Different Twist...

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Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Different Twist...

Hey up bloods, thought I run this past you...

When I run a settings, I like to have a strong racial identity to all the major races (which Gith are in PS).....so, I've come up with my own ideas on both Gith's and here they are and where they came from.....

THe ancient Gith race became divided, not only because of what most bashers with tell you, but also due to something else. The dark of it is that one group sort to throw off their ensalvers heritage and discard the use of psioincs while the other sort to master their psionic abilities to beyond that of their former masters.

The Githyanki threw off their slavers trademark psionic ability and sort power of a different kind. They found it within arcane spells. To test their new found strength, they sort out a home that would stand against them and so test them and their new weapon, and so, they choose the psionic Astral Plane. The Githyanki study the ways of the warrior and the mage and became masters of them. Upon their hunts onto prime worlds, they found an unlikely ally, the red dragons, whose arcane magic was greater than their own, but the dragons desire matched the Githyanki's own.

The Githzeria sort to master their own psionics powers so that they could finally destory their former masters. They too sort out a place that would test them, a place where inner focus and mediation would be difficult and they found the arcane madness of limbo. Within the swirling maddness of limbo, the Githzeria focus upon their inner strengths focused upon the path of the monk and of the psion.

So it can be seen that though both races are opposites of each other, they are also the same, if one travels far enough to one extreme, one with arrive at the other, and that is the unity of rings....

What do you guys think....

As for my reasoning behind this...firstly, I wanted the two races to be different from one another, not just 'sub' races of a single race, with only different morals and where they live, but also to show that though they are different, there are some underlying similarities between them. Githyanki as arcanists instead of psionics's....well apart from the above reason, I wanted a (stretched) reason why they have the dragon allaince, and if I remember rightly, a common nickname for fighter/mages on the net over the years was Gith (or something along those lines), coz it was seen as a trade mark of the Githyanki.... plus, the Githyanki had a lich queen and lichs are arcane (in my books anyway)..

As to my comment on 'the arcane maddness of limbo' - that is due to my view of the 3 magical forces - Arcane (Universal building energy), Divine (energy focused through powers), and Psionic (energy from all sentient beings). With this, having both of the Gith races in places that opposed their choosen magical power shows a subtle sameness between the two..

Well that its, again, what do you guys think???


Kearrann's picture
Joined: 2005-09-04
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But gith's ARE one race, they just think and make others think they're two separate races... They came from same Forerunners, just live elsewhere and have different viewpoints (their languages are almost the same, with little differences). 'yanki and 'zerai are psionic races because they were exposed to psionic control for "countless millenia". As you can see, most 'yanki are fighters (githwarrior) and wizards (warlocks), or combination of these two (gish). The 'zerai are mostly monks, rogues or zerths... No one said one or other race embraced or threw away psionics... They're just naturally psionic and now they can do little to change it.

I may be wrong, but that's how I see it...

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
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Personally, I think that exploring the death of the lich-queen and its repercussions is about as much liberty as I 'm comfortable taking with the race. Although, like with anything else, if this works better for you in your campaign, then more power to ya.

Are there any existing examples of D&D races in the published material that developed in parallel, one focussing on magic and one on psionics? That sounds familiar.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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There's always been a little bit of muddling between the giths and their magic or psionics. I think nobody's been comfortable, in the past, with formally assigning such central races to psionics, a system which is not universally a part of the game.

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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Thanks for the feedback folks.

Rhys, very good point, puts a lot of the recent (3E + 3.5) into prespective.

Kearrann, as to them bring one race, I disagree, mostly from a 'feel' factor, but also to do with the two Gith races looking somewhat different physically (depending on what art work you check out) and the fact that they seperated into 2 groups so long ago that any two populations in total isoloation from another willl slowly begin to become different from one another (evoulation and genetics...). And plus, having them as two races that were one, I think, makes a better story line, its not a 'civil' war between one race now, but a war of extremination between 2 races to show which is stronger......if that all makes sense.

Invisig0th, as to your question about other examples of magic/psionic paralles, I cant think of any in dnd. In general Si-FI, I think the closet I cancome to something similiar would be the Vulcan/Romulain thing from star trek (not really into it, so I could be wrong here).

Also, can you guys tell me what the supplement is that has the lich queens storyline in plz.

As an aside, I think I will be sticking with this idea for my up coming campaign, and work it into the new system I'm currently doing for planescape (see Different Mechanics??? thread in the hall of records if your curious)

Anymore input to this is always great



Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
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The destruction of Vlaakith is outlined in a large module that appeared in Dungeon100. There's a summary of the events in this thread if you don't have the magazine: [url]/forum]

Kearrann's picture
Joined: 2005-09-04
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'Kal' wrote:
Kearrann, as to them bring one race, I disagree, mostly from a 'feel' factor, but also to do with the two Gith races looking somewhat different physically (depending on what art work you check out) and the fact that they seperated into 2 groups so long ago that any two populations in total isoloation from another willl slowly begin to become different from one another (evoulation and genetics...).
Well, if we leave artwork alone, and just read things about them we can see that it shows that non-giths can tell them apart only by their clothings (elaborate 'yanki vs. plain 'zerai), so it means that they look just the same - with only few visible differences (for example different color of the eyes)... Their language is almost the same, they use same alphabet (they just write it other way - 'yanki clockwise and 'zerai counter-clockwise). The thing that made them 2 different races of one species was the civil war, the enviroment they lived for some time now and lifestyle.
'Kal' wrote:
And plus, having them as two races that were one, I think, makes a better story line, its not a 'civil' war between one race now, but a war of extremination between 2 races to show which is stronger......if that all makes sense.
Yes, I was mistaken before. They are two races, yes, but they're not that different as one may think. And it is war of extermination between, actually, 3 races (illithids). But the topic was about having 'zerai psionic and 'yanki arcane... So I say, nobody can forbid you making it your way in your setting, but as a whole I would prefer to leave it as it is... Cool

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
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Yes, we all know this isn't what the books say. Kal is intentionally deviating from the published materials. He made it clear that all this is just an alternate idea that he is using for his campaign. That said, he's asking for thoughts and input regarding this purposefully-different idea. There's nothing wrong, of course, with citing examples where his ideas deviate from the published material. But I'm pretty confident from his posts that he is already well-informed about where his alternate idea deviates from the official approach, and that those deviations are intentional.

As far as the races being different, it depends on what you take as official. In 2E Planescape materials and in Dungeon 100, githyanki lay eggs. It is therefore doubtful that the githzerai and githyanki can interbreed. If one takes that at face value, then the two are not only different races -- they are biologically different species. In Dungeon 100, the duthka'gith (half-dragon, half-githyanki) play a key role, and githyanki egglaying is important to their practicality as a race. (I personally find the whole "githyanki laying eggs" thing pointless, but the Guide to the Astral Plane goes on about it at length.)

However, the 3E core books are silent on the topic. A very tiny reference in 3E Unearthed Arcana indicates that humans can interbreed with githyanki and githzerai. It's under the "Bloodlines" section. I'm not sure exactly how this works, whether there's magical intervention or whatnot. Personally, I suspect someone at WOTC simply didn't do their homework before writing this, but it is in there. So if that's your source, it is logical to assume that githyanki and githzerai can breed, and are the same 'species' as man, elves, etc.

The general references for the githyanki race (3.5MM, MMIV, Manual of the Planes, Psionics Handbook) say nothing about githyanki procreation. The 1E materials also did not explore the issue.

So in short, the official books don't come right out and say whether githyanki and githzerai are currently the same race or even the same species. It's open to interpretation.

Planewalker.com takes the egg-laying approach (and even expands on it) for the 3.5E Planescape conversion.

Kearrann's picture
Joined: 2005-09-04
Different Twist...

Ok, let now leave Kal's idea... I got one more thing to solve...
Githyanki are said to be egg-laying due to mutations made on them by the illithid, so we can assume that the 'zerai are the same under this issue, because they were then one race, and I truly doubt that the 'zerai somehow "cured" themselves from it.
Isn't it?

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
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It is never explained exactly why the githyanki lay eggs. The Guide to the Astral Plane says that it is either due to illithid experiements or absorbtion of Astral energies. If the githzerai are not egg layers, and there seems to be no direct indication that they are, then the second explanation would be correct. Along with (magical) interbreeding with their egg-laying allies, the red dragons, ultimately leading to the duthka'gith.

But again, the 3E material seems to indicate a desire to get away from this inexplicable (and not terribly useful) weirdness. Dungeon 100 is the only 3E source to use egg-laying, and as mentioned above. Of course, since humans and dragons can magically interbreed already, there's no real need for githyanki to lay eggs at all, even to create duthka'gith.

I've dug up some conversations about this on various message boards, and the vast majority of DMs simply ignore the egg-laying thing as pointlessly weird. The best homebrewed explanation involves not eggs per se but more like external incubators necessary to avoid the difficulties with astral pregnancies. But that's all conjecture. (If you really want to bend your brain over it, explain why the githyanki woman in the MM has a belly button if she was laid from an egg!)

But, to get back to Kal's ideas, it's just not clear from the D&D sources whether githyanki and githzerai can breed (naturally). Even if they use the same method for procreation, that still doesn't mean they can interbreed. If they can't breed, they aren't one species, much less the same race. They did come from humans millenia ago, but that doesn't necessarily mean that their biology works the same now, after such a long time in the Astral and Limbo. There is some circumstantial evidence to indicate that their biology has deviated.

So to say unequivicably that they ARE one race at this point in time is, at best, guessing. As you say, feel free to use that in your campaign, but the source material doesn't seem to clarify this one way or the other. There is considerable leeway here for any DM to take it in the direction most suitable for his campaign, which perhaps is the only solution that will appeal to everybody.

Kearrann's picture
Joined: 2005-09-04
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Well, when we look into Guide to Astral, let's take few more things under consideration, for example (I hope it's no crime to quote that):

"Guide to Astral Plane, page 46-47" wrote:
(...)"If necessary (that is, if they are desperate), the githyanki'll eat fallen foes, except that they'll never partake of the foul flesh of illithids, and they are not cannibals, so they also refuse the flesh of githzerai and other githyanki."

Not "almost" one race?
Anyway, you're right about that it didn't have to be illithids, my bad. I was almost sure that I've read somewhere that 'yanki lay eggs because of the illithids. But now when I looked into 'Astral again I'm a bit confused where I've seen that...

'Invisg0th' wrote:
If you really want to bend your brain over it, explain why the githyanki woman in the MM has a belly button if she was laid from an egg!
You berks shouldn't believe in pictures. I've seen 4-armed nycaloth, because person who did it misinterpreted '4 limbs'. The githyanki was probably made just from the short description, the drawer probably didn't know that githyanki may be egg-laying lot.

Anyway, let's finish this unnecessary debate. I appreciate good conversation, but I think Kal's got more information than he asked for and there's no need to continue this topic (unless we'll be asked to decide in future if gith's are egg-laying and why so we'll be able to make new, 3ed Guide to Astral, etc. Eye-wink ).

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
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'Kearrann' wrote:
"Guide to Astral Plane, page 46-47" wrote:
they are not cannibals, so they also refuse the flesh of githzerai and other githyanki."
Not "almost" one race?
Nope. Everyone agrees that the githyanki and githzerai were a single group of humans when they were enslaved by the mindflayers. They were one race *at that time*. For that reason, they may consider eating githzerai "cannibalism", even if the githyanki and the githzerai have diverged into two completely species since then, because that pre-existing taboo still persists.

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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Ok, heres a spanner in the works, how long ago was the Gith rebellion??? 3.5 Lords of maddness has it as only a few 1000 years at most, and other 3.5 material states the 'faction' left sigil roughy 800 years ago?? Whats the good 'ol 2E have to say about time frames, as that is pretty important when considering things like isoloation....but nevermind, cheers, both of you, for all the info you've put forward, very enlightning. Think I'll stick with my idea for my next campaign, might even have to make the race(s) central to the plot for a while after all this talk Laughing out loud



Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
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There's been a lot of discussion about that. That contradicts all other sources. As others have pointed out, the MM and Planar Handbook refer to the gith rebellion happening "aeons" ago, and the 2000 year number contradicts the entire Githyanki royal line of succession: Vlaakith CLVII has ruled for 1000 years herself, and there were 156 before her. The general concensus is that 2000 years ago is simply an error. Perhaps the intention was to use 20,000 years instead, which would have been much more plausible.

The 2E material is fairly vague. The Guide to the Astral Plane just basically says the rebellion happened very far in the past. The Illithiad also mentions that the mindflayers had an empire at a time in the far past "when the outer planes were still in flux".

You can read more in these threads:


As far as I know, the only 3.5 book that mentions Sigil is the Planar Handbook, and I don't see the reference you mentioned there.

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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ah sorry, my mistake, it was stating that the great upheavel happened a 600-700 years ago and the faction war only happening a few years ago....opps...


ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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I think the most plausible explanation for githyanki eggs is that they've interbred with red dragons over the eons. All githyanki today have a small amount of red dragon blood (not just the duktha'gith), and their oviparous nature comes from that. Githzerai, then, do not lay eggs.

If illithids engineered the gith forerunners with egg-laying equipment, their eggs would likely be soft and shell-less like their own instead of leathery and reptilian, as githyanki eggs are described.

It's possible that originally they did lay amphibian-like eggs, but interbreeding with dragons caused the githyanki to gain their leathery shells. In that case, githzerai might have softer eggs.

However, I think it would be inappropriate for a race native to Limbo to lay eggs - the possibility of mutation is too great if unformed young are kept outside their mothers' bodies. Slaadi do it, but they only avoid excessive mutation by mating near the Spawning Stone, and they're still filled with frequent mutants. I don't think githzerai could survive as a coherent race unless they gave live birth. It's possible there were githzerai egg-layers in the past, but they've died out or become unrecognizable.

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
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First, apologies to Kal. It seems that the discussion of githyanki and githzerai being the same race has unavoidably turned to the ever-popular egg laying debate. I would encourage everyone to remember that Kal was primarily asking for feedback regarding his ideas above, and I'm sure he'd be interested in hearing more such feedback.

But since there's no avoiding the topic, let's review the little information that is in the source materials about the reasons for egg-laying. From the Guide to the Astral Plane:

The most pronounced deviation of the githyanki from their human origins is that they have become egg-layers. This is either the result of some experiment of the illithids or the exposure to some strange astral energies. In either case, this method of reproduction closely resembles that of reptilian creatures.
There's not much information beyond this. The 3E books don't even say anywhere that the githyanki lay eggs. The only 3E reference to this is in the Polyhedron issue in Dungeon 100, which simply states that the githyanki lay eggs and nothing more.

There is no mention anywhere of githyanki laying eggs because of interbreeding with red dragons, or of githyanki having red dragon blood at all.

The adventure in Dungeon 100 does introduce the idea of mixed-breed githyanki, but as a new race: the Duthka'gith, who are indeed githyanki with red dragon blood, created by the Lich-Queen in the years just prior to the adventure. Duthka'gith are universally detested by the githyanki, who flatly consider them a perversion of the pact with the red dragons, and a direct threat to the ongoing existence of the githyanki.

If one wishes to speculate that all (regular) githyanki have dragon blood, it's important to note that that this idea deviates significantly from the scraps of source material available. We have a lot of leeway while considering how to convert Planescape to 3E, but it is important to keep in mind when we are expanding on existing ideas, and when we are coming up with brand new ideas outside the source material. In my mind, expanding on existing ideas is almost always the preferable option.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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'Invisig0th' wrote:
There is no mention anywhere of githyanki laying eggs because of interbreeding with red dragons, or of githyanki having red dragon blood at all.

Yes, of course. I'm talking about what's likely, not what's explicitly stated.

If one wishes to speculate that all (regular) githyanki have dragon blood, it's important to note that that this idea deviates significantly from the scraps of source material available.

No, I don't think it does. Githyanki have always been presented as significantly more reptilian than githzerai, and their connection with red dragons dates back to their first appearance. While the deliberate engineering of a race of crossbreed warriors is a new innovation of the Lich-Queen's, the idea that there's been more limited congress between the two species over the eons doesn't deviate from prior material in the slightest, and in fact makes it cohere better, at least in my opinion.

haheh's picture
Joined: 2006-08-04
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But official material [Guide to Astral Plane p.47] says, that Githyanki have become egg-layers in result of Illithid experiments or/and exposure to energies of Astral Plane. I think that idea of Githyanki race is something more than merely human-dragon intersection. Personally , I think that 'yanki egg-laying is result of millenia of existing in Astral - 'place' where no species was intended to live in.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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'haheh' wrote:
But official material [Guide to Astral Plane p.47] says, that Githyanki have become egg-layers in result of Illithid experiments or/and exposure to energies of Astral Plane.

And this might well have been true. Certainly, there's a good argument that illithids altered their slaves to become egg-layers for their own convenience (their slaves wouldn't be hampered so much by pregnancy or attatchment to their young, and illithids know better how to incubate eggs).

I think there's a strong possibility that they were initially engineered to lay gelatinous illithid-like eggs by their masters, and later began to evolve to become more reptilian.

As A Guide to the Astral Plane said, "This method if reproduction closely resembles that of reptilian creatures." Since there's nothing inherently reptilian about the Astral Plane, and illithids have no affinity with reptiles, that points to the idea that another factor was involved.

What could that factor have been? A variety of things. Possibly it was some kind of side-effect of the pact with Ephelomon, or even a manifestation of the strong racial belief that githyanki have that they had become siblings of their draconic allies. Astral energies could well have played a part in causing githyanki to more closely resemble what they saw themselves as inside.

I think that idea of Githyanki race is something more than merely human-dragon intersection.

Yes, definitely so! I would never reduce their evolution to being only the result of crossbreeding. Githyanki are certainly not just dragontouched humans.

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
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But official material [Guide to Astral Plane p.47] says, that Githyanki have become egg-layers in result of Illithid experiments or/and exposure to energies of Astral Plane.
I completely agree, heheh. I firmly believe that the source material cannot be ignored out of hand in favor of unsupported alternatives, regardless of how appealing or romantic those alternative ideas might be. There are a occasionally cases where that makes sense, but it should really be used as a last resort.

We all know that the people who wrote the Guide to the Astral Plane were fully aware of the red dragon connection -- the book discusses it, and expands upon it, at length -- yet they made no mention whatsoever about githyanki crossbreeding. The source material gives two hypothetical explanations for githyanki egg-laying, and githyanki having dragon blood is not one of them. Any assertion that the common githyanki lay eggs due to having dragon blood simply has no direct supporting evidence in the published materials.

Please note that these are NOT opinions. What I've stated above are the facts of the matter. I'm simply observing what the source material does and does not actually say. None of the source material makes any mention whatsoever of githyanki cross-breeding with dragons. It is not even alluded to at any point. That's a pretty important observation.

Everyone should remember that opinions can be argued, and facts cannot. In this particular sort of discussion, facts always trump opinions. For an opinion to have merit, it must stand up to scrutiny by seeing how well it fits with the existing facts. The primary underlying and unavoidable fact of this discussion is that the concept of githyanki having dragon blood is quite literally nonexistent in the source material. It's an omission so huge as to be ridiculous. Anyone speculating that githyanki have dragon blood is quite simply embracing the (few) facts that indirectly bolster that idea, and blindly ignoring the huge pile of facts that *directly* contradict it.

If this idea had more merit, that sort of dancing and dodging wouldn't be necessary. I'm sorry, but this idea that githyanki have red dragon blood just doesn't hold water. And if someone isn't willing to honestly admit that the idea severely deviates from what is stated in the source material -- well, let's just say I wouldn't see the point of discussing the issue any further. If someone is unwilling to agree to the underlying facts of a discussion, you can't really have much of a discussion about speculations building upon those facts.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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'Invisig0th' wrote:
I firmly believe that the source material cannot be ignored out of hand in favor of unsupported alternatives

I certainly wouldn't advocate ignoring anything out of hand. I'm just trying to explain a fairly massive hole in the timeline - exactly why do githyanki lay eggs, reptilian eggs at that? The official material doesn't explain this, so it's up to us to justify it for ourselves. My theory does so neatly without contradicting anything previously written.

Do you have an alternate explanation?

Any assertion that the common githyanki lay eggs due to having dragon blood simply has no direct supporting evidence in the published materials.

Yes, we've been through this. Remember a few posts ago when I said "I'm talking about what is likely, not what has been explicitly stated?" I think I made my angle pretty clear, and your lecture is neither needed nor appropriate.

Everyone should remember that opinions can be argued, and facts cannot.

And yet I haven't tried to argue facts; I have, however, waited patiently through your opinions on the Only Right Way to hold a conversation. Your habit of trying to viciously shoot down any idea that doesn't meet your standards is counterproductive, to say the least.

This is the second thread you've turned into ugliness. Normally, in these forums, we talk to one another with respect, and if we disagree with one another we do so with respect. You seem incapable of doing this.

The primary underlying and unavoidable fact of this discussion is that the concept of githyanki having dragon blood is quite literally nonexistent in the source material. It's an omission so huge as to be ridiculous.

With literally eons of githyanki history, it would be surprising - no, impossible - if everything about it was known, even by the githyanki themselves, and certainly impossible for Monte Cook or others to describe even the most important parts of it.

Your requirement that something needs to be hinted at in official materials is ludicrous; the planes and their history are too staggeringly large to limit ourselves in such a stupid way. Nothing I've suggested in this thread contradicts anything previously published, and that ought to be enough for the greatest canon-stickler.

If there are any outright contradictions, I'd like to see you point them out. Since you haven't bothered, I'll assume there aren't any.

And if someone isn't willing to honestly admit that the idea severely deviates from what is stated in the source material

Again, you've stooped to questioning my integrity. And so quickly! Can you honestly admit that there's nothing that says the githyanki haven't mated with dragons in the ancient past? You don't have to like my ideas, but I'd appreciate it if you wait at least until the second page before calling me a liar.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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Um, I'm going to hesitantly dip my toe into this debate.
No offence to Invisig0th but I thought the point of Planewalker was to expand on the already published material and to create new material appropriate for 3.5E.
I'm not entirely sure that I agree with Rip's throwing a dragon into the Githyanki family tree but it really doesn't seem to contradict anything in the official materials.
Personally I would have thought the Illithids might have done it to make their slaves eggs more robust and portable, although I liked the idea of it being

a manifestation of the strong racial belief that Githyanki have that they had become siblings of their draconic allies. Astral energies could well have played a part in causing Githyanki to more closely resemble what they saw themselves as inside
hey these are the planes right?
Anyway this is a really interesting discussion and could deliver some good back-story if we just focus on creating interesting options.
oh, and Kal I thought the whole magic v psionics idea was nice but maybe it should manifest its self in class choice - the Githyanki choose not to associate with psionic classes as a conscious rejection of the illithids power. I think the two species should remain linked as it creates a nice parallel and lots of potential plot-hooks


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
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No one has called you anything, and no one has personally attacked you. What has happened here is that you have said that your personal supplemental ideas to Planscape are more valid than the Planescape source materials (something you have done in several other previous threads), and you have become offended when I questioned the validity of that approach. Regardless of your attempts to make this personal, all I have done here is calmly pointed out that your theory does not actually have any supporting evidence whatsoever in any of the source material. You seem very uncomfortable admitting that fact and factoring it into the discussion, and that undermines your argument. It is quite appropriate to discuss the flaws in your argument due to the fact that it deviates so drastically from the Planescape material. I think most rational people would prefer documented ideas rather than ones made up whole cloth like the one you have put forward here. If githyanki have red dragon blood, that fact is important enough to have been mentioned somewhere in the dozens of published sources about the githyanki. It hasn't been, not even in sections of the materials that detail the relationship between githyanki and red dragon. That omission is highly noteworthy, whether or not you are willing to acknowledge that fact. And ultimately, that omission is a fatal flaw in your theory.

Your theory simply has not one shred of direct evidence in the source material. There's no avoiding it.

The Guide to the Astral Plane says very clearly: "The most pronounced deviation of the githyanki from their human origins is that they have become egg-layers. This is either the result of some experiment of the illithids or the exposure to some strange astral energies."

The logical construct used here is "Either A is true, or B is true". You have posited that A is false, B is false, and C is true. I'm sorry, but that's not an option here. You may not LIKE what it says, but that's what it says. You can complain to Monte Cook if you don't like it. But please don't act like I'm doing something unfair by simply quoting the source material word for word, and pointing out that it leaves no room for your pet theory.

Feel free to continue to speculate about any bizarre alternate theories you dream up. As I've stated repeatedly, I think brainstorming can lead to great concepts. However, very few of those who speculate far afield from published source material would obstinately insist that their wild speculations are more reliable than the source material, as you have done here. Most such people are glad to admit that the further they get away from the published material, the less solid a foundation they have for their speculations, and that is a reasonable position to take. Thankfully, you do not suffer from such uncertainties. Smiling

If you're going to continue to ignore, disregard, or deemphasize the Planescape source material in your speculations, I'm afraid you'll have to get used to me (and others) pointing it out. It is a perfectly reasonable thing to do, when sifting through the existing material and updating it for 3.5E, to point out which ideas are expansions of existing ideas, and which ones are brand spanking new. If that makes you uncomfortable, I really am truly sorry. That's the nature of open discussions, and not everything you post is going to stand up to analysis.

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
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I thought the point of Planewalker was to expand on the already published material and to create new material appropriate for 3.5E.
I couldn't agree more. Where things are not fully explained, we should be thinking about expanding them. Where things are not mentioned, we should evaluate new ideas to see how well they fit. There's a lot of leeway all along the spectrum, and that is exciting.

The theory above is not expanding on the published material. It's speculating outside of the options presented by the published material, and even purposefully disregarding explanations in the source material that contradict it, which is a different story. I think it's reasonable to say that the explanations that have been provided in the Planescape material should initially be given more credence than a new, unrelated idea thrown into the mixture. That's not to say an outside idea cannot overcome published material. If it clearly fits the related facts better, than it definitely deserves further analysis and consideration. But I don't think that homebrewed ideas should be automatically moved to the front of the line without some serious thought about how well they fit with the other related facts that have been presented in the source material. Which, as far as I can tell, is what happened above.

I'm not entirely sure that I agree with Rip's throwing a dragon into the Githyanki family tree but it really doesn't seem to contradict anything in the official materials.
I would disagree, if you are talking about my comments regarding egg-laying. I think it does contradict on two counts.

1. The egg-laying is said to be either illithid experiements or astral energies. No room there for dragons as the primary factor.

2. I cannot rationalize the idea that githyanki are dragon crossbreed, but that it has never been mentioned once. To say that was an oversight is preposterous. That is a BIG deal. I'm quite sure the Planescape authors considered the idea, but it simply doesn't appear anywhere.

Saying that ripvanwormer's theory doesn't contradict anything also isn't saying much. Just because the source material doesn't say an idea ISN'T true does not mean that the idea fits in with the existing setting at all. Someone could similarly suggest that githyanki always wear straw sun hats with flowers in them, and then say that this idea is good because it doesn't actually contradict the source material. Which, as it turns out, is true, but that doesn't make it a reasonable theory Smiling

Also, as mentioned earlier, if githyanki are part red dragon, what are the duthka'gith? If the githyanki had enough red dragon in them to fundamentally alter their method of reproduction, they wouldn't be githyanki -- they'd be duthka'gith. Dungeon 100 says flatly that githyanki "despise" duthka'gith, and see them as a perversion of the red dragon pact. I can't see how that would be if the githyanki knew they were also a good portion red dragon. It just doesn't add up.

It should be noted that ripvanwormer has a bit of an obsession with red dragons and githyanki. In a previous thread he went on at great length about how red dragons and githyanki are "friends" rather than begrudging allies, although there is really only one reference supporting that idea, and many contradicting it (particularly in 3E). Now he's expanded that even further to say that they ARE interbreeding and he IS right about it and that it DOES fit the source material better than anything else, with even less of a foundation in the source material. The bottom line here is, he wants githyanki and red dragons to work like some sort of evil Pern-like scenario, and the existing material can be damned if it says different. I have pointed out the many ways in which the D&D source material directly contradicts this idea. That doesn't automatically invalidate the idea, but it does present problems. That is exactly the type of analysis that any radical ideas should be exposed to, if we intend to make Planescape 3.5E a sound gaming system. Sound ideas bear such scrutiny.

I have no problem whatsoever with someone speculating outside the source material, but I do expect that person not to blow a gasket when someone points it out when their speculation is firmly outside the facts as presented in the published material. Or when their idea has gaping logical flaws. If a new idea has a lot of merit, there is no shame in also admitting that it may be coming from left field or that it may not be fully fleshed out. It's merely an objective evaluation of that idea, warts and all. There's no harm in that, and it helps to determine how solid an idea you have and how well it fits the existing material.

Anyway, thanks for your comments and you are absolutely right about this all being fertile ground (with, perhaps, a rock or two!)

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
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'ripvanwormer' wrote:
Githyanki have always been presented as significantly more reptilian than githzerai, and their connection with red dragons dates back to their first appearance.
Sorry, you're mistaken there as well, about the dragons. The first appearance of the githyanki was in White Dwarf #12, and there is no mention of dragons at all. There's also no mention of "reptilian" appearance, egg-laying or githzerai.

I'm holding my own copy of WD #12 in my hands as I write this. It normally sits on the shelf above me, alongside a copy of every single source mentioned in my list of githyanki published sources. I've read each of them several times.

Now what were you saying about my ability to demonstrate that there is no reference in these books to githyanki and dragons interbreeding? Wanna bet?

Mogget's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
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Going wth Invisigoth on this. I have an idea on whether githzerai lay eggs or not. Perhaps the designers left it open to the DM on purpose. None of this dragon stuff though, the only references that I know of, the Guide to the Astral Plane and dungeon magazine, give only two options. GAP leaves only two choices, no debate. To further back this up, Vlaakith had to use dark magics to create the half-breeds, and everyone in town hates them. Would they hate them if they already had red dragon blood? I doubt it, a little speculation, but it would seem to support my point.

If the githzerai don't lay eggs, then that means that the Githyanki and githzerai may not be able to actually unify as the "Gith". The changes wrought upon the githyanki by the magic of the Astral Plane have altered them too much, they are no longer the pure race they once were. However, you don't want to tell them this or you may not live long... but you're probably not gonna live long anyways considering you are already close enough to talk to them.

Now, if the changes wrought by the Illithids caused the Gith race to become egg layers, that leaves the possibility of the githzerai and the Githyanki reuniting. Since there is a group trying to unite the githzerai and the Githyanki into one race, essentially the "gith" reborn, in Dungeon, it would seem that the only major 3rd edition source on Githyanki supports the Illithid theory in a round-about-way. If planewalker is going with the story arc of Vlaakith's death, then perhaps we should go with this option so that the adventure fits into the planescape universe better.
Now I know it doesn't tell us that the Githzerai lay eggs or anything, but if the two races can actually reunite into one race, then it would seem that they need to have similar reproduction systems.

Just my thoughts on the matter, if anyone can see any holes in my logic, please point them out so that I can correct them! Thanks

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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'Invisig0th' wrote:
The first appearance of the githyanki was in White Dwarf #12, and there is no mention of dragons at all.

First appearance that most people are likely to own, I should have said. Stop being such a pedant.

Now what were you saying about my ability to demonstrate that there is no reference in these books to githyanki and dragons interbreeding?

I didn't say anything about that. I was talking about your ability to demonstrate that there is a reference to githyanki and dragons not interbreeding. This would be important to find if you wanted to support your contention that the idea contradicts previous sources. Finding no reference discussing the subject at all contradicts nothing.

ripvanwormer's picture
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'Invisig0th' wrote:
No one has called you anything, and no one has personally attacked you.
"And if someone isn't willing to honestly admit that the idea severely deviates from what is stated in the source material..."

That's an accusation of dishonesty, and if you aren't willing to honestly admit that...

What has happened here is that you have said that your personal supplemental ideas to Planscape are more valid than the Planescape source materials

I never said anything about "more valid." I threw out an idea that I said was likely; I didn't say other ideas were less valid.

I would chalk this up to a simple misunderstanding, but... oh, hell. Sure. We'll call it a misunderstanding.

Call it quits, agree to disagree?

you have become offended when I questioned the validity of that approach.

I've been plugging the dragon egg idea for a while now, and I don't think anyone has liked it. But you're the only one who's tried to start a flame war over it.

all I have done here is calmly pointed out that your theory does not actually have any supporting evidence whatsoever in any of the source material.

And I agreed with you, twice. That's not the same as it actually contradicting any of the source material.

If githyanki have red dragon blood, that fact is important enough to have been mentioned somewhere in the dozens of published sources about the githyanki.

No, that's nonsense. I'm not permitted to invent anything? What a poisonous, stupid, creativity-killing attitude. With only a line or so about githyanki biology, there's plenty of room for invention.

I repeat my previous argument: with eons of history, there's plenty of important things even the githyanki don't know about themselves.

The logical construct used here is "Either A is true, or B is true". You have posited that A is false, B is false, and C is true.

Yes, that was one of the several theories I gave. I gave others, including one in which A is true, B is true, and C is also true. Reread my post before commenting on it, please.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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'Mogget' wrote:
GAP leaves only two choices, no debate.

Where there's uncertainty, there's always room for debate. If we don't know whether or not the illithids or the astral plane did it, then we don't know if there's more to it or not. I'm not claiming the illithids didn't alter their reproduction system, or that astral energies didn't do it. I'm only suggesting that the specific form their eggs take today - as well as other qualities - suggests an additional wrinkle.

If people are going to start arguing that nothing can be added to the perfection that is published Planescape, I think you're in the wrong forum.

I also think a bit too much is being made of the phrasing in A Guide to the Astral Plane. The book isn't a computer program that relies on Boolean logic; the point is that we don't know why don't know why githyanki lay eggs. If we don't know, then we can't know that it's definitely one of those two. Those were the two possibilities Monte could think of at the time; it doesn't mean they're the only two possibilities.

To further back this up, Vlaakith had to use dark magics to create the half-breeds, and everyone in town hates them. Would they hate them if they already had red dragon blood?

Because githyanki culture can change over the course of eons and eons of history. Who they hate today tells us little about who they hated at the beginning of their species.

If the githzerai don't lay eggs, then that means that the Githyanki and githzerai may not be able to actually unify as the "Gith".

An interesting point. That could well be true, although I'm not certain it's a bad thing.

Although, one idea I had was that there's a subrace of githzerai whose favored class is wizard (or psion) and who have ability scores more like the 2nd edition version. In truth, they were githyanki, long ago, who defected to the githzerai side so long ago they might not even remember it. Other githzerai accept them as being of their race, though they might be egg-layers. Some things are more important than biology.

haheh's picture
Joined: 2006-08-04
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It's good point - there's nothing reptilian in Astral. There's nowhere said that Illithids actually 'made' the People egg-layers. So, my solution is conjunction of two possibilities mentioned in Guide to Astral Plane - that Illithids only inscribed a potentiality of egg-laying in their slave's form, in order to finally breed true egg-layers. My point is, that Githyanki have developed this potentiality into reality, which was possible becouse of odd Astral enviroment, which in my opinion makes easy to manipulate one's 'translated' body form - expecially to race that calls Astral their home [sure, it's still possible that this happened becouse 'yanki wanted more closely resemble dragons, but it's not my opinion].

I'm familiar with idea, that main differences between Githyanki and Zerai races are result of influence of enviroments they dwelled in, to their [physical as well as mental] evolution [it's really strong argument that Limbo is too instable, too mutagenic to incubate eggs]. I think that it's [mainly] their home, and consequently it's influence on mind and form, what makes Githyanki so special and so different from Zerai. Take their important physical distinction - eyes, as example [i'll ignore zerai specification from Torment, 'couse in majority of Planescape material only githyanki have whole-black eyes]. Here's my idea why 'yanki eyes've become gleaming-black: it's simply in order to adapt better to Astral [it's constant silvery shine] - which was unnecessary in Limbo.

haheh's picture
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Next thing: I'd disagree that Githyanki threw off their psionic ability. Only I can say , that to Githyanki magic is like a sword and psionics like second name [expecially if you consider thier language - abbreviations aided with telepathy transmitting 'deep' meaning].

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
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The fact that you can't come clean on your mistake about the first appearance of the githyanki with dignity says all we need to know about your willingness to accept when you make an error. Being willing to calmly admit your errors is necessary in any honest discussion of the pros and cons of your invented ideas and statements. When you make a mistake (as you did here), you gain nothing by being snide when someone points out your error.

The fact is, you have nothing to be ranting (on and on and on) about. You have already admitted that the theory of githyanki having dragon blood is something you created whole cloth, and that there is not one supporting fact that you can provide to directly back it up as a valid possibility. You say your theory fits the source material better, but you have not yet suggested even one piece of evidence backing up that rather extreme statement. Apparently, you want us to accept your theory without scrutinizing it. I'm sorry, but when you make an assertion that radical, citing supporting evidence in the source material is an important part of the discussion. If you want to operate in the realm of 100% speculation and disregard the source material that contradicts your view, please don't get upset when someone points out you are purposefully speculating rather than building on existing material. No one ever said you couldn't speculate. But please don't act like 100% speculation is the same thing as expanding on an existing idea, or that it has the same merits. It isn't, and it doesn't. They are two different things.

The part where I said your statements "deviate from the source material" is where the authors of the Guide to the Astral Plane said that githyanki lay eggs either due to illithid experiments or Astral Energies. You can feel free to ignore or deemphasize that statement, but the fact that your pet theory is not mentioned here IS important when discussing the plausibility of your theory. You HAVE deviated from the source material. You may choose to say that this is unimportant, but you will find that most other people here won't do so quite so quickly. No one has ever said you can't deviate from the source material. But please don't get upset when someone says "hey, you deviated from the source material there". Which is essentially all that has happened here.

You are fundamentally unwilling to let your radical ideas be critiqued by others, in this thread nad previous ones. You have the nerve to say that your idea fits the source material better than everyone else's solutions (as well as the solutions provided right in the source material!), yet you don't want to tolerate people saying anything skeptical of your ideas, or suggesting that you may be overplaying your hand. I'm not sure why that is, but you might want to learn to take criticism of your theories if you're going to participate in open discussions of such ideas. Your ideas are certainly not above reproach, and people are going to point out how far your ideas deviate from the source material. In your case, it's pretty far. If that sort of observation upsets you, I suggest you restrict your flightly alternate scenarios to fiction, where your voice is the only one allowed.

In short, I will be continuing to politely point out the shortcomings of your theories, dispite your own rudeness. And I suppose, you will continue to rant and rave and curse my name. But that doesn't change the fact that your ideas *will* be critiqued here, and *will* be compared with the source material, just like everyone else's. That's the only thing that has happened here, dispite what conspiracy theories may be swirling around in your brain, and it is a normal and healthy part of online discussions. I'm quite sure you don't like it, and I'm quite sure I don't care. We're certainly not going to avoid discussing the shortcomings of your theories just because doing so hurts your feelings.

You might also want to start "taking five" before responding to posts, as you have consistently responded to something that I have not actually said. Like many other things, this undermines your credibility and the credibility of your suggestions.

You're rather fond of telling others that this forum is not for them, yet you seem to be the only one seriously unwilling to tolerate differing viewpoints from the other people participating in this discussion. Perhaps more importantly, you fail to discriminate between when someone is offering a differing opinion, and when someone is instead questioning how well *your* opinion does or doesn't mesh with the existing known information about the topic. You've lashed out at every person so far in this thread that has disagreed with you. If you cannot discuss factual critiques of your ideas in a civil manner, than you will probably not find discussions in this forum to your liking. No one is going to refrain from pointing out flaws in you ideas simply because you don't like it or because you've posted a few articles in the pst. Your theories stand on their own merits for better or worse. If you want less criticism, post theories that are better supported by existing sources.

Although you don't realize it, I've been extremely patient and tolerant with you in this discussion. You have deonstrated no similar restraint. I'd strongly suggest that you review the forum rules before posting future flames. I may not be quite so tolerant the next time around.

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
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I'd have to agree with you about the psionics, heheh. Githyanki are fundamentally a psionics-based humanoid race, built around how psionics would shape them and their culture. If anything, I'd make the githzerai avoid psionics in favor of magic.

However, as Rhys correctly mentions above, this does limit the appeal of the githyanki, as many "hardcore" players and DMs don't use the optional psionics rules. And there is some justification in saying that psionics is really just an alternative magic system at its heart. Many of the results are basically identical.

Mogget's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
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That's a good idea that both occured, the illithid messed with them and the astral plane changed them to finish the job. Although because we're dealing with crazy old magic, the reptilian aspect could have very well come from the astral plane. Doesn't seem to really fit, so perhaps Ripvanwormer could be right, but the source material says nothing about dragon blood in the ancestral line and the reptilian aspect could be explained by magic. MAGIC!! I attack with my 2/2 flyer!! (sorry)

As for Limbo being too chaotic to incubate eggs in, the githzerai tame parts of Limbo to live in and all that other good stuff that people do. The githzerai could easily incubate eggs in their monastaries/cities that they have floating around in the chaos soup. At least that's how it seems to me.

Personally though, I like the idea of githzerai and githyanki both being egglayers. It means that the races could someday unite as the 'gith' and it actually gives that Shal'Kou-whatever faction (too lazy to go grab my magazine, my friend has a BIG house) more of a chance of succeeding at their goals.

Yet again just my two dimes. I like dimes better, they are smaller and worth more.

Mogget's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
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If one wants, perhaps the two cultures will actually accept any profession because they want people to do as they please, this lets the PCs be any class they want. However, the githyanki see psionics as their natural gift that freed them from the illithids ala Gith. The Githzerai see psionics as a useful tool that they are all born with, but most would rather steer away from this gift because of the strong connection it has with their most hated foes, the illithids and the githyanki. This option allows a few more subtle cultural differences to show through without taking away from people's options.

After reading the preview, I'm not sure that's what I wanted to say... oh well. Any problems just point 'em out please.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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'Mogget' wrote:
As for Limbo being too chaotic to incubate eggs in, the githzerai tame parts of Limbo to live in and all that other good stuff that people do. The githzerai could easily incubate eggs in their monastaries/cities that they have floating around in the chaos soup. At least that's how it seems to me.

Even the "tamest" parts of Limbo still suffer from miniflux, which can for example turn a deck of cards into a spoon if you're not paying attention to it. This is why githzerai don't value material things very much, and also why so many of them train in unarmed combat.

The anarchs keep the settlement from turning into fire or acid, but don't prevent mutations.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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'Invisig0th' wrote:
The fact that you can't come clean on your mistake about the first appearance of the githyanki with dignity

I thought I handled that with aplomb, actually. Is this about the "pedant" remark? I don't want to get into an endless argument about the definition of "pedant" or the appropriateness of your correction, so I'll just apologize.

You have already admitted that the theory of githyanki having dragon blood is something you created whole cloth, and that there is not one supporting fact that you can provide to directly back it up as a valid possibility.

Of course I did. Nearly everything I post is made up. That is, or should be, completely irrelevant to whether or not it's a valid theory. I'm not trying to prove that Monte Cook thought githyanki had draconic blood; I'm just saying it, or one of the other theories I presented, makes a lot of sense.

Apparently, you want us to accept your theory without scrutinizing it.

Um, no. I just want you to scutinize it using relevant criteria. It should be obvious that speculation can go beyond what's hinted at in the official products, given the scope and immensity of the setting.

Others have given some interesting criticisms - for example, the idea that keeping their reproductive systems identical would help the gith races reunite.

If I've actually contradicted something, sure - feel free to say so. But I'd thank you to skip the rants about how something I've said is insufficiently supported, which is frankly irrelevant.

But please don't act like 100% speculation is the same thing as expanding on an existing idea

I haven't. The only one who brought up "expanding on an existing idea" is you. All I've said is that my idea doesn't contradict previous canon. Rather than debating that, you've constructed a strawman that I think I'm writing something that is in some way official. I've never said that. You're completely off-base here; you're debating a person who doesn't exist, who never claimed the thing you're primarily arguing against.

The part where I said your statements "deviate from the source material" is where the authors of the Guide to the Astral Plane said that githyanki lay eggs either due to illithid experiments or Astral Energies.

I dealt with that. From my very first post to this thread, I included the possibility that the illithids had originally engineered them with amphibious eggs, and they only became more reptilian later.

You are fundamentally unwilling to let your radical ideas be critiqued by others

That's not true, as I've been having extremely reasonable conversations with everyone in this thread but you, and no one has ever agreed with me on this. I don't care; I'm just throwing it out there, but I'd appreciate it if you critique me as everyone else does, civilly. With my 900+ posts in this forum (under this name and another), you're the only one here I've ever been substantially at odds with. You may have to accept that the problem isn't with me, at least not entirely.

Dispite your own rudeness

I have not been rude! Both these contentious threads were perfectly amicable until you started accusing me of dishonesty in them, and even afterwards I've refrained from using any unpleasant words to describe you.

Oh, wait. I called you a pedant. I thought that was pretty mild. You've accused me of dishonesty twice now in this thread alone. I've been doing you the favor of assuming that you've made an honest mistake. An intelligent person should be able to realize that this happens, and doesn't automatically assume malicious foresight on those whose arguments we see flaws in.

you have consistently responded to something that I have not actually said.

Perhaps we both have. I know you seem to have little idea what I have or haven't said.

My first response to you in this thread was "I'm talking about what was likely, not what was explicitly stated." This, I was innocent enough to assume, would make it clear what I was trying to do. Somehow, it didn't stop you from going into the nastiest and most insulting rant about how I'm refusing to admit that my theory lacks supporting evidence.

Reread the thread. Do you see how it progresses from "Yes, of course" to "We've been through this" to "Stop being such a pedant?" In every post you've refused to admit that what I'm trying to do has nothing to do with what you're arguing against, desperately looking for some sign of moral weakness in my posts that you could exploit. Is it any wonder I got upset? In TSR supplements githyanki have been presented as reptilian in nature, both in their reproduction and their dragon allies. The debased mutant githyanki, the Athasian gith, are described as "a peculiar mixture of elf and reptile." That was my point, and sure, you've got me on White Dwarf #12, but in light of everything else it doesn't destroy the substance of my argument.

Although you don't realize it, I've been extremely patient and tolerant with you in this discussion.

Are you seriously not aware of how much I've been bending over backwards to be polite to you? How much I've edited out in order to maintain the semblance of civility?

Ah, never mind. It's probably futile in both our cases. Both of us know what we really think about one another, whether we actually say it or not. Well, probably; I think you still haven't really attempted to see things from my point of view. I've reread this thread several times, now, and I haven't found any place where it looks like I was complaining about my idea being criticized - I only was trying to clear up what my intentions were, while your insistance that I was a thin-skinned, lying prick got more and more insistent.

Why would I care if you didn't like my githyanki-mating-with-dragons idea? It wasn't even the only theory I put out there; I suggested several other possibilities in subsequent posts, none of which you've deigned to comment on. I was just reminding you that it wasn't as incompatible with previous material as it may have seemed to you, at least not as I phrased it, as an addition to the illithid-engineering theory rather than as a replacement for it.

Do you see what I was saying now? Do you see how you've been grossly mistaken, how misplaced your arguments and insults really have been?

Do I get an apology?

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
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So in the final analysis, you have said that you agree with my first post.


Any idea that githyanki lay eggs *because* of interbreeding with dragons is indeed contrary to the source material. There is no mention anywhere of githyanki laying eggs because of interbreeding with red dragons, and there is no mention of githyanki having red dragon blood at all. You have acknowledged that these observations are 100% accurate.

Yet you have proceeded to post . . . seven rebuttals to what I said above? Even though you apparently now agree with every point I made? I'm not going to bother relisting all of the errors you've made here, and all of the ways in which you've taken the discussion into unnecessary, overly personal and overly emotional directions, contributing nothing of value to the discussion..

The fact that you are still insisting that purely made-up explanations are just as good as explanations grounded in the source material is just one clear example of the bizarre parallel universe you're coming from. Theories building upon existing ideas obviously have an edge over ones that don't. Which is exactly what I stated. Determining which theories closely synch up with source material and which don't is completely normal in discussions such as this one. If this is a foreign concept to you, then there's no point in me explaining it.

As far as your behavior towards others, please review the following.

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
'Mogget' wrote:
GAP leaves only two choices, no debate.

If people are going to start arguing that nothing can be added to the perfection that is published Planescape, I think you're in the wrong forum.

You're being an excellent ambassador for Planescape.com there. Telling people to go away if they don't feel comfortable speculating as much as you do. That's impressive.

In short, you could have saved us all a lot of time if you had simply replied to my original post saying, "Yes, my theory doesn't entirely agree with what is stated in the GAP, but I think it has enough merit to make it appealing anyway. I realize that this is a problem, but I think that the pros outweight the cons."

If anyone deserves an apology, it is the other people who have been forced to wade through your ongoing rants looking for some interesting info about githyanki, and who honestly couldn't care less about your repetitive, defensive retaliation against someone you don't like who has correctly mentioned some holes in your pet theory. As I've said before, such critiques are a characteristic of healthy online discussions, and you would be wise to learn how to not take them personally. Please leave your emotions at the door. You could save us all a lot of time and hassle, not to mention board space.

I honestly don't expect you to realize how off base you are here. But I think even you can see that it is a disservice to the people who use this board for you to continue doing it. If you have something new or interesting to say about the topics under discussion, by all means post it. But endlessly rehashing previous posts we can do without. Give it a rest, already.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Different Twist...

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
I just want you to scutinize it using relevant criteria. It should be obvious that speculation can go beyond what's hinted at in the official products, given the scope and immensity of the setting.

While this is my belief, I think I erred in describing it as if it were my primary contention.

To better express myself: it's fine to say you don't like something I write, and if your reason for not liking it is that Monte Cook didn't think of it first, that's fine too. It wasn't my intention to take issue with that.

This is how an interesting discussion turned into a near-flame war. Again.

My first post gave some thoughts about gith eggs: I proposed a somewhat radical theory, and in the next paragraph I proposed a way in which it could be made to fit with one of the official theories, the one about illithid engineering. Then I spoke about githzerai eggs.

Invisig0th's response started out with a lecture about threadjacking, followed by deciding to ignore his own advice rather than starting a new thread (which I could have done as well, of course, but then again it wasn't my lecture). Then he noted that my theory wasn't supported in the "scraps" of information we already had about githyanki. So far, so good. I have no problems with that.

I responded politely, noting that it was talking about what I thought was probable, not what previous material had stated explicitly, but dissenting on whether or not it actually qualified as a "deviation" in the sense of a blatant contradiction. Perhaps the definition of "deviation" is the root of our disagreement? My contention is that a deviation short of a blatant contradiction isn't very important - in fact, deviation in the sense of an unexpected twist (as in the title of this thread) on our previous expectations is a very good thing, while to Invisig0th, he was making a "pretty important observation." While this is a fundamental difference of opinions, it doesn't require one party to accuse the other of dishonesty. And yet in his next post, Invisg0th accused me of being unwilling to "honestly admit the idea severely deviates from what is stated in the source material," implying that there was some objective standard of a "severe deviation" that I was perfectly well aware of, but refused to acknowledge because of a moral failure on my part, that I was "dancing and dodging" because, despite his having only talked to me in two threads, he was certain I was the sort of person who couldn't take criticism.

My reply was fairly cordial for most of it, but I critized him for playing the moral card so quickly. I also, in response to his use of terms like "ridiculous," I said that limiting ourselves to things that had at least been hinted at in the "scraps" of sources we had was "stupid." Fair, I think. But the debate had already turned ugly.

In his next response, Invisig0th said that he hadn't actually "called me anything," and he claimed that I said that my personal ideas were more valid than those of the original game designers. Any casual browse through this thread will show I didn't claim anything of the sort, and it sure looks to me like he was calling me a liar. Then he informed me that it was his questioning of the validity of my nonexistant approach that I was offended by, and not the thing that I actually said I was offended by. He proceded to psychoanalyze me further, based on his assumptions about my character and on things I never said at all.

That's the set-up; I don't think I need to illustrate how the discussion degenerated from there.

Now he claims he's been extremely patient and tolerant with me. I'm sure this is true, especially considering what a dissembling ass he honestly believes me to have been, but from my perspective he's been intolerably rude, using dubious (and, as it happens, incorrect) logic and little evidence to subject me to armchair psychoanalysis of the lowest kind. Is it rude to tell someone who has been lying to you that they've been less than honest? Yes, it is, and it's sure to turn the discussion into an ugly one, but it's perhaps excusable if it's a given that this is in fact the truth. Is it rude to assume that someone has been dissembling when you don't know for sure? What if you think you're sure? Yes, it is. It's neither patient nor tolerant, and it's inadvisable to do that in a thread you want to keep a friendly tone in. Whether I'm a filthy liar or not, Invisig0th is the one who's turned a friendly exchange into a hostile one.

In the non-hypothetical world, I admitted freely what was or wasn't in the published sources, but I specifically formulated my theory in order to make sure that any deviation was less than severe. Apparently unaware of this, Invisg0th decided to make the thread about my personal character. This is where flame wars come from, at least in cases where people are less patient than I've been.

Now, I've made the same sorts of mistakes on other forums, turning a disagreement on some esoteric issue or other into a moral crusade and even making assumptions about people's motives. Believe me, Invisig0th, I've been there. But I've learned it's a good idea not to go there; you end up with silly arguments like this one, where both parties are busy defending their honor and not talking about what you came to these forums to talk about. No matter how vile and hypocritical your debator is, you don't have to bring it up, and you might even have been wrong about the person anyway. I may have even done it in this thread, a little bit, and if I have I apologize. It's a horrible situation; while I've been there, my advice is not to go there anymore.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Different Twist...

'Invisig0th' wrote:
Any idea that githyanki lay eggs *because* of interbreeding with dragons is indeed contrary to the source material.

I was writing specifically about the reptilian nature of those eggs, not necessarily oviparousness itself. I mentioned this in my first post to this thread.

I wasn't rebutting that claim; I find it almost unbelievable that you still think that's what I was talking about.

Theories building upon existing ideas obviously have an edge over ones that don't.

No, all the adjectives I employed before - stupid, creativity-killing, etc. - emphatically still apply. What a banal and limited multiverse you endorse!

It's a mistake to try to convince others of blatant contradictions, as things that fit with previous writings will fit better in anyone's campaigns. Unexpected or entirely new ideas, however, have their place. We know githyanki have an intimate partnership with red dragons (a friendship, even), and we know that interbreeding is possible, so we know it's a possibility. There's some evidence against it, but - as I think you've implicitly agreed at this point - no contradiction.

Telling people to go away if they don't feel comfortable speculating as much as you do.

I didn't tell anyone to go away, and I'm sure there is room in these forums for a variety of viewpoints, but you might not be happy here if you're going to take an absolutist position on speculation, as it's pretty common for people to speculate as much as or more than I do here.

For many of us, that's a major part of what makes talking here entertaining. I've got a very thorough grounding in Planescape products, but I wouldn't want to turn them into straightjackets.

In short, you could have saved us all a lot of time if you had simply replied to my original post saying, "Yes, my theory doesn't entirely agree with what is stated in the GAP

I did say, when I replied to your original post, that I wasn't writing based on anything AGttAP said specifically. The exact wording you suggest would only occur to someone who was aware of your improbable standards. I've never encountered anyone before who thought that making things up was such a big deal. I've been engaged in a lot of Planescape forums (the Planescape mailing list, Rpgconsortium, Realms of Evil, the Wizards boards, and every Yahoo group I could subscribe to) since 1998, and your attitude is not, as you claim, completely normal. You are, in fact, an extreme aberration.

it is the other people who have been forced to wade through your ongoing rants

Yes, as I've clearly been the only one ranting here. Many of my posts have actually contained new ideas and new material; I've been responding to/building off of things Mogget has said, for example. I like Mogget.

Meanwhile, what would others find worth reading in your screeds? Not much.

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
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I'm asking you one final time to let it go. You're never going to "prove" that you are right here, and you certainly aren't going to force anyone on this board to apologize to you by flooding the board. Even you cannot possibly think that continuing this "discussion" is a positive contribution.

Let me also remind you that terms like "pr*ck" are violations of the forum rules.

Show some respect to the rest of the people who would like to use this thread for it's intended purpose. If you can't control yourself, I will be forced to report you to the forum moderators.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Different Twist...

'Invisig0th' wrote:
I'm asking you one final time to let it go.

Me let it go? Me flooding the board? You've been fighting right next to me, just as vehemently as I have, and you're every bit as guilty of tenacity and board-flooding as I am. Your chutzpah is astounding.

Let me also remind you that terms like "pr*ck" are violations of the forum rules.

There are forum rules? I don't think I've ever seen them; do you have a link?

I assumed calling myself a prick wouldn't be an issue. It's not one of the words you can't say on radio, so I assume most people don't find it offensive.

Show some respect to the rest of the people who would like to use this thread for it's intended purpose.

You, sir, are breathtaking.

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
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'ripvanwormer' wrote:
There are forum rules? I don't think I've ever seen them; do you have a link?
A quick look around would have led you to them. But sure, I'll help you out.


If you have questions about exactly what does and does not violate the forum rules, I'd suggest you discuss that with Clueless. Whether your language (and general conduct) are appropriate is ultimately, of course, up to her to decide.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Different Twist...

'Invisig0th' wrote:

Ah, yes! I've seen those. I had forgotten about them, but I've read them before. I expected the forum rules to have their own forum, for whatever reason.

Obviously, we both went off topic and dipped a little below civility. I'll try to work on that in the future, though honestly I'm not sure what I could have done differently. Not explain or defend myself? If there's an actual misunderstanding at work, as there was, that seems like a bad idea; we should be allowed to explain our positions coherently.

I wasn't helping, but I really think you're mostly the one at fault here. Obviously, you disagree.

My grandmother actually curses like a sailor, so the "grandmother rule" isn't much help for me. I tend to go by the so-called Seven Dirty Words.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
*slow foot tap*

*slow foot tap*

I've got quite a bit of patience (years of admining for a MUD and working Help Desk will do that t' ya) and neither of you have gotten to the point where your commentary is entirely useless, flaming, baiting or otherwise going to rain on my parade as a mod. But you've come darned close to making this thread about *your arguement* and not about the subject at hand.

It seems part of the passion comes from a misinterpretation of what the forums here are for. It seems somehow the impression got around that the forums are for the express and only purpose of creating semi-official material for the PSCS? Is that right? Is that the root of this? If so - don't misinterpret what you are doing here on the forums.

Not all of the material discussed on the forums is meant to be part of the PSCS or Planewalker's downloads of Planescape in 3.5. In fact, I'd say the vast majority of it isn't. And the vast majority of the website itself isn't either for that matter. There's no reason to get upset if that's where the passion for this arguement comes from - the forums are a place to generate ideas that's all, not a place where only the 'correct' ideas get generated. The more conversation and ideas, wild or not, get generated the more likely we are to hit on something spectacular in the process that we can use.

Some of what comes up may be utter crud or delightful, some may fit with previous material or not. Some of it may be to your taste, some may not. Some of it may be to the taste of the editors of the PSCS - some may not. And the stuff that's not is still perfectly valid on the forums. And that's ok - really it is - that's the point of a community discussion like this. We're supposedly all friends - or at least friendly - here. That's what we're supposed to be aiming for, right?

This is a forum for speculation and creativity - it's going to happen. Deal.

You two can easily disagree without making it personal. Please don't. If anything, offer suggestions and modifications to each other's posts. Or don't reply at all to them. But don't start tossing out things you know are going to provoke an offensed response from another and then act innocent afterwards. I'm not stupid. I can see it when it happens.

If you are about to write something that calls a judgement on someone else's person, honor, or existance as a human being - that's when you need to stop and think about what you're doing - you're probably taking it too personally and you're trying to 'win'. You're probably also going to offend the other, and they'll stop listening to what you have to say - just a few misplaced words like that prevents you from persuading them to your side. That's why we don't do it. Keep your goals in mind when you post.

Please take note - I read these threads and will make my own judgement on who 'started' it assumind someone even did, where it came from, and deal with it with an eye towards the health of the community over all in the long run. Take that as ye wish - but I'd like to be able to keep both of you around. You both have valid ideas and speculations as well as handy access to resources and willingness to cite your grounding in the canon material. You both tend to contribute intellegently to debates, even when you're on opposite sides. You're both equals and neither of you has a right to tell the other that they can't contribute to projects, conversation or forums. That's a right reserved to a short list of folks - namely - me. Eye-wink

Just stop going off into the rough with it, keep it on the green so to speak. I know I can't fix the emotions both of you probably feel about each other, or the instinctive rejection each other's ideas may provoke because of those emotions. I wish I could, but my psionic power hasn't developed that far yet. Sad All I can ask is that when you read each other's posts, ask yourself if you would have the same response if it had another name attached to it as a poster - if the answer is no, reread it - it might be more valid than you thought at first.

Sadly enough I had an opinion on the logical use of canon material in defense or rebuke of fan contributed material since we have to do quite a bit of that for the PSCS - but now I can't post it without picking a side. Puzzled That this topic *got* that confrontational that I can't ethically post in it anymore is when things went wrong...

PS: "Prick" was self descriptive in this case, not intended as direct insult so not a flame, so I'm not coming down on it. Please don't attempt to interpret my job for me - that's stepping on my toes as mod and to be perfectly honest, it leaves a bad impression.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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So insulting people is fine, so long as we're only insulting ourselves?

Cool. I'm a fascist cockgoblin, a miserable little twerp, a blubbering pile of filth, a dirty minded pervert, a horribly lame nerd, etc.


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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No nick. It merely indicates that context matters it's not just the words.

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