Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

Shemeska the Marauder's picture

While none of my players have been masochistic enough to ask The Marauder out on a date yet in my campaign, one of them as of my last game session expressed interest in asking A'kin the Friendly Fiend out for a date.

Now, before you laugh, find it endearing or tell them to "RUUUUUN!" hear me out here. The PC is a lupinal member of the Ciphers who has, over the past 2 years (game time and real time) lapsed from NG to true neutral. In a sense she's a fallen celestial. A'kin of course may or may not be a redeemed fiend. He might just be crafty and subtle in his evil, or he may be similarly lapsed from NE to true neutral, or he might be fully redeemed and be just a generally nice guy.

In any event The Marauder loathes him and he's content to apologize for her, and his entire race's, actions half the time. So best guess what they're current or past relationship is. My game is no different in that you can make a dozen different guesses and have just as much evidence for all of them as to which is true or not.

This all started because the lupinal PC was going to graciously break up on friendly terms with her current NPC romantic interest for a number of reasons. He was mortal, CG, and honestly not powerful enough to be running around with her and her companions and not be a risk to them and himself. So she'll be on the dating market shortly.

The lupinal also was aware of Colcook, Shemeska's primary mirror holder tiefling, being an Argenach Rilmani. She wanted to get in touch with him to speak with him about the Rilmani race's potential involvement or knowledge of certain elements of the campaign's plot that I won't bother expanding upon here for brevity's sake. To that end she made an appointment to speak with The Marauder herself and inquired about literally renting out Colcook for an afternoon. The Marauder was amused, confused, and intrigued. So being what she is, she pried and prodded to find out the real story. The PC made up a story about wanting to learn poise and style, in imitation of The Marauder, the mirror would help, Colcook might have tips, blah blah blah. All sucking up to Shemmy's ego the entire time.

It almost worked except The Marauder insisted she be present for half the time, and that she'd be giving out tips. The appointed time arrived and she arrived with Colcook and her entourage of tieflings carrying boxes and bags of clothing, makeup, jewelry, etc. So for the next few hours The Marauder and the lupinal PC stuffed them selves away with Colcook and his mirror in a private room and talked fashion, social graces, poise, personal grooming, etc. The Marauder didn't do anything unseemly or evil, but she was clearly relishing the fact that the lupinal was terribly afraid that she would. So the paranoid lupinal got dressed up again and again and again, effectively playing dressup for a few hours with the 'loth. It was good advice though actually... she just had to endure feeling like a piece of meat a few times when she swore that she was getting checked out in the process of getting dressed. (Yes, I was merciless in that whole episode. I managed to make both PC and player alike paranoid, nervous, off guard and potentially squicked. But nothing actually was done... just the perceived threat of evil... bwahahaha)

Shemmy's price for this all however was to wear a dress of hers that would fit the lupinal, and do prancing over to A'kin's shop all dolled up. Just walk in, look around, wave and otherwise say nothing to him. The dress was just about skintight and threatening to pop for a description here... But the lupinal did so as the condition for getting to spend an hour or so in private with Colcook and his mirror.

That evening the PC walked over to A'kins getting hit on and catcalled by about everything male between the clerk's ward and the lower ward. And to some extent she enjoyed it. So she walks into A'kins shop, painted up, bejeweled, and wearing one of The Marauder's dresses. A'kin turns around at the jingle of the bell on the door and just stares openmouthed. She waves and he drops the vase he was holding to shatter into a hundred pieces. He just stammers and acts confused before she walks out.

Shortly thereafter one of the other PCs goes over to explain things to the Friendly Fiend himself and sits down for tea to discuss it all. A'kin had apparently thouht that Shemeska had walked in to taunt him or attempt to burn down his shop, again, just having shapechanged herself into the lupinal PC they both knew. After all, he's apparently seen that dress before, or The Marauder wearing it, and wasn't sure why else that the PC would walk into his shop all dolled up so uncharacteristically for her and wearing one of his archnemesis's evening gowns.

Well over tea, A'kin pops the question of whether the lupinal was currently seeing anyone. And things cannonballed from there. It looks very likely that the two of them may be dating shortly. This was not anticipated by me.

So... anyone have advice for me, or for the PCs here on how to handle this? *utterly unreadable grin* Cool

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

No advice from me. However I shall share my reaction to the situation.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

30 minutes of in game laughter - it was *wonderful* Smiling

Shemmie - "Oh! I feel like we're at a slumber party! Let's girl-talk!"

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

"Clueless" wrote:
Shemmie - "Oh! I feel like we're at a slumber party! Let's girl-talk!"
This stuff is comedic gold. I mean, to the point of it being worth it to take nine levels of Wizard in a no-magic setting, just for the chance to attend you folks' games.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

This is hilarious, I really wish I could watch one of your games.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

Hell they earned that time by doing something that I had not in the least expected them to do. That made for 30 minutes to an hour of me going over the top and off the cuff entirely.

There's tons of quotes from that session I'll post up here eventually. I almost snorted diet soda a dozen times, and the lupinal's player DID. Eye-wink

FyreHowl's picture
Joined: 2003-12-28
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

Well what *is* a girl todo when she hears the DM go in shemmie voice "it's like a sleep-over" and yous uddenly get images of a blonde valley girl arcanoloth dressed in pink pajamas and holding curlers?!?!?!

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

"FyreHowl" wrote:
Well what *is* a girl todo when she hears the DM go in shemmie voice "it's like a sleep-over" and yous uddenly get images of a blonde valley girl arcanoloth dressed in pink pajamas and holding curlers?!?!?!



Pants of the North!

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

I think you broke Bob's brain, FyreHowl.

Toras's picture
Joined: 2004-05-14
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

As the player who "escorted" her through the Lower Ward.
A Cornogon asked for what she was charging (prostitution), she said to talk to me.
The term pimp was used, and then the beating commenced. He was promptly covered in holy water and then beaten slightly.
(he still had the use of all his appendages and did not require reconstructive surgery)

I was also the one to explain the situation to him, and recieve this startling little revolation. It prompted a quick rendition of "Matchmaker" out of character, and assurances from me to help him win her over. I then returned the way I came, and took a moment to stomp the Cornogon further. (Reinforcing the lesson and breaking in my new boots)

And as for Bob, "Clean up up on Aisle 5, we have an Effret's Paradigm shifting with out a clutch."

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

New boots huh? I'm still wearing the ones my sugar momma got me.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

I'm not really sure which is worse: Shemeska at a sleepover or the fact that this thread made me start wondering what important Sigil personalities I wouldn't mind dating. Currently Factol Rhys is at the top of my list.


Pants of the North!

Johnathan Void's picture
Joined: 2004-05-15
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

If a lupinal and an arcanaloth had a baby (even though it's not possible as far a I know), would it be a rilmani?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

Fuzzy maybe?
I don't know... *switches into Pinky voice* "but whatever it looks like... it'll be loooooveeddd."

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

"Clueless" wrote:
Fuzzy maybe? I don't know... *switches into Pinky voice* "but whatever it looks like... it'll be loooooveeddd."

You do realize that now I'll be repeating that joke in my Pinky voice ad nauseum for the next few months whenever this topic gets raised... *snicker*

And what would the children look like? *shudder* Fuzzy and confused. This is what birth control is for. Eye-wink

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

Confused Shemmy? That's like saying petitioners of Pandemonium are confused. Those kids would single handedly invent the official study of psychology on the planes. Why does no one ever think of the CHILDREN?!

Here's an amusing thought:

It had been ten years since that fateful day Fyrehowl walked into A'kin's the two were happily married.

Here we see A'kin sitting by the fireplace with his son.

"Daddy?", the smiling boy who looked not quite like a hyena, and not quite like a doberman asked.

"Yes, son?", the smiling fiend replied.

"Why do I get sudden urges to torture innocent people and then immediately feel guilty about it afterwards?"

"Because you're insane, son. Pure good and pure evil don't mix very well."

"Oh. I love you, daddy."

"That's nice, son."

Samloyal23's picture
Joined: 2004-05-25
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

"Bob the Efreet" wrote:
I'm not really sure which is worse: Shemeska at a sleepover or the fact that this thread made me start wondering what important Sigil personalities I wouldn't mind dating. Currently Factol Rhys is at the top of my list.

I'd sell a kidney to do Erin Montgomery (thank God I have 2!), but Rhys is a cutie, too...


I'm Samuel M. Wright, and you're not.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

No no no, it's all about Factol Pentar... (and my namesake of course)

And darn you to a pit of rust monsters Nordom, I won't be able to keep a straight face this weekend because of that last joke of yours. Sticking out tongue

Maybe A'kin really -is- completely insane, maybe not. My players will likely find out before this is all over. Or not. Eye-wink

Johnathan Void's picture
Joined: 2004-05-15
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

Pentar would be scary. I imagine it would involve a lot of fire and whips.

<Imagines Pentar saying....> "Who's the Lady of Pain now b*&$@!"

Factol Jamis might be a good choice. Sure, she may be a little "guvnery" at times, but she is a cleric, so her CHA will be pretty high. Plus she will know all the theories, and *ahem* techniques to more than make up for being overly lawful.

Nordom the Rogue Modron's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

I couldn't agree with you more, Johnathan! Who would you rather have at the controls? A beautiful fool or a trained professional? I'll take the latter, thank you very much.

And you're welcome about the joke, Shemmy.

::Thinks about Factol Pentar and Shemeska:: :shock: "Please excuse Nordom. Nordom must violently regurgitate previously ingested sustenance against Nordom's will."

Now, with that being said, you guys can keep the factols and Shemmy.... ::shudder:: .....I'll take Kylie over any of those other berks any day of the week.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

"Samloyal23" wrote:
I'd sell a kidney to do Erin Montgomery (thank God I have 2!), but Rhys is a cutie, too...

Not just a cutie, but she has monk levels. And there's the fact that if you're dating Factol Rhys, you know the relationship is endorsed by the Cadence itself.


Pants of the North!

Samloyal23's picture
Joined: 2004-05-25
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

"Bob the Efreet" wrote:
Not just a cutie, but she has monk levels. And there's the fact that if you're dating Factol Rhys, you know the relationship is endorsed by the Cadence itself.

Mmmm.... Monks are so...

...Limber. Cool


I'm Samuel M. Wright, and you're not.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

I'll got for eladrin rogue sensates.
Arial, limber, *and* knowledgable.

Sildatorak's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Dating Prospects In Sigil... *wry grin*

I just had the incredibly amusing thought of Ylem trying to figure out "humanoid mating rituals."

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