A day in the life of planars

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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

atomicb wrote:
sciborg2 wrote:
Golems made from garbage, wasp swarms resistant to pressure and force, a rain of bacon shards.

Do you hear that sound? It's Charles Dickens sobbing after you stomped him in the Best-First-Line contest.

Heh, what was his best line? Smiling


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

He sits there, in quiet meditation, holding onto the reins of the planet's Weave, the ley lines on which history hinges.

Holding them as tightly as he can, with the thousands of others across the world, ensuring that none may break the fragile peace. Someday, he is sure, one faction will falter and myths will once again rise to devour the soft bodies which house all human souls.

Meanwhile, those ignorant of this titanic tug-of-war go about their tiny lives, a few believing that magic died long ago but most doubting that it ever was.


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atomicb's picture
Joined: 2011-06-19
Re: A day in the life of planars

sciborg2 wrote:
atomicb wrote:
sciborg2 wrote:
Golems made from garbage, wasp swarms resistant to pressure and force, a rain of bacon shards.

Do you hear that sound? It's Charles Dickens sobbing after you stomped him in the Best-First-Line contest.

Heh, what was his best line? Smiling

"Best of times, worst of times, blah blah blah..."

Not really that special, but folks just eat it up....

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

Alone and unloved, bereft of any memory of his pups having once given the moon and sun a run for their money, foresaken by his father, Fenris breathes his last in an animal shelter's gas chamber.

I feel relief at the aversion of Ragnarok, even as I cry for the passing of Myth.

Where my tears fall, silvery dandelions will grow but be quickly weeded from the cracks in the asphalt, their coloration all but unnoticed.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

Flash Fictions:


Where have all the dragons gone? Their eggs were stolen away as delicacies, their bones were ground down into medicine.

Where have all the unicorns gone? Their heads were mounted in the throne rooms of emperors, their horns were shorn off for our medicine.

Where have all the phoenixes gone? Apparently resurrection has a limit, when you try to mass produce a body whose parts can be made into all sorts of medicine.

The world is dry and mundane now, and we still haven't healed the sickness that requires a different kind of cure.




When its brethren dig themselves out and going looking for brains, the pacifist zombie stays under the earth.

Eventually, starved, it dies a second time.

Its hunger strike goes unnoticed by its brethren.




There's blood on the carpet, sweet teeth on the floor
Blood of two hard bashers who broke in looking to score
Two battered berks who didn't count on a harder Hardhead
Running the Hive Ward's new candy store



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Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: A day in the life of planars

That last one is totally going to be the new kids' jingle on the streets of the Hive (and then the Lower Ward, where the fads move next).

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

Eros's arrow struck deeper and wider than is usual for that power's domain. I realize that now, watching you teach and tend to the children in your orphanage on the rim of the Outlands, under the protection of guardinal missionaries, just outside the reach of the Blood Wars. Those deep crowsfeet are proof of all your sleepless nights, proof of all your compassion.

You are my shepherd, when you take me inside yourself, you make me Whole, and I have no need for any other savior.

By loving you, I have learned to love the Multiverse entire.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars


As the elves walked into our world, I bowed before their Queen who raised me up and then struck me hard enough to split the right corner of my upper lip.

"You've brought Magic back into this world. Our kind nearly extinguished ourselves so you could live apart from all the nightmares, all the horrors of the Spirit. Why have you done this?"

I bowed my head and answered.

"Because all Meaning is threatened, and the science you gave us makes corpses of our dreams..."


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

Quetzacoatl, He who once ruled over a Dream Time Maztica in a forgotten reflection of Toril, sails away from His homeland, turning back only once to look the sky. The smoke from the fires has risen up into a sneering face that takes on a reflective quality, a tarnished silver haze that mirrors the ruin below it, the razing being done in Tezcatlipoca's name.

One day, Quetzacoatl promises Himself, he will return, a living god reincarnated through the ages.

He prays, to what or who He does not know. But still He prays for Memory, prays He doesn't forget who He is.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

I grasp the hilt, and remember the woad stained madman who came to my farm three days ago.

Anyone, he promised me, anyone can be king if they have the heart for it.

I think of glory, and nothing happens. The blade stays within in its womb of stone. Jeers tell the pig herding, bucktoothed girl to step aside.

I think of my name echoed through the ages, and still the blade shows no sign of being unsheathed. Some rotten vegetable strikes my head and bursts against my teenage acne.

I think of my family, our land caught between two warring chieftains. I think of children staring at burned down homes, of women used as pleasure for men. I think of my own stolen virginity.

Tears run from my eyes. I hear the brutish laughter of men and the dam breaks in my memory...

Goddess, I just wish for peace, and a land where people like me don't have to hate themselves anymore.

Finally I hear the scrape of a whisper, and the sword's weight lightens as if it were a pail with water leaking out of the bottom....


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

Alone at the core of the world, the dragon sleeps. Once it burned the countryside, and made sport of human lives.

Now it is older, and wiser, and promises itself it will be slain by a hero worthy of the name, a leader of nations who numbers among the best of them.

Still it sleeps, for the best of us have yet to take the reigns of power.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

The giants are the mountains, the dryads reincarnated through generations of acorns and twirling maple seeds, the sea serpents the ocean currents that wind around the world.

Dare I open the gate for the Elves? Dare I wake the Magic that slumbers in the folds of Earth's bones and veins?

I look back at the factory belching smoke, I think of the silos full of missiles and all the victims of cruelty who are told there is no such thing as salvation.

Raise the rune stone up to catch the first rays of red twilight bleeding on the fields. I feel the Veil begin to strain, but lower my hand before it tears.

I just don't know. I just don't know if I can do this, or if I should.

Why was it put on my shoulders, to play midwife to the Ending that is the Return?


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

God's blood on the soil packed on a serpent's coil, this is how a world is born.

Ice melted by dragon fire, watering crops called up by a song wed to the lyre, this is how a world is made.

Hearts offered up to the Sun, harvested from survivors when the war is won...this is how the world is sustained.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

A dragon's shadow passes above us. I pray.

A siren sings in a public pool, threatening to lure our youngsters away. I pray.

Teenagers in basements have become alchemists, supplying gangs with wasted healing and weapons of war. I pray.

Magic has returned to the world...but the gods?

The gods are still silent.


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Unsung's picture
Joined: 2012-10-04
Re: A day in the life of planars

Ah, speaking of the Aztecs...

This is some beautiful stuff. One of the things I love about this site is how much there is to catch up on, over the years the site has been active.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: A day in the life of planars

Unsung wrote:
One of the things I love about this site is how much there is to catch up on, over the years the site has been active.

There's something about the setting that gets people to dream and create. There are some real gems in the archives.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

Ever since the return of Magic to the world, I find the landscape reshaped when I awaken.

Stone turns to mist, revealing palaces lit by will o' wisp swarms.
Oceans recede, and great mansions of coral rise from reefs long bereft of arcana.
Shadows flicker and grow watchful, loyalty to their makers no longer guaranteed.

It is as if all of human history since the leaving of the Elves was Winter, and now we are greeted by the vibrancy of a new and terrifying Spring.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

The Time Lost (A variation of the Feywild version here.)

Hermits and pilgrims of sundered timelines, expatriates literally bereft of their pasts, the Time Lost come to wandering demiplane of Titania in hopes of finding glimmers of their erased civilizations and histories. Some desperately seeking a way to retrieve at least a few loved ones, if not their entire societies, from the alterations in the flow of Time. Others simply come to bask in memories and ghostly recreations of what they've come to accept that can or at least should not seek to recover.

Among the Time Lost, the Le Shay are readily welcomed into the societies of the fey given their relation to both elves and fey. However, the relationship between these beings and the Seelie Court varies as many of the wizened fey are wary of those Le Shay seeking to undo the event that replaced their past with the current timeline of the Multiverse.

Similarly, other Time Lost have varied relationships with the Seelie, though non-Le Shay oftentimes end up being utilized as pawns or indentured servants strung along with promises of resurrecting loved ones lost to shifts in the temporal currents. The more powerful of these are left largely to their own devices, and end up as hermits - or if their numbers are sufficient, settlers - in areas of Fairyland watched over by minor nobility who enjoy being the center of attention and perhaps even scandalous worship


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Unsung's picture
Joined: 2012-10-04
Re: A day in the life of planars

The timelessness of Faerie is an interesting concept which doesn't really seem to get much play in Arborea. Actually, the idea that time passes differently between planes isn't really utilized very much either, which is unfortunately.

Also, you just gave me what is either a very good or very bad idea. Either way, thank you.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

heh, what idea is that?


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

The way they walk through Sigil, demon and angel alike, I can't help look askance at them and the viscous current of crowded bodies that parts then seals itself around their winged forms.

All around them are beings from varied worlds and planes, in all sorts of garb conversing in all sorts of languages. Are Heaven and the Abyss filled with such Gnosis that both seem so inured to the wondrous diversity?

I admit I am but a humble chronicler, yet I am older and more...ubiquitous than either member of this pair that has drawn my inquiry and critique. Still I find myself surprised by the sensory feast offered on every block of the Cage's streets. How, then, can I accept that these two are so nonchalant at the wonder around them?

Yet let it not be said that I am any less disappointed in those who bustle around them. Yes you are late for work and yes you are on your way to meet your lady love, but do you not see that Evil and Good are treading upon the very ground you walk on? That you breathe air that has cycled through the lungs of morals made flesh?

And is it not worth an intermission in your dullard existence to acknowledge the subtle glance that flashes between them as they pass by one another, each clearly made uncomfortable by this unintended revival of memory? Don't you wonder if perhaps here is an angel almost fallen, along with a succubus who was, at some point past, a thin cliff's edge from being saved?

Me? I'm just glad that of all the places in the Multiverse it is this one that I haunt, I thank all the gods that I was mugged and murdered in the Hive instead of some Prime back alley...


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

Ice coats the trees in crystalline garb, the wind making every creaking branch into a tinkling chime.

It was like this every Winter, even before Magic returned. Even before I ended the world.

But now, with the accompaniment of the elves and their avian wails of mourning, it feels more fitting.

A proper dirge for passing modernity.


"So there are spirits...where? On the other side of the sky? We already got pipes out - take out some of your peyote or whatever and let's all have a puff. I wanna see all these genies and fey."

The words are already dusted with slurs, and the sun has yet to surrender the sky.

"I can't take you", I say as I gesture toward his glass of whiskey.

"You're already possessed by a demon."

Instead of getting angry he takes the admonishment with a semblance of graceful resignation, and that more than anything extends the jagged crack in the acre of heart I reserve for this man.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
When it appears in the center

When it appears in the center of the pentacle, the incubus is too youthful, too strong, too gorgeous.

He doesn't look anything like you.

When I take him to bed he is thin, fragile, mere wisps of hair rise from the top of his age spotted crown.

This is madness, this magic, but I can't imagine Lathander will damn me for loving you so much that I can't let you go.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

We look at the corpse of Our Maker, and wonder at the enormity of Our sin.

Patricide of not of a, but *the* Father.

The First Giant, the First living thing born from fire and poison. How long did Ymir sit in His loneliness, how long before His need for love summoned Us into being?

Odin's sigh breaks Our reverie. And when He commands We, echoes that We are, begin to carve.

First murderers, now butchers.

With Our crimes We make the World.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

I grab the back of his neck and pull him kissing close. I bite his neck, ignoring the fists that hammer my face, my head, the force with which he pushes away from me.

Where bruises should appear there is nothing but the slightest darkening of my alabaster skin, and even that vanishes as I feed.

When I let go he falls to the floor, sobbing, forcing breath slowly through what must feel like clay in his lungs.

Until their turn comes, the cattle never understand - we take so much more from you than blood. Only the kissed can know what it means to endure Us.

When he looks up I see a remnant of the man I knew but an hour before.

Unfortunate, but necessary. Sometimes the injuries we sustain can only be cured by the bloodlines that spawned us.

Thankfully this retarded thing wheezing at lost comprehension is no longer the boy I sired before turning, thankfully this cattle bears no resemblance to the man I called son.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

The centipede uncoils
Walks itself into a hang man's noose
I almost crushed it with my foot
Rushing to the temple where you were born

We roasted your placenta with rosemary and myrrh
Devoured it with the relish of parents wanting to be done with ceremony
Suppressing our impatience in hopes it might go unnoticed by the gods
But our eagerness and impiety burned bright enough to be seen from the stars
-Inscription in a Mausoleum


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

Vac is the Bovine, She is the Word, the spark of creation retrieved by Indra at the behest of the Brahmins.

She is the cows, the cattle of Logos, awaiting the Vedic gods in the Void.

How did She come to be there, in the watery blackness of the Cosmic Ocean?

I led Her through the eye of the needle, the wormhole, the livestock of the Sun that I enchanted with my pipes and drew into a cave, a universe encompassed by stone made by the beating heart of the World.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

Gods tricked into quests with no resolution - how does the Divine murder Chaos?

Gods tricked into fighting each other - how does Fire defeat the Wave?

A graveyard of gods is his gift to Mankind.

Finally Trickster appears, holding no tablets and offering no blessing save for the knife that he plunges into his own sidereal Heart.

"Now", he says with a bitter, wry smile, "now You are Free."


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

I was an elf in a past life. I know this like one knows mathematical truth, but there's no way to prove it.

I meet others sort of like me - Some say they were dragons, some say they were animals, and a few say their lives inspired everything from ancient scripture to modern cartoons.

I don't know if I believe all of them, or if all of them believe me.

But how can I deny their truth, when the truth I feel in my marrow has no proof?

And so here we are, together, a family of believers forced to accept beliefs not their own, biting our tongues lest someone pierce our own faith with arrows of doubt.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

There's blood under my fingernails.

I raise my hand to my lips but my second mother slaps it back down. Her fangs are bared and slow fading human instinct causes me to recoil but I draw closer when I see the hurt in her face.

After a few minutes of quiet, the vast desert trampled by wheels and hoof beats, she speaks.

"We've 500 miles to go and we can only travel by night through this wasteland. Save it for later baby."

Keeping her eyes on the road, the same hand that slapped mine away squeezes my knee with a gentleness that floats between sexual and maternal.

"Save it for later okay? The horses can only give so much."


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

The moon was made of cheese, for 600 years during the time of the aboleths....

If I can believe, I can make peace with my family. If I can believe, I will be saved.

Why Pelor? Why do I doubt your holy revelations? I kneel before your altar, I fast, I take up the scourge against this rebellious shell...

The moon was made of cheese, for 600 years during the time of the aboleths....


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

My hands are a vice locked tightly 'round my brother's throat, my weight keeping his youthful locks below the surface of the river.

I'm wild with rage, and so at first I don't know notice the smile on the face of my wife's murderer.

He's laughing. Under the water, he's laughing as he dies.

He knows the kinslayer is damned deeper than a man who kills a woman who doesn't share his blood.

I should let go, I should save myself, but when my fingers begin to slacken I hear my lover's laughter, see the tear worn eyes of my children.

My hands are a vice, locked tightly 'round my soul....


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

Grandmother grabs my arm just as I stand up from her bedside.

"You think they are rebels, that they offer freedoms long denied to...ones such as you.

I know you have it hard, but I beg you to see - the demons won't stop with our bigotries.

They'll drag it all down and dance in the ruins. Can you see that? Can you wait a little longer for freedom?"

How did she know? How long had she known the secrets in my blood?

I want to sneer, to cry, to ask questions and to lecture. To tell her what it's like to drown every gods damnd day of your life. When my lips part I could almost believe fire would pass between them...but then nothing.

No fire. Not even words are carried on the back of my exhalation.

An invisible stone is lodged in my throat and it is all I can do to breathe, let alone speak.

Wait? Wait?!

Instead, as tears fall from my eyes I take her hand in mine as I lie with a nod and a smile.


Inside they are as beautiful in the fallen world as they were on the other side of the Veil, their souls still shine with unseen light....

I loved them, I remember loving them, I want to love them here....but their flesh....it's as human as mine.

Once upon a time their beauty would have upturned the air from your lungs.

But here...


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: A day in the life of planars

I give you a science-fantasy novel I'll never write because I couldn't figure out how it would actually work:

The novel would be called Repentant Messiahs. It would be about a race of beings, the Saodh, who wage wars against the various pantheons of the galaxy.

This war results in the various star systems being cursed. To undo the curse, the Saodh take fragments of the different worlds and form a single world, with each fragment having different metaphysics due to their varying creation stories.

There was going to be a race that survived by inhabiting Saodh bodies, basically their own essence survived in some ambrosia but to make one of their own requires drowning any baby they have while clothed in Saodh flesh in the cosmic honey.

So you have this traumatic experiencing of conceiving and birthing a kid whose soul is of the enemy, and after some ritual that lasts for a bit you drown that kid to get a kid of your kind.

I can't remember exactly what the main conflict of the story was, I recall some kids who might be the Saodh's own saviors, basically some chosen ones who could fix their screw ups and relieve the Saodh of their guilt and burden of killing the pantheons and cursing the galaxy.


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