Drugs in Planescape

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Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Drugs in Planescape

The Book of Vile Darkness introduced rules for drugs and had a few fantasy samples, but do real-world drugs exist in Planescape? I don't mean stuff like heroin or crack, but stuff you could find growing in a field naturally, like cannibas or opium plants... since there is no DEA in the D&D universe(s), presumably these drugs would be legal, at least as legal as alcohol... I suppose some Alchemist somewhere could create Meth if he or she wanted to, but it doesn't really fit the setting... I'm thinking along the lines of drugs that would've existed in real-world medieval times; maybe some halucinogenic mushrooms (I figure the Society of Sensation would use stuff like that, at least some of the members would try it...)

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Drugs in Planescape

Cannibus has a lot more uses than just smoking. I'd imagine that a lot of things are made of hemp. The thing with the plant though is that there are many different varieties, based on what different botanists were trying to create. Hemp made for the purposes of making stuff like paper, and clothes and so on, wouldn't be very narcotic at all.

Now of course the narcotic varieties, well there's a legend about Shiva creating cannibus seeds as a gift. It's likely that some group probably uses an anointing oil similar to that which ancient Hebrews used in some rituals. Ancient orders such as the Hashishin probably exists somewhere.

As for other drugs, well I've used the term "Happy pills" for MDMA. "Faerie Mushrooms" for Psilocybin and "Pixie Dust" for something that's a lot like Ketamine. But they aren't exact analogues to those drugs, just something like them.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Drugs in Planescape

Presumably. We don't question that cattle, sheep and chicken are in the Planes - so why would there be common fauna and not common flora? The only ones I would even consider raising an eyebrow on are synthetic designer drugs - but then that's what magic and alchemy are for.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Drugs in Planescape

Yeah, I'd say they exist as much as oak trees exist, although given that the Planes are what they are I'm sure much more dangerous (or desirable depending on your viewpoint) substances exist. If you like Magic Mushrooms, just wait till you try Myconid Spores!

Kalidor's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Drugs in Planescape

The Player's Handbook for both 2nd and 3rd edition list Rope, hemp 50' as an item that is available to buy. Between that and numerous examples of pipe tobacco in given D&D literature, I think it is likely that marijuana is being used for 'recreational' use. This is simply to reiterate what everyone else appears to be saying. Ultimately, it is subject to the Dungeon Master- just like anything else in a given campaign.

[Edit] I no longer have my 1st edition books, but I'm pretty sure Rope, hemp 50' is listed there as well.

Spiteful Crow's picture
Joined: 2007-10-10
Drugs in Planescape

And now we know what Elminster really puts in his "Magic Pipe".

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Drugs in Planescape

the 3.5 phb has both hemp and silk ropes in the equipment list if I'm not mistaken.

Kalidor's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Drugs in Planescape

Assuming the silk is cultivated from silk worms, that means there are mulberries in the D&D multiverse. According to wikipedia, the "unripe fruit and green parts of the plant have a white sap that is intoxicating and mildly hallucinogenic." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulberry

I guess it is likely that people get stoned and trip in the D&D mutliverse- again, all subject to DM approval.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Drugs in Planescape

Perhaps a better question would be...
Is there a drug on the planes that tastes like cinnamon, comes from a world with populated by a close relative of purple worms, extends life and gives it's users prescient visions?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Drugs in Planescape

It's rumored that there is, and that the mercanes need it to live.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Drugs in Planescape

Frankly, I'm surprised Sigil isn't full of vending machines (operated by gnomes of course) dispensing all the sugar and nicotine the multiverse needs.

I seem to remember seeing a detailed description of one a gnome-operated vending machine in an old D&D rulebook.


Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Drugs in Planescape

I really need to read Dune.

Wexquif's picture
Joined: 2007-04-07
Drugs in Planescape

'Kalidor' wrote:
Assuming the silk is cultivated from silk worms, that means there are mulberries in the D&D multiverse. According to wikipedia, the "unripe fruit and green parts of the plant have a white sap that is intoxicating and mildly hallucinogenic." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulberry

Hm, that actually explains alot of my childhood.

BlackDaggr's picture
Joined: 2007-11-15
Lax laws on Sigil Drugs

I would imagine that Sigil would have a very lax attitude towards drugs of any kind - or for that matter, any other vice of a consentual nature. After all, there are probably creatures in the multiverse that exude gases which cause hallucinations or euphoria. As long as a being doesn't hurt another, Sigilians wouldn't care.

Lawful planes would be more drug-hostile, as they could interfere with a properly functioning mind. Of course, the same applies to alcohol. More evil-aligned planes would use drugs as a substitute for real rewards, using the old "keep them doped up and happy" trick on their slaves. Chaotic planes could care less.

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
Drugs in Planescape

Well you know where most of the smoke in sigil comes from?
All those bashers in the lower ward puffing back of razorvine tobacco.

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

Actually, I think chaotic planes would encourage the use of hallucinogens, after all, what is more chaotic than a mind what can't function straight?

The problem is, there problably wouldn't be much business in drugs on chaotic planes, because there'd be little in the way of regulation, so anyone and everyone could bring them in ... on a grand BYO party ... of couse, nothing stopping some Tanar'ri from kicking the snot out of you and taking your hash ... even chaotic evil demon berks need their troops capable enough to find the enemy and do a little damage before they become gutter meat.

I imagine the best drugs in Sigil would be controlled by someone ... you might have your freelance no-names on the corner trying to push their latest thing, but if you want reliable, good quality material, you've got to go to bloods with reputation. And if said no-name starts getting too profitable ... well, he might find his stock swallowed up ... with his permition or no.

As for the official stance ... my guess is there wouldn't be one - but, if you do drugs and then become a nuissance, you are subject to the same laws and punishments as any trouble making berk.

Quale's picture
Joined: 2008-01-11
Drugs in Planescape

nah, lawful (evil) creatures would encourage it much more

I like hallucinogens

I used A'kin as an alchemist/secret drug lord (among other businesses)

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Jay and Silent Bob

I was picturing a couple guys who look a WHOLE lot like Jay and Silent Bob standing out front of a shop selling "weed" to whoever passes by (and avoiding the occasional Harmonium patrol...)

Darth Krzysztof's picture
Joined: 2008-01-21
Drugs in Planescape

'Anime Fan' wrote:
I was picturing a couple guys who look a WHOLE lot like Jay and Silent Bob standing out front of a shop selling "weed" to whoever passes by (and avoiding the occasional Harmonium patrol...)

As long as they don't do it in front of the Mortuary, where they might draw the wrath of the Dante & Randal analogs I had to improvise:


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