Dimensions and Levels of Reality

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Anwald's picture
Joined: 2007-10-11
Dimensions and Levels of Reality

I know that there are threads discussing these topics to an extent, but I would really like to have more information. Explicitly, I would like some clarification of my understanding of the following, as well as new information:
Five Levels of Reality as Posited by Ravenloft:
Level One: Common Dreams
Level Two: Dreamscapes (which entails dreamlike entities and events that can harm the dreamer)
Level Three: Reality (as we know it)
Level Four: Hyper-reality (whose entities can manipulate Level Three Reality at will, such as mercurials)
Level Five: ?

One: Length
Two: Width
Three: Depth
Four: Hyperspace
Five: ?
Six: Vortex Dimension (source of umbral blots and spectral hounds, perceptible only be entities existing on the fourth, fifth, and sixth dimensions simultaneously)
Seven: Inhabited by the Old Ones and transcended deities.
Eight: ?

Is the above information correct? Is there any relevant information that can be added to the above?

I would really appreciate any help in sating my thirst for dark!

Anwald's picture
Joined: 2007-10-11
Dimensions and Levels of Reality

Does no one wish to help me?

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Dimensions and Levels of Reality

I would, except I have no idea.
So, this post is worthless except to show that you're not just being ignored but, perhaps, asking a very tough question that few would know the answer to.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Dimensions and Levels of Reality

I know this isn't a cannon response, but I've always viewed level five as the transcendant state. It is both the Great Unknown revered by the athar and the place where the Dustmen strive to return to, and where Gods go when they ascend. The 7th level of Mt Celestia might touch it, since there are 4th level areas in the same plane, and its possible that other places might poke through as well.

As for the 5th dimension, that might be time. It has to fit in there somewhere, I'd think, and that's as good a place to put it as any.

--hearsay from a random barmy. . .

Anwald's picture
Joined: 2007-10-11
Dimensions and Levels of Reality

I think the idea of transcendence is rather interesting. My own idea, actually, was that the fifth level of reality was our own reality, or "real reality."
Also, time being the fifth dimension works pretty well too. I missed that, I guess, being in the habit of thinking of it as the fourth dimension and concluding that it simply wasn't part of the list. However, I see no reason why it can't simply be "promoted" to the fifth dimension. Kudos.

lsdfjkdsf's picture
Joined: 2007-03-10
Dimensions and Levels of Reality

Reminds me a bit of Flatland, if anyone here has read the book. Usually, I just consider anything more than a dimension or two above us as "too confusing for us to even begin to understand" and wave it away like that.

Still, that doesn't mean a 6D creature can't exist, only that I don't want to explain how it can exist, if you understand what I'm saying (if you don't, I'm probably speaking a few dimensions above your head. Just kidding.)

Bran Dawri's picture
Joined: 2006-07-30
Dimensions and Levels of Reality

Although I've no idea what in blazes you people are talking about, in physics, time is considered the 4th dimension (and yes, that's taking a *really* big shortcut there), so I'd personally adjust that to

1) length
2) width
3) depth
4) time
5) hyperspace

Rabenaas's picture
Joined: 2007-07-15
Dimensions and Levels of Reality

'lsdfjkdsf' wrote:
Usually, I just consider anything more than a dimension or two above us as "too confusing for us to even begin to understand

The book "Imagining the Tenth Dimension" by Rob Bryanton helps a lot. I didn't read it, but on the accompanying website www.tenthdimension.com is a really clarifying flash movie with sound, motion and ants Eye-wink

Anwald's picture
Joined: 2007-10-11
Dimensions and Levels of Reality

Upon further investigation (i.e. lurking the boards), it appears the the canonical versions of the two hitherto unknown "levels five" are that the Level Five of Reality is the level of transcended entities and that the Fifth Dimension is the Nightmare Dimension (somewhat related to the Demiplane of Nightmares and the Far Realm).

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Dimensions and Levels of Reality

Anwald wrote:

Fifth Dimension is the Nightmare Dimension (somewhat related to the Demiplane of Nightmares and the Far Realm).

aka The Twighlight Zone (*tiniunininu*). Laughing out loud Where imposible (and nightmarish) things happen to ordinary people.
Or would the Twilight Zones be places where Nighmare Dimension energies bleads into prime material plane... ?

Mmmmm... Twighlight Zone. The series I havent watch in the long time.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Anwald's picture
Joined: 2007-10-11
Dimensions and Levels of Reality

I think your idea of the Twilight Zone being where the Nightmare Dimension bleeds into the Prime is a really good one. It's either that or it's a demiplane, but that seems rather cliche. I'd go with your idea.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Dimensions and Levels of Reality

What cam I say. I realy like that TV show, it is just shame that here in Croatia we did not have rerun of series in years (more than 15 I think). Sad

Anyways, I would definitly go with nightmare energy blead, becaouse Twiglight Zone allways seems to come to people not vice versa.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

astralsahu's picture
Joined: 2005-07-22
Dimensions and Levels of Reality

As far as the "beyond-our-understanding" idea goes, it depends on what you're used to:

An engineer and a mathematician go to see a lecture by their friend the physicist, about 9th-dimensional forms and stuff. The engineer is completely confused the entire time, but sees that the mathematician is really enjoying it. Afterward he asks, "How can you get this? How can anyone visualize something in 9th-dimensional space?"

"Simple," the mathematician responds, "you just visualize it in nth-dimensional space, then let n go to 9."

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