Crunchiness-and-fluff test #2.

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Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Crunchiness-and-fluff test #2.

Art of the Gods [Godsmen]

Your artwork appears to be guided by divine inspiration.

Benefit: Working the forges and creating works of art has a way of changing the way one looks at the multiverse. The emerging deity within is expressing itself through the Godsman’s artworks. As the act of creation is hailed as the gift of the divine, the faction views all works of art as proof of deital qualities within. By creating these works, the Godsmen believe one comes closer to the Source. When you choose this feat, select one Craft or Perform skill to add a +2 bonus to. Once per week, the character may also reroll any one roll for the chosen skill, even if a reroll would not normally be allowed. The results of this second roll are applied, even if the result is worse than the original roll.

Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time it applies to a different skill.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Crunchiness-and-fluff test #2.

This looks fine, but I don't think 'deital' is a word. Divine or spiritual would be better.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Crunchiness-and-fluff test #2.

I could have sworn that it was... That's why I need to get my hands on an OED...hehe

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
use it wisely

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
I could have sworn that it was... That's why I need to get my hands on an OED...hehe

'Divine' is the perfect word for your purposes.

In a pinch, is a useful tool.

Xaos_Bob's picture
Joined: 2005-01-31
Crunchiness-and-fluff test #2.

"Deific" would work, too.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Crunchiness-and-fluff test #2.

Deital is a word, just so you know.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Crunchiness-and-fluff test #2.

"Deital" is not a word, according to and Merriam-Webster. If I were subscribed to the OED, I would have checked there, too.

Do the Godsmen get feats that help other skills, too? It seems like "self-improvement" could be applied to just about anything.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Crunchiness-and-fluff test #2.

"Rhys" wrote:
Do the Godsmen get feats that help other skills, too? It seems like "self-improvement" could be applied to just about anything.
Indeed. In fact, I've always placed powergamers somewhere between Godsmen and Guvners... both would actually have in-game excuses for the stunts that min-maxers pull.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Crunchiness-and-fluff test #2.

"Rhys" wrote:
"Deital" is not a word, according to and Merriam-Webster. If I were subscribed to the OED, I would have checked there, too.

Actually, yes it is a word. I have found it and at least one book that was given to me for project I'm working on. Therefore, if it appears in that book and was published as such I will except that it was a real word.

"Rhys" wrote:
Do the Godsmen get feats that help other skills, too? It seems like "self-improvement" could be applied to just about anything.

All of my factions have 12 feats, they were chosen based off of aspects of the factions that I felt best represented them. While the it or not all the possible feats that could be used for faction, I felt that they were the best representation for the initial submission of my factions and the feats. What sorts of feats are you looking for in terms of self-improvement for the faction?

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Crunchiness-and-fluff test #2.

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Therefore, if it appears in that book and was published as such I will except that it was a real word.
Don't you mean "accept"?

J/K, just yanking your chain. Eye-wink

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Crunchiness-and-fluff test #2.

"Eco-Mono" wrote:
"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Therefore, if it appears in that book and was published as such I will except that it was a real word.
Don't you mean "accept"?

J/K, just yanking your chain. Eye-wink

Sorry about that, I just installed some voice recognition software. Unfortunately, it still getting used to what I say; therefore, I didn't catch the mistake until after it took place.

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Crunchiness-and-fluff test #2.

"Eco-Mono" wrote:
Indeed. In fact, I've always placed powergamers somewhere between Godsmen and Guvners... both would actually have in-game excuses for the stunts that min-maxers pull.

Don't forget Signers, they can just imagine themselves as more powerful than they should be.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Crunchiness-and-fluff test #2.

If that were the case, every powergamer out there would want to be a signer. Remember, based on their beliefs, they would be constrained to some form of reality check.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Crunchiness-and-fluff test #2.

Is there a signer imagination feat? Or should a signers imagination abilities be treated as a form of wish spell with a spell failure?

... If you imagine an item into existance, does it dissaper as soon as you stop concentrating on it?

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Crunchiness-and-fluff test #2.

"Fidrikon" wrote:
Is there a signer imagination feat? Or should a signers imagination abilities be treated as a form of wish spell with a spell failure?

... If you imagine an item into existance, does it dissaper as soon as you stop concentrating on it?

I'm guessing that it'd work on a (confirmed) critical success when attempting Will Save for Disbelief. That is until you get REALLY good at it.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Crunchiness-and-fluff test #2.

"Fidrikon" wrote:
Is there a signer imagination feat? Or should a signers imagination abilities be treated as a form of wish spell with a spell failure?

... If you imagine an item into existance, does it dissaper as soon as you stop concentrating on it?

I haven't gotten that far yet. So I can't give you an answer. I am working on the factions in alphabetical order as they appeared in Factol's Manifesto. Currently, I'm working on the Takers. I have the majority of the material completed for that faction; however, I have yet to work on the prestige classes or add flavor text to the feats that I created.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Crunchiness-and-fluff test #2.

an intresting place to look for faction related classes and feats ( and not to mention, factol stats... in case your intrested) is

It may not be what you guys are looking for, but its a start.

Heck, its what Ive been using recently for most faction-related game mechanics

But you probably already know about it.... and I should really stop talking right about....


* Fidrikon continued to mime his post for a few more paragraphs. However his total lack of skill at miming leaves readers with no indication of what he is saying, other than that he is pulling on a rope. Or some fiend's tail...*

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Crunchiness-and-fluff test #2.

I am assuming this is what you're referring to in terms of self-improvement feats. If not, then, what you're looking for is probably included in the prestige classes that I created. As for another feat, here's one:

Awaken the Spark [Godsmen]

You can help mortals ascend.

Prerequisite: Speak with Divinity, Knowledge (Religion) 7 ranks

Benefit: The various harbinger houses of the Godsmen operate has given them an extensive and impressive collection of knowledge on the nature of divinity. The experiences of each ascending mortal are different, but a correlation between types of deital needs have been found. These include rituals and quests necessary for the ascending mortal to undertake in order to complete the transition. To that end, you gain a +2 to Knowledge (History) and Knowledge (Religion) checks

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Crunchiness-and-fluff test #2.

For the other shameless pedants out there: "deital" does not appear in the OED.

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