an inpenetrable crystal sphere in the astral, but it has a small pocket leftover from the astral. people's beliefs formed infinite demiplanes that whirl about within the globe. People can still come and go in the setting, but it requires traveling the shadow, or escaping through the deep ethereal. IMO, direct portals to sigil from eberron are rare and intermittant, but portals exist that link Kythri and Limbo, Fernia and the elemental plane of fire, ect. The concept is quirky, but no different than the awkward shoehorning that athas got.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ebberon and Planescape

Eberron certainly doesn't have to be different from Dark Sun, but I think it would be helpful if it was.

Eberron, as I see the setting, is about exploration, about traveling to new and exotic places. Making it a prison world like Ravenloft hurts that. In a campaign where Eberron's planes are the only ones in existence, Eberron isn't a prison at all, of course, but in a campaign where Planescape's planes also exist, but there's some barrier that prevents planar travelers from easily moving from one to the other, it is.

Why should Eberron's crystal sphere be impenetrable? Why not put in the same portals to the Phlogiston that every other crystal sphere has? Eberron as urbane and sophisticated as the Forgotten Realms, and doesn't need to be hidden away like a fragile egg. Let those few Eberron characters with the power to explore the planes do so without restriction.

Alder_Fiter_Galaz's picture
Joined: 2007-03-07
Ebberon and Planescape

If Eberron is encased in an impenetrable crystal sphere in the ethereal that do not mean planar travel is imposible only more difficult.

IMHO i prefer a possible but not so easy way to travel from Eberron to Sigil, to maintain the flavor of Eberron but also make possible to use Eberron characters in Sigil.

After all when somebody finds a way the way will be easier for new travelers to find them also, because some sages will known about it.

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
Why is being from the Prime such a big deal?

A prime is able to become a petitioner (any type) or a larva if evil or similar (manes, for example) after his/her/its dead, a outsider do not.
As a living construct and have a soul a warforged is able, too.
A powerful outsider fiend is able to eat (or consume, torture, etc) the soul of a prime to get more power.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ebberon and Planescape

Keep in mind that creatures from planes other than the Prime Material aren't necessarily outsiders. A warforged from another plane is still a living construct, and still has a soul. They might become extraplanar (depending on how you interpret that subtype), but they don't become outsiders.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ebberon and Planescape

'Alder_Fiter_Galaz' wrote:
A prime is able to become a petitioner (any type) or a larva if evil or similar (manes, for example) after his/her/its dead

So is every other mortal, planar or prime.


Pants of the North!

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
Ebberon and Planescape

I'd have it be in a crystal sphere in the Astral Plane. The Planes other than the 13 it's connected to would be considered remote, so it would be more difficult, of course there's portals and stuff. Also, you could go to a plane that is connected and then travel through it to another plane.

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