the Dabus language... questions

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vini_lessa's picture
Joined: 2007-10-03
the Dabus language... questions

Hello everybody, I think this is my first post in the forum.

Here is my doubt: the Dabus language as presented in "Faces of Sigil" is kind of broken, unless Im missing something. I mean, in those examples they use symbols mixed with english words:

eg: "Do" = [image of a dog]-g
"Loud" = [image of a cloud]-c

I found this kind of broken because it goes from the premisse that everybody knows the english language, or at least some Alphabetical language ( vowels+consonants).

I think the Dabuses should speak/project a language truly universal and symbolic , something potentially understandable by any being from any part of the multiverse - even by beings from Prime worlds that didnt developed Alphabetical languages.

I was thinking something like pictograms and ideograms, ancient oriental writings ( ), or something like the runes in Glorantha Runequest ( ), etc.

So.... am I missing something here? Thanks!

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
the Dabus language... questions

I don't know what Glorantha Runequest is, and I would say that most people would have a hard time deciphering pictograms and hieroglyphs, oriental or not.

The thing about dabus speech is that it appears to each 'listener' as rebuses that make sense in the language said 'listener' is best at. Thus, since the Planescape books are written in English, so are the dabus rebuses. They are, however, first and foremost rebuses. Thus, no simple pictograms will do.

If you can come up with an idea for universal rebuses, though, I would absolutely love to hear it. That would be very useful even outside of Planescape.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
the Dabus language... questions

I think Iavas has the right of it. Also, they're not just pictograms. Dabus specifically speak in rebus.


Pants of the North!

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
the Dabus language... questions

Rebuses always seemed cartoony and silly to me. My players have yet to try and talk to a dabus, but I would be tempted to make it into pictographs. The dabus are supposed to be the servants and heralds of The Lady of Pain herself. How are they supposed to convey the message of "This city tolerates your faction no longer. Abandon it or die." with little doodles and plus/minus signs flying around? It seems undignified for the importance of their office.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
the Dabus language... questions

I've always seen the rhebus language as more of a mental construct. The dabus have no real language of their own, they just know what other dabus want. With other races, though, they don't really have any common ground. As such, they use a very weak kind of telepathy to sort of dig around in the creature's mental list of vocabulary and image association to find something that's "close" to what they want to tell the creature, and then project it in a visible fashion.

In cases like the all important direct communication from Our Lady, I think they probably take the time to get a perfect match with all the correct overtones. Maybe even each individual dabus projecting the actual words in a different language. Either way, they make sure that there's no puzzle, and no misunderstanding. Do or Die

I mean, what if each person reading the rhebus saw an image of themselves wearing faction colors and signs, then taking them off, a distinct symbol of OR, and them an image of them being flayed to the bone by shadowy blades.

I think most people would get the idea

vini_lessa's picture
Joined: 2007-10-03
the Dabus language... questions

Hmm... so they communicate through some kind of telepathic process, by probing a guys mind and using his own language... interesting. This would help to save the rebuses in my book (I always found it silly too).

About the pictograms: even if more 'universal', it seems they were not good at delivering complex expressions/concepts, and the rebuses were a important development of pre-alphabet writings, exactly because of this - the capacity of deliver complex concepts through scripting (thx for the wikipedia link Bob :mrgreen: ).

But is that telepathical thing 'canon'? Or a speculation, Hymnet?

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
the Dabus language... questions

Oh, that's only my own demented ramblings, but I've always thought it was a decent explanation. They obviously have some sort of mental powers, as they can project their thoughts into a visible medium, so I just extended it to a subconscious sort of sifting

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