Well I'm back on working up stats and descriptions of the areas and creatures that call The Lady's Dark Seas their home (described in the thread of the same name in the Chant section). I need help though because I do not have the rules for telepathy in D&D nor do I really have any expiriance with useing them. Thus I have no idea to build balanced creatures using those rules, and many of the creatures in the Dark Seas will be using telepathy.
Also I am interested in help with general creature design, and help with game balance. Also other contributions such as site descriptions and ideas, even illustrations are always very welcome.
If you are interested either reply here or send me a private message.
Telepathy: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/naturalSpecialAbilities.htm#telepathy
That site should be your friend. If not, make it so.
I'm pretty good with rules and mechanics. Post some ideas and I (and others) would be glad to help work them into shape.
You mentioned The Chant section... um this is The Chant.
Edit: I'm an idiot. I didn't even realize what section I was in. Ignore that last line.