d20 product suggestions?

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bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
d20 product suggestions?

Ok I have asked questions before on this forum and others about whether I should buy product A or product B and so on. Well now I guess I am just starting a thread to expand on that idea.

Ok here's what I own or 3rd (feel free to comment on things I have for others sake in whether they should get them or not)

The basics PHB, DM guide (in both 3.0 and 3.5) and Monster Manual I
Creature Collection (Sword and Sorcery)
Book of Vile Darkness (have yet to crack the cover actually...)
Deties and Demi Gods
Manual of the Planes
Savage Species
The 5 thin paper back class guides (sword and fist, tome and blood etc.)

For second I have the Planescape Set, a fair amount of Ravenloft (the Van Richten monster guides are a big part), and one of the older realms boxed sets (hey I got it for $3.50...)

Now I just ordered Beyound Countless Doorways a Planes Supplement produced by 4 of the classic Planescape Team.

I am thinking in a few weeks I will pick up another supplement and maybe get 2-4 books every 6-8 weeks.

Now I am just getting started on a Planescape Campaign so I am a bit more inclined towards books that help with that aspect of gaming. However if a supplement is simply excellent I will certainly check it out and likely use it later or find a way to use it.

I am considering the following currently for Purchase

Planer Handbook (heard mixed reviews)
Frost Burn (the Winter Setting rule book)
Libris Mortis: The Book of Undead (undead are nice enemies/allies)

Also are any of the complete books like Divine, Warrior etc worth the price you pay for them? I mean I got a great deal on the smaller paper back class books but their use seems limited and honestly not worth full price glad I got such a great deal....

I will certainly be buying Lords of Madness: The Book of Aberrations when it comes out in April which is a mind flayor, beholder, Illiad sourcebook which promises to be great addition to my collection and PS campaign. (unless they completly mess it up...)

Also any other producs you would recomended or think I should take a look at?

Keravin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-24
d20 product suggestions?

I'd suggest getting Portals and Planes by Fantasy Flight Games. I've been looking around ENWorld at reviews to make sure I buy decent stuff and for running a Planescape game this book sounds much better than Planar.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
d20 product suggestions?

Do you have a link to that review or a link to Enworld's review section? I just got a login there and was having trouble finding any reviews beyound the newest or current reviews on the mage page.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
d20 product suggestions?

"Keravin" wrote:
I'd suggest getting Portals and Planes by Fantasy Flight Games. I've been looking around ENWorld at reviews to make sure I buy decent stuff and for running a Planescape game this book sounds much better than Planar.

I dunno. I browsed it at the store and didn't much care. It didn't look bad, but it didn't excite my attention. The planes seemed fairly generic and only briefly, sketchily detailed, while the new exemplars of law and chaos seemed a bit superfluous in a Planescape campaign. The cosmological stuff - it's an alternative to Planescape, and not one I cared to see much space wasted on. And the prestige classes - who needs more prestige classes?

Then, that's just the opinion of someone who looked at it briefly. It might be awesome if you take the time to get to know it. I wouldn't order it sight unseen just because Alan Kohler/Psion/Hawkwind/Sangrolu/whatever he's calling himself likes it. Not that he has bad taste. I know he's running a campaign based on Portals & Planes, so apparently he likes it quite a bit.

I usually like Malhavoc Press stuff: Chaositech, the Complete Book of Eldritch Might, Beyond Countless Doorways.

Green Ronin planar stuff is pretty good too, if you dig its distinctive take on the planes. The Avatar's Handbook is a very nice look at celestials, if you think the planes need more celestials like I do.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
d20 product suggestions?

The "Complete..." books are all good. Complete Warrior, the first one, is especially nice, since every character gets into a fight sooner or later. They're all nice for new character options. The smaller books were (clearly) designed for a few classes specifically, and so their use with other characters was extremely limited. The "Complete" books, however, find applications for all classes. "Complete Arcane," for example, has arcane character material for all characters with even the slightest inclination toward magic, as well as new base classes. The art is nicer than in the old splatbooks and they are generally more useful. They really manage to find a little bit of useful material for everyone. There are enough new spells, prestige classes, equipment, magic items, and feats to find something you like.

The Manual of the Planes, for as much as it is maligned for ignoring Planescape concepts, did adequately cover planar environments (if not locations and culture) in 3rd edition. The Planar Handbook has some interesting things, but I prefer Planewalker's material, personally. Although planar domains are cool.

Monte Cook's stuff is always good, and usually pretty low in price if you get it electronically. In particular, Anger of Angels, Beyond Countless Doorways, and the Books of Eldritch and Iron Might (respectively) are very nice.

I like the line of books (I don't know what to call them) that include the Draconomicon, Libris Mortis, and Lords of Madness (though I would have preferred the old title "Codex Anathema" if for no other reason than to retain consistency in the "ancient tome" title theme).

I was never too interested in the environments books. Either the campaign is "like normal, but this time everyone lives in the tundra!" (too gimmicky) or there aren't enough times to use the rules in it to make it worthwhile. But that's just my general impression, and admittedly without much actual experience with the books to back it up.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
d20 product suggestions?

Have any of you purchased any of the Dm screens? I have heard the Kingdoms of Kalmar screen is actually a lot better than the normal Dm screen because it has a lot more charts that fold down and such. I saw it one time and it looked cool and I have not seen the Normal run screen out of its package.

Anyone have any comments on the tables and such and how much you actually use them for quick reference in game play?

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
d20 product suggestions?

"Rhys" wrote:
In particular, ... Beyond Countless Doorways [is] very nice.

I'll thoroughly second that. Pages upon pages of fluff and flavour with clean, crisp formatting and carefully chosen interior art (rather than the WtC angry-fruit-salad-that-attracts-twelve-year-olds approach. I-like-hyphens.). Would that I had (a) the means to buy it or (b) a credit card to get it ee-lek-tron-ik-ly.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
d20 product suggestions?

I have already ordered the hard copy of the book and will have it in my hands semi shortly. Might give it a browse quick but I believe I am going to send it with my copy of Dead Gods to get autographed by Monte Cook soon after it comes into my possesion.

Guess though I might have to change my mind if it looks like something i might drag along to every session or have open while gaming all the time then maybe a different second book will get autographed. Laughing out loud

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
d20 product suggestions?

I would recommend getting more of the Planescape boxed sets over any of the new WotC supplements, many of which are simply filler designed to keep them in business. Planes of Chaos and Planes of Law had some of the most interesting locations in the planes, and some neat mini-adventures as well. Track them down on Ebay, they're worth the price. Well, maybe not $150 for Planes of Conflict, but still.

You can read and re-read the boxed sets, and use them in practically any version of D&D or fantasy gaming ruleset. Pure gold.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
d20 product suggestions?

Great advice Kryter and I would agree whole heartely that the entire PS line is entirly awesome especially if you are looking for meat/plot information rather than just stats for monsters or NPCs to toss in.

But purchase wise I don't have to worry about that I own the complete 30 supplement set of second edition Planescape Campaign Materials in hard copy.

I got a great deal got the Planes of Law, Chaos, Conflict, and Hellbound for $20 each + $20 shipping off a guy on the Wizards Boards. He sold them to me for below market value because he knew I was a gamer and not looking to turn them around for a quick profit. Nice to get all 4 for cheaper than Hellbound was selling for by itself. $100 was a good chunk of change but I had to spring for that simply awesome offer.
Laughing out loud

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