OK, here's the OOC for your character Dire Lemon
By the way, I really don't mind waking up nude and confused. The character's Charisma score is ridiculous. He's got a nude AC of 22, damage reduction, and a number of resistances. Besides, once he figures out he has them he can use all sorts of abilities to avoid fighting in the first place. I'm interested to see how he learns he can draw.
Nevermind how my amnesiac fiend with no name wound up like this.
Ugh, you're going to throw a Bebilith at him aren't you?
ahhaha! don't give me ideas! :twisted:
About how you're going to start (nude, confused, or otherwise) - I'm still trying to think about I'm not quite sure about how to go about starting your character, so i haven't decided yet gear_:P
Well I wouldn't mind being poked awake by a group of humanoid scavengers with bad will saves.
Oh yeah, that reminds me, the DCs for my abilities are wrong because I didn't know they were charisma based.
There we go, fixed.
Ah! I've found a singularly appropriate name for my character. It's not exactly original, but then neither is pretty much any other name is DnD! :mrgreen:
Oh, somewhat realated, an interesting article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Succubus
Wikipedia is great!
Found a more closely related one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incubus_%28demon%29
hehe nice!
As a continuation of the running joke about waking up nude and confused, I just realized that walking around nude in the Hive might actually be somewhat safe. Most people won't try to mug you if you obviously nothing worth taking.
Hm, considering the character's race it'd really quite be quite plausible for him to awaken nude and confused, but not alone.
I disagree.
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Hm? Compaired to waking up dressed like a top shelf berk, it's not safe?
OH YEA.. JUST 2 MORE TO GO.... trans_:<
So when are these next exams set to take place?
HEy DIre- sorry for the Awol(ness).. this is seriously not like me, I'm a posting fanatic, but this is probably the 2nd busiest time in the semester (the third set of exams... the busiest are the 4th set aka. final exams).
Fear not.. this coming monday will be the day of conquest (probably for the exams and not me)... as both of my remaining 3rd exams are on that day.. then I 'll finally be back to normal posting speed.
Ok, thanks for letting me know.
Hey, how were your Exams?
EXAMS...um well, i'll find ouyt later this week, but all in all i'm guessing average... the most important thing is that they're OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for asking,though, and thanksw for your patience.
I'll get you started later today (and i'll be online for quite a while later tonight, so we can go back and forth if you happen to be on!
I'll get you started later today (and i'll be online for quite a while later tonight, so we can go back and forth if you happen to be on!
Trias... back??? Unpossible!
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Cool, well I'll probably be around.
Uh, well, happy turkey glutton day.
haha! you too!!!
Heh... I don't even know what I am. Nevermind who... So how do I talk about my character in the third person. The... man?
Sorry for the rather short and uninspiring first post. Your intro has left me mostly speechless. Not to mention quite confused. Though I'm guessing that was intentional.
hehe, yea, if you read azure's opening, it was very similar.. no need to apologize - your post had a very "I don't know what to say" feel to it- which i guess was exactly the feeling i was trying to evoke..
Well if we continue to compair Azure's posts to my own mine continue to be rather uninteresting, though I suppose that has at least a little bit to do with the fact that I'm trapped in a cage (no pun intended) and a forcefield. At least the NPC I've met so far is a bit more interesting.
So how was your turkey gluttony weekend?
haha, pretty good- it was nice to catch up with the family again! how about yours?!
btw: (as you may have noticed-) posting is not back to normal - I'm sorry - I'm busier than I thought I was, and a new commitment (8 hours/ per 5 day week) is really eating up my time. I hope you dont mind, but I'm putting my solo campaigns on hold until December...what does that mean? i'll try to post every opp. I get, but don't count on a prompt reply.... :/ sorry
Um ok, but what does that mean exactly? It's December right now.
In regards to Turkey Gluttony day, I stuffed my face at my cousin's house, as I do every year. This year my sister was at college though.
Dire Lemon!
I REALLY want to go through a long term solo campaign, but I hope you continue to be patient and willing to put up with my absences for the next 5 months ( :shock: :shock: :shock: ).
this is what I mean -
After mid- January - my posting will slow down (not become non-existent, as it did after Thanksgiving, but just slow down from what is "normally" a few posts/ day to a post every few days.
then from Mid March until late May (2.5 months) - it will become nonexistent -- i may post once in a while in the threads in which I'm a PC, but probably not at all in my solo campaign threads ( I usually give these more time and thought than the threads I'm a PC in). BUT, after that, things will come back to "normal"
Sorry for being so erratic, and thanks again for having the patience to put up with me. I realize now that this year was an awkward time to start 2 solo campaigns ( I probably should have waited until after May). It's my critical 3rd year of college, and I'm the busiest I've been- since ever... because I'm becoming more involved with work, activities, preparing for Standardized exams (MCAT), and trying to figure out my life after college. But after May, I'll have most of it figured out and things will settle down with more or less normal posting for the next year and summer after May.
Ok... PHEW... just wanted to give you a heads up of what's coming so as not to disillusion you in the future with another prolonged absence (I'll just disillusion you now
:oops: ) But HEY - at least we have a character and the game is up and running (err. crawling?)!!
But have no fear- I've to make up for lost time since thanksgiving and this is the perfect time to do so -hooray for the holidays, and rest assured that for the next month, Trias is in the house!
It doesn't take much effort to wait so, no problem really.
I don't know why I don't have it written down anywhere but his hair is the color of dried blood, medium length, and he's got a fair, clean shaven, incubusish complexion. He's a little over six feet tall, and isn't terribly muscular but is athletic. Oh, and his eyes are a reddish brown, one is slightly more reddish than the other, but it's hard to notice without looking close, think Spike Spiegel.
Now that's just sexy
I'm going to dinner with the fam, but should be back in about an hour - hopefully you'll be around for some back-and forth posting and we can start exploring the Cage!
Phew - already up to 130 ish posts!! Talk about breakneck speed!
Yeah, it's fun as hell... er, well, for a Devil. I mean, it's really fun.
Oh yeah, I'm going to go to dinner at a relative's house soon for the rest of the day. I might be able to post there, but probably not.
ahah, thanks
What? It's true.
I know, i wasn't being sarcastic or anything(I probably shouldn't have put in the smiley face), really - thanks!!
Oh, well, ok. :mrgreen:
I know this may be a silly question, but considering the person 'Sam' is currently speaking with, it might be a good idea to ask you what you think about whether or not Incubi are susceptible to STDs. Also, considering the apparently large number of prostitutes in the Hive Ward and the lack of latex in Sigil, just what do they do for birth control?
If you don't want to answer these questions, I'll understand. Just some things I thought of while over thinking things.
Oh yeah, and sorry it's late, but happy whatever winter holiday to you too.
I'll make all immortals immune to mortal diseases (especially Incubi/Succubi immune to STDs - seeing as how they would logically have a natural resistance to those).
good question about the prostitutes in the Hive - they probably use some cost-effective herbal remedy.
Hey, here's my character sheet again, figured I'd post it here so that I could access it from other computers. I have a question though. What version of the belt of giant strength do I have?
Name: Unknown
Pseudonym: Samael
Race: Incubus
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown (Immortal)
Alignment: Neutral?
Class: Beguiler 1
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 17 (+3)
Constitution: 13 (+1)
Intelligence: 20 (+5)
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 31 (+10)
HP: 61
Speed: 30 ft. / Fly 50 ft. (average)
BAB: +6
AC: 23 (Bse 10, Dex +3, Natural +9 Ring +1), Touch 14, Flat-footed 20
Initiative: +3
Fort: +6 (Con +1, Race +5)
Ref: +8 (Ref +3, Race +5)
Will: +7 (Class +2, Race +5)
Claw: Attack: +6 Damage: 1d6
+2 Short Sword:
+1 Dagger
Racial Features:
Damage Reduction 10/ Cold Iron or Good
Darkvision 60 ft.
Immunity to electricity and poison
Resistance to acid, cold, and fire 10
Spell Resistance 18
Telepathy 100 ft.
Tongues (Su) (Automatic tongues ability as the spell, caster level 12th)
Energy Drain (Su) (Kiss target, must grapple if unwilling. DC 23 Fort(cha) to remove negative level, DC 23 Will(Cha) to avoid suggestion)
Change Shape (Su) (Assume the form of any Small or Medium humanoid.)
+8 to Spot and Listen Checks
+10 to Disguise while using change shape ability
Spell-like Abilities:
Summon Tannar’ri (1/day 30% chance to summon Vrock)
At will – Caster Level 12th, DCs are Charisma based
Charm Monster (DC24)
Detect Good
Detect Thoughts (DC22)
Ethereal Jaunt (Self +50 pounds of objects)
Suggestion (DC 23)
Greater Teleport (Self +50 pounds of objects)
Class Features:
Armored Mage
Bluff +25 (4 ranks, Cha +10 Race +9)
Concentration +14 (4 ranks, Con +1 Race +9)
Craft (Drawing) +9 (4 ranks, Int+5)
Decipher Script +9 (4 ranks, Int +5)
Diplomacy +20 (4 ranks, Cha +10, Race +4, Misc +2)
Disguise +23 (+25 acting) (4 ranks, Cha +10, Race +9)
Escape Artist +16 (4 ranks, Dex +3, Race +9)
Hide +16 (4 ranks, Dex +3, Race +9)
Intimidate +24 (4 ranks, Cha +10, Race +9, Misc +2)
Knowledge (The Planes) +14
Listen +21 (4 ranks, Race +17)
Move Silently +16 (4ranks, Dex +3, Race +9)
Search +14 (Int +5, Race +9)
Sense Motive +6 (4 ranks, Misc +2)
Spellscraft +9 (4 ranks, Int +5
Spot +17 (Race +17)
Survival +0 (+2 following tracks)
Use Rope +3 (+5 with bindings)
Dodge, Mobility, Persuasive, Negotiator
Commoner’s Clothes
Ring of Invisibility
Ring of Protection +1
+2 Short Sword
+1 Dagger
Wand of Magic Missile
Belt of Giant Strength
Crystal Locket with a red cricket in it.
Mission Briefing:
You will find Informant Zakarius in Sigil and he will submit his report. The code-phrase you shall speak to him is: "Crash the Ring into the Spire." I am unaware of his wherabouts - and thus you shall use your wit and resourcefulness to seek him out. He will then inform you of how to return from Sigil back here - where you will report to me.
You have three days.
Persons of Note:
Mysterious Woman: The most beautiful woman Samael has ever seen, she was in his dream when he first woke up. She had dark hair, green eyes, and freckles. She seemed human, with a tinge of elven, or maybe fiendish ancestry. She wore loose fitting Jet-Black cotton clothes, but her curvaceous figure could still be noticed through them.
Necravia: A pale, dark haired, dark eyed and beautiful woman who nursed Samael back to life. She looks human, but seems supernatural. She serves Adjic’ Ventir as fourth in command.
Four: An apparent construct that resembles a muscular male human mannequin with no facial features and white skin. He seems uncomfortable talking about Necravia.
Adjic' Ventiri - Warrior and Necromancer: Seven feet tall, pale, long dark hair and a thin dark beard and mustache. He seems very powerful and was able to compel Samael to approach him without any form of telepathy or anything else detectable. He seems unnaturally interested in him, giving him arms and magic items and setting him loose in Sigil with a vague goal.
Firefly: The first person Samael met in Sigil. She seems to be either a Tiefling or a Fire Genasi or maybe a mixture of both. She’s a night guard at the Planarium in the Clerk’s ward and loves talking. She’s surprisingly strong for her size and is quite suspicious. She has bright red/orange hair, amber eyes, and wears fiery clothing with a temperament to match, but is surprisingly friendly once she gets comfortable with someone.
Talia: A short elven woman in cheap leather armor who’s also a Tout working in the Clerk’s Ward. She has green eyes, black hair and pale skin. Talia’s sister, Tara works in the Lady’s Ward.
Oily Dorl: A mousy looking greaseball - oily hair slicked back, slit eyes, sharp features and black clothing. Everything about this character screams "peeler." A knight of the post who claims he can find out about Zakarius for 300-500 gold pieces.
Tranchita: A poor, canny, prostitute who works in the Madhouse District of The Hive. Samael was at first going to bob her for jink but changed his mind and decided to propose a deal to her where he would rob her customers and split the jink with her fifty-fifty. His given reason was that she looked like she could use the money and that he was “a sucker for a pretty face.” She has short brown hair and cheap clothes messily arranged in a semi-seductive manner.
Hey, is the Incubus Energy Drain Ability lethal? I can't find anything about that in the books. I looked it up online and it only talked about the undead version that says that if the victim gets negative levels exceeding their current level they die and come back the next night as either the creature that killed them or a wight. That doesn't seem to make any sense for the an Incubus' ability though.
Hmm- not sure either, I'll try to do some research on it.. if neither of us can find a source, then we'll jointly decide how to go about it in the game. In the meantime, restrain yourself from kissing Tranchita jk
Can I suppress the power or only use it partially? I'd really rather not kill anyone with it if I can help it. I thought of something. Characters who haven't yet attained their first class level certainly aren't dead.
Yea, you can def. suppress it if need be.
Ok, good to know.
About that belt. I said it before in the IC thread but I guess you missed it. The DMG says that they only come in +4 and +6. So... would you be willing to give me a better one? Pleeeeease?
Yep :mrgreen:
Cool, yayness!
Wait a sec, isn't it "Yay Coolness?" Oh well, whatever. Hey, wait, when you said she handed me the money... Actually I handed her the money, cause I was the one that took it.
Hm, I need to find some way to learn that I have ranks in draw so that I can try to draw a picture of the woman from my dream so I can ask people if they recognize her.
haha! I think you can go ahead and do that untrained - how about you have an additive bonus from Wis/Dex for all drawing checks? :mrgreen:
btw- i just noticed that nearly 1/4 of the game so far has included dialogue with your new friend - who woulda thunk?
Lol... sorry. I'm having a blast though. Of course it makes me wonder just what would have happened if I had demanded her jink once we got to a secluded area like I'd intended to.
So when can I use my ranks in Craft: Drawing?
Hey, you know what would be irritating? If Tranchita fell into the ditch. Then I'd either have to let her die or reveal my wings. Then I'd have to kill all these other berks to make sure they didn't talk.
They didn't talk? what would it matter if they knew what they were - you should be PROUD of your demonic heritage!
Love the title. :mrgreen:
Name: Samael
Race: Incubus (Appears to be Human)
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown (Immortal)
Alignment: Neutral?
Class: Beguiler 1
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 17 (+3)
Constitution: 13 (+1)
Intelligence: 20 (+5)
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 31 (+10)
HP: 61
Speed: 30 ft. / Fly 50 ft. (average)
BAB: +6
AC: 22 (Dex +3, Natural +9), Touch 13, Flat-footed 19
Initiative: +3
Fort: +6 (Con +1, Race +5)
Ref: +8 (Ref +3, Race +5)
Will: +7 (Class +2, Race +5)
Claw +6 melee (1d6)
Racial Features:
Damage Reduction 10/ Cold Iron or Good
Darkvision 60 ft.
Immunity to electricity and poison
Resistance to acid, cold, and fire 10
Spell Resistance 18
Telepathy 100 ft.
Tongues (Su) (Automatic tongues ability as the spell, caster level 12th)
Energy Drain (Su) (Kiss target, must grapple if unwilling. DC 23 Fort(cha) to remove negative level, DC 23 Will(Cha) to avoid suggestion)
Change Shape (Su) (Assume the form of any Small or Medium humanoid.)
+8 to Spot and Listen Checks
+10 to Disguise while using change shape ability
Spell-like Abilities:
Summon Tannar’ri (1/day 30% chance to summon Vrock)
At will – Caster Level 12th, DCs are Charisma based
Charm Monster (DC24)
Detect Good
Detect Thoughts (DC22)
Ethereal Jaunt (Self +50 pounds of objects)
Suggestion (DC 23)
Greater Teleport (Self +50 pounds of objects)
Class Features:
Armored Mage
Bluff +25 (4 ranks, Cha +10 Race +9)
Concentration +14 (4 ranks, Con +1 Race +9)
Craft (Drawing) +9 (4 ranks, Int+5)
Decipher Script +9 (4 ranks, Int +5)
Diplomacy +20 (4 ranks, Cha +10, Race +4, Misc +2)
Disguise +23 (+25 acting) (4 ranks, Cha +10, Race +9)
Escape Artist +16 (4 ranks, Dex +3, Race +9)
Hide +16 (4 ranks, Dex +3, Race +9)
Intimidate +24 (4 ranks, Cha +10, Race +9, Misc +2)
Knowledge (The Planes) +14
Listen +21 (4 ranks, Race +17)
Move Silently +16 (4ranks, Dex +3, Race +9)
Search +14 (Int +5, Race +9)
Sense Motive +6 (4 ranks, Misc +2)
Spellscraft +9 (4 ranks, Int +5
Spot +17 (Race +17)
Survival +0 (+2 following tracks)
Use Rope +3 (+5 with bindings)
Dodge, Mobility, Persuasive, Negotiator