Denial river?

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Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13
Denial river?

During the course of my campaign I intend for my players to run across a river called Denial - with that in mind I was curious if anyone had in mind some interesting and Planescape appropriate effects the river water might have on those who touch or drank of it ... I have a few rattling around my head, but I would love to hear what others might come up with.

Archdukechocula's picture
Joined: 2008-02-24
Re: Denial river?

Well, assuming the name is meant to imply effect, I could see it as causing a person to develop a complex wherein they no longer recognize their own guilt. Thus, if they commit a crime and are later accused for example, they cannot even recall the crime having been committed, and react violently to the accusation.

Alternatively, it could cause characters to completely loose any sense of introspection, making them incapable of perceiving flaws or shortcomings in their own person. Thus, when a discussion or debate concerns a matter of personal dogma, the character is utterly unable to negotiate or back down from their position, and takes such discussions to be personal rather than theoretical in nature.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Denial river?

One possibility is that the river blanks out perception and acceptance of any one thing (object, event, person, etc.). Not really a memory-loss effect like the Styx, just the person refuses to accept that the thing is present.


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