Divine Realm: The Lords of Order

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Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
Divine Realm: The Lords of Order

From The Book of Iathiphos

Chapter VII

1. Those who serve The Lords of Order well in life will have their souls gathered up by winged Archons upon death.

2. The Archons shall lead the souls of the righteous to The Great Flying Ships that will take them across the Astral Sea.

3. Once they cross the Astral Sea, they shall reach a great ocean in the sky. This shall be the Silver Sea of Alandria.

4. From there, The Great Flying Ships will take the souls of the virtuous on a seven day journey towards the shores of The Endless Continent.

5. Upon reaching the Endless Continent, the souls of the virtuous shall be asked by the Archons where they want to spend the rest of their existence.

6. Farmers and Soldiers shall find their place amongst the Endless Lordships of Didairdin.

7. Scholars and Men of Wisdom shall spend their rest in the Great Academy of Iathiphos.

8. Leaders and Rulers shall reign in the Great Bureaucracy of Rialondru in his Glorious City of Gold.

9. The Healers and the Peaceful shall know endless rest in the Dream Lands of Alae.

10. The Just and Peace-Keepers shall forever guard the sanctity of Alandria in the Garrisons of Tyerusus.

11. The Seekers shall walk in the beautiful night of Ina's Forrests.

12. The Vigilant shall stand in the Watchtower of Saeduenical, keeping eye for all foes that may come.

13. The Merry and Caring shall make things of beauty forever within Baelae's Festhall.

14. Even in this place, there are places that mortals may not dwell. Places that humans may not visit without penalty.

15. The Palace of the Clouds shall be where the gods themselves dwell. Only their divine servants may visit this place and not perish forever.

16. There is also the Great Canyon that leads to a place of Shadows and Change. A place that cannot be visited by the Wise.

New Divine Realm

Alandaria "The Perfect Harmony"

As long as there has been worship of The Lords of Order, there has been myths of Alandaria. The Perfect Harmony being the kingdom in the sky that the gods lived in and brought the souls of their favored to live upon the lower levels of. Like The Lords of Order themselves, descriptions of Alandaria have varied tremendously but most agreed that it was a place of utter order mixed with an equal devotion to goodness. Like Mount Olympus or Valhalla, it is a gathering place of many gods that vary in alignment but whom prefer to concentrate their power on one Plane.

When the Harmonium discovered the Outer Planes, there were many anxious to go forth and meet their gods in person. The skeptical amongst Ortho's sages were inclined to believe that the faithful would be disappointed. Most priests believed that the Realm of the Gods would remain safely beyond the reach of frail human consciousness. It came as a great shock to sages and priests alike when they discovered the Divine Realm of Alandaria on Arcadia's Layer of Nemausus.

Investigation of the Layer took nearly a generation with everyone making wild assumptions that ranged from calling into question the validity of the holy realm to declaring that the discovery meant that Ortho was about to be destroyed in divine judgment. In the end, most determined that neither was the case and they'd merely found proof positive of their myth's validity. Alandaria's existence allowed The Harmonium to justify stamping out all deviant faiths and declare their version of worship to be the only one justified (after all, they found it). The Harmonium was equally merciless to The Cult of Empty Heaven. The later found the existence of a physical and visitable Alandaria to be something that called into question the omnipotence of the divine.

Unfortunately, most were disappointed when their gods didn't choose to manifest themselves. Those who attempted to visit the Palace of the Clouds were slain by endless hordes of Archons. These beings gave no quarter even to those that just craved an audience with The Lords of Order.

Like most layers of Arcadia, there wasn't that much to say about Alandaria other than its everything was rigid and its populous fanatically devoted to the cause of good. The Harmonium forbid visiting the Plane unless on extremely important business (in order to help preserve the mystery necessary for spiritual matters). This all changed with the Institution of the Redemption Project.

The Redemption Project was started by Julhein of all individuals. Effectively, there was no more secure place in the Multiverse to bring individuals for transformation into believers in the Harmonium way. Chaotic and Evil citizens would have their minds overwhelmed with the beautiful nature of their surroundings before being slowly indoctrinated back into the ways of good.

This sounds like a minor matter, except that it worked pretty effectively at the start. Thus, following leaders started importing millions of inhabitants from the Colonies for their re-education. Also, quite simply, if you weren't willing to toe the line then you'd never leave Alandaria. Even some locals amongst Alandaria's populous became awfully disturbed by the fact that the Harmonium imported plenty of evil individuals to help the process of adjustment along. Julhein, to help pacify the locals, made sure that most of it was done outside of Alandaria proper in the greater layer of Nemausus.

This shouldn't have been enough to shift the layer of Nemausus from Arcadia to Mechanus. However, the Divine Realm of Alandaria had been flooded with centuries of Neutral and Evil worshipers of The Lords of Order since the Harmonium's foundation. Due to the Church's diluting the message of Goodness for Law, countless more souls were drawn to the Realm than would normally be. Many that would never have gone to Arcadia were drawn there because no alternatives of worship existed. This had an effect of loosening the ties of the plane to Arcadia enough that the Redemption Project caused the outright shift of Alandaria to Mechanus.

Almost immediately, the Layer was invaded by hordes of Formians who joined the previously small communities of bugs on the plane. Modrones began to enter the plane by the thousands as well. The groups have started tearing down the architecture of the planes to place up their own dwellings. They've, furthermore, started forcing human beings to behave in a more rigid manner. The realm of Alandaria has, thus far, largely avoided most of the fighting. However, it will not be long until invasions begin occurring on the very heart of the Harmonium's afterlife.

Thus far, no one in the Harmonium higher-ups is acknowledging that anything other than the Redemption project is at fault. Most are only grudgingly admitting any culpability for the planar shift at all. The average Harmonium sentiment is the shift is the result of either the gods testing them or some evil plot by chaotic forces. So far, the shift has been kept from the public at large with soldiers being informed that they are repelling invasions of hostile outsiders. Quite a few units of soldiers are never informed that they're not on some strange new world rather than in the Outer Planes.

Thus far, the gods are silent.

Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
Divine Realm: The Lords of Order

[double post]

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Divine Realm: The Lords of Order

I really like this.


Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Divine Realm: The Lords of Order

I'm not entirely up on the canon regarding the fall of Nemausus (someone want to help me out?), but I do know that the Formians were living on Arcadia before it happened and don't seem to have minded the slide nearly as much as everyone else did. I see them as being at war with the Harmonium because the Harmonium want to return Nemausus to its rightful place and the Formians like it right where it is (the better to conquer Mechanus from).

Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
Divine Realm: The Lords of Order

'Duckluck' wrote:
I'm not entirely up on the canon regarding the fall of Nemausus (someone want to help me out?), but I do know that the Formians were living on Arcadia before it happened and don't seem to have minded the slide nearly as much as everyone else did. I see them as being at war with the Harmonium because the Harmonium want to return Nemausus to its rightful place and the Formians like it right where it is (the better to conquer Mechanus from).

I actually don't believe there's anything regarding the Fall of Nemausus in 3E canon because the Fall of the Third Layer supposedly happened centuries ago instead of recently in D&D third, in other words that it's completely against Planescape canon and not really relevant.

I've fixed the entry with the Formians, though. Now, massive numbers joined the modest numbers from before.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Divine Realm: The Lords of Order

'Charles Phipps' wrote:
I actually don't believe there's anything regarding the Fall of Nemausus in 3E canon because the Fall of the Third Layer supposedly happened centuries ago instead of recently in D&D third.

That was true in the Manual of the Planes, but the Book of Exalted Deeds corrected this, reverting to the Planescape take on the subject.

Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
Divine Realm: The Lords of Order

Huh, don't have that.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Divine Realm: The Lords of Order

3E canon is only sort of canon anyway. It contradicts Planescape so randomly and pointlessly that it's generally best to go by the Second Edition stuff. The Manual of the Planes may be canon, but it's not Planescape canon, so we can pick and choose when we need to. In this case, the whole "thousands of years ago" thing was stupid and we should just ignore it.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Divine Realm: The Lords of Order

Not to threadomancy: But PSCS is going under the assumption that it's a recent event - as Ortho falls under the PSCS sub-branch of 'canon' please consider our view to trump 3rd's view when it comes to conflicts of this sort.

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