Doomguard bar and grill?

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Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Doomguard bar and grill?

So, Im looking through some of my old books, and come across The Restaurant at the end of the Universe, by Douglas Adams.

Thats when I realized that it would be the greatest Doomguard bar ever!

For those of you that don't know, the Restaurant at the end of the Universe ( also known as Milliways) Is a place where you can go, sit, eat, and watch the universe die around you. ( I cant remember what exactly keeps it from going with it, or how they do it again the next night)

But anyway: Imagine a prime world that, through the wrath of some god, deadly magic wars, or horrible natural disasters, has a continent completly deviod of people, leaving only their stone cities behind.
Now, add in a chronomancer looking for a restaurant theme.
Mix in the kind of time magics that DM's reserve for NPC's... a wham!.
You have a restaurant completly outside the timestream. You know have a restaurant that moves forward into the future at an accelerated rate, i dont know, maybey a couple millenia an hour. Now build a window.
Because of the rapid time stream, you wont see much in the way of wheather, night or day. It would all become a blur. What you would see, is the buildings crumbling, the mountiains eroding, entropy in all its forms.

At the end of the day, the prime has taken such an entropy beating, you probly couldn't reconize it.

And when its reached the point that no one can see the entropy on a noticable scale any more, you just do a quick time hop back to the begining, and resume the show.

The doomguard would love it, the sensates might come to see it ( just once), The guvners would be more intrested in the bar itself.

So, is this even plausable?

Mirabel's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
Doomguard bar and grill?

Try to be nice about my inabilities, but how prey tell would any of them be able to go there. i mean when they get there they'd have to like appear in the resturant other wise they would almost instantaneously die do to the extreme amount of entropy surounding them. and when they got there how could they meet someone for brunch because theyd be in different futures and for an endless period of time waiting for their companion to arrive, wondering why their late, and mean while the delectable sausage and creme on a bun they ordered is begining to get cold :shock: my brain tingles. or am i completely ignorant (very possible indeed) and dont understand the simplicity in their excursions to this resturant/bar thingy. EIIII i say EIIII Puzzled

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Doomguard bar and grill?

Well, considering that it has its own time stream and all, the onlys real was to get their would either be by a planeshift ( but I hear they arn't too specific on location, so you could easily end up outside the restuarant.)
So, I guess the best place to go in would be via portal. Hey, that means it can "be" in Sigil. Hot Dang!

But yea, you wouldn't die from exposer to the outside plane. Time is going on normaly there. Its the building itself thats goping through time, not the plane around it. In fact, people probably visit the outside prime often, but they just don't build any cities there. (within sight)

Going through time at such a fast speed that you can see the signs of entorpy unfold, people wouldn't even register as blurs. For them to be noticed at all, they whould have to stand still for a good couple hundred years. And unless you're some immortal wacko with time to kill, who's going to do that?

They only problem would be if you built a regular door into the place, and someone used it during the show. then they would be part in, part out. Two parts in drastically differant time streams. It would have to be entrance via portal, or they would die.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Doomguard bar and grill?

Actually what the Restarant did was transport back in time right as the Universe was ending to watch it all over again. I forget it was something like 6 or 8 hours I believe actually my first thought was hourly but then I remember thinking that it only happened like once a night unless it was a specialy occasion or something like that.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Doomguard bar and grill?

A Doomguard Restaurant at the End of the Multiverse could be located at the edge of the Negative Energy Plane - perhaps in one of their own citadels. There, patrons could watch the elemental planes dissolving into oblivion from the comfort of their tables.

Companero's picture
Joined: 2005-02-17
Doomguard bar and grill?

"Kaelyn" wrote:
A Doomguard Restaurant at the End of the Multiverse could be located at the edge of the Negative Energy Plane - perhaps in one of their own citadels. There, patrons could watch the elemental planes dissolving into oblivion from the comfort of their tables.

I was about to suggest something like that, or maybe on the Plane of Shadow, overlaid over what would normally be a bustling city, showing up in ruins on that plane.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Doomguard bar and grill?

I just figureed that doing the end of the multiverse thing could be a bad idea. Accidentaly slipping into the Far Realm and all. And I would have thought that the very end of the multiverse would be at a point where either the main effects of entrpoy have already done their work, or that the Planes would crumple away (or be blown apart) too abruptly for most Doomguard tastes.

And if the Multiverse is destroyed in Ragnorak, wherew the gods fight each other, then thats war, not entropy at all. Its still destruction, and it might give entropy a push, but its not entropy in itself.

Hmm, maybe you see differant planes through differant "windows." You know, watch the pirme crumble here, watch the cubes of Acheron band themselves to smitherines there, watch the flames go out in the elemental plane of fire in the next booth on the left.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Doomguard bar and grill?

The Doomguard Bar & Grill sounds like a great idea. Why not write an article and submit it?

I would say that it would have to feature not just entropy, which as you pointed out is a very slow process and does not go out with a bang at the end of the universe, but every imaginable apocalypse and catastrophe involving the natural forces of the multiverse. It could have an afternoon warmup band singing There Ain't No Tomorrow as several Gate-Towns slide into their respective places on the Abyss and Baator, or perhaps a light luncheon as a Prime Material Plane is annihilated by a breach from the Plane of Fire.

Time-lapse viewing of the collapse of the Netherese Empire on Faerun ala The Time Machine?

A quick jaunt to Pelion to witness the death of entire pantheons in the past?

I'd say this was an Epic-level site, but perfect for jaded players.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Doomguard bar and grill?

I cant even comprehend the magics involved for that kinda thing.

And then again, watching all those natural disasters... surely your going to end up seeing people crushed by avalanches, drowned in devestating floods, townspeople burning alive in that elemantal plane of fire rift.

I mean, a bunch of Doomguard sitting around and watching the universe crumble away is one thing. Having them having a grand old time watching people get snuffed out is another.

Thats what I liked about the while super fast time thing. Everyone outside doesn't even register. There might be four or five murders rigth in front of the window, and no one would know. None of the human emotions to interfer, you dont see anyone suffering, just entropy taking its course.

And By the Way, unless its actually going to be called the Doomguard Bar and Grill, it needs a name.

Any takers?

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Doomguard bar and grill?

"Fidrikon" wrote:
Any takers?

Probably not; it's supposed to be a Sinker bar, after all. Laughing out loud

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Doomguard bar and grill?

the bar n grill would be amazing not to metion it would give me a place to put posts from my weird planar food and drink thread but the portal thing would best or a teloportation circle and would the doomguard care about seeing people die ?

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Doomguard bar and grill?

How about Tombstone or maybe Oblivion?

Mirabel's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
Doomguard bar and grill?

OOOO make it some lame name. that would make it oh so awsome... like the prime material plane's joes diner make it something completely misleading for a spectacularly surprising brunch for unknowing customers but hey thats just me. or you could come up with something actually good.

shiido's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Doomguard bar and grill?

:help!!: if this bar is in a visible, out in the open, place then you wouldn't need a portal or a planeshift spell as long as their is a physical entrance, pretty much as soon as someone walked, crawled, etc., into the building then they would be hit by the time streams increased speed. Another thing that confuses me is that wouldn't the bars increased time speed be painfully obvious to the people outside if they can see inside the building, everyone looking like they're frozen in time but you might notice a slight movement if you pay extreme attention.


"I am the professional. Failure is not an option and there is no question you will not answer... whether you're willing or not."

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Doomguard bar and grill?

I do belive both the things you just said have already been adressed. allow me to recap:

They only problem would be if you built a regular door into the place, and someone used it during the show. then they would be part in, part out. Two parts in drastically differant time streams. It would have to be entrance via portal, or they would die.

Thats what I liked about the while super fast time thing. Everyone outside doesn't even register. There might be four or five murders rigth in front of the window, and no one would know. None of the human emotions to interfer, you dont see anyone suffering, just entropy taking its course.

so, I think thats been covered.

LegatoX's picture
Joined: 2005-01-30
Doomguard bar and grill?

I think what he was saying was how the people outside the building would react to this building where the people barely move inside, with no door to get in; As if the people would ignore something so weird.

The way around this would be to have it be it's own "demi-plane building" with the windows all being some sort of scrying devices that work "automagically" (otherwise only wizards could use them) and shift from scene to scene every hour or so.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Doomguard bar and grill?

If the building was truly outside of the regular timestream, then nobody inside regular time would be able to perceive it. It would be out-of-phase, so to speak. It would take strange and powerful magic to allow the patrons of the restaurant to witness a timestream in accelerated motion from outside of it.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Doomguard bar and grill?

Krypter, you have it down EXACTLY.

Even if the bar itself is not completly out of phase, considering how fast its going through time, its never in a span of time for more then a... a....
I dont have a word for how long it would be there. But surfice to say that not even a modron would notice it.

For example: the bar doesnt even regiter individual days. Leaving the veiw outside as perpetual twilight. Entire yeras would flash by the windows in seconds. So from the outside, the bar simply wouldn't be there long enough for anyone to notice it. Even a person using the time stop spell would probably only get a brief flicker of an image.

Hmmmm, I know the Dustmen and the Bleakers arn't party people, but are the Doomguard usually as somber? Or would this be a bar full of fun loving sinkers enjoying 'one last round- har har har' and having a fun time? Or would this be as lively as taking your kids to the mortuary for their birthday?

So, I still lack a name.

Possible ideas:

Eyes of Entropy
Entropic Jim's

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Doomguard bar and grill?

I still don't think time-magics are necessary. A bar at the edge of the Negative Energy Plane has an equally good view of the end of the multiverse.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Doomguard bar and grill?

I have to agree with that.

Adding access to temporal magics just seems to add further complification to an already complex idea. The bar itself is interesting enough, especially considering where it currently resides.

Entropy will eventually have its way. It always does...

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Doomguard bar and grill?

Ah, but you forget:

While inspired by Milliways, the bar itself is not at the end of the multiverse. In no way does it show the final moments of the planes.

Instead, it shows the steady progression of time toward that moment, and the entropy therein. We're not looking for the flash-bang-end of the multiverse, we're looking for veiws of a prime around you quickly wasteing away, stone buildings crumbling, forgotten statues rusting away, mountiains and forests slowly losing the battle against entopy in all its forms.

Or, thats my take on it at least.

Besides, why wouldn't you want to visit a place where the announcer says:

"Okay folks, for the next eight minuets or so, we are experiancing an ice age, and are trapped in a glacier, consider this your intermission."

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Doomguard bar and grill?

I can see the possibility for the menu to change accordingly to reflect both the changing environment and the tastes of its patrons, if that is the case...

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Doomguard bar and grill?

Well, heres how I plan it out:

Many establishments boast a grand veiw, but Entropic Jim's is one of the few places on the planes where a person goes for the specific reason of looking out the window. Entropy, the undeniable destruction of the Universe, and the idol of the Doomguard. Entropic Jim's is a testemant to entropy, just not in a way that most people would guess.

The first sight a customer get when entering Entropic Jim's is a large, large room. The edges of the room are lined with windows made of Acheronian Clearsteel. The center of the room is dominated by a circular bar, forming a ring around a raised platform where the band plays. The room is lit by three pillars that have been cast with continual flame.

The astounding thing about Entropic Jims is its location, even though its on a prime. The bar is enchanted with powerful time manipulation spells (but we'll discuss the history of those later). The effect: The bar is traveling through time, but not space. Looking out the window shows a prime world that seems slightly blurred. There is no day or night, merely perpetual twilight as the two blur together. The north side of the bar proudly displayes a not so proud city, slowly eroding away as it loses its battle with the elements.The other side shows a range of mountians boarding a river, with a stone bridge across it. Not a spectacular veiw, all in all.

However, the Bar is traveling through time. You see the same scene, but time seems to have sped up. Tree grow old, die, rot, and are replaced hourly. Animals and people simply don't seem to exist. Stone weathers to dust. The river cuts its path through the ground as the bridge erodes and collapses. The mountains crumble, and the city wastes away, the veiw broken only by a small ice age, which is oddly beutiful in its own right.

By the end of the day, the place is a bleak wasteland, beaten flat by entropy and turning into desert. By this time, the customers have all gone home, and all that remain are the Bleakers who don't have the force of will to leave.

Despite its name, Entropic Jim's is visited by members of all factions, with small sections specifially reserved for each faction (except, for obvious reasons, the Revolutionary League) and numerous single booths set up for Xaosects who decide not to sit in their area.

The faction reserved areas are there to discourage fighting between opposed factions, and are decorated with the sigils of the faction, and designed to appeal to the specified faction.

These sections are far apart, and equiped with doors in the event of a faction meeting (the owners encourage that sort of thing, more customers). Having the room blocked against divination spells is extra. The bulk of the esablishment, however, is a large area set up as a common ground.

The only way into Entropic Jim's is through a portal located in the closet of a brick tenemant in the Lower ward. The Tenemant has since been bought out by the Bar, and repaired to the point to repectable use. While a large number of the rooms are provided to employies that have no other residance, the ground floor has been reserved for paying customers, acting as a low class inn, breakfast provided by the bar.

The portal key is to simply think about a purple dabus. The portal key is posted on a sign next to the doorway, however, someone decided to change it to 'Don't Think about a purple Dabus.' For whatever reason, this sign still seems to do its duty, so no one has taken the time to change it, yet.

The History of Entropic Jim's
The Bar itself is owned and opperated by a Lich by the name of Nathan. Or, thats what he tells people at least.(Nathan/male/planar/Lich/Wizard 17/Doomguard)

So as not to frighten away customers (and to keep every jumpy cleric in the bar from trying to turn him) Nathan opperates the bar from a secluded room, keeping tabs on everything through the use of such spells as scry and clairvoyance.

As for Nathan, Nathan started off on the path to Lichdom for the same reason as everyone else, power. After finally achieving Lichdom, he set his undead armies into motion and with a few decads managed to conquer an entire prime.
But being the undead king of a world loses its charm after several thousand years. After a Paladin lead army from another prime invaded, Nathan decided that enough was enough. He staged several mass battles, during which his army of undead was destroyed. He hid his phylactory, but not before making a copy.
He puposly lost the final battle, during which he was killed, and his fake phylactory destroyed. After raising from the dead a few days later, he left to wander the planes, searching for the point of it all.
Eventually he came, as all do, to Sigil. From the moment he stepped through the portal, Nathan was determined to join a faction.
But the one faction that made sense to him was the Doomguard. During his several thousand years on the prime, he had seen the slow handywork of entropy on a scale the mortal could not, for the sole reason that they didn't live long enough to see it unfold.
He was determined that this would be his contribution. To allow others to see entropy unfold across the ages.
He went to the Fraternity of Order for help in his dream, and struck a deal.
In return for helping in construction of his Entropy veiwing establishment, he would allow the Fraternity of Order to use the Bar to conduct expiriments and such during the night, as long as the bar was still able to do its duty in the morning.
Nathan and several Guvner's hired chronomancers , the best they could afford, to help in its creation.

And then it goes on, listing prices for meals, rooms, and whatnot. So?

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Doomguard bar and grill?

That looks like a very fun location. Love the "purple dabus" thing. You may want to describe how each section/booth appeals to the individual factions (rusty metal tables for the Doomguard, building-block chairs for the Believers of the Source, sentient beanbags for the Xaositects, &c). That had me curious right off the bat.

So submit this site, already! Smiling It'll be just in time for the release of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Doomguard bar and grill?

Um, I really don't know eneough about the factions tastes to give one for every faction. Aside from having symbol for the faction on the door ( or seat cushion) I do have a few ideas....

For example: The Sensate booth changes from day to day. Using illusions, the wallpaper, seat cushions, window frame, and even the designs on the table itself have never been the the same twice in the bars history. Even the napkins change. Varying in texture, and often smell or taste

The Xaosects would have something similars, but far more rapid and odd.

The Bleakers would have a room with very little color. Paint made with dust from the gray waste, perhaps?

The doomguard, im thinking a booth with a much larger window then any of the others, with one of the better veiws of the entropy outside.
Also, while cleaned on a regular bases, this booth is never repaired unless nescissary. The paint starts to chip, well, thats the spirit!

The dustmen would have something somber, probably black. Who knows, maybe even instead of pictures they have replicas of tombstones on the wall.

Hmmm, maybe a table in the guvners booth that is shaped like a giant gear. I dont know...

The rest Im drawing a blank for. Any suggestions?

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Doomguard bar and grill?

"Fidrikon" wrote:
Hmmm, maybe a table in the guvners booth that is shaped like a giant gear. I dont know...
And the menu would be an extraordinarily long and complicated working of choices, prices, and cooking times. It would likely contain nearly every meal known to exist.

Of course, whether the house chefs can actually prepare all these meals remains to be seen. But it's a nice listing nonetheless...

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Doomguard bar and grill?

I imagine the Ciphers wouldn't have a menu; the Cadence will tell them that they want the larva mignon served with crisp Arborean vegetables and a nice Elysian riesling.

I imagine the Harmonium wouldn't bother with a menu either; you get what you're given, and you'll like it. And you won't go putting your elbows on the table either, berk.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Doomguard bar and grill?

Im almost frightend of the mercykiller booth...

I guess the Fated would have a booth on a second floor just for them. I guess it would make them feel important. And have a limited number of seats, first come, first serve.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Doomguard bar and grill?

"Fidrikon" wrote:
Im almost frightend of the mercykiller booth...

The food would be punishment enough.

I guess the Fated would have a booth on a second floor just for them. I guess it would make them feel important. And have a limited number of seats, first come, first serve.

Or, it could be "If you can wrestle the current occupant to the ground, you can eat their food. One challenge per 1/2 hour maximum."

Also, everything in the Fated booth would be nailed down or chained to the furniture. Even the cutlery and glassware.

The Anarchists' booth would be a self-service buffet, because "the hierarchical and imperialist nature of waiters and servants is antithetical to the revolutionary proletariat's desire for social emancipation and self-empowerment." Only vegetarian dishes, of course. "And, no, we refuse to pay the bill, you fascist."

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Doomguard bar and grill?

why not have a dc for the menu if it is so complex

Mirabel's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
Doomguard bar and grill?

Hahaha is it just me or has no one acutally suggested a name?........ well dont look at me i aint that creative, word wise that is. give me a min or two

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Doomguard bar and grill?

The Anarchists' booth would be a self-service buffet, because "the hierarchical and imperialist nature of waiters and servants is antithetical to the revolutionary proletariat's desire for social emancipation and self-empowerment." Only vegetarian dishes, of course. "And, no, we refuse to pay the bill, you fascist."

which is the exact reason they dont get a booth.
Besides, the good ones get to use the faction boths anyway Eye-wink

And dont you think the harmonium would just love to have someone outside the booth, looking for suspects. Or any Anarchist it can charge with a crime and kick for a bit.

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Doomguard bar and grill?

I still say that the menu should hold almost every food in exsitence it only seems right

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Doomguard bar and grill?

You can't have EVERY food in existance. But you can sure have a lot.
And considering the lack of submissions in the food of the planes forum, I think ill just add a note at the bottom telling DMs to feel free to add in any food or drink that they can think up.

Anyway, still need faction booth ideas. Hrrm....

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Doomguard bar and grill?

"sphagetti man" wrote:
I still say that the menu should hold almost every food in exsitence it only seems right
It would only be a LIKELY assumption -- nothing definite. There could never be EVERY food in existence listed, as there are likely to be worlds and planes that have traditional meals that no one other than their native inhabitants know about. Add to that that on the known worlds and planes, there are bound to be some dishes which may have been forgotten over time, as their popularity fades.

And what about dishes from the future, or even the past? Community tastes shift over time. What is popular today, might be forgotten in a month's time. What is unpopular three weeks from now might be the most requested dish on tonight's menu.

Food is a very fickle subject. It is completely subjective. Personal taste is always in flux. A menu in a bar such as this should reflect that.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Doomguard bar and grill?

Yes, but considering the powerful time magics we are already working with, what keeps the owners from going back in time and changing the menu just in time to avoid a horrible customer loss?

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Doomguard bar and grill?


But unless the restaruant has chronomancers on the payroll it is going to be a costly exercise every time the owner wants to go back and change an unpopular menu.

It would likely be more appropriate for both the owner and the chef to anticipate community tastes by providing a free sampler and determining which meals are the "hot" favorites among the locals.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Doomguard bar and grill?

In no way was I talking about casual chronomancy here.
Now I was talking about if, for example, the competition suddenly came up with something that drew away enough customers that they neared bankrupcy, then maybe they would use the emergency funds to go back and beat them to the punch.

Or in other sorts of emergencies.
I can definatly see Nathan going back in time to notify himself to have the bar 'closed for blank reason' just as the Faction War breaks out. Not passing enough info back for anyone to make a major change of coarse, you have to keep SOME preservation of the time stream, but enough to make sure that the FW doesn't involve a skirmish between the differant booths and cause massive damage.
Because, you know, the best place for there to be a battle involving magic is the building currently going at 200 years per hour.
Hmmm, YPH: the speed of chronomancy

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Doomguard bar and grill?

true but how about differen t foods on different days ?

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Doomguard bar and grill?

One would assume that this would be the case.

The menu would have to reflect the community's changing tastes and fashions. Take for example the exotic foods some of the social elite here on Earth like to eat. It is more a fad or fashion to sample such delights, even if they are not as tasty as other less-sophisticated dishes. However, as soon as the next wondrous dessert comes along, what was fashionable yesterday will be quickly forgotten for what is new and unknown.

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Doomguard bar and grill?

hey works for me *Looks at menu tells the waiter his order*or mabye a different menu for different table or section of the reteraunt*served delicious looking glowing pot pie*

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Doomguard bar and grill?

Thats the whole deal with differant booths.

No sense offering the incredibly complex foods the sensates would die for... to the bleakers.

Hmmm, maybe the reason no one knows about the mercykiller booth is because no one dares go in there.
why: Its said thats where Nathan sends customers who dont pay outstanding tabs. :twisted:
But I hope thats just screed.

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Doomguard bar and grill?

No sense offering the incredibly complex foods the sensates would die for... to the bleakers.

Lol thats true, you might as well feed them gruel, they really won't care either way

I think you should give the sensates some sort of flavor-everchanging-sundea for dessert sprinkled with sunshine-dust Eye-wink

Gremmith Mi's picture
Joined: 2004-09-06
Doomguard bar and grill?

Okay, the idea is pretty damn cool, though personally I despise temporal magic. Buuuuut....

Entropic Jim's? Nathan?

How about 'The Lonely Light'? Or a bar simply called 'End'? Or 'Last Call', or 'Closure', or... well, anything but "Entropic Jim's".

Nathan? How about Aten, or Alestro, or Martinian? I KNOW a Nathan. He shouldn't be allowed within ten light-years of Planescape.

Ahem. Rant over. (Sorry)

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Doomguard bar and grill?

Dying Embers, owned and operated by End-of-Infinity?

Gremmith Mi's picture
Joined: 2004-09-06
Doomguard bar and grill?

That's good! That's Planescapey.

Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.