Cutters in Urban Planescape

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Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Cutters in Urban Planescape

I honestly think this thread is long overdue. We've been compiling ideas and information on settings, planes, events, technology, races, that I feel we have been neglecting a very vital chuck of any good campaign setting. The Non-Player Characters. I would like to set up this thread for all of us to discuss and flesh out the many wonderful characters hinted at in the various articles that have been submitted over the years. Whether it be explanations on how the original, longer-living Planescape characters have adapted to the changes that have happened around them, to flesh out some of the new characters being introduced (Vanessa Goldcounter, Griffin, Professor Edward Davis, River-of-Ash, Conway, etc) or to come up with brand new character ideas.

I'll be doing some write ups on some of the more prominent members of my pet faction shortly. For some reason, the Revealing Light just tickles my fancy right now. Sticking out tongue

Lubaf's picture
Joined: 2005-11-28
Cutters in Urban Planescape

All right then, here's a rough draft for comment:

Lawrence Michaels

Lawrence Michaels (Or "Mike", as he prefers to be called) is the current head of the Regulators Guild, one of the more important security firms in Sigil at present.

To describe Michaels appearance is a simple thing; he looks like a rather fit human in his mid thirties (although, see below) with dark brown eyes and black hair and a complexion typical of somebody who has spent a lot of time in the sun, and several small scars across various parts of his body, including his face.

To describe Michaels character is also simple: cunning, clever, and a very dangerous man to cross; yet, at the same time, unfailingly polite and courteous, even (some would say especially) when the guns come out.

Then there are the mysteries surrounding him. Most notably, he hasn't aged a day in the nearly two hundred years he's been in the public eye, and has never been known to sleep; the obvious theories, that he is undead, or some kind of planar being, have been disproved repeatedly; other explanations have other failings (for example, he isn't vulnerable to attacks that target machine beings). There are other, lesser mysteries, though, such as his ability to know whether an avenue of investigation will be worthwhile before even starting, or his ability to instantly recognize people he's never met (even shapeshifters). This is not to say that he's godlike, or even infallible; just that, should he become a Factol, his air of mystery would fit right in. (And, given that he's pushing for The Order of Knights Errant to become a fully fledged Faction, he might become one, at that.)


Luc "Tentative" French

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