Disappearing dragons - plot help wanted

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oleingva's picture
Joined: 2008-01-28
Disappearing dragons - plot help wanted

Hi all,

Since I am new, I'll spend a few words on introducing myself. I am a long-time gamer (17 years now, I think) from Norway, nearly having reached the venerable age of 30, and now playing Planescape as a DM for the very first time. I have played PS once before, using 2E, as a player, but that is seven or eight years ago, and I know feel that my knowledge is very rusty. As such, I am very happy to have found this website.

The campaign I am running is Expedition to the Demonweb Pits, and I am gradually turning it from being less standard D&D and more Planescape. Also, I am working in the backgrounds of the characters in various ways, and it is for this I need some input.

One of the players is playing a dragon shaman (from PHBII), and as part of her background, the dragons from her home area (maybe all of Grayhawk, or at least the good ones) started to disappear without trace.

Now, my idea is that these disappearing dragons have been turned into birds (by magic) and scattered across the planes. The party have already (unknowingly) encountered a few such polymorphed birds. I also have the idea that I want an evil dragon, lurking in human form in Sigil, to be part of this plot, and to dupe the PCs into doing tasks for him before revealing his true nature and trying to kill them (or worse).

Here is where my brain has run into a stop - I need input. Any and all ideas are appreciated; I need ideas on WHY this has happened, HOW it happened, and how to use it in my game. The ideas can be epic, or minor - I have yet not decided on the scope of this plot, it might affect just a dozen dragons, or all the dragons in the universe.

Thanks in advance!

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Disappearing dragons - plot help wanted

Welcome, fellow Planewalker. Laughing out loud

Here is some ideas: Young sorcerer who has suffered by dragon in his boyhood is working now with evil dragon in Sigil (dragon is disguised as old sinister sage) and they have devised curse that turns dragons into birds.
Evil dragon has tricked sorcerer in convincing him that all dragons are evil and that mankind has sufered eneough from their ilk.
Sorcerer's anger has turned him into venganece seeking puppet, while evil dragon plan is more sinister: he want to become new dragon god, and for that he needs souls of living dragons, of course it is easier to capture little bird than enormous dragon.
So while sorcerer is slowly working his curse on dragons, evil Dragon is dispatching hunters and birdchaters to capture litlle "birdies".

Here is idea for curse: it is actualy form of truename corruption. You see only way that change from dragon to bird can be made permanent if the truename of dragon is changed. Evil dragon has spend lifetimes collecting truenames of his enemies to use their life force trapped in bird form as steppladder to godhood.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

oleingva's picture
Joined: 2008-01-28
Disappearing dragons - plot help wanted

Now that's a really great start, I'd say. Thanks! :mrgreen:

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Disappearing dragons - plot help wanted

Thanks, but sorry about bad english.

Here is variation on upper idea: For some resason a chaos matter from limbo is seeping into prime (from opened gate). Same evil dragon is trying to benefit from sitation, but there is also graeter threat hanging in the air: becaouse for now chaos leek is affecting only dragons but soon it could start affecting everyone else.

Funny swicheroo idea: On your world dragons are changing into birds, but on the other world birds are changing into dragons. Who is to blame bumbling godling (or archmage) who wants to bring back dragons on his world (they are extinct there), so he thougt that he borrow some of their forms from other worlds (who have plenty of them anyways). Of course same evil dragon is trying to benefit from sitation.
It would be funny fo wach PC reactions when they see huge dragon trying to peck, or tweet, or guard little chicks... :mrgreen:


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

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