I'm currently working on a list of what should go on a good set of DM screens for Planewalker. Here's what I currently have:
Planar trait effects on a PC
Outer plane map via outlands
Planes and what planar traits they have
Spells affects by lack of astral, by lack of etheral
Rilmani, fiendish, and celestial immunities and resistances
Factions/sects and their reaction mods to each other
Trip rules
Grapple rules
Turn undead rules
Condition modifier lists
AOO provoking actions
Combat situation modifiers (darkness, etc)
Cover types and bonuses
A *small* selection of 'throw away NPC' stats
Skill DC checks for Spot, Listen, Hide, Silent, Jump, Climb, Ride, Tumble.
Have I missed anything that folks commonly used?
I will be including as optional printouts - planar effects on spells, weapons and clerics.
Pretty pictures on the other side?