Demi-Elemental Satellite Planes

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BlackDaggr's picture
Joined: 2007-11-15
Demi-Elemental Satellite Planes

Spurred by some of the Planar Renovation discussions about the inner planes, I had an idea about demi-elemental planes. These would be planes resembling the elemental planes, but of a related element (and much smaller, more focused). These demiplanes might exist near their corresponding elemental plane. Some examples:

chlorine (near Air)
acid (near water)
blood (near water)

These planes might form spontaneously, or be absorbed by their parent plane at some point. The quasi and para-elemental planes might have formed as such, then become fixed between the two appropriate planes. This could suggest that other para-elemental planes existed in the past, and were replaced (kind of like gate-towns?)

This could also explain the alternate para-elements of the Dark Sun setting (replacing Ice with Rain, Smoke with Sun, and Ooze with Silt). We could also draw from the Ravenloft elementals (Blood, Pyre, Grave, and Mists) as an interesting set of demiplanes.

And we could create even more strange ones. I remember an old dragon magazine joke about a beer elemental Smiling

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Demi-Elemental Satellite Planes

There's some merit in exploring the concept. Personally, I'm fond of the idea of the para- and quasielemental planes shifting and changing around via some mechanism. I think my biggest concern would be diluting the elemental concepts embodied by the various planes, but as long as the plane itself is limited in scope, it probably wouldn't be too big of a problem. Especially if it ends up working out that the demiplane gets absorbed back into its parent. Actually...that might be really appropriate for how the Inner Planes work. Kind of a survival of the fittest amongst the Inner Planes, where only the planes that have the strongest internal reality to resist being absorbed into the planes on its borders.


Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Demi-Elemental Satellite Planes

It would probably be more appropriate to make them elemental pockets rather than demiplanes. Actual demiplanes are generally limited to the Astral and Ethereal.

Also, the Paraelemental Plane of Ooze already has the property of being caustic in many, many areas.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Re: Demi-Elemental Satellite Planes

I don't get how Earth does acid damage in 3e, but somehow it does. Maybe there's a demiplane, and planar pathway connecting to Earth and Ooze that's the Demiplane of Acid.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Demi-Elemental Satellite Planes

It's more that Acid was all they had left after they divided up the other damage subtypes, and also most powerful acids we know of are mineral-based (hydrochloric, sulfuric, etc.)

In 2E acids were associated more with Elemental Water, except that in the Inner Planes book it mentions that acids occur in the Elemental Planes when you get mineral pockets in Water or on the borders between Mineral and Ooze.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Demi-Elemental Satellite Planes

It's more that Acid was all they had left after they divided up the other damage subtypes, and also most powerful acids we know of are mineral-based (hydrochloric, sulfuric, etc.)

In 2E acids were associated more with Elemental Water, except that in the Inner Planes book it mentions that acids occur in the Elemental Planes when you get mineral pockets in Water or on the borders between Mineral and Ooze.

BlackDaggr's picture
Joined: 2007-11-15
Re: Demi-Elemental Satellite Planes

The demi-elemental planes would be 'near' their respective elemental planes in the ethereal plane (assuming 2E cosmology). My thought is they would be a demiplane of primarily elemental matter, close to one of the elemental planes. Since they are close, that particular element would dominate.

But something caused them to be a 'substance' plane, capable of (possibly) forming demi-elementals. The demiplane might give rise to creatures resembling that particular element.

Later, as that plane collapses (or gets absorbed), the natives might flee to other planes. This could lead to some interesting encounters...

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Demi-Elemental Satellite Planes

That wouldn't work. The parts of the Border Ethereal coterminous/parralel to the Elemental Planes are muted in all senses of the word.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
Re: Demi-Elemental Satellite Planes

Somebody once wrote up short descriptions of quasi-paraplanes, on the borders between Paraelemental planes and the Energy planes:

Clay (earth + water + positive)
Crystal (air + water + positive)
Sparks (air + fire + positive)
Frost (air + water + negative)
Fumes (air + fire + negative)
Pumice (earth + fire + negative)
Silt (earth + water + negative)

I don't remember what they did for magma+positive, except that I disliked it and prefered to imagine a Metal quasi-plane, half-molten and half-solid.

schpeelah's picture
Joined: 2007-01-13
Re: Demi-Elemental Satellite Planes Yeah, obsidian isn't really something original. And while we are at it, Positive Ice should be giant snowflakes flying through space. The whole thing seems pretty forced really. The author probably had an idea for only one of two of them, the rest is filler.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Demi-Elemental Satellite Planes

There's nothing wrong with the idea of planes "budding" off demiplanes into the Ethereal Pane. That might happen all the time, and be one of the more common demiplanar origins. Two planes might even "mate," creating an ethereal demiplane that shares traits from both parent planes.

This is, I imagine, how planes that border the Ethereal Plane reproduce. Eventually demiplanes evolve into full planes in their own right. The process takes countless eons, of course.

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Re: Demi-Elemental Satellite Planes

Isn't that kinda the pseudo-explanation for the Demiplane of Shadow becoming the Plane of Shadow in 3e? Or is that just fanon?

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