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Lundi's picture
Joined: 2005-05-20

Forum User: Degrozel A'Raat Age: 153 Occupation: Ex-adventurer, ex-guide, currently "between jobs" Picture: Coming Soon Physical Appearance: Degrozel has richly brown skin, the colour of loam, and jet black hair pulled back from his purely sky-blue eyes by a tarnished headband. Though it is covered in dull stains, the headband was by far the flashiest thing he wears. His worn jacket, faded scarf, threadbare trousers and scuffed boots create the image of a man used to travelling and with little regard to his own physical condition. Some of the clothes are even a bit big for his five-foot-six, skinny frame. The long staff he carries has faint symbols carved into, but other than that it's plain oak, and the longsword which hung loosely from his belt looks to have been forged a century ago and then left in the back of the workshop ever since. Still, the man carries an air of experience about him that lends an impressive air to his shabby belongings.

Degrozel A'Raat was waved into the room to a brightly lit dias, where he stood under the scrutiny of the three arbiters of this contest. Some people would be nervous in such a spot, but not Degs. He was more than happy to be the centre of attention, which was what this was all about anyways.

"Lady's grace," he said to the judges with a wide grin as he walked to the centre of the dias. "I'm Degrozel A'Raat, but you cutters can call me Degs if you like. I'd say I'm a pretty generous berk, happy to help out the little guy when he needs it. Used to run tours of the plane of the Plane of Air for the Planewalkers' Guild a couple years back and I tell ya, it was a sodding nice way to spend yer time. Course, then the Guild high-ups decided they'd rather have a more, ah, iconic native to guide the tourists round.

S'all right, though, I was getting tired of the job anyways."

"That's right ma'am," he nodded to Box in Bloom's question, "I was born in the Plane of Air and grew up there for my first decades too. Wonderful place." Degrozel paused as he noticed some paper-rustling going on at the judge's table. "Sorry, cutters, should've explained that bit at the beginning. I sometimes get carried away. So, like my application there says I'm an aasimar, but I was actually born in the Inner Planes, Air specifically. My pa was a monadic deva so he spent a lot of time in the Elements, doing this or that. While he was there he met me mum, the most beautiful elf I've ever laid eyes on." He said this with a broad smile.

"They hit it off and, well, you can see where this story ends up. I got my dad's hair and skin, and my mum's charming demeanor," a sharp laugh.

"So my credentials: I'd say I'm a pretty good candidate to represent your little group since I'm a pretty good spread of the multiverse myself. Born in the Inner Planes, but with family ties to the Outer Planes. I've travelled most places too in my adventuring days, even spent a couple years on the Prime," he shared a conspiratorial wink with the judges, "Mostly trying to get out, mind you."

"I've worked a whole slew of job too, most of them involving traipses around the planes. Couple years adventuring, picked up sorcery and then some sword-skill. Then I quit the trade, blew all my gold on my first night of retirement and went to work as a guide for the Planewalkers' Guild, then for the Sensates gathering sensory experiences. Mountain climbing in Ysgard and free-diving in Oceanus. high adventure stuff. Never did join a faction, but now that I think of it, the Sensates are a great bunch of folks to hang around with."

"I guess at the time I didn't want to get tied out here in Sigil, there were still oats to sew in the bigger multiverse. Now, though, I'm ready to start lending my knowledge to the community, if ya ken, and your organization frankly looks like a sodding great way to do just that."

"Looks like my time's running short, so just remember, it's Degs: the right man for whatever you sodding need." Laughing to himself, he makes a showy bow and ambles out the door again.

Half of the dialogue´s missing from the file... anybody knows where did it go? I don´t know the ultimate question... or any of the ones that matter in-between either.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11

Not that I necessarily support reviving dead threads, but this one was never responded to...

It's supposed to be written like that. It's a sort of narrative writing style and you're supposed to infer the questions asked by what Degrozel says in response. This was an introduction for a candidate in Planewalker.com's contest to pick a site mascot. (By the way, did they ever reveal who was behind each of the candidates?) Thus, the author who made Degrozel up really only had his own character to work with, and didn't write too much about the judges, who had distinct personalities themselves and were characters written by other folks around the site.

venjr's picture
Joined: 2005-03-31
good idea

i think this is a good idea

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