Different Mechanics????

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Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Different Mechanics????

Hey folks. Hope this is the right place to post this....

Anways, I'm a PS GM, having just finished a 1 1/2 year PS campagin, my players want another one, which I have no problem in doing...BUT....I've recently join a short 7th sea game, and absolutely love the mechanics for it (XKY system).

Now my question, do you folks think that a similiar system could work for a PS game (or just for dnd in general)???? I not too bothered about changing mechanics for a PS game, as its not the mechanics that make a PS game, but I'm worried that magic might suffer under an XKY system....any thoughts???


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Different Mechanics????

I'm not actually familar with the system though everyone I know who's played 7th seas adores it. Could you give us a brief primer on it?

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Different Mechanics????

Kal, in my onion the simple answer to your question is: YES!

The not-so-simple answer is trying to convert it in to the 7th sea system. The basics of the system are that at character creation you have a set number of points that you spend on attributes, skill groups and individual knacks (e.g. athlete skill contains climb, sprint, footwork and other knacks) as well as advantages, hubris/arcana, languages and of course sword schools and sorcery.

The system is simply: roll and keep.

For example, say your character wants to swing from a chandelier and then sprint out of the tavern to get away from a group of thugs. The first action would require a roll of the Finesse attribute plus the swinging skill if the character has it (note: all dice rolls involve d10s). Say the character has 2 points in Finesse and 2 in swinging, it's a 4k2 - in other words roll four d10s and keep the combined results of the highest two. If any of the kept dice are 10 then they can be re-rolled and added to the result.

For the sprinting it's likely to be a Brawn attribute plus sprint knack, which for the argument is let's say 3 and 1 respectively. Then it would be a 4k3 - roll four d10s and keep sum of three highest rolls.

The GM sets a target number for the success of an action and in the game that I have been in for the past 5 years the GM decides on how successful it is by how much the target number is passed.

Sorcery involves the same kinds of dice rolls, swordsman's knacks allow for special moves with bonuses if they succeed. An advantage at character creation influence what the basis of your character is, the character creation section has a list of 20 questions that are very useful for fleshing out a character.

Having played in a 7th game continuously for the past 5 years I absolutely love the system and the setting. However, I've never tried to convert planescape to use the same setting as I can never get a grip on where to start.


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Different Mechanics????

If, between two two of you you get a good system worked out - you can be assured we'll find host space for it. Smiling

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Different Mechanics????

Cheers for the very good overview Simmo.

I will try and hack some rough work out on it then, But, its finding time atm, as I'm also working out a mordern mechanics system for it for my cyberpunk group (I really love cyberpunk too, but the mechanics are really bad...). The planescape conversion should be easier in a sense, a lot less knacks to figure out (dnd players read skills), plus faction abilities are simply 'secert' socitiy advantages that can be purpcased ingame with xp (my group uses the 3x HP [HP - hero points, what you use at character creation] cost for advantages in game)..

Just a quick question, does anyone on these boards have much experience with L5R rp, as they use the same mechanics pretty much and have slightly more magic (the magic is still my primary concern with an XKY system)....as any input would be great!


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Different Mechanics????

Whenever I run cyberpunk I use shadowrun and just drop the magic element of the system. But that's me. Eye-wink

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Different Mechanics????

Been a while seince I've played shadowrun....

Anyways, started hacking out some new stuff, but, best of all, I've got what I hope will be a good working magic sorted, just need to bulk out the magic, plus I've included psionics into the core of the system to give me 3 primary types of magic - arcane/divine/psionic.

Once I get a neat document done of the overall system (hopefully about 2 weeks time), I'll shout

If anyone is familiar with 7thsea/L5R mechanics and thinks they have a good idea to put into the melting pot, please post away


simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Different Mechanics????

Kal - please give me a shout when things progress. I'm curious to see how you convert it over and the magic system is the thing that I would have the most trouble with.

In my plan to convert it I intended to have a number of types of magic such as: runic, ceremonial, diabolical/infernal, artificier and other schools of magic. Have them reflect types of magic similar to Laerdom, Glamour and others used in 7th Sea game.

The thing is that in 7th Sea magic is not as pervasive or as powerful as in D&D. The magic balance in 7th Sea works quite well in my opnion and whilst it may look like it's toned down from D&D if converted in this way - I think that this balance would be preserved and opens up new avenues of RP with multiple paths of magical pursuits.

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Different Mechanics????

As a brief online of the magic system:-

At character creation, chaarcters can choose to take Greater or Lesser magic in one type/style of magic (same as Full/half blooded in 7th sea).

The three primary types of magic are Arcane, Divine, and Psioinc.

These act as skills, much the same as 7th sea. All these magic types share some basic knacks:-

Detect Magic - a perception knackused to sense magic, not a spell anymore.

Counter Magic - a defence knackthat is both active and passive (much like footwork form 7th sea), that only works for the character

Dispel Magic - knack used to dispel magic already active, TN is set by orignal casters knack rank.

Enchanting - use to determine how well a magic user can create magic items. Limits enchantment/enhancement values and spells that can be used to make items.

Arance Magic also has Arcane Lore basic knack - pretty much knowledge(arcane) from dnd.

Divine Magic has Theology basic knack - pretty much knowledge (religion) from dnd

Psioinc Magic same the equivelent knack, though I havent come up with a name for it yet.

Now advanced knacks and spells (from this point on, I will replace the word spell with the word magic. Spell refers specially to arcane magics. Blessing refers to Divine MAgic and Power refer to psionic magic).

Arcane Spells are sorted into Schools (the standard ones from 3.5E dnd), which function as advanced knacks. For example, a character could have Evocation rank 3, Transmutation rank 2 and Conjuration rank 4. Each rank of a school has a few spells available to it. When a character gain a rank in a school, he automatically recieves one spell from it. He can then choose to spend XP or HP (Hero Points, used at character creation) to learn additional spells from thats schools rank(s) that he knows. For exmaple, if a charatcer just had Evoication rank 3, he would automatically know a spell single of rank 1, a single spell of rank 2 and a single spell of rank 3.

Divine Blerssings are handled similiary, but are sorted by Domain (instead of schools) and function the same. (As an aside, if a character purchases memebership in a gods chruch, he buys the god's domain cheaper). Psionic's are the same, expect they are sorted by Discipline.

To cast a magic:-

To cast any magic, the caster needs to make a casting roll (intelligence + school/domain/discipline) with a TN equal to 5 x (magic rank +1). If they are successful, the magic works, assuming that the above roll is also good enough to get past their targets passive defences. Some knacks can be used as passive and active defences to avoid magical attacks. If the target fails, then the works affects the target as its magic description.

As an aside, in comparasion to normal dnd, a caster can cast his most powerful magic as often as he likes. This is to keep it inline with the fact that a fighter can laways attack at his best.

Side note 2:- each of the 3 primary Magic types also have the basic knack Universal([tpye of magic]), eg Universal (divine), Universal (arcnae) and Universal (psionic). These fuction like the advanced knacks, providing the character with basic spells/blessings/psioincs that almost every magic user of that type would have.

Side Note 3 :- I call these primary as it fits in with planescape well and these are the 3 big magic types, but there are others as well. Shadow magic, is a dervation of arcane magic, has its own Skill, and its magics are sorted into Paths (much like in Tome of Magic). There is True Name Magic, which is a form of pure magic (havent done anything for this yet). Also, there is Artificer Magic, originally from the Dwarvesn Runesmiths, that is very good at creating magic items, but its infusion casting is very slow (1 round instead of one action).

Side Note 4:- many of the Divine feats from normal 3.5E dnd I am intending to convert into unvieral (divine) blessings.

Well thats it for now. Sorry if this is a bit confusing, but I'm still working in rough atm myself. Also, sorry if you dont play 7th sea and find this even more confusing.


Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Different Mechanics????

Well, its been a while and I'd though I'd give a little update....

We've had 2 sessions using the new mechanics now, and its going alright....I have a divine caster that draws power Radiance (fire, light and healing). I have a shadow weaver (and twin brother to the radiance caster). A Noble elf rogue type and a cat folk hunter...

The game has gotten into gear RP wise, but we are still adding loads of sutff to the rules to fill out the content. This week, I wil be doing a major update to the rules set, removing the 7th sea style skill-knack system and merely have Skills (ie knacks from 7th sea, skills from grups etc).

Shadow magic has been changed to a more white wolf vampire disicpline feel, with prephaps the other magic tpyes following on soon.

Also have added difficutly modifiers to some skills much like in grups and am also planning on using alignments much like white wolf use archetypes. This ties in with how membership works with factions - it makes the skills of the factions cheaper to buy, much like vampire clan disicplines from masquerade.

Anyways, thats a very quick and brief update, I'll post after wednesday to tell what my players think of the upddate.



Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Different Mechanics????

Update was well recieved and the game went well.

Check out Planescape: The Chronicles of Chaos for a miniblog of the campaign.


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Different Mechanics????

did you guys finish working out the mechanics for it?

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Different Mechanics????

Pretty much. We have the 'core' system mechanics for it, and its quite playable atm. I am currently working on an overhall for the magic system, coz as it currently stands, its too much like normal fighting. The new system is in a way a bit like epic magic or true d20 magic, where you have a 'seed' and can customize it for each spell, giving a very flexibile system, which is fitting with the more mundane (non magic) parts of the system, though I havent worked on it for a couple of weeks coz of uni and plot lines for the game needed doing more.

I'll post an update on this campaign log friday recounting the last couple of sessions (which involve being set up and thrown into the prison) and when I have a bit more of the magic done, I'll do a bigger post detailing the system in general.



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