DC for Green Abishai stinger poison?

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420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
DC for Green Abishai stinger poison?

I posted this on WotC's monster forum but no one has even viewed the thread much less replied to it.

Anyone know what the DC for a Green Abishai's stinger poison is? Doesn't list it in Monsters of Faerûn and it's not in the errata.

Maybe I'll just have to wait for Fiendish Codex II.


Moog's picture
Joined: 2006-11-22
DC for Green Abishai stinger poison?

No real knowledge behind this (in 3.5e terms, anyway), but applying a bit of common sense and judgement;

Abishai poison, green or otherwise (according to 2e PSMC Appendix I) is "Save Vs Poison or die". No modifiers on the roll. That's pretty harsh for a 5+2HD beastie and a Lesser Baatezu at that.

I'd put the Abishai around CR7, fairly arbitrarily. Certainly no lower.

The Bebilith (12HD) is CR 9 according to 3.0e Monster Manual. Its poison (under 2e) was "save vs poison at -2 or die in 1d4 rounds".

Currently, it's DC20 Fort, 1d6 temp Con initially, secondary 2d6 temp Con.

So, we're looking for a poison that's a little more harsh than that, but easier to resist. With this in mind, if I were rolling an Abishai out in my campaign, the poison would be along the lines of;

DC16 Fort, 2d6 temp Con initial, 1d6 temp Con every round for 1d4 rounds thereafter.

But that's just me.

MakThuumNgatha's picture
Joined: 2006-11-12
DC for Green Abishai stinger poison?

420, I assume you have Monsters of Faerun and thus have the stats for the creature. Just determine the DC using the ordinary system of 10+CON modifier+1/2 hit dice.

Moog's picture
Joined: 2006-11-22
DC for Green Abishai stinger poison?

There's a formula for it? Damn, I need to actually sit and cover-to-cover read my core books rather than just picking at the basics and interesting bits and fleshing it out with common sense and imagination...

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
DC for Green Abishai stinger poison?

'MakThuumNgatha' wrote:
420, I assume you have Monsters of Faerun and thus have the stats for the creature. Just determine the DC using the ordinary system of 10+CON modifier+1/2 hit dice.
'Moog' wrote:
There's a formula for it? Damn, I need to actually sit and cover-to-cover read my core books rather than just picking at the basics and interesting bits and fleshing it out with common sense and imagination...
My D&D experience is basically all from computer games and the Monster Manual books so I have that same problem.


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