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WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28

Corporate Planescape and the Authority

"Want to know the solution to all of your problems? Find the person getting all the cash and kill him."
-Fraternity of Order factotum Marshall Greenwood, briefly considering becoming an anarch.

Every second, a planar curses the capitalist system. Like a power generator which groans constantly under strain and puffs out gouts of black smoke, the Corporates are the necessary implement of society which people would happily see replaced.
Of course, a minority believe that capitalism is actually an ideal system, and most cutters give these berks a wide berth. Still many grumble but few argue that there are better solutions than the market system. Capitalism is seen as the shiniest piece of dung in a huge pile of it.
Still, for such a hated system, a lot of people are a part of it. You can try to rebel, but most bloods eventually want a widescreen TV with premium channels and then you have to be part of the system. Corporates offer stable employment for a planar with a wide variety of skills. You can be good leader to a lazy bum to a gunslinger with a record a mile long and the right corporation will put you in your place. Congratulations, cutter, you've become another cog in the machine. Coffee?
No planar likes to admit it, but most corporations originated in the Prime Material Plane, trying to expand out to the ultimate market. The exception is Valor Inc., which is Acheronian born and raised. Y'see, the clueless, while apparently they didn't know to much about the planes did have something in their favor, the fact that they had their own world and had little competition. They monopolized the economy, and, looking to expand, went to the Planes. Planar businesses were bought up by Prime mega-corporations and thus the Corporates thought they had divvied of the planes amongst themselves. What they didn't know is that Planars were cynical bastards with mean streaks like tidal waves who didn't like Primers besting them. In turn, they took to the boardrooms and took the corporations for themselves. Alls fair in business and war.
All the planars were poised to strike back at the Primes and divvy up the realm for themselves, but then suddenly a mysterious shadowy organization called The Authority told them it was no longer permissible to expand to other Prime Material Realms except for those that they had originated on. Apparently, the Lady of Pain had decided she would elect five anonymous individuals from each of the five Planes of Law to manage economic affairs. The message was clear: don't mess with the Prime or get mazed. When the first CEO who broke this rule was mazed along with all the Board, the Corps took a hint.
That doesn't stop the Corps from resenting the Authority's guts. In fact, since the Authority's edict, the Corps has been trying to bypass them by operating on the Prime through puppet companies and shadowy deals. On the Prime Worlds infected with this kind of meddling, the Corporations are a silent, sinister, otherworldly and conspiratorial presence.
The Authority is fighting a cold war of espionage and sabotage with the Corporations in the Prime Material Plane. The Authority is willing to go as far as to provide certain Primes (i.e. heroes) with evidence to condemn the Corporations. Usually, it just sends industrial saboteurs to make life difficult for the Corporations. In any event, the Corporate War makes good material for pulp novels.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02

Sorry, but you lost me the minute the Lady of Pain got involved.

The whole "corporate domination" theme also seems to be a little bit too far on the Lawful side of the scale.

Xanxost can't eat stock options, after all, except if elves are in stock.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28

The whole "corporate domination" theme also seems to be a little bit too far on the Lawful side of the scale.

Exactly. That's why The Authority is made up of only lawful berks.

I should make it clear that this really does only apply the Lawful Planes.

Sorry, but you lost me the minute the Lady of Pain got involved.

OK, I'll work her in a less arbitrary way.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02

My advise is don't use the Lady, period. Her only obvious interest should be Sigil-anything beyond that is just "mission creep."

One of the other things about this piece that I dislike is that it takes a very Anarchist view of capitalism-that it only creates big, nasty corperations that keep you down and enslaved to consumerism. The idea that all but one major corperation was founded on the Prime also doesn't make sense-while some Prime Worlds might have become home to large monopolies ready to push out onto the Planes, the vast majority of them certainly won't. Remember that corparations begin to appear on Earth in the 18th century, but it's not until the 20th century that truely "global" enterprises emerge. That's plenty of time for the Outer Planes to incorperate such entities into their landscape....which brings up another important point: since reality on the Great Ring is defined by belief, you can rest assured that free-market capitalism won't be the only economic system that exists. Finally, the whole "Authority vs Prime Material" seems to put focus on the Primes, something I want to avoid beyond the Astral War (which has had too much thought put into it for it to be completely scrapped).

That said, this piece is still very well written. Mabye "The Authority" is an urban legend that the Anarchists made up, but thanks to the power of their paranoid beliefs, is actually beginning to become a reality.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28

One of the other things about this piece that I dislike is that it takes a very Anarchist view of capitalism-that it only creates big, nasty corperations that keep you down and enslaved to consumerism.

I must admit that I did let some of my political beliefs spill into this while I was writing it. After all, I was getting screwed at work so I wasn't feeling very cuddly with "The Man". The problem is truly "good" corporations come off almost as a joke, like some PR job no one believes. Corporations, no matter which way you put it, are motivated by profit, and while this isn't necessarily evil it isn't very condusive to good... with exceptions like Goodwill, but such an organization doesn't have much power. Corporations are NOT Mom & Pop businesses, they got to the top by being competitive, not by being nice.

However, a corporation could be birthed out of Belief of what a corporation SHOULD be like, one that really does build orphanages and donate to cancer research and pays their workers well. That would be interesting...

while some Prime Worlds might have become home to large monopolies ready to push out onto the Planes, the vast majority of them certainly won't

That is, assuming it's pretty easy to make a corporation in the Planes. I'm assuming it's not. Think about it: in the Planes, competition has got to be pretty fierce. There's no shortages opportunities for business, but there's also no shortage of bloods who want to make some cash. Your dealing with a cynical and canny body of customers, cuthroat competition, an unpredictable market, and powerful god-like beings: this is an environment for a bunch of small, specialized businesses, not a few big corporations. A prime world, on the other hand, has less canny consumers, predictable environment, and fewer (or no) god-like beings, an environment more conductive to monopolies. And once you have that monopoly, it's pretty damn hard to break.

So yes, the planes would have eventually built up their own mega-corporations, but remember, while the Planes reflect belief, reality always hits first. The Primes simply beat the Planes to the punch.

That being said, you're right about Valor not being the only Planar Corporation. There's certainly more than one, but the biggest ones I'd expect to be prime in origin

you can rest assured that free-market capitalism won't be the only economic system that exists.

I would think so, but sometimes the choice isn't available.

Finally, the whole "Authority vs Prime Material" seems to put focus on the Primes

I have to take opposition to that. The Primes shape the Planes, and a smart Planar knows how important the Primes are. That being said, the Authority is actually trying to protect the Primes. The Authority is much more like "meddling Big Government" than "Evil Dominating Corporation".

Mabye "The Authority" is an urban legend that the Anarchists made up, but thanks to the power of their paranoid beliefs, is actually beginning to become a reality.

I like this idea, I think I'll work this in. There, I'm not entirely a nay-sayer.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28

Actually, scratch this entire article out. I've got a much better idea.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02

Sorry to hear about work. Can't wait to read your new idea.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

Ah - don't forget we have an old proto-corporation to work with as well. The Planar Trade Consortium (The East India Trade Company of the planes) should appear in virtually any discussion of large businesses. Even in the canon PS, they were getting pretty powerful... and with Estavan's lack of aging - he may still be *around*.

*rereads thread* Though - scratched and redone idea... Smiling I'm looking forward to take two.

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