Do dates on the Prime and dates on the Outer Planes match?

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Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Do dates on the Prime and dates on the Outer Planes match?

I want to make a timeline with Oerth and Sigil dates...

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Do dates on the Prime and dates on the Outer Planes match?

Time is assumed to flow at the same rate throughout most (not all) of the planes in the multiverse, and it should flow at the same rate in both Sigil and Oerth.

587 CY in Oerth's time is equivalent to 127 in the reign of Hashkar in Sigil, judging on the events noted in The Planewalker's Handbook and elsewhere. The official current year on Oerth (according to Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk) is 597 CY, which is ten years later in Sigil as well. The Faction War took place in Hashkar 130, or 590 CY; after that, the people started counting the time since the Lady's Edict, so 591 CY (the time that The Adventure Begins, Doomgrinder, and the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer were set) was Lady's Edict 1, and 597 CY is 7 LE.

However, note that Oerth has a 364 day year. Sigil has no official calendar, so if you decide its year is also 364 days (as Ken Lipka did on this site), there will be no discrepancy. If you decide that Sigil's year is longer or shorter, you'll have to take that into account.

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13

Thank you! Say, does this mean that Vecna entered Sigil in Lady's Edict 1? (I think the book Die, Vecna, Die stated that the Faction War occured about a year prior to the book's events...) Also, is there no Lady's Edict 0?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Do dates on the Prime and dates on the Outer Planes match?

'Anime Fan' wrote:
Thank you! Say, does this mean that Vecna entered Sigil in Lady's Edict 1? (I think the book Die, Vecna, Die stated that the Faction War occured about a year prior to the book's events...) Also, is there no Lady's Edict 0?

Most calendars don't have a year 0. Year 0 was Hashkar 130 (which is the year the war happened, and when the Lady made her edict). Since then, they've counted the years since the Lady's Edict.

9413 BCY The wizard Shekelor dies after trying to retrieve the Labyrinth Stone from Pandemonium.
422 BCY The Invoked Devastation and the Rain of Colorless Fire on Oerth.
411 BCY The githyanki lich-queen Vlaakith CLVI is slain by the first of the devourers, Xynfyrit. (Dragon #355) Vlaakith CLVII is crowned queen of the githyanki.
Circa 400 BCY The Expansionist faction in Sigil mazed by the Lady of Pain.
394 BCY Fraternity of Order officially becomes a faction. The Transcendent Order impulsively follows soon after.
357 BCY Vecna banishes Kas to Citadel Cavitius before his corporeal form is destroyed by Kas's last blow. Vecna must have taken Citadel Cavitius from the Doomguard at some point before this.
Circa 120 BCY Society of Sensation formed, initially as a social club. Within twenty-five years they're one of the most popular factions, though without a factol.
Circa 39 BCY The Great Upheaval in Sigil. The Mercykillers form from the Sons of Mercy and Sodkiller factions. The Doomguard becomes an official faction (again), and becomes Sigil's official city guard.
87 CY Knights of Harmony found the Harmonium on the world of Ortho.
Circa 394 CY Harmonium sets up shop in Sigil and wars with the Doomguard. At the end, the Harmonium are the city guard and the Doomguard in charge of the Armory.
Circa 395 CY The Fated seizes control of "Bigby's College" in Sigil, citing overdue taxes. Note: I would change this to Keoghtom's College, since he's a Greyhawk spellcaster with known planar connections who would've at least been alive at the time.
460 CY Graz'zt bound by Iggwilv.
491 CY Graz'zt banished by Iggwilv to the Abyss for a hundred years.
505 CY Nine demigods imprisoned beneath Castle Greyhawk by Zagig Yragerne and friends.
561 CY Mordenkainen and Bigby lay the foundation of the Citadel of Eight.
569 CY Battle of Emridy Meadows, Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure.
570 CY Iuz freed by Robilar, Quij, and Riggby in Castle Greyhawk.
572 CY Erac's Cousin and Ayelerach free Fraz-Urb'luu from beneath Castle Greyhawk.
576 CY Against the Giants/Drow. Lolth's creates bubble over Istivin before her plans are checked by a band of adventurers venturing into her Demonweb.
579 CY Orcus's wand stolen by Gareth Dragonsbane and his party. Kiaransalee kills Orcus. Zuggtmoy freed from the Temple of Elemental Evil.
581 CY Vecna Lives!
583 CY Graz'zt freed from his banishment slightly early when Iggwilv summons him again. Graz'zt breaks free of the summoning circle and drags Iggwilv into Azzagrat with him.
585 CY Iggwilv freed by Tuerny. Events of Return of the Eight.
586 CY Well of Worlds. The Eternal Boundary. In the Abyss.
587 CY Orcus resurrected as undead god Tenebrous. The Great Modron March begins. The Factol's Manifesto published. Harbinger House. Fires of Dis. The events of Planescape: Torment take place.
588 CY The events of the novels Finder's Bane and Tymora's Luck. Doors to the Unknown. Something Wild. Hellbound: The Blood War.
589 CY The Great Modron March ends. Dead Gods begins. Orcus dies a second time and is brought back to life by Quah-Namog as a non-divine demon lord. Tenebrous becomes a vestige.
590 CY Tales From the Infinite Staircase. Waukeen freed from Graz'zt's clutches. Faction War.
591 CY Star Cairns, Tomb of Lyzandred the Mad, Doomgrinder, Return to the Tomb of Horrors, Die, Vecna, Die!. The Codex of the Infinite Planes is recovered (Epic Level Handbook).
593 CY The lich-queen Vlaakith is destroyed (the Incursion campaign in Dungeon #100).
594 CY Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, "Touch of the Abyss" (Dungeon #117). Shackled City adventure path begins.
595 CY Shackled City adventure path completed. Adimarchus slain. Age of Worms adventure path begins.
596 CY Age of Worms adventure path. Kyuss slain. Savage Tide adventure path begins.
597 CY Expedition to the Demonweb Pits. The Savage Tide adventure path is completed. Demogorgon slain.

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13

Great list, but... Demogorgon has been KILLED? By WHOM? :shock: Puzzled :shock:

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Do dates on the Prime and dates on the Outer Planes match?

Well, that's one possible ending. It's a coalition of different groups: the Orcus, altraloth Charon, the eladrin Gwynharwyf, and others, along with the player characters.

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
Do dates on the Prime and dates on the Outer Planes match?

I feel ignorant... but what dows it mean CY and BeforeCY?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Do dates on the Prime and dates on the Outer Planes match?

'Felenthir Enthelion' wrote:
I feel ignorant... but what dows it mean CY and BeforeCY?

That's Common Year, the time since the founding of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy on Oerth.

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
Do dates on the Prime and dates on the Outer Planes match?

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
'Felenthir Enthelion' wrote:
I feel ignorant... but what dows it mean CY and BeforeCY?

That's Common Year, the time since the founding of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy on Oerth.

Good to know. Smiling

Do you know when the demon queen of fungi is freed from the temple of Elemental Evil?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Do dates on the Prime and dates on the Outer Planes match?

'Felenthir Enthelion' wrote:
Do you know when the demon queen of fungi is freed from the temple of Elemental Evil?

579 CY. That's 119 in the reign of Factol Hashkar, or 1359 DR.

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