Dragon Campaign Classics

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Smeazel's picture
Joined: 2004-11-02
Dragon Campaign Classics

So...apparently it's been announced that the January 2006 issue of Dragon will be another "Campaign Classics" issue that will include some Planescape material (as well as material from other settings). (See this article.)

Last time this happened, as I recall, it happened with no input from planewalker.com at all. Since I haven't seen it brought up here, I'm guessing they haven't contacted anyone at planewalker.com about the matter this time, either.

My question (mainly directed at those in charge of the site) is this: What do you think of contacting Paizo and, well, maybe offering to help them with the Planescape material for the January issue? Could be it's already too late, that they already have some staff-written article in mind...but, on the other hand, it couldn't hurt to try, and at the very least it couldn't hurt to let them know we exist. (Okay, thanks to the ENnies I guess they ought to know we exist now, if they didn't already, but it couldn't hurt to remind them.)

I know I'm not privy to everything that goes on behind the scenes here, and maybe this was already known and has already been/is already being addressed in some form, but I figured I might as well bring it up just in case...

edobrzel's picture
Joined: 2003-11-22
Dragon Campaign Classics

It wouldn't surprise me if they already had at least the author lined up, but it wouldn't hurt to ask. Hopefully Zjelani will see this post, or I'll remember to bug him tomorrow at work. He has mysterious contacts all over the place. It definitely would be nice if we could get involved with the article somehow.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Dragon Campaign Classics

It's cool having our favorite campaign setting featured prominently, but it's even cooler to have it done so in a way that is consistent with how we handle it here.

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
Dragon Campaign Classics

Unfortunately, I missed the Dragon magazine seminar this year at Gen Con, but apparently, they said they already have Planescape article lined up. I'm still waiting to get a friend's notes from that seminar, but I beieve he did mention that in passing to me.

I did propose a few myself for that issue, but never heard back. Which I'm not surprised about, since I hear that more than a few of the WotC staffers are still big Planescape fans, so I can see them trying to muscle their way into writing the Planescape article.

But I'll contact Paizo and see if we can get a peak at the article when it's written. Unfortunately, I seriously doubt we have enough clout to influence it in any way, but (especially now that we are "Award Winning!") we might be able to get a peak so as to work with it when it's released. But no promises.

However, I also believe that the Paizo staff likes planar material in general in both Dragon and Dungeon, so there's nothing stopping any of us as individuals or even a team of us from proposing articles. Personally, I think a good bet might be to propose a series of 11 planar Class Act articles that discuss either variants or flavor for each class applying to the planes. Or a low level planar adventure for a change. Just a thought. Either way, the "Campaign Classics" issue needn't be the only one with a Planescape/planar article.

But, like I said, I'll see what I can find out at Paizo. Also, I know Shemeska has some WotC connections he might want to milk for information, especially if one of them is writing the article.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Dragon Campaign Classics

Yes, they already have a PS themed article for the next campaign classics issue. However this does not preclude any of us from proposing anything else (though personally I doubt that it would be reviewed, edited, and revised in time to make it into that particular issue).

I've personally got two proposed articles waiting for them to say yay or nay on me writing or not, but the turnaround time has been rather extreme and so honestly I can't tell you if I'll ever have anything in Dragon.

Plus it's never fun to see ideas turned down because it's something that they just don't like, but you then see another 'name' DnD designer write nearly the exact same article a half year later. However this was under a previous editor of Dragon, and Mona et al seem to be a bit quicker, relatively speaking, in giving feedback on article ideas.

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