Customizable Planetouched (In Development)

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Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Customizable Planetouched (In Development)

Putting more into my project on planetouched characters, a new variant system for such characters which leaves a lot of complexity, but more options.

This is not the End-All & Be-All guide to the planetouched, because it's not there yet. In fact it's the a part of the barest skeleton of this guide, and is generally part of my one-size-fits-all idea for a solution. Mostly it's just the basic mechanics down, and there still needs to be much work to fill in stuff.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Customizable Planetouched (In Development)

Planetouched Basics
Planetouched characters get abilities based on the strength of their bloodline. Most planetouched are of the minor bloodline in terms of their abilities, which are many generations separated from their outsider ancestors. The stronger the bloodline strength, they get stronger abilities they can use, and more higher ability score adjustments base on their subrace.

Here’s the basic racial traits for any planetouched character:
-Humanoid (planetouched) Type
-Medium Size
-Base Land Speed 30
-Additional abilities based subrace.

Least bloodline strength (LA +0): The weakest of planetouched bloodlines, there’s almost no trace of any planar influences with this bloodline strength. They are roughly a generation away from being normal members of a mortal race. They get 2 minor abilities.

Minor bloodline strength (LA +1): The most common bloodline strength, they had at least one planetouched parent, and will likely have planetouched children. With this bloodline strength they display some abilities beyond most normal members of mortal races. Mostly this is in the form of increased resilience of some form and some minor magical abilities. They usually have one or two features which show their otherworldliness. At this strength they get 6 minor abilities.

Intermediate bloodline strength (LA +2): These planetouched demonstrate stronger magical abilities and resilience. It’s likely that their outsider ancestor was only a few generations separated, or that they were mutated by planar influences. Planetouched with this bloodline strength are not that uncommon in major planar metropolises. Planetouched with this bloodline strength have some slightly more significant features, though nothing usually strongly pronounced. At this bloodline strength, they get 6 minor abilities and 3 intermediate abilities.

Major bloodline strength (LA +3 and up): These planetouched are almost half-bloods or are half-bloods in terms of their planar ancestry. Rarer numbers of this bloodline strength come from the result of a major almost catastrophic mutation from planar energies. Physical features tend to really pronounced in planetouched with this bloodline strength. They display many significant abilities, with this bloodline strength. At the lowest level of bloodline strength they get 6 minor, 3 intermediate, and 1 major ability. For every additional major ability they get up to a maximum of 2 more, their level adjustment goes up by 1.

Planetouched as templates
It’s assumed that a planetouched character is of the planetouched race as their own base race. If they had ancestry other than human, they likely have the same rough abilities as human planetouched, though they have the option of picking mortal heritage abilities to reflect a stronger tie to such ancestry.
Some may optionally want to give planetouched abilities as part of a template. If this is the case, they can have minor, intermediate and major bloodline strength, following roughly the same rules. As a template they get racial ability score adjustments of the planetouched type being applied, with the exception that racial ability score penalties don’t stack.

Minor bloodline template (LA +1): They get 3 minor abilities.
Intermediate bloodline template (LA +2): They get 3 minor abilities and 1 intermediate abilities.
Major bloodline template (LA +3 and up): They get 3 minor abilities, 1 intermediate, and 1 major bloodline ability. For every additional major ability up to a maximum of 2, their level adjustment goes up by 1.

Planetouched Abilities
A planetouched can get their abilities from three categories: the general planetouched category, their racial category, and their subrace category.
-Abilities have the strength of minor, intermediate or major, which can be picked by a planetouched character based on their bloodline strength.
-Some abilities have prerequisites, usually in the form of other abilities.
-A planetouched character can pick one ability from a category that is not their race or subrace, which must be a minor ability if they have a minor or intermediate bloodline strength, or intermediate or minor if they have a major bloodline strength.
-At least 1 of your abilities must be of your planetouched race or subrace.
-The caster level for spell-like abilities are equal to character levels.
-Unless otherwise noted you can only take an ability once.
-Some abilities have character levels as a requirement; you buy these at character creation, but can only use them at the required level.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
General Planetouched Abilities

General Planetouched Abilities
These are abilities that are among all types of planetouched. Some general planetouched abilities have the sub-type of Mortal, a planetouched character can only pick a maximum of 2 such abilities.

Minor Abilities
Ancestor’s blessing: +2 luck bonus on all saves.
Dwarven resilience [mortal]: +2 racial bonus to saves against poison, +2 racial bonuses on saves against spells and spell-like abilities, darkvision 60 feet, and gain the Dwarf subtype.
Dwarven strength of stone [mortal]: Gain stonecunning, the Dwarf subtype, darkvision 60 feet, stability (+4 on checks to resist being bullrushed or tripped), +4 dodge bonus on AC against giants, +2 racial bonus on appraise and craft checks related to stone and metal, and +1 racial bonus on attacks rolls against a favored enemy type
Elven reverie [mortal]: +2 saves against enchantment spells and effects, and immunity to sleep effects, and gain the Elf subtype.
Elven senses [mortal]: +2 racial bonus to spot, search and listen checks, can detect secret doors within 5 feet and low-light vision, and gain the Elf subtype.
Human ancestry [mortal]: The character gets 1 bonus skill point per level (4 bonus at 1st level) and is considered to be human as a qualifier for feats and prestige classes. Their favoured class also becomes any.
Immortality: You have no maximum age and do not take age penalties, as your character doesn’t age beyond adulthood. At age 100 and every 250 years after, you gain +1 to charisma, intelligence and wisdom. You also gain a +2 racial bonus to saves against magical diseases and are immune to natural diseases.
Orc blood [mortal]: Gain +2 strength and take -2 to either intelligence or charisma, gain darkvision 60 feet and the Orc subtype.
Outsider type: The character’s type becomes outsider (planetouched) rather than humanoid (planetouched). This means they aren’t effected by spells and other abilities that target humanoids, as they are considered to be outsiders now. They may still be raised or resurrected as if they were humanoids though. In addition to getting the outsider type, they also get darkvision 60 feet.
Small size: The character’s size becomes small, they get -2 strength and +2 dexterity applied to their ability adjustments. They get all the benefits and drawbacks for being small, however their land speed remains at 30 feet.

Intermediate Abilities
Basic Outsider Resilience: (requires - Outsider type) Gain damage reduction 5/magic.
Extra minor abilities: Select 2 minor abilities, and you may take this special ability more than once.
Extra spell-like ability use: (Requires - A minor spell-like ability) Gain 2 extra uses per day of a minor spell-like ability. You may select this additional times, though each time it applies to a different spell-like ability.
Improved natural aptitude: Your racial bonuses to all skill checks increase by +2.
Spell Resistance: They get a spell resistance equal to 5 + their character level.

Major Abilities
Extra intermediate abilities: Select 2 intermediate abilities, and you may this more than once.
Greater Resilience: (requires - Basic Outsider Resilience) Damage reduction becomes 10/magic (or whatever other DR types they have).
Greater spell resistance: (requires - spell resistance) Spell resistance becomes 12 + their character level.
Innate spell-like ability use: (requires: extra spell-like ability use) One spell-like ability that you used 3/day you can instead use at will. You may select this additional times, though each time it applies to a different spell-like ability.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Tiefling abilities

Tiefling Abilities
These abilities are common among tieflings of all types, drawn from abilities that fiends generally possess.

Minor Abilities
Acid Resistance: Acid resistance 5
Ambidextrous: Gain two-weapon fighting as a bonus feat.
Arcane sense (sp): Detect magic 3/day
Assassin’s nature: You’re naturally capable of moving unnoticed and not being noticed as who you are. You gain a +2 racial bonus to disguise and move silently checks.
Brutish Nature: You’re fiendish ancestry makes you tougher and more intimidating; you get a +2 racial bonus to intimidate checks, and 2 extra hit points.
Claws: Gain two claw attacks do that 1d4 damage, as a full attack.
Cold Resistance: Cold resistance 5
Darkening (sp): darkness 1/day
Deceptive nature: You have the fiendish capacity for deception, giving you a +2 racial bonus to bluff and hide checks.
Desecrate (sp): (requires - 3rd level) Desecrate 1/day
Detect Purity (sp): Detect good 1/day
Electrical resistance: Electricity resistance 5
Fire Resistance: Fire resistance 5
Frightening (sp): Scare 1/day
Poison Resistance: +4 racial bonus to saves against poison.
Prehensile tail: You have a prehensile tail which can be used to hold (but not attack with) light objects. You also get a +2 racial bonus to balance and climb checks.
Scales: Natural armor +2
Telepathy (su): You can communicate telepathically with any creature that has language within 30 feet. In addition you gain 1 bonus power point.

Intermediate Abilities

Contagious (sp): (requires – 5th level) Contagion 1/day
Dispelling (sp): Dispel magic 1/day
Fangs: Gain bite attack which inflicts 1d6 damage, which can be used as a secondary attack.
Greater Darkening (sp): (requires - darkening) Deeper darkness 3/day.
Greater resistances: [/b](requires - energy resistance of any type) All your energy resistances increase to 10.
Hardened scales: (requires - scales) Natural armor +4
Improved detect purity (sp): (requires - detect purity) You can use Detect good or Detect evil at will.
Improved Natural Attack: Gain improved natural attack as a bonus feat. You may take this ability more than once for each type of natural attack you have.
Lesser teleport (sp): (requires – 5th level) Dimension door 1/day.
Multiattack: Gain multiattack as a bonus feat
Poison Immunity: (requires – poison resistance) You’re immune to poison.
Poisonous touch (sp): (requires – 6th level) Poison 1/day.
Unholy Blight (sp): (requires - 3rd level) Unholy Blight 1/day
Winged flight: You gain a pair of darkly colored wings, usually bat-like, though sometimes feathered or insectile, which gives you a fly speed of 30 with average manueverability.

Major Abilities
Blasphemy (sp): (requires – 10th level) Blasphemy 1/day.
Greater teleport (sp): (requires – 10th level) Greater Teleport 1/day
Improved winged flight: (requires - winged flight): Fly speed becomes 60 feet with good manueverablity.
Resilient scales: (requires - hardened scales): Natural armor +6

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Abyssal Tieflings

Tiefling subraces

Abyssal Tieflings aka Lilim
These are the Tieflings spawned from Tanar'i, Obyriths, Shadow Demons, Gehreleths, Hordelings and many more Demons and things from Pandemonium, The Abyss and Carceri. These Tieflings have the essence of chaos within their blood and thus have more varied appearances then the rest of their Tiefling brethen. Their passions tend to be less controlled then their bethren no matter what their morality happens to be, due to the nature of their heritage.

They are children of corruptors, destroyers and scheming overlords, many of these Tieflings go through life completely reliant on themselves as they have very little to trust from others, even those of their own kind. Though in many cases they do band together to survive and find their ways throughout life, each one knows instinctively theirs is their own path to take.

Initial Racial Stat Modifiers:
Least bloodline strength: +2 cha, -2 wis, 2 minor abilities
Minor bloodline strength: +2 dex, +2 cha, -2 wis, 6 minor abilities
Intermediate bloodline strength: +2 dex, +2 cha, -2 wis, plus 2 additional +2’s to any ability scores anyway up to a maximum of +4 on single ability scores, 5 minor abilities, 3 intermediate abilities.
Major bloodline strength: +2 dex, +2 cha, -2 wis, plus 5 additional +2’s to any ability scores anyway up to a maximum of +6 on single ability scores, 6 minor abilities, 3 intermediate abilities and 1 major ability score. Each additional level adjustment gives you an extra major ability and 3 more +2’s to apply to ability scores, the maximum cap on an ability score also goes up by 2.

Minor Abilities
Abyssal Heritor: Get a bonus abyssal heritor feat.
Brute strength: Get -2 to dexterity and +2 to strength and constitution.
Bulezau heritage: Use rage 1/day as a 1st level barbarian, if you have barbarian (or similar classes) levels, gain an additional use of rage 1/day instead.
Captivation (sp): Charm person 1/day
Devourer (sp): Death knell 1/day
Mirror Image (sp): Mirror image 1/day
Obyrith’s mindset: +4 racial bonus to saves against mind-affecting effects.
See the unseen (sp): See invisibility 1/day
Stench (sp): (requires – 2nd level) Stinking cloud 1/day.
Succubus/incubus heritage: Gain an additional +2 to charisma.
Unnatural speed: Gain +10 to land speed
Vrock’s screech (sp): Shout 1/day

Intermediate Abilities
Abyssal Resilence: (requires – Basic outsider resilence) Your damage reduction becomes 5/cold iron
Chaos Hammer (sp): (requires – 5th level) Chaos hammer 1/day.
Confusion (sp): (requires – 5th level) Confusion 1/day.
Electrical Immunity: (Requires – Electrical resistance, greater resistances) You’re immune to electricity.
Gaseous Form (sp): Gaseous form 1/day
Glabrezu Pincers: Gain a secondary attack that inflicts 1d4 damage.
Greater Captivation (sp): (requires – 5th level, captivation) charm monster 3/day.
Retriever Rays (sp): Scorching Ray 3/day, except they can do cold or electrical damage instead at your option.

Major Abilities
Improved Pincer Grab: (requires – Glabrezu pincers) You gain a 2nd pincer attack and get improved grab when attacking with them.
Obyrith’s vision (su): (requires – see the unseen, obyrith’s mindset) You’re under the effect of a constant True seeing spell.
Obyrith vitality: Fast healing 2
Words of chaos (sp): (requires – 10th level) Words of chaos 1/day.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Infernal Tieflings

Infernal Tieflings aka Hellions, The Wretched
They are Tieflings spawned from Baatezu, Rakshasa, Kytons, Barghests, various Devils and terrors from Baator, Acheron, and Gehenna. They may have the essence of law in their blood, though it's not always in their nature as the children of tyrants. These Tieflings are some of the most common, and never seem to fit in well with outsiders.

Among their breathen they seek unity more among their kind then the others do. Some of the ambitious have tried to draw together nations of Tieflings or even all planetouched together, except that among Tieflings they give off the strongest sense of 'wrongness'. Many Tieflings try to defy fate, but the Infernal Tieflings instinctively know that their ancestors are always watching and waiting for them, no matter what they do as their blood comes from them.

Initial Racial Stat Modifiers:
Least bloodline strength: +2 int, -2 cha, 2 minor abilities
Minor bloodline strength: +2 dex, +2 int, -2 cha, 6 minor abilities
Intermediate bloodline strength: +2 dex, +2 int, -2 cha, plus 2 additional +2’s to any ability scores anyway up to a maximum of +4 on single ability scores, 5 minor abilities, 3 intermediate abilities.
Major bloodline strength: +2 dex, +2 int, -2 cha, plus 5 additional +2’s to any ability scores anyway up to a maximum of +6 on single ability scores, 6 minor abilities, 3 intermediate abilities and 1 major ability score. Each additional level adjustment gives you an extra major ability and 3 more +2’s to apply to ability scores, the maximum cap on an ability score also goes up by 2.

Minor Abilities
Brute strength: Get -2 to dexterity and +2 to strength and constitution.
Devil-touched: Get a bonus devil-touched feat.
Erinyes heritage: Gain +4 to charisma.
Barbazu heritage: Use rage 1/day as a 1st level barbarian, if you have barbarian (or similar classes) levels, gain an additional use of rage 1/day instead.
Deceptive images (sp): Minor image 1/day
Hold Person (sp): (requires – 3rd level) hold monster 1/day
Infernal Heritage: Get a bonus infernal heritage feat.
Produce Flame (sp): Produce flame 1/day
Scorching ray (sp): (requires – 2nd level) Scorching ray 1/day.
Spinagon spines (Su): Gain a ranged attack that does 1d4 damage, with a range of 60 feet, no range increments.

Intermediate Abilities

Fire Immunity: (Requires – Fire resistance, greater resistances) You’re immune to fire.
Fear (sp): (requires – 3rd level, Frightening) Fear 3/day.
Fireball (sp): (requires – 3rd level, Produce flame) Fireball 1/day.
Hamatula’s spines: (requires - scales) Inflict 1d8 damage in a grapple.
Hold Monster (sp): (requires – 5th level, Hold person) hold monster 3/day, this ability replaces Hold person.
Improved deceptive images (sp): (requires – 5th level, Deceptive images) major image 3/day.
Infernal Resilence: (requires – Basic outsider resilence) Your damage reduction becomes 5/silver
Order’s wrath (sp): (requires – 5th level) Order’s wrath 1/day
Osyluth’s tail: Gain a secondary attack that inflicts 1d6 damage.
See In Darkness (Su): See in any darkness even deeper darkness.

Major Abilities

Dictum (sp): (requires – 10th level) Dictum 1/day.
Fear aura (su): (requires – fear) You radiate an aura of fear to a 5 foot radius, in which enemies must make a will save against 10 + your charisma bonus + ½ character level, or be effected by Fear.
Infernal vitality: Fast healing 2
Osyluth’s sting: (requires – Osyluth’s tail) Your bite is poisonous, save DC 10 + ½ character level + constitution bonus. Initial & secondary damage is 1d4 strength.
Venomous bite: (requires – fangs) Your bite is poisonous, save DC 10 + ½ character level + constitution bonus. Initial & secondary damage is 1d4 strength.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Gloom Tieflings

Gloom Tieflings aka Desolate Ones, Gloomlings, Mi-Gons, Lothans, Nilhon
These Tiefling are the spawn of Yugoloths, Gehreleths, Hordelings, Night Hags and many of the terrors, deceivers and corruptors of the Gray Waste, Carceri and Gehenna. Perhaps the most capable of all Tieflings of living amongst outsiders of their kind, these Tieflings are natural manipulators, schemers and deceivers. In many ways they are the most ambitious of the Tieflings, no matter what their morality might be. It's perhaps a curse from their ancestors that they tend to be the least physically powerful of all Tieflings.

Most gloomlings feel and know that someday they can surpass they're fiendish ancestors. To them it's a careful game that must be played out slowly and with subtlety. Among Tieflings they're perhaps the most paranoid of their kind. These Tieflings work well with others, Tieflings and non-Tieflings alike, as they know they can use others towards their own purposes and needs.

Initial Racial Stat Modifiers:

Least bloodline strength: +2 cha, -2 str, 2 minor abilities
Minor bloodline strength: +2 dex, +2 int, +2 cha, -2 str, 6 minor abilities
Intermediate bloodline strength: +2 dex, +2 int, +2 cha, -2 str, plus 1 additional +2’s to any ability scores anyway up to a maximum of +4 on single ability scores, 5 minor abilities, 3 intermediate abilities.
Major bloodline strength: +2 dex, +2 int, +2 cha, -2 str, plus 4 additional +2’s to any ability scores anyway up to a maximum of +6 on single ability scores, 6 minor abilities, 3 intermediate abilities and 1 major ability score. Each additional level adjustment gives you an extra major ability and 3 more +2’s to apply to ability scores, the maximum cap on an ability score also goes up by 2.

Minor Abilities
Captivation (sp): Charm person 1/day
Detached mindset: +4 racial bonus to saves against mind-affecting effects.
Detect Thoughts (sp): Detect thoughts 1/day
Extendable Tongue (Ex): Perhaps as a result of canoloth or piscoloth blood you gain a tongue attack which inflicts 1d4 damage, and can strike targets up to 15 feet away. You can’t use this as a secondary attack, and don’t get extra attacks should your BAB be higher 5.
Fiendish heritage: Get a bonus fiendish heritage feat.
Gehreleth Slime (Ex): Your gehreleth heritage makes your skin slimy giving you a +4 racial bonus to escape artist checks and checks to escape grapples.
Hordeling Physiology (Ex): You’re internal physiology is quite different from a normal one, and you get a 25% chance to ignore the extra damage from critical hits and sneak attacks.
Hypnotic gaze (Sp): Hypnotic gaze 1/day.
Invisibility (sp): (requires – 2nd level) Invisibility 1/day.
Marraenoloth’s blessing: You’re immune to the memory draining effects of the River Styx, gain a +2 insight bonus on survival checks and travel on a Marraenoloth’s skiffs for free.
Master manipulator: You gain a +2 racial bonus to bluff, diplomacy and sense motive checks.
Produce Flame (sp): Produce flame 1/day
Schemer: Gain an additional +2 to intelligence
See the unseen (sp): See invisibility 1/day
Shocking grasp (sp): Shocking grasp 1/day
Silver-tongued: Gain an additional +2 to charisma.
Veiled guises (sp): Disguise self at will
Warrior breed: Get +2 to strength and +1 natural armor.

Intermediate Abilities
A Thousand Faces (Sp): (Requires – veiled guises) Alter self at will.
Acid Immunity: (Requires – Acid resistance, greater resistances) You’re immune to acid damage.
Corrosive breath (su): (Requires – Acid resistance) Gain a breath attack that inflicts 1d10 acid damage and 1 wisdom damage in a 30 foot cone, reflex save for half against the acid and fortitude save against the wisdom damage is DC 10 + ½ your level + constitution modifier. You must wait 1d4 rounds after using this ability to use it again.
Dhergoloth’s vision: You see from all directions and can’t be flanked, you gain +4 on spot checks.
Fear (sp): (requires – 3rd level, Frightening) Fear 3/day.
Fiendish Resilence: (requires – Basic outsider resilience) Your damage reduction becomes 5/good.
Greater Captivation (sp): (requires – 5th level, captivation) charm monster 3/day.
Phantasmal Killer (Sp): (requires – 5th level) Phantasmal killer 1/day
Planeshift (Sp): (requires – 9th level) Planeshift 1/day.
Poisonous claws: (Requires - claws) Your claws are poisonous inflicting an initial and secondary damage of 1 str, fort save DC is 10 + ½ your level + constitution modifier
Prying Eyes (Sp): (Requires – 7th level) Prying eyes 1/day
Scrying (Sp): (Requires – 5th level) Scrying 3/day
Suggestion (Sp): (Requires – 3rd level) Suggestion 3/day.
Tongue lash (Ex): (Requires – extendable tongue) Your tongue attack stuns an opponent for one round if the fail a fortitude save against 10 + ½ your level + constitution bonus.
True vision (Sp): (Requires – 9th level, see the unseen) True seeing 1/day
Wall of fire (Sp): (Requires – 5th level, produce flame) Wall of fire 1/day
Yagnoloth Arm: (Requires – warrior breed) You gain a single claw attack that inflicts 1d6, and use your full strength bonus on secondary and off-hand attacks.

Major Abilities
Gehreleth’s grace (Su): (requires – gehreleth slime) You gain continual Freedom of movement.
Hypnotic gaze (Su): (require – 10th level, hypnotic pattern) As hypnotic gaze, with no HD limit.
Mass Suggestion (Sp): (requires – 8th level, suggestion) Mass Suggestion 1/day.
Paralytic Tongue (Ex): (Requires – tongue lash, extendable tongue) Your tongue attack paralyzes an opponent for one round if the fail a fortitude save against 10 + ½ your level + constitution bonus.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Customizable Planetouched (In Development)

This is a very cool system. I look forward to seeing the rest of it.


Pants of the North!

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Customizable Planetouched (In Development)

Thinking forward to some gaps in abilities, there's going to be obviously something along the line of halfling, gnome and goblin heritage under General Planetouched abilities, and probably a couple other mortal creatures.

For subrace and race special abilities I'm going for some things that fit in thematically, though many abilities are based off of something that a Yugoloth, Obyrith or whatever can do...

Minor abilities are those types of abilities that are between LA +0 and +1
Intermediate are the types between LA +1 and +2
And Major abilities are the types that are worth LA +2

I'm thinking that there should be "Mark of X" abilities, where X is a plane in question.

Some of my consideration into abilties were shaped by things like Fey'ri and Tanarruk (or Celadrin in a recent issue of Dragon), though I haven't studied those ones closely.

And note that I only thought about outer planar planetouched, genasi are a long way down the line...

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
Customizable Planetouched (In Development)

This looks like a great idea! I agree that there should be mortal packages for other races. Especially non-humanoid races. They need some more love.

Elethíus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Customizable Planetouched (In Development)

Interesting stuff. The idea of customisable planetouched is miles and miles ahead of some of the standard templates out there, in my most humble oppinion. You might want to look at some of the minor abilities, though. Some of the minor abilites of the tiefling are extremely powerful at an ECL of +1 (such as telepathy, but something like immortality as a minor ability seems pretty out of place as well).

Good luck with the rest!

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Customizable Planetouched (In Development)

'Elethíus' wrote:
Some of the minor abilites of the tiefling are extremely powerful at an ECL of +1 (such as telepathy, but something like immortality as a minor ability seems pretty out of place as well).

I don't think either telepathy or immortality is a particularly big deal.


Pants of the North!

Elethíus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Customizable Planetouched (In Development)

Nah, they're not that big a deal, but I believe that they are usually considered as attributes a bit too powerful when considering the ECL-restrictions. Abilities like immortality and telepathy are usually found high up in class-progression-stats. Besides, an ability as immortality would imply a much greater amount of planar energies involved then a mere minor bloodline would countain. While I'm not all that for the crunchyness of things, it just seems a bit inconsistent with how 3e seems to work.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Customizable Planetouched (In Development)

Without grabbing my +5 Fine Toothed Comb of Examination this all looks great. I hated giving Tiefs a ECL and this solves that problem entirely - but lets Players invest extra if they want.

My only question would be, how nicely does it dovetail with being actually half-fiend/half-celestial, etc?

Also a big Yay! on templates over races.

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
I don't think either telepathy or immortality is a particularly big deal.

Yes and no, IMO... Ageing is rarely a factor in games, in my experience. But I'd consider limiting 'minor ability' Telepathy to creature that shares your bloodline or Alignment (sure I've seen that in some official-looking PS thingie... maye Dragon magazine's old 2e Skills & Powers rules - that might be anothe rgood place for ideas?)

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Customizable Planetouched (In Development)

Immortality is an ability that Elan and Warforged get, and they're both LA +0 races. It's something that in my mind isn't that big of a deal (which is also the reason why I threw on the disease immunity/resistance thing).

Telepathy is pretty wide spread among fiends, even lowly Manes and Lemure have that ability. The MM describes it has non-verbal communication, and states that communicating with several is as difficult as conversing with others. In fact I reduced the range down to 30 feet from 100.

Now some of the abilities that are are possibly a little powerful for their strength category, I've usually tried applying requirements to them. Immortality could be change to have "outsider type" added as a requirement.

The skills & powers article did serve as my inspiration for starting this out, but I can't find where that article is right now...

As for half-fiends/half-celestials, I noted that they're LA were both +4, so theoretically you took a bloodline strength up to that level, your character would be a half-x.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Customizable Planetouched (In Development)

This is fantastic. I would use it in my campaign, or for my character. Keep it up, though I can tell you've got enough enthusiasm that you don't need me telling you that.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Customizable Planetouched (In Development)

Some more special abilities I can think of:

General Planetouched Abilities
Minor Abilities (LA +0 to +1 type abilities)
Halfling bloodline [mortal]: You gain a +2 racial bonus to climb, jump and move silently checks, a +1 racial bonus to all saves and the halfling subtype. Most planetouched with halfling bloodlines usually have the small-size ability as well.
Gnome bloodline [mortal]: You gain low-light vision, +2 racial bonus to saves against illusions, +1 to the save DC of illusion spells cast by you, +2 racial bonus to listen and craft (alchemy) checks, and the gnome subtype. Most planetouched with gnome bloodlines usually have the small-size ability as well.
Goblin bloodline [mortal]: You gain darkvision 60 feet, a +4 racial bonus to move silently checks, and the goblin subtype.
Reptilian blood [mortal]: You gain darkvision 60 feet, +1 natural armor and the reptilian subtype.

Intermediate Abilities (LA +1 to +2 type abilities)
Giant bloodline [mortal]: You gain +2 strength, and have the power build trait, where you are considered to be large-sized in regards to checks such as grapples, bull-rush, ect. and are able to wield large-size weaponry, despite the fact you are still medium-size.
Yuan-Ti bloodline [mortal]: (requires - reptilian blood) You gain 3 bonus power points, alertness as a bonus feat, and the ability to assume the alternate form of tiny to large viper at will.

Tiefling Abilities
Minor Abilities (LA +0 to +1 type abilities)
Control Flame (Sp): 1/day you can control any fire within 10 feet, diminishing or increasing their brightness. This lasts lasts 1 minute per character level.
Smite Good (Su): 1/day you can deal extra damage equal to your character level against good creatures.

Major Abilities (LA +2 to +3 type abilities)
Champion of Darkness (Sp): (requires - darkening, desecrate, unholy blight, blasphemy) You get the following abilities at each given level:
13: Unholy aura 3/day and Unhallow 1/day
15: Horrid Wilting
17: Summon Monster IX (fiends only)
19: Destruction
{This is the shoe-in for the standard half-fiend template, there should probably be some changes and shuffling around of abilities}

Abyssal Tiefling Abilities
Intermediate Abilities (LA +1 to +2 type abilities)
Enervation (sp): (requires - 5th level) Enervation 1/day
Succubi's Embrace: (requires - Succubi Heritage, captivation) Gain Disguise Self at will (Sp), Tongues as a permanently active (Su) ability, and 1/day the ability to drain energy, inflicting 1 negative level with a kiss (or a grapple against the unwilling) the victim may make a fortitude save to remove the the negative level 24 hours later, and must make will save to notice they've been energy drained. The save DC in both cases is 10 + 1/2 character level + charisma modifier.

Infernal Tiefling Abilities
Minor Abilities (LA +0 to +1 type abilities)
Amnizu's Clarity (Ex): You're immune to anything that will reduce your intelligence.

Intermediate Abilities (LA +1 to +2 type abilities)
Abishai Stinger: (requires - prehensile tail) You gain a tail attack which inflicts 1d3 damage plus 1d4 damage of an energy (acid, cold, electricity or fire) type which must be chosen at character creation. You can use this as a secondary attack with your normal attacks.
Amnizu's Touch (Ex): (requires - Amnizu's Clarity) You can inflict 1d6 damage with a touch attack, and opponents must save against 10+1/2 your character level + your charisma modifier or take 1 point of intelligence damage.

Gloom Tiefling Abilities
Minor Abilities (LA +0 to +1 type abilities)
Night Hag's blessing: You gain a +2 racial bonus to saves against charm and fear effects, and immunity to sleep effects.
Scion of the Diseased: (requires - outsider type, immortality) You're immune to even supernatural diseases. And 1/day should something try to infect you with a supernatural disease you may heal yourself as if you cast cure light wounds as an immediate action.
Shroud Intentions (Su): Your alignment is detected as whatever you want it to be.

Intermediate Abilities (LA +1 to +2 type abilities)
Bestow Curse (sp): (requires - 5th level) Bestow curse 1/day
Cloudkill (sp): (requires - 7th level) Cloudkill 1/day
Corruption of Fate (sp): (requires - 5th level, bestow curse) Anyone who strikes you must make a will save against 10 + 1/2 your character level + your charisma modifier or suffer -2 to attacks, saves and skill checks for 1 round. This ability only effects a creature once in a 24 hour period whether they succeed or fail their save.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Customizable Planetouched (In Development)

Looking into how I'm set up the stronger bloodline strength tieflings and half-fiends, there's going to be some tweaking with the greater abilities and ability score increases.

So far it looks like it works alright for minor bloodline strength (LA +1) tieflings.

Schloss Ritter's picture
Joined: 2007-01-31
Customizable Planetouched (In Development)

A good alternative to the standard ECL+1 versions in the PSCS. Smiling


Nothing to see here. Move along.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Customizable Planetouched (In Development)

Here's something that occurred to me, an intermediate bloodline strength tiefling with the system I set up can have three of the following...

-Flight (30 average)
-Bite or other forms of secondary attacks, after 2 claw attacks
-Spell Resistance
-Powerful Build (use large weapons)

Three of any of these together probably makes them stronger than LA +2 at 1st level.

So, should I bump some of those abilities up to LA +3?
Lower the number of intermediate abilities from 3 to 2 or 1?
Or make one of those abilities work, only after gaining a certain level (like I've done with many spell-like abilities)?

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Customizable Planetouched (In Development)

My latest thought about the intermediate bloodline strength, is that they get 2 intermediate abilities. Some intermediate abilities should then tweaked around. Such as 1/day uses becoming 3/day, and a number of 1/day spell-like abilities being grouped together....

Anyways as it stands roughly:
Least bloodline (LA +0): 2 minor
Lesser bloodline (LA +1): 5 minor
Intermediate bloodline (LA +2): 5 minor, 2 intermediate
Major bloodline (LA +3): 5 minor, 2 intermediate, 1 major

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Customizable Planetouched (In Development)

Very cool, and useful, and.. and.. Sticking out tongue need I continue?

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