Denizens of the Transitive Planes

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KismetRose's picture
Joined: 2005-08-26
Denizens of the Transitive Planes

I have to say that I am thrilled so far with the new download here at planewalker. It looks wonderful, reads well, and will be useful. I wonder how long it took to put together?

I am continually impressed by the efforts fans are willing to put forward for this game. Laughing out loud

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Denizens of the Transitive Planes

Thanks. We hope to (eventually) put up other "Denizens of..." collections for the rest of planar regions - Upper Planes, Lower Planes, Planes of Chaos, Law, Balance, Inner Elemental Planes (and paraelemental), Inner Energy Planes (and quasielemental), and Demiplanes (including any loose ends).

I wonder how long it took to put together?

Too long, believe me. Actually, I think it took more time to find the ilustrators and mind blast them into submission than to actually convert/summarize the creatures. And then the site crashed...

The conversions were originally done on the Planescape section of the WotC forums, on a topic started by seraph. He did most of the work, I (and others) helped out some.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Denizens of the Transitive Planes

Oh, and just in case anyone's wondering what we're talking about here, the link is /codex/download.php

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Denizens of the Transitive Planes

Wow! This download ROCKS! Thank you guys SO much for putting your time and effort into it Laughing out loud

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Denizens of the Transitive Planes

I like this. It's already given me an idea for an adventure.

The PCs are hired by Shemeska the Marauder to capture her a pet, or so she says, anyway. More specifically, she wants them to capture her a wyrmling Astral Dragon.

This adventure would work best with low level (i.e. level 3-4) PCs, especially because astral dragons seem to lack breath weapons, so you can describe their escape by the skin of their teeth. And, of course, the severed claw as the dragon tries to grab them through the portal right as it closes.

What Shemeshka's real reasons are... who knows? Maybe her minions are ready to swoop in and steal a particularly choice magic item (which plays a part in the Big Yugoloth Conspiracy) while Mommy and Daddy dragon are chasing down the idjits who just kidnapped their kid. Or maybe she just wants a never-ending supply of dragonskin shoes. Or maybe she just wants a torture victim who can never die. Or she wants to corrupt it as a virtually unkillable minion to do her bidding (and will be brainwashed enough that even when it gets to be more powerful than she is, it will still do her bidding). Or she's being entirely truthful, and just wants to one-up Zadara at the next high society pet show.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Denizens of the Transitive Planes

A very well made pdf. My only regret is that I never did any of the art that I was supposed to for it other than the kodragon.

Next time, I'll be better....

seraph's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Errata for the Transitive Planes

Here is some errata for the release. When more corrections are found, I'd update the .pdf file. You'd know the difference by its version number. The first and current version is v1.0.

Astral Dragon, p.18: The sample great wyrm should have SR46, not SR27.

Garmorm, p.22: Under "Dual-Planar" ability, the first sentence made a reference to dharculus, it should have been garmorm.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Denizens of the Transitive Planes

'nick012000' wrote:
I like this. It's already given me an idea for an adventure.

*GRIN* Good! That's what these things are supposed to do! If we can get enough adventures posted up maybe we can make a download of those too!

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