Duration of the Great Modron March in your campaigns

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KnightOfDecay's picture
Joined: 2013-02-14
Duration of the Great Modron March in your campaigns

Just wondered: How long did the Great Modron March take to get around the Great Wheel in your campaigns?

The adventure is quite vague about it (month to decades) but if you want to run several of the adventures with one and the same group and don't like big time leaps, it seems you have to rush things a little bit.

I my campaign it will take about 1 year. I'm not really happy with that solution though.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Duration of the Great Modron March in your campaigns

I generally assume it took a year, based purely on the assumption that adventures correspond to their real-world publishing times in the Planescape timeline. But obviously, it should take as long as it needs to in your campaign. This modron march is very unstandard, since Tenebrous is deliberately rushing things. The Last Word is slowly destroying Tenebrous, so it can't afford to be as patient as an eternal being like Primus would be.

How long do you think it should take and why?

KnightOfDecay's picture
Joined: 2013-02-14
Re: Duration of the Great Modron March in your campaigns

Thanks for your response. There are several hints in Dead Gods indicating that the March took longer. For example Orcus muses about ‘the years he had spent as Primus’. More particularly the passage ‘The Unholy Quest’ (Introduction, page 9) says that the search of the Modrons ‘went on for years’ till they learned of Kestod and Erehe.

Nevertheless, a year is probably the most practical/playable option. It's good to hear that this is not too far-fetched.

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