Discussion: Monsters

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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Discussion: Monsters

If you have a cool monster and want him, her, it, or they to see the limelight please post them here.

Stats are always a plus, but not required. Ideally we'll add them in if we include your monster with enough time to hash out some numbers.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Math Monsters

Any thoughts on stats, 4e or PF or Dragon Age much appreciated.

Eies --

"Show yourself. I want to know what you look like."
"You could not see my face."
-- Invisbles

These beings, if they can be called such, are simply ghostly pieces of faces that float and blink in and out of existence. Although not uncommon on Mechanus, they also appear on the Outlands in places nearest to Automata, Arcadia, and Acheron, and rarely on Celestia and Baator. Observers note the gorgeous golden skin and silver brow surround a socket with silver lashes. The whites of the eye are lightning bright, while the orb is burgundy, sea green, or frost blue. The pupils are in the shape of numbers. These eyes cannot be attacked save by illusionary spells that are "real" for determining attacks. (The immunity to illusion rule for Mechanus inhabitants does not apply.) It is said these are the spies of the Axioms, if not pieces of their faces.

Ceirees --

Ceirees are long chains of numbers floating like rebuses over certain cogs of Mechanus. They drift lazily like seaweed, spiraling out into infinity. However, sequences are of finite length, and this can clearly be seen from far away. Only approaching their base on foot does one get the sense that they continue on forever. This has made certain Gunvers, particularly the Mathematician sect, argue that the Spire itself is some mutated species of this "plant".


Prufes are believed to possibly be ascended Moignos, perhaps similar to the advancement of other planar exemplars. Prufes are collections of numbers and symbols that reveal certain mathematical truths. Glowing with soft blue-silver light, they flutter or swim in schools migrating across infinity. Immortal, they feed on nothing but the essence of Law. Prufes can be killed, but the Truth that gives them being will replace them almost instantly. Axial dragons also dislike any harm coming to these beings, and almost every natural inhabitant of Mechanus believes it is taboo to hurt them. Thus Mathematicians are especially careful when they seek to capture these elusive beings with butterfly nets to see what secrets they reveal, or attempt to follow them to the hidden Axioms whose existence, they believe, allows the Multiverse to exist.


Silver chipmunk-like rodents with mathematical symbols etched in black fur, lemmas can only loosely be considered vermin. Fastidiously clean, lemmas are come in packs as prufes come in flocks, but unlike rats they do not feast on waste. Lemmas have the magical ability to burrow into the metal cogs of Mechanus, which they use to create incredibly organized but complex mazes for their lairs. Lemmas are connected to Prufes, but the relation is unclear. At times a Prufe will descend down to visit lemmas, who come out of their burrows and make a perfect circle around its landing area. In a flash of light, the prufe will leave a silver egg from which a lemma will be born. However, when it is born, a lemma will sometimes cough up a prufe in its infancy, and the silver light of the creature will capture the attention of the pack as it rises through tunnels into Mechanus's infinity. Prufe flocks always know when this is about to happen, suggest a pattern unknown to others. The flocks fly in harmonious arcs over the lair to receive this new progeny into their midst.

Intruding Sets--

Once every few centuries, prufes and lemmas are sometimes found in massive swarms in a feral state. Off-plane, lemmas can bite and claw even through metal and prufe flocks become living storms as arcs of eletricity jump between their delicate bodies. Strangely enough, they will only attack inhabitants of Baator and Celestia. None of the lemmas or prufes will stop attacking until they are dead, though one notices amidst these attacks that there are eies flashing in and out existence across the skies, searching for something. One must wonder if there is any truth to obscure references to a being once whole, now three, broken to form three planes of Law (yes, obvious nod with all respect to Dice Freaks).


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Discussion: Monsters

Curious what people feel is a potential hole with regards to representation in PF or 4e or Age in terms of planar monsters.

I know 4e when it first came out didn't have enough celestials, not sure where it is now.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Discussion: Monsters

For lemmas I think boosted rats would work, and for prufes probably bats with no bite attack. Perhaps they could, in conjunction with more of their kind, manifest a symbol.

Was considering both should have protection from chaos always active, but math and Order aren't always tied together...would a graph theory prufe/lemma have the same powers as a combinatoric prufe/lemma?

gonna sleep on it.


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