Devious Machinations OOC

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Moog's picture
Joined: 2006-11-22
Devious Machinations OOC

'Kay, I'm an old hack from (not planescape related, despite the name.) The way I've always done this type of freeform is as follows:

1) It's bad form to "take control" of someone else's character and have them perform actions within your narrative. For example: "Bastion extends a hand to Patches in greeting" is okay, whereas "Bastion extends a hand to Patches, who takes it and shakes it vigourously" wouldn't be. Don't assume another character's actions, I guess, would be the axiom.

2) Characters can't affect other characters except by owner's (or overall narrator's) consent. For example: "Bastion crouches low, and launches himself at Zerdan, trying to rake his combat claws across the Tiefling's body" would be okay, whereas Bastion crouches low, and launches himself at Zerdan, bowling him to the ground and raking him repeatedly with his combat claws" wouldn't be. In a real game, there would be initiative, bluff/sense motive rolls, rolls to hit, and rolls to damage. Allowance must be given in the narrative for the affected character to react, and decide if they've been hit.

This is on the inderstanding that all parties within the combat (or other interaction) are going to be sensible and let the occasional blow through - no-one's impervious, but one so often sees people posting in such a way in freeform online roleplay.

3) In most cases, what a character thinks should not be posted like dialogue. There's no way for other characters to interact with "Patches thinks to himself "I wonder why Tarnil's acting that way?"" unless Tarnil happens to be psychic.

Well, those're the guidelines I usually try to adhere to when I'm posting. If it works differently here, or the guidelines I've presented are fly in the face of creativity/common sense, please let me know.

Azure, you seem to be the driving force behind the thread at the moment. Shall we assume you're the overall narrator/DM when need arises? I can gen Bastion up as a proper 3e character and post the vitals here or in the Character Index if needed.

2kdav's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26
Devious Machinations OOC

I agree with these guidelines, it makes sense if we're playing a freeform diceless game.

I too can put up Tarnil as a 3e character, but I don't think there's much need for that really, considering the format that we are playing in.

In any case, I'm actually enjoying this game so far, even though Tarnil hasn't done much so far P:

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Devious Machinations OOC

Your guidelines semm entirely reasonable, except that I would include a little internal dialogue for the sake of the story, so long as it also corresponds to outward actions.

As far as being THE narrator, well, I don't know. This is really my first play-by-post, and though I'm the most consistant poster, I really would not mind anybody else having my characters (Patchwork and Buttons) do whatever they thought was logical (or illogical in the case of the Xaositects Sticking out tongue) and interesting in the storyline. If you you were implying that I had overstepped in any way, I appologize.

As for working up the characters, whatever suits your fancy.

One last thing, the game was set up by Trias, who posted the first two and set the stage but has not returned. Zerdan and his predicament were the original threads, so I've broken rule #1 constantly since the beginning. As I've said, I have no problem with anybody braking that rule as it pertains to my characters, so long as its in character.

Moog's picture
Joined: 2006-11-22
Devious Machinations OOC

'Azure' wrote:
If you you were implying that I had overstepped in any way, I appologize.

Not in the slightest, mate. Laughing out loud

As for being overall narrator, all it would really require would be to have an overall general idea of where the story's going, setting up any encounters, and handling the NPCs in combat. I've done it myself on the website I referenced many a time, but my connection's dubious, so I don't know if I can commit to doing that here.

We'll see how it goes..

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Devious Machinations OOC

well, sounds good. I'm posting like gangbusters today becuse I'm home sick from work, so it won't always be like this, but Im willing to "DM" as the case may be.

Moog's picture
Joined: 2006-11-22
Devious Machinations OOC

Then you've got my vote... Laughing out loud

What we used to do on was all meet up on the boards at an alotted time and play through the combat like that. I realise that's possibly impractical here, (differing availability, different timezones possibly,) so we'll have to make do. It'll be slower, but we'll have more time to put detail and life into our posts, I guess...

on that note, as a general rule, if I don't post for a day or so, feel free to take over and post for my character (either/any of you) and I'll pick it up when I next get a chance to post.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Devious Machinations OOC

Excellent, same goes for me. In fact, I'd be interested in seein what others come up with for my characters to do....

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Devious Machinations OOC

By the way, as Zerdan is the main character and focus of this adventure, feel free to take over his actions in your own posts.

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