differentiating the darkness

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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
differentiating the darkness

so among the complaints I've heard about the GW is that the Negative, Shadow, and Vacuum are too similar. All are dark voids. Now, obviously this is inaccurate but I think it's worth looking at how these three (and any other dark voids) can be differentiated.

To start, I think Negative is Hungry Darkness, Shadow is better as the mixture of Positive and Negative energy, the place of illusion as well as the subconscious, and Vacuum is like wild-space that goes on forever.

What does having 3 darks offer the game?


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Evil's picture
Joined: 2005-11-12
differentiating the darkness

Another great topic sci. I hope you find a way to differentiate vapor and steam too.

I think I remember Shadow is sometimes used for fast transport (as in shadowdancers.)

Vacuum is absloute nothingness. Theres nothing there including light, and where there's no light, there's no darkness. Here's a great concept for planars to baffle primes Laughing out loud

Negative energy is, however, darkness in its raw form in opposition to light. Just like negative energy is a form of energy like the positive, so is darkness a form of illumination like light.

Shadow plane as it is stands out way too much in my opinion. First of all it does not have a parallel. We could try to explain it as the combination of the negative and positive energy planes but this doesn't suit its feel. this is why I like shadowfell and feywild better (they are pretty much the only good ideas in 4th ed.). I like to conceptualize them as the negative and positive reflection of prime worlds in ethereal. Perhaps they exist as an in-between for prime material and ethereal.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
differentiating the darkness

I like your placement of Shadowfell and Feywild - definitely a good way to use them. I like the Feywild as a worlds' stretching cosmos but personally would only use Shadowfell as an afterlife for a few worlds.

Really, I think the Shadow Plane is a massively transitively plane - it links Inner, Outer, and Prime. This is why it has a spirtual/mental component (the subconcious) as well as physical (shade mixture of light/dark).


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Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
differentiating the darkness

The Negative Energy Plane is actively consuming, while Vacuum is a passive absorption. Gases expand to fill their container, but on Vacuum the container is infinite. It's a harsh environment, but less so than natural outer space (for some bizarre reason, stuff doesn't explosively decompress on Vacuum!). Existing on the Negative Energy Plane is actively inimical to life.

A recent theory that has been tickling my head is that Vacuum is actually the plane of dark energy, the expansive force that's pushing our Universe apart. It's simply present very powerfully on the plane of Vacuum, enough that it presents a pressure on planewalkers, though it eventually dissipates (not destroys or consumes, but dissipates) stuff without magical protections.

I don't know very much about the Plane of Shadow. I tend to treat it, when it comes up, as a pseudoplane, a sort of holographic reality, 2-dimensional with the appearance of three, made by the abutment of other planes. That's why travel through it is so fast (there's no there really there), and why shadow evocations are only partially real when forced into existence by magic.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
differentiating the darkness

The Shadow plane to me has always been a dark reflection, a transitive plane that connects to other planes much the way the Astral does but as a "layer of reality" to each plane. Other planes such as dream, the ethereal and the spirit world also exist as "layers" of reality for other planes.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
differentiating the darkness

The Negative Energy Plane is very very connected to anything in D&D that relates to undeath. It's sort of an "elemental undeath" plane. Practically everything undead has some kind of connection to this plane. (This is why psionic abilities like Sever the Tie work against undead.)

There is some connection between the Plane of Shadow and undeath (see Falazure), but it's significantly less pronounced than the Negative.


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2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
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Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
differentiating the darkness

Shadow: I can definitely see it as the "dark reflection" of the material plane. I would probably even go so far as to possibly have a few others, including the Mirror plane, which would have similar effects, and perhaps be components of the Ethereal or the Astral. I suppose my idea would definitely be "In a mirror, darkly" for the Shadow plane.

As for Vacuum vs. the Negative Energy Plane, I'd say that the Negative would be in part, focused on the inevitable march from life to death; the Negative would represent the pain and weakening that comes as a result of aging, and the experience of death and the attempt to stay out of the grave. The defining phrases would be "Every second injures, but the last one kills" and "The dead, if not separated from the living, bring madness upon them."

Vacuum is simply the experience of nothingness as nothingness. It is the lack of anything, good or bad, the very experience of this place should be, in part, the idea of seeing a vast emptiness, devoid of anything to break up the monotony. It would be like being in a sensory deprivation tank. It's defining themes would be "It is rather the reverse, a universe of the spirit in which everything communicates freely with everything, transcending bounds, limitless." and perhaps "Solitude is the profoundest fact of the human condition. Man is the only being who knows he is alone."

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
differentiating the darkness

Oh, I like Vacuum as spiritual isolation!

I think the problem with Shadow is that the darkness of it is emphasized though shadow is a mix of light and dark. One shouldn't have to only deal with the dangers of their subconcious, one should also be able to find hope or unknown resilence in their mental depths.


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