Cordelia Chase, Vestige

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Joined: 2006-05-10
Cordelia Chase, Vestige

Well, not entirely sure what's up with the submission system, but I wrote this up, mostly for kicks, and it's been sitting there for a while with no editor assigned. So you guys on the forums can get it instead. I've tweaked a few of the bits compared to the one sitting in My Submissions.


Cordelia Chase, Vestige
The lingering echo of a mortal turned goddess turned mortal.

Vestige Level: 4th
Binding DC: 20

Cordelia is a newly discovered, fairly "safe" vestige that grants binders visions of times present and future, skills to transmit this information, and an empowered distaste for the undead.

Special Requirement: A minor one. Cordelia's seal must be drawn on a surface at least as reflective as smooth ice; a proper mirror is preferred.

Legend: Much of Cordelia's story is foggy, it having concerned events on a few Primes lacking significant contact with the Great Ring. Perhaps mages on her world know more about her. This much can be learned from discussion with Cordelia's vestige: she was born a mortal woman, and became involved with an infestation of undead, mages, and meddling Powers. She gained the gift of visions, and used them to aid the champions of her world, but as the gift became stronger she had to transcend the mortal coil. She gave up her ties to earthly struggle, and became a kind of celestial, existing outside of time and space. As far as she knows, the binder has contacted her in this state.

Research from other sources has revealed that Cordelia later returned to mortal existence, lived and died and moved on to her final reward. The vestige which binders access is the eternal echo that remains unchanging forever in that place where vestiges exist beyond time and space. Among other things, this means that Cordelia has no significant plans that anyone can determine and each time her vestige is summoned it has no memory of prior summonings. This accounts for the unusually low Binding DC; negotiation tricks can be learned and repeated.

Manifestation: The reflective surface darkens and wisps of light float gently through space within the seal. A young human woman, whom most would find of great beauty, floats into view as if a viewpoint is turning toward her. She discusses the binding process as if her attention is partially on something else; she is never familiar with the details and the binder must describe the process each time. If agreement is reached, she floats out of the surface as an immaterial entity and joins with her summoner.

Sign: A binder who has made a pact with Cordelia appears to be in the early stages of pregnancy for their species: slightly swollen abdomen, a visible egg sac for species that use such things, etc. For compatible female-like genders, this may merely lead to uncomfortable questions if noticed; for males, it can be positively tricky. Both genders suffer mild morning sickness if Cordelia is bound at dawn. (The binder is, of course, not actually pregnant. What pregnancy has to do with Cordelia's history, the sages are not certain, but whatever happened, it must have left a powerfully echoing mark on her soul.)

Influence: When influenced by Cordelia, the binder is eager to acquire and appreciate material things, especially jewelry, fancy dresses, exotic perfumes, and the like. If the binder has the money and is offered such goods for sale, she must make a Will save to avoid purchasing the baubles.

Granted Abilities: Cordelia grants visions of times present and future, and the ability to communicate what she sees.

Vision of The Present: You can scry upon locations known to you, even if only by coordinates with respect to your current location. The effects are similar to the wizard spell clairvoyance, except that there is no range limit as long as the target is on this plane. The vision appears (visible only to the binder) on any reflective surface the binder has marked with Cordelia's seal, within the circle. The marking must be erased and renewed to renew the vision after the duration expires -- effectively, about a 5 round delay.

Vision of the Future: Unbidden(that is, at the GM's whim), visions may come upon you regarding your future actions. These function as a divination spell with respect to some crucial moment in your current intended plan of action, revealing a cryptic vision rather than a riddling phrase. They are always accurate and relevant to events you would consider important, but rarely arrive more than once per day, and never until the most recent vision has come true or been averted.

Star Quality: Cordelia is a professional actress and is experienced at communicating her visions. Being bound to her grants you 5 ranks each in Perform (act), Craft (drawing), and Bluff, with all the usual synergies. These are in addition to any ranks in these skills you may personally possess.

Being of Light: Cordelia apparently has history with the undead, and her vestige's present state allows it to take more direct action against them. Your strikes with natural and melee weapons channel positive energy into such creatures, resulting in visible flash of pure white light that deals an additional +1d6 damage to undead.

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