[Demiplane idea] Nexus

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Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

I'm currently planning of creating a demiplane-city which would serve as a cosmopolitan hub like Sigil, called Nexus. Basically, it would be a huge megacity with population larger then Sigil's but just as diverse. But I'll need your feedback and your help, because I'm a bit of an idea's man, but I need some help to make sound better. Plus I've never done anything like this before.

Here are some ideas of what I'm planning to do.


Nexus would look like a regular Prime city, but it would only be larger, sort of the size of a small country/state. How many kilomeaters/miles do you think it would have to be. And what would the population be like this city, I mean how big. Also the Nexus would be home a diverse population, not only from the Prime but also from the rest of the multiverse, so many of the buildings and districts would be diverse. In sense, if any of you have the Urban Arcana book (or browsed at it like I have) then it's like a normal UA (magic-exists) campagin, where bugbears rule the streets and dragons rule the corperate boardrooms, but on a larger scale.

Also, could you please give me some detailed info on the types of districts/regions that a large city might have and what races/creatures would be commonly found in them.


I was thinking that Nexus would be run by centralised Civic Departments, each one playing a different role like Law, Economany, Health, Defence ect. Any more ideas?

Then at the top would be council of demigods, each one being of different alignment (good,evil,law,chaos ect). How many of them sould there be and what roles could they perform in everyday life besides decision making.


There would be the regular laws for both mundane and magical crimes, but the greatest law would be pro-tolrance laws, because as a cosmopolitan hub, Nexus would have a lot of different races living in it. With that in mind, it's important for most races to co-exist (most of the time), so hate crimes are strictly punished with either fines, a certain amount of time in jail or even death. Certain Factions like the Harmonium and Redeemers would help out as well.

Also fiends and races like the Slaadi would also be expected NOT to kill/eat/torture innocent people or animals, but they will be given a certain amount of rights if they do so. If not, they will be harshly punished. And I do mean harshly.


A number of gods will be worshiped in Nexus, but most of good and neutral alignment. However, evil gods will a some presanse, with hiddin temples/shrines and a smattering of differnt cults, but they are few in number. Also worship of the demigod rulers of Nexus would be very common.

Trading and commerce:

As the name implies, Nexus is a great hub in the multiverse (which gives them a sort of rivelry with Sigil) and it trades not only with the a large number of Prime worlds, but also with the upper and lower planes and the rest of the multiverse. So much trading happens in a single day that most wearhouses are wearhouses of holding and that it is often said that so much economical transaction in a single day is enough to buy entire nations.


The powers of the demigod council dose do some help in the protection of Nexus, but that alone isn't enough. Alternativly several powerful good and neutral align gods would offer their protection as dose several powerful Factions. Also Nexus would have an interplaner treaty with several Planes to help them out. And finally, Nexus would pay the 'loths with money or goods to keep the armies of Baator and the Abyss off their door step. Also all the portals of Nexus are watched over by portal-gods, who do a good job (most of the time).

Life in the Big City:

As stated above, Nexus is a diverse and complex city, filled with diverse and complex races. Gnomes can find work as technicans and mechanics, elves vist the parks on a weekly basis, goblins squat in abandoned subway lines and gang wars between fiends are common in the poorer regions. The city also has it's dangers, such as zombies attacking the living, evil wizards scheming and roaches the size of ponies eating matnince work in the subway. All in a typical day.

Let me know what you all think!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

Some leading questions - why are these demigods working together? Who are they?

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

Not only that, but with the way nexus is a power hub equal or greater than Sigil itself, (an outer planes hub with more beings than Sigil? it sounds prone to becoming a warzone territory...) AND has gods that don't have someone/something like the Lady to keep them from accruing power, why don't gods and cosmic entities rule the city? Not just demi-gods, but rather the greatest of the powers that control life on the Outer Planes? After all, the only thing stopping the greater powers and overdeities from taking over Sigil is the influence of the Lady, who has notably destroyed greater powers in her wrath. Even the Factions won't help TOO much, considering the way they would bicker and argue all the time.

Interplanar treaties aside, this sounds like it would be a focus of planar power great enough that I would be hesitant to have anything close to a stable power structure assumed to be in control in the city.

City-wise, I would estimate the demiplane as being approximately 150 mi. or about 240 km (if using metric) in diameter, which gives a very large area suitable for a very cosmopolitian city. Remember, Tokyo has 100 million souls living inside, and is only about that big, so if it's intended to be the biggest of the big, you'll have to make it HUGE. Not only that, but there are smaller RL nations than the size of the demiplane if it were made that large.

Actually, I think a democratic government would work well here, because it adds to a power-politic feel to the city that contrasts it with Sigil. Sigil's got it's fair share of rich bloods, but for a lot of them, you could assume it's inherited, or they're immortal anyway. Nexus would be a place for the 'common.. something or other, there's too damn many races to count' and it would help with the race relations and power structure problems. Sure, the powers are always lusting after it, but the power's usually held by whoever's won the last election. The leaders can't displease TOO many of the citizens, after all, otherwise they'd move and lose their power.

After all, when you want to run for election, you definitely do not want to alienate your potential constituents. Hate crime laws and some level of civil rights would have to be the norm; there would be no way you'd get re-elected if you didn't keep some semblance of order in the city, since the politics would ensure you'd get creamed in elections if nothing appeared to happen.

Essentially, combine Washington D.C power politics with New York City trade, and Tokyo-style living conditions with the seamy side of Beijing and New Delhi, and you get a good model for the Nexus as I see it. It would feel like every major megacity in the world in some aspect.

If it were truly as powerful as Sigil politically and trade-wise, I could easily see the two cities citizens as each being very disdainful of the other. Sigilians would be considered snooty by the Nexians with their claims to being at the center of the multiverse, and the Nexians would probably be viewed to some extent as crass by Sigilians. A good example is the way Londoners and New Yorkers interacted around the turn of the 20th century.

To make the difference even more noticable, use a completely different dialect of PS cant for people from the Nexus. It would also be good to create different planar variations on this theme.. so you can eventually have characters instantly recognize a specific planar cant for clues as to origins of NPCs.

Furthermore, I am getting an interesting idea: Sports teams in UP. Football (doesn't matter if it's the term as used in England/elsewhere, America, or Australia.. they all work) seasons are watched regularly by many people around the world, and to an almost religious degree of fervor in some cases. Assuming this, it would be almost a crime to not consider that some form of interplanar sports cup, were it to exist, would rile both cities to incredible levels. During the height of the seasons.. it would be REALLY noticable who the Primes are; they'd be almost the only ones without fan jerseys and the like!

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

I think Nexus has potential-but I think there's something about it that seems shallow. It sounds like a "Mary Sue" of cities, so to speak, written to be better than Sigil in every way imaginable.

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

Thanks for your ideas Kestral. The democratic thing sounds like a really good idea for the open-minded and pro-tolorance Nexus. But I was also thinking that maybe the demigods would still be dominate and would be the negotiatiors with major Powers. The elected leader of the Nexus democracy would take care of the laws, but the demigods would hold most of the power in the city, as they will propaly have cults dedicated to them. What do you think?

BTW, how many people would be able to fit in an area of approximately 150 miles / 240 km?

PS The idea of having the Cagers and Nexians hate each other sounds good too!

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

'Clueless' wrote:
Some leading questions - why are these demigods working together? Who are they?

Well, I'm still trying to figure that out. I was thinking of making them a large group of demigods with different alignments and domains, and who are shroded in mystery, but all sworn to protect/serve Nexus, as they were also the creators of Nexus. Any ideas would be helpful.

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

Thanks for your ideas Kestral. The democratic thing sounds like a really good idea for the open-minded and pro-tolorance Nexus. But I was also thinking that maybe the demigods would still be dominate and would be the negotiatiors with major Powers. The elected leader of the Nexus democracy would take care of the laws, but the demigods would hold most of the power in the city, as they will propaly have cults dedicated to them. What do you think?

BTW, how many people would be able to fit in an area of approximately 150 miles / 240 km?

PS The idea of having the Cagers and Nexians hate each other sounds good too!

No, the DIAMETER would be 150 miles. With that size, you could hit... up to maybe 100+ million? Granted, that's a lot of beings, but considering that Tokyo of today is 100+ million in a roughly equal space, it's not that terribly unusual.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

There's something else that should be considered before simply deciding that Nexus is protected by agreement of Good and Neutral powers-the powers themselves, even good-aligned ones, are protective of their own power. In close-knit pantheons, this rule extends to the entire pantheon-including the Pantheon's "Black Sheep"

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

'Ulden Throatbane' wrote:
There's something else that should be considered before simply deciding that Nexus is protected by agreement of Good and Neutral powers-the powers themselves, even good-aligned ones, are protective of their own power. In close-knit pantheons, this rule extends to the entire pantheon-including the Pantheon's "Black Sheep"

Well, I was thinking that Nexus would be something of a neutral ground, like the Outlands, and that the gods protecting would agree to work together in order to look after their own worshippers.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

One thing that might not work in your favor. The fact that its a demi-plane.
I'm assuming that access to the demi-plane is granted via portal, correct?

If so, you have to have a few, contructed, public portals. Probably at least one per outer plane, and a few for large Prime trading partners.

This makes Nexus incredibly easy to seige. You can't do it to Sigil, because there are simply too many portals that go everywhere. But you cant have that with Nexus without making it an obvious copy of Sigil. It can be easily seiged, and proabaly easily taken. I doubt it has the same level of inter-planar travel warding that Sigil has. Fiends can gate themselves right in.

It would become a blood war hotspot within days. And I doubt the demi-powers could stop it. You'd have both sides of the Blood War banging on your door. And if Gods could win the Blood War then it would be over by now.

I'm pretty sure that either

A) Nexus would have to have some sort of VERY powerful enchantment that would keep any form of fiend from entering. (In which case the fiends would be hireing mercenary mages to take care of the problem every day of the week.)
B) Nexus is constantly being reconqured. It is a battleground, currently in the hands of the Bataazue (because the Tan'ari would burn it to the ground)

Either way, life in Nexus wont be fun. Nexus either has to be a prize constantly fought for, or something thats not important enough to warrent that level of attention. If you want to make it a planar hub to rival Sigil, then you can bet that the fiends will be marching on it every hour of every day, since there's no Lady of Pain to stop them. Just a few Demi Powers.
And Demigods can be killed. You just have to work at it for a bit.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

The idea that Nexus is simply paying the 'loths off to keep the Blood War out of town is just a gaping invitation for disaster. The term 'fox guarding the henhouse' springs to mind.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

However, I can easily see the loths being the actuall controlled of Nexus. They just have the neutral/good demi gods set up as the 'protectors' so people don't catch on. After all, if Nexus was 'free' and had no protection, people would be worried. But with demi gods there, its got be be safe, right?

So the Loths set up a trade hub that they get to play with. They can use their manipulative powers to play a trade war between rival merchants along with the factions who would see this for what it is: The poor man's Sigil. They can't make a base in sigil, but at least some of them will jump through a bunch of hoops to get their chunk of Nexus. The loths would play the factions off each other, making sure to trim any one group that got too much influence.

It could be that the Loth made it in the first place. After all, a Demiplane city has to be built by someone.

But Sigil will still be #1. Nothing can rivel Sigil's portal system, and the Lady makes Sigil the single safest (in some ways, at least) place in the Multiverse. No blood war, powers, or anything likly to hurt a Dabus can harm you, unless you're an unlucky sod.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

The only hitch would be that it would be impossible for that kind of secret to stay dark forever. Everyone will be wondering why their hasn't been a feindish invasion, and sooner or later some 'loths will spill the beans. Even if the 'loth is discounted as a liar, the Upper Planes would still likely send someone to investigate. Once they put two and two together, there is bound to be a response.

One way to get around this is to say that Nexus is still young enough that the celestials are still looking into the matter (good adventure hook, too).

But I'm with you in not making Nexus a more attractive destination than Sigil. It makes it start to seem too much like Union.

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

But I am trying to make Nexus different in Union. Besides, I'm not saying that Nexus is UPs gratest trading hub, that it's Sigil's gratest rivel.

I would also like to point out that Nexus is far from a paridise, despite its toltrance and anti-hate laws. It still sufferers from crime, corrupt governmental officals and police officers, mad wizards, crime bosses, gangsters and of course all sort of people-eating monsters.

BTW, where do I find any actual info on Union, a website or something?

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

Maybe it's the Demiplane of Free Cities. Anyone that tries to take it over gets fought by the plane itself.

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

'nick012000' wrote:
Maybe it's the Demiplane of Free Cities. Anyone that tries to take it over gets fought by the plane itself.

Sounds interesting, but how will that work?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

'Terra Nova' wrote:
BTW, where do I find any actual info on Union, a website or something?

Epic Level Handbook. Which unfortunately describes it very well, comes off entirely as a Sigilian rip off (please note the "No really, I'm not just like A'kin" 'Friendly Fiendish Magic Shopkeeper' for example.) Unfortunately what also isn't covered in the ELH writeup of Sigil is any sense of logic for how such a city would even exist in the Planes as it does, hence why it was almost immediately charred and devoured on the WotC boards.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

'Clueless' wrote:
'Terra Nova' wrote:
BTW, where do I find any actual info on Union, a website or something?

Epic Level Handbook. Which unfortunately describes it very well, comes off entirely as a Sigilian rip off (please note the "No really, I'm not just like A'kin" 'Friendly Fiendish Magic Shopkeeper' for example.) Unfortunately what also isn't covered in the ELH writeup of Sigil is any sense of logic for how such a city would even exist in the Planes as it does, hence why it was almost immediately charred and devoured on the WotC boards.

It's also important to note that this is a significant part of the reason we're being critical of Nexus. It's not that Sigil can't have a rival-it already does in the form of Dis, the City of Brass, Tradegate, and a bunch of other metropoli that I can't think of at the moment. However, all these cities are either low-key enough to avoid serious attention (Tradegate) or have their own powerful protectors (Dispater, the Efreeti Sultanate). A 'group of demigods' won't cut it, unless we're talking about hundreds of demigods. This, though, begs the question of why and how these deities, who tend to have egos to match their power, coexist on a single demiplane.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

'Terra Nova' wrote:
'nick012000' wrote:
Maybe it's the Demiplane of Free Cities. Anyone that tries to take it over gets fought by the plane itself.

Sounds interesting, but how will that work?

When the fabric of reality itself is fighting you, the poop of flocks of pidgeons becomes a deadly impact explosive.

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

Hey, that might actually work. What do you guys think?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

While I cant say that the concept itself of free cities is enough to create a demiplane, its an interesting idea. I like the idea of a demiplane that defends itself. It might need a different backstory though, but thats just me.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

It wouldn't be the first demiplane that is self aware and able to defend itself... *goes looking around for some information on what the name of that darned demiplane was*

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

'Clueless' wrote:
It wouldn't be the first demiplane that is self aware and able to defend itself... *goes looking around for some information on what the name of that darned demiplane was*



Pants of the North!

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

Well, it's not so much aware as automatically defending itself. Granted, the means of the defense vary from incident to incident. It could be anything from explosive pidgeon poop to the air turning toxic to cows falling out of the sky.

Organizations like guilds and businesses are still allowed though, and the crime rate is surprising low, since the organized criminals readily take out freelancers who refuse to join them.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

I hate to be a detractor, I don't like the idea of Nexus. It sounds like a New York City with magic and monsters, which in itself is kind of cool, it shouldn't be put nearly at the same level as Sigil.

I don't mind Nexus's existance, just so long it doesn't detract from Sigil being the focus of the multiverse. In general, I look down on any city which connects to all the planes in the multiverse. I figure that if it was that easy to build one the Ta'anari or Baatorians would've built one a long time ago, rather than try to take over Sigil all the time. It's nothing personal, I don't like Union for mostly the same reasons.

Sigil is special, don't forget. Sigil isn't just a city, it's a fixture of the multiverse, and by comparison, all other cities are expendable.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
[Demiplane idea] Nexus

I think that a lot of us agree with your sentiment, WN. Right now, we're working with TerraNova to strike the right balance.

Afterall, every New York has its Boston (or every Chicago has its Milwaukee, as I prefer).

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