Cursed items of the planes:

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Lorft's picture
Joined: 2004-11-09
Cursed items of the planes:

Hello there all,
Long time lurker and (nearly) first time poster here. Anyhow.....

As GMs Players (and actors) can attest that when the role-playing gets tough , its always best to have a few props around to spice things up. While its all very well to use a ‘Sword +5’ or a ‘Scroll of feather fall’ , its always fun to throw in the odd cursed item. Being in the planes , there’s a wide array of different potential creators and magics available , and I would be really interested to see (and steal for my own campaign) some of your cursed item creations.

To start it off following is a quartet of vaguely elemental themed cursed items. Rather than the ‘stickiness’ common in many cursed items (requiring remove curse to take the item off) each of my following contributions provides both a positive and a (usually hidden) negative. Even after the player knows the item is ‘cursed’ there is a choice for the character - do the pros outweigh the cons.

Stone Shard of Pointless Pointing
Looking like a shard of slate , one end of this 3 inch bolt-like stone sliver is sharpened to a fine point. When detect magic is used it emanates strong divination. Indeed , if a body concentrates on the shard hard enough he can speak one word and the pointed end of the shard will slowly turn to the direction of the ‘nearest match’ of the word described (GM discretion). Every minute it will update it's pointing as per its last command.

Now although barmies and Leatherheads might have some trouble thinking up the right word to use to get the correct result , I am sure the more learned can see the uses of this shard (especially if they know any True Names or say a word like ‘Liar‘). However there are three limits which will not immediately be apparent and could lead a trusting sod into the deepest of trouble..

First - The same command word can NEVER be repeated for a given shard. If the user tries then the next noun the user says will be taken as the command word instead.
Second - A second command cannot be given to a shard within a 3 hour period of giving a first. If the user tries the result is the needle targets something that is a mix between the two commands.
Third - 24 hours after the previous command the shard will automatically accept the next noun the last user says as its new command word.

Ring of Fiery Tongue
This flamboyant red copper ring inlaid with small rubies is made to me worn on the small finger. When immediately donned it provides no bonus, however after a nights sleep it will provide the following powers for one day:
Absorb ten points of any flame damage.
Cast a fireball (as a 10th level caster) once.

However the ring contains a subtle curse. For each night a user sleeps wearing the ring there is a chance that they will react uncontrollably in a 'Fiery Manner' (see below) to any disagreement, however minor. The chance of this curse exerting itself is 1% per night slept with the ring. Thus after 10 days sleep the chance is 10% for any disagreement and 50% after 50 days sleep. This curse is in effect even when the ring is removed, although each week spent without donning the ring at all will reduce the chance by 1%.

Curse of the Fiery Tongue
When exerting itself the curse takes complete control of the victims vocal system forcing them to verbally react in the most antagonistic and verbally violent way possible to the subject of their disagreement. This reaction will continue for D20 minutes, no matter what situation arises. The curse does not effect any other part of the victim, either their thoughts or their physical actions. Thus they are free to do any action not involving their mouth or tongue. No matter what action they take (even if they kill the subject or cut out their own tongue) the curse will retain control of the victim’s mouth until the duration is complete.

Note to Evil DM's:
Especially fun to trigger the curse when negotiating with powerful bloods , mid-spellcast or when the wearer is underwater / in a gas filled room.

Feather of Faltering Flight
This six inch long pure white feather at first glance looks merely a plume for a helm or maybe part of the latest fashion craze. When firmly attached to a piece of clothing it confers permanent Feather fall and the ability to fly for five minutes once per day (as 15th level mage) . The feather fall even remains active for D6 minutes if the bearer loses the feather.

The downside to this is that the feather fall effect is active at any point more than half the user’s limbs leave contact with the ground (unless they are using the feathers inbuilt flight). This is obviously a problem when attempting to run / jump / fly etc. When a user attempts any of these actions while having the feather donned (or within D6 mins of dropping it) they must roll a D6.
On a roll of 1-3 , in addition to the effects below the user must make a reflex roll verses DC 20 or be treated as flat footed for the next round.

1 The action is completely unsuccessful - the user hovers mid air at their original position.
2 The action half - works. For example if they wanted to run 60 foot they would run 30 foot instead. Or if they wanted to jump over a 10 foot crevice they would go 5 foot before hovering down into it.....
3-6 The action works as planned.

Potion of Aquatic Tears
Rumoured to be fashioned from the tear ducts of gigantic intelligent sea-mammals , this rare potion glows with a dim and slowly pulsing blue light. When consumed it enables the user to ‘breath’ water for an indefinite period until when the user breaths another substance.

As a body can imagine , the experience of this potion is rather disconcerting since the user must take their first breath after consuming the potion from the water. This is by far the least disconcerting thing about the potion though , for it seems during it's creation the drink was imbued with some of the saddest feelings of it’s donors.

While under the effects of the potion , for every day after the initial one the user must make a willpower check verses DC 10. For each full 24 hours under the potion’s effects the DC is increased by one. Eg DC 15 after five days DC 20 after ten.

If a user fails the check then they are overwhelmed by a powerful feeling of sadness , rendering them unable to do anything but mope around professing about their past losses and regrets for D6 hours. Additionally any natural roll of a one in any situation thereafter results in the user regressing back into lament for D6 rounds. Once a user has entered this saddened state they cannot return to normal until they spend a full 24 hours outside of water.

Have fun,

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Cursed items of the planes:

*giggling uncontrollable* I Love that feather. I'm gonna have to get me one of those. And then give it to my PCs!! *GIGGLE*

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Cursed items of the planes:

This is a very fun way to punish those Kick-in-the-door players. You know, the ones that try to not only kill everything they see, but threaten the NPCs in the party when the DM trys to stop them.

The Ring that does not Exist

When examined, this ring appers to do nothing more then allow the wearer to cast blur 2 times per day.
However, as soon as the ring is put on, a curse takes hold.
The most obvious symptom of the curse is that the ring cannot be removed without amputating the finger, or a wish spell. Remove curse does not force off the ring.
The rest of the curse is far more insidious.
for every hour the ring is worn, there is +1 to the chance of the curse taking hold. There is an added plus 5 for every time the blur effect is used.

Every hour, the Dm rolls the percential die to see if the curse takes hold.
A person who had worn the ring for a full day and used its blur once would have a 29% chance of the curse taking hold.

The curse:
The ring makes the wearer invisibile, completly out of phase, and unable to speak. Making him unable to communicate or interact with people, or the world, in any way.
Also, anyone near the wearer at this time is affected by a compel spell that tells them that the wearer died in a freak accident the day before.
The effects of this curse are in effect as long as
A) the ring is worn
or B) untill the wearer dies

If remove curse is cast on the wearer, the only effects are the effects of the ring as disbanded, and the rings chance to cause the curse again go back to zero.
However, finding a means to cast remove curse are difficult, concerning the nature of the curse.

shiido's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
I'm workin...

I'm working on a mainly cursed but partially beneficial artifact of some sorts called "Henjin's Ring of Gender Bending and Other Minor Things" it is really weird and fun to use on someone. It was created by the powers of Henjin, character of mine, and Garl Glitttergold, the gnomish god.


"I am the professional. Failure is not an option and there is no question you will not answer... whether you're willing or not."

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Cursed items of the planes:

Isn't that your secret weapon against dolores

ceratus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Cursed items of the planes:

The fiery greatsword of lightning
This magnificent greatsword radiates an awsome aura of enchantment. When the command word is spoken the blade of the sword is enveloped by flames. The sword's hilt uses a giant ruby as a counterbalance to the blade. The wielder of the blade may, three times a day, cause the sword to belch lightning. As with all cursed items, the curse of this blade is not readily apparent. Should the wielder ever enter a melee with this sword, and should the sword ever come into contact with *any* kind of weapon, the blade of the sword shall promptly turn to rubber, rendering it useless. The fiery aura dissapates, and the blade remains in its rubbery state for 12 hours. While the sword is in its rubbery state, the wielder cannot make attacks with it (well...they can...but essentially it's an unarmed attack dealing 0d0 damage). The sword still retains some of its enchantments, so the rubber cannot be severed by mundane means, and has (instert your own hardness, ac and hp here...I dislike such things). Another problem is that the sword works subtly on the mind of the wielder and those around him, making him forget why he chose to stop wielding the sword, and later compelling him to use it in battle once more.

This sword was constructed by a nameless dwarven smith, and then enchanted by a prominent Xaositect wizard whose name was Taschentucher (for the month or so he spent enchanting it at least, supposedy he changed it a week later to Nasenfreundlich). The wizard, who recieved this commision by a Doomguard with too much jink and too little sense, was commisioned to create a weapon of great distructive power. And so, the wizard wove numerous enchantments making the sword stronger, swifter, more accurate, more damaging. Until, on the day he was due to deliver the finished sword to it's owner, he had a flash of inspiration. He first wanted it to turn into water when is was used in battle, but realized that it would then be good for only one use. Instead, as a component for the transmutation he used a bit of rubber. He then added one more twist, to make sure that he could get as much chaos from this item as possible. He made the sword hard to resist, and made its wielders forget about the swords flaws after a while. Satisfied with his work, he turned the sword over to the Doomguard.
The Sinker was found the next day, lying in a gutter not three blocks from the mage's kip, his throat slit and the sword missing. Around that time there were rumours about an urchin wielding a giant flaming sword coming to power as a crime boss in the area. Not two days after that, the urching was reportedly killed in a skirmish with another gang. The whereabouts of the sword are unknown.

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