Curse Ideas

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Joined: 2004-05-11
Curse Ideas

I just looked at the curses thread posted by Sarrin in the Spells thread.

I shifted through the pages and pulled out all of the more "serious" spells. So here they are and listed with (most of the time) the user on the WOC boards who posted it. Then you don't have to shift through the commentary etc if you don't want too.
is the thread link.

dilusionary metamorphasis

every 1d3 days you think you or everybody else around you are polymorphed into something else. This lasts for 1d10 minutes.

roll a 1d10
1-4=you think you change, in this case you act like what you changed into.
5-7=you think one other changes
8-10=you think all others change

roll 1d10
1=frog 2=butterfly
3=beholder 4=young dragon(color=dm's choice)
5=dire ape 6=giant spider
7=arrowhawk 8=horse
9=ghost 10=pegasus

list could be changed to dm's speciality

From wizards boards by Lord Dracon

the curse of wasteing: lose one 10th of your body mass per day unless you drink a mixture of the blood of a virgin and the water of a natural spring every day. Loss of bodymass includes muscle, so you lose 1/10 of your str (rounded up) 1/10 of your con (rounded up) and 1/10 of your dex (rounded up) per day.


Make the character speak only in rhymes

Khan MT

Curse of the Dabus: your are affected as if by a permanent, personal silence spell. Any time you try to say something, the message appears over your head in the form of a rhebus. This effect does not hinder spellcasting; the arcane symbols that make up a vocal spell's rhebus are sufficient. However, when trying to communicate with others, they must make an intelligence check against a DC of 15 to understand what you are trying to say. If they fail, they can retry on the next round, though the rhebus itself will only remain for one round unless the "speaker" concentrates on it. This curse does not allow you to communicate with somebody who doesn't understand the language you are using, regardless of their Intelligence check. Be sure to force the player to actually draw out the rhebus rather than speaking


the curse of unwilled telepathy. (borrowed from 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' a book by douglass adams.)

the target of this curse becomes telepathic. good thing right? wrong. he reads all the thoughts of anyone within 1000 feet of him, but he also broadcasts all his own to all within that range.

the only way to cause this curse to stop effecting him is to talk. whenever the target is talking, this curse is not in effect, meaning that the only way to keep the curse from taking effect is to talk incesseantly forever. whenever you stop it starts, so once you run out of things to say, you have to either repeat yourself, or suffer the curse. further more, nonsence does NOT work. everything you say must have some meanong, even if it is ludicris or crazy, but you must be using WORDS as opposed to just making sound with your voice.


Curse of Pestilence:
The victim automatically catches any parasit that would normally have any chance of infesting his body or mind. Any roll for a parasit's chance to catch up with the victim is an automatical success.

Curse of banning:
Whenever the victim bets drunk, he triggers the effect of a "Smite Evil" {if he's evil} or "Blight Good" {if he's good} centered on him and efecting everyone within range. If the Victim is neutral, the effect is that of an "Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting" centered on him and efecting everyone within range. If the character doesn't become drunk for an entire month, the curse becomes to work whenever he consumes alcohol. If he doesn't consume alcohol for an entire month, the spell begins to work whenever

Curse of the Wall:
The victim automaticall falls to any attempt at converting him into another faith. If the new faith is in conflict wth his allignmnet, then his allignment takes the minimum changes nessecery to suffice for the new religeon.


Curse of the Wishing Imp.

A minor (but very powerful) demonic figurine that somehow attaches itself to a character, it must be *willingly* accepted by another creature after one has explained it's powers, which are as follows:

Wishes. An Unlimited amount of wishes, in fact, everytime the "owner" utters a wish the Imp fulfills it. Only this imp is VERY evil, twisted, vile, you get the picture.

The Imp will try not to kill the character using it, but instead cause as much devastation and sorrow to him as possible, the fantastic thing is that someone *willingly and knowingly* has to take possession of it... Which isn't that hard... Greed always overrules caution it seems.

Plague of Conscience: The afflicted creature is plagued by intense, crippling guilt when it witnesses any sort of suffering, even if it had nothing to do with causing the suffering. Witnessing any suffering (including physical, emotional, or mental harm, as well as hardship such as poverty, unsanitary conditions, and other unquantifiable suffering) requires the afflicted to make a Will save (DC 15) or act as though dazed for 1 full round, overcome with tears. Evil creatures, due to their relative unfamiliarity with the emotion, are particularly susceptible to this curse. The DC for evil creatures to avoid being dazed is 17. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Hands of the Killer: Any act of physical violence, no matter the motivation, causes the afflicted creatures hands (or appropriate appendage) to become saturated with blood. It coats the creatures hands, constantly dripping onto the ground and leaving stains on anything the creature touches. It quickly soaks any covering (such as gloves) and continues to drip unabated. Not only does this make any sort of human interaction a risky proposition (-10 to all charisma checks except Intimidation, which receives a +10 bonus) it also makes the afflicted creature very easy to track and locate. The creature always leaves an obvious trail (+10 bonus to attempts to track the creature), and the ground beneath the creature quickly forms a puddle of blood if it stands still for any length of time (5 rounds or more). All creatures receive a +2 bonus to Spot checks to notice the creature if it is invisible. Blood ceases to drip from the afflicted creatures hands one week after the last act of violence, but stains and trails remain.

Infernal Protector: This curse binds a minor fiendish entity (appearing similar to an imp or quasit) to the victim. This entity appears occasionally to "help" the victim. The entity only appears in public settings, and the help it renders is minor and always takes the form of an attack. It might appear to bite someone who has just said something unflattering about the victim in the victim's presence. Or it might attempt to trip someone who is going to hit the victim in a barroom brawl. The entity can never deal more than one point of damage, and it disappears instantly after acting. It will only appear once per encounter. This curse is most often used to ruin the victim's reputation and to raise the question of whether the victim consorts with fiends.

- he who lurks

Everyone the character meets from this point on (until the curse is lifted) not only will remember the character vividly, but has a rough knowlege of where he/she is. While not specific, it will be "in that direction, about 500 miles" or, if the person remembering is already familiar with the location, "in the city of Selvras, somewhere near the temple of Wooga." This curse effectively reduces a character's Hide and Move Silently skills to 5 ranks for those that know them, and those that know the character will be able to pierce magic that otherwise hides or veils the character

The character gains a +4 to charisma! Unfortunately, the character now "sparkles", making it impossible to hide in shadows, conceal themselves, and rendering all forms of invisiblity moot.


Curse of Ryuoga
Heh, another overlooked one, especially since Ranma 1/2 was mentioned at one point. Subject is cursed with a HORRIBLE sense of direction. Any time he sets out on a journey, where he ends up is completely random (Roll or DM chooses, whichever you feel like). When moving through a dungeon, the path he takes is chosen at random no matter how sure he is that he's going the right way. Closets, the door he just came in and things like that are all possible exits he may end up taking. Maps do not help this condition in the slightest as he will always misinterperate them.

Lord T Hawkeye

The Jinx Curse (a pretty well-known one; sorry if it showed up earlier): bad luck happens to everyone around you. People eventually pick up on this, and start avoiding you/driving you away...

The Curse of Vermin: Any dwelling-place in which you spend the night becomes utterly infested with termites, lice, roaches, etc... starting with your bedding.


Heart of Rage
Whenever the affected character sees or hears any overt display of personal afection, that character must immediately drop anything carried, cease any action, and rush over and attempt to slaughter those involved in the display of affection.
Additionaly, the character will attempt to kill any loved one or companions on sight, regardless of what is going on around him or her.

Stench of Death
Character is surrounded by a foul misama with a range of 10' that reeks of rotting flesh, eggs, fish and vegetable matter. Big Charisma penalty(flavor to taste).
In addition, the character attracts a random creature that feeds on carrion as its primary diet once every 3 hours.
This stench is magical in nature, and is not affected by natural or magical wind, plugged olfactory cavity's or prefumes.
This can only be removed by a Wish or Miracle.

Aspect of Imbecility
Character appears as a slack witted, drooling, filthy, idiot to all who see him, and will treat him or her as such. Any player who attempts to communicate while percieved as such is totally incomprehensible, spewing nonsensicle gibberish.
Those that know the character may make make a Wisdom check (-5) to negate this effect.

Once a day the character is required to consume 1oz per 10lbs of body weight of Bone Marrow from a living creature, or lose 1 CON, and 10% of total HP. This effect is permanent and cumulative.

Irresistable Urge
Whenever the character comes within reach of any attractive creature (defined as such by DM) of any race or gender, that character will attempt to cop a feel. (Insert appropriate DC here)

Whenever a player sees a corpse of the opposite gender (same if homosexual) and sexually compatible species, he or she will be overcome with desire for that corpse, and must make every effort to carnally know that corpse. (Insert appropriate DC here)


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