Cthulhu in D&D

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Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Cthulhu in D&D

A D20 version of Call of Cthulhu was released a while back, with D&D 3E compatible stats for Cthulhu, Nyarlathotep, Yog-Sothoth, etc... I know that a long time ago a version of Deities and Demigods was released that had such stats, and I was wondering if the creatures and deities of the Cthulhu Mythos are therefore considered "Canon" in Planescape or not. (I would think the Far Realm is tailor-made for such beings...) Do you use these critters in your game? What planes should Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth, etc. be assigned to, besides the obvious Far Realm?

Dhampire's picture
Joined: 2007-07-02
Cthulhu in D&D

Dungeon Magazine #134 had an adventure with the King in Yellow and had Hastur in the Far Realm.

Personally, I would like to see what would happen if that play managed to get performed in the Cage...

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Cthulhu in D&D

Lords of Madness equates Cthulhu mythos old ones to the Elder Evils of the Aboleth 'pantheon'.

BTW I'm a big Lovecraft fan from way back.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Cthulhu in D&D

BTW I'm a big Lovecraft fan from way back.

Me too. Smiling

Anyways, I have created post "Ibn Squaff Necronomicon of Sigil" where all Lovecraft lovers can rave and rand about Mythos till heart content.

Afeter comercials back to topic:

Far realm is most sutiable for Mythos entitets (it actualy reminds me of cross between Limbo and Pandemonium), but from Lovecraft (and other authors) seems that they are scattered across Multiverse.
For example many Great Old Ones are on Prime, others are in Dreamlands (or plane of dreaming if you prefer crossover), Azathoth´s court is said to be in center of universe (center of prime maybe), Yog-Sothoth was traped on prime in Namless City but now is in its home in space between spaces (Astral, ethereal and Temporal Energy Plane - home of Houds of Tindalos).
Also maybe some of Abysall Lords are just masks of Nyralathothep, and Hastur besides Carcossa maybe has small kip on Pandemonium (since he is affiliated with madness).
Also, my idea is that Mythos locations (since they nature is non-euclidian) exist on multiple planes/primes at same time (maybe under different names). So R´lyeh could very well exist on several prime worlds, Great Ocean of Abyss and even in depths of Elysium or Mount Celestia great seas, that would make celestals on edge and have another great evil that they guard from rising.

Also gods of Mythos gods are strongly conected with natural elements (that was Lovecraft original idea), so: Cthulhu - Water plane, Shub-Nigurath and Nyralathotep - Earth plane, Tuzulcha, the green flame - Fire plane, Ubo-sathla and Abhoth (they are both ooze like) plane of Ooze or earth, etc...


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Akenaton's picture
Joined: 2007-04-24
Cthulhu in D&D

Actually, i did play in a cross-over campaign with Cthulhu and D&D (but we were trapped on a prime world and my charachter was still looking for a way out when the campaign ended due to technical failure, the Hardwaregeddon or the loss of an hard drive). The interesting thing is that adding Mythos creates a new player outside (beyond?) the good/evil-lawful/chaotic axis: in fact the first clue we saw of their coming was a primitive image on a cave of those foul creatures slaying devils and angels. The downsides can be: not every player likes his character slowly falling into the maws of madness (and this is typical of every lovecraftian hero or d100 investigator); not every player is a U.P. Lovecraft reader. So DMs beware, after you add them it can be diffiicult to get rid of them.

F'tagn to everybody!

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