Directions in Sigil

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eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Directions in Sigil

Posing a question that may have been answered in some of the source material somewhere, but may just have ended up as a blind spot... how does one handle directions in Sigil? 'North', 'south' et cetera don't have much meaning in a city where no sun rises, after all, and suggestions to 'turn left' or follow landmarks only get you so far.

I've got a couple of ways in which native Sigilians might try to orient themselves, but I'll wait and see if anything's gotten presented before then.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Directions in Sigil

In our own game - we use Spireward, Anti-Spireward, and then phrases like "towards the Lady's Ward," or "towards the Hive" - where it is presumed that the shortest of the two routes there is the one being indicated.

Swiftbow's picture
Joined: 2005-08-27
Directions in Sigil

It seems to me you still have an effect compass system, even if it's not actually in existence.

North is toward the top of the rim, south is the bottom. West is left (when facing north) and east is the opposite.


eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Directions in Sigil

Well, that's sort of the other question I have. Which rim is closer to the Spire?

After all... 'down' is towards the hub of the tire. not either of the rims. You can't actually see the Spire from anywhere in Sigil; it's just a gray haze (to the point where a few heretics have suggested that the City's not even above the Outlands at all, and no doubt been issued grisly fates for such addlepated blabbery). One might stand in the center of the Lady's Ward, sight on the Palace of the Jester, and call that 'topside', or stand in the center of the Guild Ward, point towards the Hall of Speakers, and do the same... and you'd be pointing in two different directions.

(Doublecheck the maps if you doubt me on that last. The section with the Clerk's and Guild Wards on it is flipped bottom to top, to line up with its mate in an unbroken ring.)

I'd guess that one could arbitrarily say "The Spire's towards that rim", and with enough persistence make it stick. Any preferences for which direction?

Swiftbow's picture
Joined: 2005-08-27
Directions in Sigil

Well, one rim is closer to the Outlands than the other. Granted, I suppose, you can't really SEE the Outlands, but most folks in the Cage would still know what direction that is.

Could really confuse some Primes, though, lol.

Technically, I think, both rims are the same distance from the Spire, since the ring curves up toward the rims from the base. Hence, no matter where you are, it always seems like you're walking uphill.


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