Details about the Blood Pit Fighting Arena?

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Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Details about the Blood Pit Fighting Arena?

By looking at the Sigil map here, I was finally able to figure out what the oval shaped building on the 4e DMGII Sigil map is... it's the Blood Pit fighting arena. (At first I thought it was supposed to be the Slumbering Lamb, but it was the wrong shape and not quite in the right location - thankfully this site cleared it up!) Does anybody have their copy of Eternal Boundary handy? I'd like to know what the rules for the arena are (i.e. do berks get killed there like in ancient Rome, or do they fight to first blood, etc...) Any info in that book would be helpful... thanks! (P.S. it's right by New Tyr, the Athasian neighborhood in Sigil...)

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Details about the Blood Pit Fighting Arena?

It doesn't really say, but it's in the Hive, so I assume there are no particular rules. No boxing gloves, no rules against using deadly weapons, nothing preventing opponents from hitting each other in the face with spiked knuckles or below the belt. The Hive's a rough place, and there's no room there for delicate sensibilities. I'm sure people die. The book says it's filled with "the desperate and the bloodthirsty."

What it looks like: a series of run-down warehouses conceals an arena with room for hundreds of spectators. From the outside, you just see a bunch of old, crumbling warehouses unless you know the Blood Pit is behind them. It's in the Hive, so I'm sure it's not pretty to look at: more likely a nasty, filthy pit for fighting in. But it's respected enough that it's considered neutral ground between factions, and the factions won't pick a fight there... unless it's in the ring.

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Re: Details about the Blood Pit Fighting Arena?

Great! That's just what I was hoping it would be... a nasty, brutal place where anything goes. (I wonder if the fact that Dark Sun is the new campaign setting had anything to do with WOTC putting the Blood Pit area prominenty on the 4E Sigil map? I'd imagine they might be bringing back the Gladiator class...!) It also sound like a great place to send the PCs... especially if they're the ones IN the ring!!!

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