Converstions I found across internet

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Joined: 2007-03-07
Converstions I found across internet

Here I post conversions I found across internet in my web surfing across the planes of the WWW

from wizards forums by Seraph of Babel This is a compilation of all planescape monsters, book by book, along with conversions of monsters not yet updated to 3rd edition. This thread is meant only for monsters in any of the planescape and planar-related books, not for new monsters. Consider this an invitation to post any of the planescape creatures which you have converted. Thanks.

The index below uses the following abbreviations for the sources: Monster Manual v3.5 (MM1), Monster Manual 2 (MM2), Monster Manual 3 (MM3), Fiend Folio (FF), Manual of the Planes (MOTP), Deities and Demigods (DDG), Monsters of Faerûn (MOF), Planar Handbook (PLH), Epic Level Handbook (ELH), Expanded Psionics Handbook (XPH), etc.

Expanded Monster Rules
Mob Subtype: See below (p.9).
Negative Subtype: See below (p.5).
Positive Subtype: See below (p.5).
Power Components: See below (p.Cool.
On Time & Its Planar Mechanics: See below (p.14).

Planescape Campaign Setting
Aleax: See BOED.
Astral Searcher: See EN World Creature Catalogue.
Barghest: See MM1.
Cranium Rat: See FF, "Swarm".
Dabus: See below (p.1).
Magman: See MM1, "Magmin".
Minion of Set: See DDG.
Modron: See MOTP Web Enhancement (v3.0) and v3.5 update below (p.2) or Weenie's v3.5 conversion.
Nic'Epona: See PLH, "Ur'Epona".
Spirit of the Air: See FF.
Vortex: See below (p.1).
Yugoloth, Lesser - Marraenoloth: See MM2.

Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix 1
Aasimon - Agathinon: See below (p.2).
Aasimon - Deva: See MM1, "Angel" (astral) and FF, "Deva" (monadic & movanic).
Aasimon - Light: See below (p.2).
Aasimon - Planetar: See MM1, "Angel".
Aasimon - Solar: See MM1, "Angel".
Animal Lord: See ELH, "Cat Lord" under NPC section or EN World Creature Catalogue for template and v3.5 update below (p.2).
Baatezu, Greater - Amnizu: See MM2, "Devil".
Baatezu, Greater - Cornugon: See MM1, "Devil, Horned".
Baatezu, Greater - Gelugon: See MM1, "Devil, Ice".
Baatezu, Greater - Pit Fiend: See MM1, "Devil".
Baatezu, Least - Lemure: See MM1, "Devil" or MOTP, "Petitioner".
Baatezu, Least - Nupperibo: See d20 Tome of Horrors: Sample Monsters (v3.0) and v3.5 update below (p.1) or below (p.1) for Dice Freaks' conversion.
Baatezu, Least - Spinagon: See MOTP, "Devil".
Baatezu, Lesser - Abishai: See MOF.
Baatezu, Lesser - Barbazu: See MM1, "Devil, Bearded".
Baatezu, Lesser - Erinyes: See MM1, "Devil".
Baatezu, Lesser - Hamatula: See MM1, "Devil, Barbed".
Baatezu, Lesser - Osyluth: See MM1, "Devil, Bone".
Baku: See below (p.2).
Bariaur: See MOTP (normal) and BOED (exalted).
Bebilith: See MM1, "Demon".
Bodak: See MM1.
Einheriar: See DDG, "Einherjar".
Foo Creature - Dog & Lion: See EN World Creature Catalogue and v3.5 update below (p.1).
Gehreleth - Farastu, Kelubar & Shator: See FF, "Demodand".
Githyanki: See MM1.
Githzerai: See MM1.
Grue, Elemental: See Complete Arcane or Dragon #285 and v3.5 update below (p.1).
Hordling: See below (p.2).
Imp - Imp: See MM1, "Devil".
Imp - Quasit: See MM1, "Demon".
Incarnate: See below (p.1).
Larva: See MOTP, "Petitioner".
Maelephant: See FF.
Marut: See MM1.
Mediator - Translator: See below (p.2).
Mephit - Air, Earth, Fire & Water: See MM1.
Mephit - Ooze, Ice, Steam, Dust, Salt & Magma: See MM1.
Mephit - Smoke, Lightning, Mineral, Radiant, Ash & Mist: See below (p.2).
Night Hag: See MM1.
Nightmare: See MM1 and PLH (lesser).
Per: See below (p.1) or EN World Creature Catalogue (v3.0 template).
Shadow Fiend: See BOVD, "Demon, Shadow".
Slaad - Red, Blue, Green, Gray & Death: See MM1.
Tanar'ri, Greater - Babau: See MM1, "Demon".
Tanar'ri, Greater - Chasme: See BOVD.
Tanar'ri, Greater - Nabassu (Fledgling & Mature): See Dungeon #112 (v3.5) or EN World Creature Catalogue (v3.0).
Tanar'ri, Guardian - Molydeus: See EN World Creature Catalogue.
Tanar'ri, Least - Dretch: See MM1, "Demon".
Tanar'ri, Least - Manes: See BOVD, "Demon" or MOTP, "Petitioner".
Tanar'ri, Least - Rutterkin: See BOVD.
Tanar'ri, Lesser - Alu-Fiend: See EN World Creature Catalogue and v3.5 update below (p.1) or Weenie's conversion.
Tanar'ri, Lesser - Bar-lgura: See BOVD.
Tanar'ri, Lesser - Cambion: See EN World Creature Catalogue and v3.5 update below (p.1) or Weenie's conversion.
Tanar'ri, Lesser - Succubus: See MM1, "Demon".
Tanar'ri, True - Balor: See MM1, "Demon".
Tanar'ri, True - Glabrezu: See MM1, "Demon".
Tanar'ri, True - Hezrou: See MM1, "Demon".
Tanar'ri, True - Marilith: See MM1, "Demon".
Tanar'ri, True - Nalfeshnee: See MM1, "Demon".
Tanar'ri, True - Vrock: See MM1, "Demon".
Tanar'ri, True - Wastrilith: See FF, "Demon".
Tiefling: See MM1, "Planetouched" and custom tiefling powers below (p.1).
Yeth Hound: See MM1.
Yugoloth, Greater - Arcanaloth: See MM2.
Yugoloth, Greater - Nycaloth: See MM3 (v3.5) or MOTP (v3.0).
Yugoloth, Greater - Ultroloth: See MM3 (v3.5) or MOTP (v3.0).
Yugoloth, Lesser - Dergholoth: See Dackad's Yuogoloths or download the same as a doc file here.
Yugoloth, Lesser - Hydroloth: See Dackad's Yuogoloths or download the same as a doc file here.
Yugoloth, Lesser - Mezzoloth: See MM3 (v3.5) or MOTP (v3.0).
Yugoloth, Lesser - Piscoloth: See FF.
Yugoloth, Lesser - Yagnoloth: See Dackad's Yuogoloths or download the same as a doc file here.

Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix 2
Aasimar: See MM1, "Planetouched" and custom aasimar powers below (p.1).
Abrian: See FF.
Arcane: See MOTP or ELH, "Mercane".
Astral Dreadnought: See MOTP.
Balaena: See below (p.2) or PLH, "Elsewhale".
Bloodthorn: See FF.
Bonespear: See FF.
Darkweaver: See FF.
Demarax: See below (p.2).
Dhour: See FF, “Ethereal Ooze”. Give the ooze Intelligence 14 and add 7 levels of psion with psychoportation, telepathy and psychometabolism as possible disciplines.
Eater of Knowledge: See below (p.2).
Eladrin, Lesser - Bralani: See MM1.
Eladrin, Lesser - Coure: See BOED.
Eladrin, Greater - Firre: See BOED.
Eladrin, Greater - Ghaele: See MM1.
Eladrin, Lesser - Noviere: See EN World Creature Catalogue.
Eladrin, Lesser - Shiere: See EN World Creature Catalogue.
Eladrin, Greater - Tulani: See BOED.
Fhorge: See FF.
Ghostlight: See below (p.2).
Guardinal - Avoral: See MM1.
Guardinal - Cervidal: See MM2, "Celestial".
Guardinal - Equinal: See BOED.
Guardinal - Leonal: See MM1.
Guardinal - Lupinal: See MM2, "Celestial".
Guardinal - Ursinal: See BOED.
Hollyphant: See BOED.
Incantifier (Sect): See prestige class below (p.3).
Ironmaw: See FF.
Keeper: See FF.
Khaasta: See FF.
Leomarh: See below (p.3).
Merkhant (Sect): See Kalamar Player's Guide (v3.0), "Alliance Merchant" (PrC).
Monster of Legend: See MM2.
Mortai: See EN World Creature Catalogue.
Noctral: See below (p.3) or EN World Creature Catalogue (v3.5).
Observer: See below (p.1).
Prolonger: See prestige class below (p.3).
Quill: See below (p.3).
Rager (Sect): See Complete Warrior, "Frenzied Berzerker" (PrC).
Razorvine: See PLH, "Razorvine" sidebar (p.146).
Reave: See below (p.3).
Retriever: See MM1, "Demon".
Rilmani - Abiorach: See EN World Creature Catalogue.
Rilmani - Argenach: See EN World Creature Catalogue.
Rilmani - Aurumach: See FF.
Rilmani - Cuprilach: See FF.
Rilmani - Ferrumach: See FF.
Rilmani - Plumach: See EN World Creature Catalogue.
Shadowdrake: See Draconomicon, "Planar Dragon, Styx".
Simpathetic: See below (p.3).
Spellhaunt: See below (p.3).
Spider, Hook: See template below (p.3).
Sunfly: See BOED, "Swarm, Divine Wrath".
Sword Spirit: See MM2, "Ragewind".
T'uen-Rin: See below (p.3).
Tanar'ri, Greater - Alkilith: See FF, "Demon".
Tanar'ri, Lesser - Bulezau: See EN World Creature Catalogue.
Tanar'ri, Lesser - Maurezhi: See FF, "Demon".
Tanar'ri, Lesser - Yochlol: See MOF, "Demon".
Terlen: See FF.
Tso: See below (p.3).
Vaporighu: See MM2.
Vorr: See FF.
Wastrel: See below (p.3).
Wraithworm: See below (p.2).
Yugoloth - Canoloth: See MM3 (v3.5) or MOTP (v3.0).

Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix 3
Animental: See MOTP, "Element Creature" template or below (p.13).
Archomental, Evil: See Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil (Imix, problematic stats) or Dice Freak's archomental template below (p.9).
Archomental, Good: See below (Zamman Rul, p.5) or Dice Freak's archomental template below (p.9).
Belker: See MM1.
Bzastra: See below (p.5).
Chososion: See below (p.5).
Darklight: See below (p.5).
Devete: See below (p.5).
Devourer: See MM1.
Dharum Suhn: See below (p.9).
Egarus: See below (p.5).
Entrope: See below (p.5).
Facet: See below (p.5).
Fire Bat: See MM2.
Frost Salamander: See MM2.
Fundamental: See PLH, "Elementite Swarm".
Garmorm: See below (p.7).
Homucunlous, Elemental: See below (p.6).
Immoth: See MM2.
Khargra: See EN World Creature Catalogue (v3.0) and v3.5 update below (p.5).
Klyndes: See below (p.6).
Magran: See below (p.5).
Menglis: See PLH, "Unraveler".
Nathri: See PS3E Chapt. 2 (.rtf file) or below (p.5).
Ooze Sprite: See below (p.5).
Opposition (Sect): See below ("Opposer", p.6).
Paraelemental - Ice, Magma, Ooze & Smoke: See MOTP.
Phirblas: See below (p.6).
Primal (Sect): See below (p.7).
Psurlon: See MM2.
Quasielemental, Negative - Ash, Dust, Salt & Vacuum: See below (p.5).
Quasielemental, Positive - Lightning, Mineral, Radiance & Steam: See below (p.6).
Rast: See MM1.
Ravid: See MM1.
Ruvkova: See below (p.7).
Salamander Noble: See MM1.
Scile: See below (p.7).
Shad: See PS3E Chapt. 2 (.rtf file) or below (p.5).
Shocker - Contented One: See Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil (v3.0) and v3.5 update below (p.2).
Shocker - Sojourner: See below (p.2).
Sislan: See below (p.7).
Suisseen: See below (p.7).
Terithran: See below (p.Cool.
Thoqqua: See MM1.
Trilloch: See MM3.
Tsnng: See below (p.5).
Ungulosin: See below (p.7).
Vacuous: See below (p.6).
Wavefire: See below (p.Cool.
Xag-Ya/Xeg-Yi: See MOTP.
Xill: See MM1.
Appendix Creatures: See "Non-Threatening Creatures" below (p.13).

Planes of Chaos
Abyssal Lord - Graz'zt & Pazrael: See BOVD (Graz'zt) and BOVD Web Enhancement (Pazrael) or Dragon #329 (Pazuzu/Pazrael).
Asrai: See EN World Creature Catalogue.
Bacchae: See FF or below (p.15, "Bacchae Mob").
Chaos Beast: See MM1.
Chaos Imp: See below (p.4).
Fensir: See FF.
Howler: See MM1.
Lillend: See MM1.
Murska: See EN World Creature Catalogue and v3.5 update below (p.4).
Oread: See FF (common) and below (p.4, Snowhair).
Ratatosk: See below (p.4) for 3 different versions.
Tanar'ri, Lesser - Armanite: See MOTP.
Tanar'ri, Greater - Goristro: See MOTP.
Varrangoin: See FF.
Viper Tree: See below (p.4) for 2 different versions.

Planes of Conflict
Aeserpent: See below (p.4).
Asuras: See BOED.
Buraq: See below (p.4).
Delphon: See below (p.5).
Diakk - Varath & Carcene: See EN World Creature Catalogue.
Ethyk: See below (p.4).
Gautiere: See below (p.2).
Linqua: See below (p.5).
Ni'iath: See below (p.4).
Phiuhl: See FF.
Quesar: See BOED.
Slasrath: See FF.
Vaath: See BOVD.
Warden Beast: See below (p.7).
Yugoloth, Greater - Baernaloth: See EN World Creature Catalogue.

Planes of Law
Achaierai: See MM1.
Archon: See MM1 (lantern, hound, trumpet) and BOED (warden, sword, throne & tome).
Baatezu, Lesser - Kocrachon: See BOVD, "Devil".
Bezekira (Hellcat): See MM1, "Devil".
Bladeling: See MM1.
Busen: See below (p.2).
Formian: See MM1.
Gear Spirit: See below (p.2).
Kyton: See MM1, "Devil".
Moigno: See below (p.2).
Parai: See MM3, "Visilight" or WizO_Dabus' conversion.
Rust Dragon: See Draconomicon, "Planar Dragon, Rust".
Zoveri: See EN World Creature Catalogue.

A Guide to the Ethereal Plane
Aerial Servant: See EN World Creature Catalogue (v3.0) and v3.5 update below (p.7).
Apparition: See EN World Creature Catalogue (v3.0) and v3.5 update below (p.7).
Cerebral Parasite: See XPH (p.68).
Chronolily (pp.21-22): See below (p.14).
Dharculus: See PLH. MC Annual #4 listed it as a Far Realm creature.
Ebon Tiger: See below for 2 versions (p.7).
Ether Golem (p.80): See below (p.9).
Ether Horse: See below (p.9).
Gingwatzim: See Dragon #295 (v3.0).
Ghost: See MM1.
Gk'lok-lok: See below ("Gk'lok", p.7).
Meme: See below (p.6).
Memedi (Gendruwo): See below ("Gendruwo", p.7).
Neth's Child (Nethling): See below ("Nethling", p.6).
Phase Spider: See MM1.
Plasm: See below (p.7).
Rabbiun: See "Non-Threatening Creatures" below (p.13).
Shedu: See FF.
Thought Eater: See XPH.
Tween: See below (p.6).
Others: Other creatures are duplicated from PSMC2 and PSMC3.

A Guide to the Astral Plane
Astral Dragon: See below (p.10).
Astral Dreadnaught: See MOTP.
Astral Whale: See below (p.Cool.
Berbalang: See below (p.Cool.
Brain Collector: See ELH, "Neh-Thalggu (Brain Collector)".
Kodragon: See below (p.9).
Spectral Hound: See below (p.9) or Polyhedron #159 (p.37, bound with Dungeon #100).
Others: Other creatures are duplicated from PSCS, ITC, GEP, etc.

In the Cage: A Guide to Sigil
Aoskian Hound (p.6): See below (p.4).
Arcadian Pony (p.75): See below (p.4).
Astral Streaker (p.70): See below (p.4).
Batfly (p.94): See below (p.4).
Executioner's Raven (p.6): See below (p.4).
Eyewing (p.94): See d20 Bestiary of Krynn or below (p.Cool.
Maladomini Tiger (p.94): See below (p.4).
Mercykiller Wyrm (p.45): See below (p.4).
Sand Cow (p.112): See below (p.5).
Serpent Griffon (p.43): See below (p.4).
Skinrat (pp.102-3): See below (p.Cool.
Spittle Boar (p.112): See below (p.5).

Hope you enjoy it. Maybe in the future i can post my own monsters.

Alder_Fiter_Galaz's picture
Joined: 2007-03-07
Converstions I found across internet

I continue my not so never ending quest of finding new data and editing.

from the same source as before Hellbound: The Blood War Darklore (pp.95-6): See below (p.4). Guardian Yugoloth (p.49): See below (p.11). Maeldur Et Kavurik (p.90): See below (p.11). Yugoloth Ghost (p.48): See MM1, "Ghost". The baernaloths can create ghosts out of outsiders, which normally cannot acquire the ghost template.

Doors to the Unknown
Cortelestial (p.49): See below (p.1).
Mercurial (pp.63-4): See below (p.1).

In the Abyss
Ship of Chaos (pp.21-2): See below (p.15).

The Great Modron March
Modronoid (p.109): See "Half-Modron" below (p.10).

Dead Gods
Biological Construct (p.162): See below (p.9).
Cursed Balor Spirit (p.162): See MM2, "Demon, Palrethee".
Tri-Flower Frond (p.162): See below (p.9).
Crystal Ooze (p.164): See Tome of Horrors (pp.48-9).
Ormyrr (p.165): See MM2.
Ingress (p.166): See below (p.9).
Visage: See Libris Mortis or below (p.1) or EN World Creature Catalogue.

Planewalker's Handbook
Genasi - Air, Earth, Water & Fire: See MOF or FRCS.
Rogue Modron: See below (p.2).

Well of Worlds
Giant Bloodworm (p.20): See below (p.Cool or EN World Creature Catalogue (v3.0).
White Hart (pp.107, 109-110): See PLH, "Gaspar".

Faction War
Rope Golem (p.106): See MM3, "Golem, Hangman".
Gem Golem (p.106): See "Soul-Gem Golem" below (p.Cool.

Tales from the Infinite Staircase
Atomie Sprite (p.65): See EN World Creature Catalogue (v3.0).
Dark Dweller (pp.49-50): See below (p.10).
Giant Crayfish (p.37): See Dragon #321 (p.60) or Tome of Horrors, "Crayfish, Monstrous" (v3.0).
Giant Weasel (p.68): See MM1, "Dire Weasel".
Hgaun (p.75): See below (p.10).
Iron Cobra (p.126): See FF.
Kamerel (p.110): See below (p.10).
Leucrotta (p.110): See MOF.
Lurker (pp.35-6): See Underdark or EN World Creature Catalogue (v3.0).
Maturing Baatorian (p.127): See "Decempampinus" below (p.10).
Nameless Limbo Thing (p.64): See "Limbo Dissolver" below (p.10).
Peryton (p.82): See MOF.
Phantom (p.77): See Tome of Horrors (v3.0).
Shard (p.15): See below (p.11).
Silver Golem (p.15): See below (p.11).
Slaiyith (p.48): See below (p.10).
Taker of Life (p.49): See below (p.10).
Valgoss (p.48): See below (p.10).

Uncaged: Faces of Sigil
Bone Golem (p.89): See below (p.11) or "Golem, Key" below (p.16).

Planescape: Torment (CRPG)
Coaxmetal: See below (p.Cool.
Construct, Evil Wizard: See MM1, "Animated Object, Large". Add Int 18 and Wizard 16.
Construct, Lo/Med./Hi-Threat: See MM2, "Automaton" or MM1, "Animated Object" (S/M/L).
Grillig: See below (p.Cool.
Gronk: See below (p.Cool.
Lim-Lim: See below (p.Cool.
Shadow, Lesser, Greater & True: See MM1 (lesser & greater) and below (true, p.10).
Sohmien: See below (p.Cool.
Thokola: See below (p.Cool.
Trelon: See below (p.Cool.
Tricha: See below (p.Cool.
Trigit: See below (p.Cool.
Trocopotaca: See below (p.Cool.
Tuscampa: See below (p.Cool.
Vargouille: See MM1.

Note: There are no new creatures from the following planescape books: The Deva Spark, Fires of Dis, The Eternal Boundary, Harbinger House, Something Wild, The Inner Planes, Faces of Evil and On Hallowed Ground. An index of all the planescape books can be found at

Creatures from non planescape sources

Planescape, in a sense, can be a meta-setting, being a setting that ties other settings together. Thus, any planar creature can be used in a planescape game. Two planescape books, The Inner Planes and Planescape Monstrous Compendium 3, provide indices of creatures which are detailed in other settings. Some creatures are duplicated in multiple books. Such creatures are presented only once in this list. Do a search (Ctrl-F) on this page if it's not listed under a specific book.

Monstrous Compendium Annual #1
Elemental, Earth Weird: See MM2.
Elemental, Sandman: See EN World Creature Catalogue (v3.0) and v3.5 update below (p.11).
Elemental, Wind Walker: See below (p.14).
Elemental Kin, Crysmal: See XPH.
Elemental Kin, Azer: See MM1.
Elemental Vermin - Air (Duster) & Earth (Crawler): See below (p.13).
Elemental Vermin - Fire (Flameling) & Water (Spitter): See below (p.13).
Genie, Tasked - Administrator & Messenger: See below (p.12).
Genie, Tasked - Deceiver & Oathbinder: See below (p.13).
Genie, Tasked - Harim Servant & Miner: See below (p.13).
Laraken: See Shining South.
Magebane: See Creature Catalogue (v3.0) and v3.5 update below (p.16).
Marrashi: See MM2, "Marrash".
Nautilus, Giant: See below (p.13).
Nishruu: See MOF.
Opinicus: See below (p.13).
Shadeling: See below (p.14).
Spell Weaver: See MM2.
Windghost: See MM2. Add extraplanar subtype (elemental plane of air).
Wraith, Shimmering: See below (p.13) or EN World Creature Catalogue (v3.5, "Shimmering Wrath").

Monstrous Compendium Annual #2
Elemental, Nature: See MM3, "Omnimental".
Hakeashar: See Monsters of Faerûn, "Nishruu" (v3.0) or Lost Empires of Faerûn, "Nishruu" (v3.5).

Monstrous Compendium Annual #3
Dream Spawn, Greater - Ennui: See below (p.14).
Dream Spawn, Lesser - Morph: See below (p.14).
Dreamweaver: See below (p.14).
Elemental, Fire-Kin - Tome Guardian: See below (p.14).
Head, Arcane: See below (p.15).
Hound of Ill-Omen: See below (p.15).
Mastiff, Shadow: See MM1.
Spirit, Ice - Orglash: See Unapproachable East.
Spirit, Rock - Thomil: See Unapproachable East.

Monstrous Compendium Annual #4
Bloodsipper: See below (p.15).
Dragon, Neutral - Moonstone Dragon: See Draconomicon, "Ethereal Dragon".
Gibberling, Brood: See below (p.15).
Hound of Law: See below (p.15).
Shade: See FRCS.
Shadow, Slow: See Dungeon #112.
Spyder-Fiend, Kakkuu & Spithriku: See below (p.15).
Spyder-Fiend, Phisarazu & Lycosidilith: See below (p.15).
Spyder-Fiend, Raklupis: See below (p.15).
Tanar'ri, Lesser - Uridezu: See MOTP, "Demon".
Troll Mutate: See ELH, "Pseudonatural Troll".
Vaati (Wind Duke): See OA Mahasarpa Web Enhancement (pp.9-10).
Wyste: See MM2. Add extraplanar subtype (Far Realm).
Yugoloth, Lesser - Gacholoth: See EN World Creature Catalogue (v3.5).

Monstrous Manual
Elemental, Air Kin - Slyph & Aerial Servant: See MM2 (Slyph) and below (Aerial Servant, p.12).
Elemental, Earth Kin - Pech & Sandling: See below (p.12).
Elemental, Fire Kin - Salamander & Fire Snake: See MM1 (Salamander) & FF (Fire Snake).
Elemental, Water Kin - Nereid & Water Weird: See MM2, "Elemental Weird" (Water Weird) and below (Nereid, p.12).
Elemental, Composite - Tempest & Skriaxit: See MM2, "Tempest" or below (p.12).
Gloomwing & Tenebrous Worm: See below (p.12).
Hell Hound: See MM1.
Invisible Stalker: See MM1.
Ki-Rin: See OA (v3.0). Reduce CR to 16. (See p.3 under "T'uen-Rin".)
Nightmare: See MM1.
Rakshasa: See MM1.
Xorn: See MM1.

Outer Planes Appendix MC8
Air Sentinel: See EN World Creature Catalogue (v3.0).
Lammasu, Celestial: See MM1, "Lammasu, Golden Protector".
Dragon, Adamantite: See Dragon #321, pp.44-45.
Marut: See MM1, "Inevitable".
Mediator: See below (p.11).
Moon Dog: See BOED.
Phoenix: See MM2.
Titan: See MM1.

The Vortex of Madness
Hecatoncheires (p.27): See ELH.
Gigantes (p.26): See "Gigante" below (p.11).
Cyclopkin (p.28): See DDG, pp.132-3.
Cyclopes (p.29): See DDG, pp.132-3 or Shining South, pp.64-5.
Leonis's Automata - Flyer, Juggernaut & Organ Gun (p.46): See "Leonis Automaton" below (p.10).
Vita (p.49): See "Leonis Automaton" below (p.10).
Nereid (p.90): See Tome of Horrors (v3.0) or EN World Creature Catalogue (v3.0).

Guide to Hell
Lords of the Nine (pp.39-51): See BOVD.
Mazzikim (pp.63-4): See BOVD (pp.23-6) or FF ("Fiend of Possession", pp.204-7).

Chronovoid: See below (p.14).
Temporal Dog: See below (p.14).
Temporal Glider: See below (p.14).
Temporal Stalker: See below (p.14).
Tether Beast: See below (p.14).
Time Dimensional - Common, Noble & Royal: See below (p.14).
Vortex Spider: See below (p.14).

Mystara MC Appendix
Diabolus: See Dragon #327.
Elemental of Chaos - Eolian, Erdeen, Pyrophor & Undine: See below (p.11).
Elemental of Law - Anemo, Kryst, Helion & Hydrax: See below (p.11).
Horde: See below (p.14).
Nightshade - Nightcrawler, Nightwalker, Nightwing: See MM1.
Spectral Death: See below (p.14).
Spider-kin, Planar Spider: See below (p.14).

Savage Coast MC Appendix
Arashaeem: See below (p.16).
Narvaezan Fiend: See below (p.16).
Symbiont, Shadow: See below (p.16).

Dark Sun MC12 Appendix 1: Terrors of the Desert
Drake, Athasian - Air, Earth, Fire & Water: See Terrors of Athas.

Dark Sun MC Appendix 2: Terrors Beyond Tyr
Lesser Drake - Magma, Rain, Silt & Sun: See Terrors of Athas.
Elemental Beast - Air, Earth, Fire & Water: See Terrors of Athas.
Giant, Shadow (Athasian): See Terrors of Athas.
Krag: See Terrors of the Dead Lands.
Kragling: See Terrors of the Dead Lands.
Paraelemental Beast - Magma, Rain, Silt & Sun: See Terrors of Athas.
Obsidian Retriever: See Terrors of Athas.

Forgotten Realms Appendix 2 MC11
Dimensional Warper: See below (p.10).
Firetail, Lesser & Greater (Tshala): See below (p.11).
Mara: See below (p.11).

The Drow of the Underdark
Myrlochar: See MOF.

Elves of Evermeet
Kholiathra: See below (p.16).
Reverend Ones: See below (p.16) or Green Giant's template version.
White Stag: See below (p.16).

Shadow Hound: See below (p.16).

Powers & Pantheons
Divine Minion: See Hate of the Cobra Web Article.
Elder Eternal Evil - Dendar the Night Serpent: See Champions of Ruin.
Elder Eternal Evil - Kezef the Chaos Hound: See Champions of Ruin.
Elder Eternal Evil - Ityak-Ortheel the Elf-Eater: See Champions of Ruin.
Shade: See FRCS.

For Duty & Deity
Grell (p.22): See MM2.
Abyss Ants (p.43): See FF, "Swarm, Abyssal Ant Swarm".
Ring-Worm (p.47): See below (p.10).

Foulwing: See Creature Catalogue (v3.0) and v3.5 update below (p.16).

Eltab: See Champions of Ruin.

Villians' Lorebook
Balhiir: See below (p.17).
Kalmari: See below (p.16).
Shadowmasters (Malaugrym): See MOF.

Denizen: See below (p.18).

Pools of Darkness (CRPG)
Bit o'Moander: See Monsters from D&D Video Games (p.1).
Bane Minion, Black: See Monsters from D&D Video Games (p.2).
Bane Minion, Blue & Red: See Monsters from D&D Video Games (p.3).
Pet of Kalistes: See Monsters from D&D Video Games (p.1).

Al-Qadim Appendix MC13
Gen: See Dragon #315 (v3.5).
Genie, Noble - Dao, Djinni, Efreeti & Marid: See below (p.13).
Genie, Tasked - Architect & Artist: See below (p.12).
Genie, Tasked - Guardian, Slayer & Warmonger: See below (p.12).
Genie, Tasked - Herdsman & Winemaker: See below (p.12).

Dragon #211: Lords of Chaos

Dragon #260: Spawns of Tiamat, Children of Bahamut
An-Ur, the Wandering Dragon: See Spawn of Tiamat.
Dhrakoth, the Corrupter: See Spawn of Tiamat.
Mordukhavar, the Reaver: See Spawn of Tiamat.
Medrinia: See Children of Bahamut.
Xathanon: See Children of Bahamut.
Vanathor, the Golden Harpist: See Children of Bahamut.

Dragon #227: Monsters of the Underdark
Elemental, Darkness: See Dragon #322 or "Dark Pseudo-Elemental" below (p.16).

Dragon #233: Fiendish Fortresses
Tanar'ri Living Fortress: See below (p.16).

Dragon #243: Destriders of the Planes
Equar, Trothspyre: See below (p.1).
Equar, Gildmane: See below (p.1).
Equar, Favonian: See below (p.1).
Equar, Lithicthil: See below (p.1).
Equar, Menthric: See below (p.1).
Equar, Potherrounce: See below (p.1).
Equar, Banecourser: See below (p.1).
Equar, Rosinante: See below (p.1).
Equar, Trothspyre: See below (p.1).

Dragon #246: Chaos Creatures
Daemon Warrior: See d20 Bestiary of Krynn.
Dragon, Fire: See d20 Bestiary of Krynn.
Wight, Chaos - Frost & Shadow: See d20 Bestiary of Krynn (Shadow Wight & Frost Wight sidebar).

Dragon #252: Formidable Visitants
Sawfly, Demonic: See below (p.16).

Dragon #270: Minions of Iuz
Dirtwraith (Sargusian Fungus): See below (p.16).


Compiled & Updated Monsters
We are in the process of compiling/revising these planar creatures into a .pdf e-book. Currently, the following e-books are available for free download at /codex/download.php

This collection reveals the native creatures from the Astral Plane, Ethereal Plane, and the Plane of Shadow. The following old edition monsters have been converted to v3.5 rules - apparition, astral whale, astral searcher, astral streaker, berbalang, chronolily, chulcrix, devete, dhour, astral dragon, ebon tiger, ether sea horse, garmorm, gk'lok, gloomwing, ether golem, kodragon, magran, meme, memedi, nathri, nethling, plasm, shadeling, spectral hound, planar spider, shadow symbiont, terithran, translator, tween.

This collection details the native creatures from the Elemental Planes, Paraelemental Planes, Quasielemental Planes, and the Energy Planes. The following old edition monsters have been converted to v3.5 rules - aerial servant, archomental, balhiir, blazon, bzastra, chososion, darklight, denzelian, dharum suhn, dragon horse, drelb, egarus, element creature, elemental of chaos, elemental of law, negative elementite swarm, entrope, firetail, facet, noble genies, tasked genies, giggag swarm, helian, hgaun, horde, khargra, klyndes, lavaworm, mephits, mihstu, nimbus, giant nautilus, ooze sprite, pech, negative pseudoelemental, negative quasielementals (ash, dust, salt, & vacuum), positive quasielementals (lightning, mineral, radiance, & steam), ruvoka, sandling, sandman, scape, scile swarm, shad, grand shadow, shocker, sislan, spectral death, sootbeast, suisseen, tome guardian, tsnng, ungulosin, elemental vermin, vacuous, vapor rat, vortex, waiveras, wavefire, and wind walker.

There is a small list of monsters i planning to add to the planescape.
They are of a peruvian prehispanic setting i made with my friends. The setting is about incas, macchu picchu, nazca lines and lord of sipan, only writting about the more known.

Amaru (andean elemental dragon) -many types-
Beast of the flood

-well how about my postings-

Alder_Fiter_Galaz's picture
Joined: 2007-03-07
Converstions I found across internet

Links to more monsters

The Creature Catalog

Here U can found tons of monsters believe me.

Alder_Fiter_Galaz's picture
Joined: 2007-03-07
Converstions I found across internet

on the same source as the first one Per Medium Outsider (Lawful, Extraplanar)

HD: 10d8+20 (65 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft. (in full plate)
AC: 24 (+2 Dex, +4 shield, +8 full plate), touch 12, flat-foot 22
BAB/Grapple: +10/+13
Attack: 1 +3 icy burst great sword +16 (2d6+6/19-20)
Full Attack: 1 +3 icy burst great sword +16/+11 (2d6+6/19-20)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: DR 5/chaotic, SR 20, fast healing 3, true sight, spiritual shield, outsider traits, portal guardian
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +8
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Skills: Concentration +9, Diplomacy +10, Heal +9, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (planes) +10, Listen +14, Search +10, Sense Motive +14, Spot +14, Survival +7
Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Power Attack, Diehard
Environment: Upper Planes
Organization: Solitary
CR: 9
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always Lawful Neutral
Advancement: By character class
LA: -

Pers are the portal guardians of the Upper Planes. They look like well muscled humans in plate armors of elaborate design and plumed helms. Their countenances are grim and foreboding. They usually speak common, celestial and any 2 other languages.

Spell-like Abilities (Sp): At will – blade barrier, detect thoughts, light, mirror image, read magic; 7/day – charm person; 3/day – cure serious wounds. CL = 10, DC 9 + spell level.

True Sight (Su): A per has true-seeing spell in constant effect.

Spiritual Shield (Su): A per has shield spell in constant effect.

Portal Guardian (Ex): A per is charged with guarding a portal. If a per is under duress or killed, the upper planar powers will be aware of it, usually sending more pers if a portal is breached. Furthermore, his dedication grants him +4 circumstance bonus to all checks and saving throws made against being swayed against his guard duty.

Sword of Per: A per has a sentient weapon dedicated to him. Such swords are imbued with the spirits of the planes. Below is a sample weapon.

Sword of Per
Sentient +3 icy burst great sword; SQ speech (common, celestial, any 2 others), telepathy (wielder only), darkvision, knowledge (any 1) +13, spell-like abilities, special purpose; Ego 21; AL LN; Int 17, Wis 17, Cha 10.
Spell-like Abilities (Sp): At will – detect chaos/evil detect magic; 3/day locate object, confusion (dedicated power). CL 10; DC 10 + spell level.
Special Purpose (Ex): A sword of the per has the special purpose of guarding a designated portal. Any deviation from it results in a personality conflict, requiring a DC 21 will save.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Converstions I found across internet

This is a compilation of all planescape monsters, book by book, along with conversions of monsters not yet updated to 3rd edition. This thread is meant only for monsters in any of the planescape and planar-related books, not for new monsters. Consider this an invitation to post any of the planescape creatures which you have converted. Thanks.

We're actually working with this guy to put out .pdf releases of these conversions.


Pants of the North!

Alder_Fiter_Galaz's picture
Joined: 2007-03-07
Converstions I found across internet

Nice news then.


I want to help with some monsters both converted and created by myself

For example i have some changes to the per. Its comes from the fact that a guard controled by his weapon can not be so good at his duty. An also i want to add a limit to the price a per weapon can have, maybe 1/4 of the total money allowed for a Character level 9 for a CR 9 per, and so on.

Special Qualities: add one with weapon

One with weapon (ex)
A per has a sentient weapon who is part of him, imbued with the spirits of the planes. The link gives the per with the inmunities of constructs and the benefits of the weapon, even when is not sheated, as long the per are in possesion of his weapon. The weapon always have this ability
Special Purpose (Ex): A weapon of the per has the special purpose of guarding the same designated portal as the per. Any deviation from it results in a personality conflict, requiring a DC will save, but as the weapon is one with the per, that conflict never happens with the per, unless the per is forced to deviate from his duty.

Below is a sample weapon. The most common are swords, but other weapons can be possible.

Sword of Per
Sentient +3 icy burst great sword; SQ speech (common, celestial, any 2 others), telepathy (wielder only), darkvision, knowledge (planes or any other) +13, spell-like abilities, special purpose; Ego 21; AL LN; Int 17, Wis 17, Cha 10.
Spell-like Abilities (Sp): At will – detect chaos/evil detect magic; 3/day locate object, confusion (dedicated power). CL 10; DC 10 + spell level.
Special Purpose (Ex): A sword of the per has the special purpose of guarding the same designated portal as the per. Any deviation from it results in a personality conflict, requiring a DC 21 will save, but as the sword is one with the per, that conflict never happens with the per, unless the per is forced to deviate from his duty.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Converstions I found across internet

Thanks. That's useful info for monster hunters.

Ps: your page numbers are being converted to smileys for some reason.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Converstions I found across internet

'Krypter' wrote:
Ps: your page numbers are being converted to smileys for some reason.

That would be the number 28 in parenthesis converted by Smilies being enabled I suspect.


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